Ralph Castain bae5dab916 If (and only if) a user requests, set the default number of slots on any node to the number of objects of the specified type. This *only* takes effect in an unmanaged environment - i.e., if an external resource manager assigns us a number of slots, then that is what we use. However, if we are using a hostfile, then the user may or may not have given us a value for the number of slots on each node.
For those nodes (and *only* those nodes) where the user does *not* specify a slot count, we will set the number of slots according to their direction: either to the number of cores, numas, sockets, or hwthreads. Otherwise, the slot count is set to 1.

Note that the default behavior remains unchanged: in the absence of any value for #slots, and in the absence of any directive to set #slots, we will set #slots=1.

This commit was SVN r27236.
2012-09-04 20:58:26 +00:00
2012-05-29 23:36:06 +00:00