2012-06-25 22:38:06 +00:00

258 строки
10 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2006 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
* University Research and Technology
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2006 The Technical University of Chemnitz. All
* rights reserved.
* Author(s): Torsten Hoefler <htor@cs.indiana.edu>
#include "nbc_internal.h"
/* tree comparison function for schedule cache */
int NBC_Allgather_args_compare(NBC_Allgather_args *a, NBC_Allgather_args *b, void *param) {
if( (a->sendbuf == b->sendbuf) &&
(a->sendcount == b->sendcount) &&
(a->sendtype == b->sendtype) &&
(a->recvbuf == b->recvbuf) &&
(a->recvcount == b->recvcount) &&
(a->recvtype == b->recvtype) ) {
return 0;
if( a->sendbuf < b->sendbuf ) {
return -1;
return +1;
#pragma weak NBC_Iallgather=PNBC_Iallgather
#define NBC_Iallgather PNBC_Iallgather
/* simple linear MPI_Iallgather
* the algorithm uses p-1 rounds
* each node sends the packet it received last round (or has in round 0) to it's right neighbor (modulo p)
* each node receives from it's left (modulo p) neighbor */
int NBC_Iallgather(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, NBC_Handle *handle) {
int rank, p, res, r;
MPI_Aint rcvext, sndext;
NBC_Schedule *schedule;
char *rbuf, *sbuf, inplace;
NBC_Allgather_args *args, *found, search;
NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace);
res = NBC_Init_handle(handle, comm);
if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; }
res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
res = MPI_Type_extent(sendtype, &sndext);
if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
res = MPI_Type_extent(recvtype, &rcvext);
if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
handle->tmpbuf = NULL;
if(!((rank == 0) && inplace)) {
/* copy my data to receive buffer */
rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (rank*recvcount*rcvext);
res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, rbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
/* search schedule in communicator specific tree */
found = (NBC_Allgather_args *)hb_tree_search((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLGATHER], &search);
if(found == NULL) {
schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule));
if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; }
res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule);
if(NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create, (%i)\n", res); return res; }
sbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + (rank*recvcount*rcvext);
/* do p-1 rounds */
for(r=0;r<p;r++) {
if(r != rank) {
/* recv from rank r */
rbuf = ((char *)recvbuf) + r*(recvcount*rcvext);
res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, false, recvcount, recvtype, r, schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
/* send to rank r - not from the sendbuf to optimize MPI_IN_PLACE */
res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, false, recvcount, recvtype, r, schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
/* save schedule to tree */
args = (NBC_Allgather_args*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Allgather_args));
res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLGATHER], args, args, 0);
if(res != 0) printf("error in dict_insert() (%i)\n", res);
/* increase number of elements for A2A */
if(++handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLGATHER] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) {
NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe((hb_tree*)handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict[NBC_ALLGATHER], &handle->comminfo->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_ALLGATHER]);
} else {
/* found schedule */
res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
return NBC_OK;
/* this is a new possible dissemination based allgather algorithm - we should
* try it some time (big comm, small data) */
#if 0
static inline void diss_unpack(int rank, int vrank, int round, int p, int *pos, void *tmpbuf, int datasize, int slotsize, void *recvbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, NBC_Schedule *schedule) {
int r, res;
char *sbuf, *rbuf;
sbuf = (char *)tmpbuf + (*pos*datasize);
rbuf = (char *)recvbuf + (vrank*slotsize);
printf("[%i] unpacking tmpbuf pos: %i (%lu) to rbuf elem: %i (%lu) - %i elems, datasize %i\n", rank, *pos, (unsigned long)sbuf, vrank, (unsigned long)rbuf, recvcount, datasize);
res = NBC_Sched_unpack(sbuf, recvcount, recvtype, rbuf, schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Unpack() (%i)\n", res); }
for(r=0; r<=round; r++) {
if(r != 0) {
diss_unpack(rank, (vrank-(1<<(r-1))+p)%p, r-1, p, pos, tmpbuf, datasize, slotsize, recvbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, comm, schedule);
static inline int a2a_sched_diss(int rank, int p, MPI_Aint sndext, MPI_Aint rcvext, NBC_Schedule* schedule, void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm, NBC_Handle *handle) {
int res, r, maxround, size, speer, rpeer, pos, datasize;
char *sbuf, *rbuf;
res = NBC_OK;
if(p < 2) return res;
maxround = (int)ceil((log(p)/LOG2));
if(NBC_Type_intrinsic(sendtype)) {
datasize = sndext*sendcount;
} else {
res = MPI_Pack_size(sendcount, sendtype, comm, &datasize);
if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Pack_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
/* tmpbuf is probably bigger than p -> next power of 2 */
/* copy my send - data to temp send/recv buffer */
sbuf = ((char *)sendbuf) + (rank*sendcount*sndext);
/* pack send buffer */
if(NBC_Type_intrinsic(sendtype)) {
/* it is contiguous - we can just memcpy it */
memcpy(handle->tmpbuf, sbuf, datasize);
} else {
pos = 0;
res = MPI_Pack(sbuf, sendcount, sendtype, handle->tmpbuf, datasize, &pos, comm);
if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Pack() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
printf("[%i] receive buffer is at %lu of size %i, maxround: %i\n", rank, (unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, (int)sndext*sendcount*(1<<maxround), maxround);
for(r = 0; r < maxround; r++) {
size = datasize*(1<<r); /* size doubles every round */
rbuf = (char*)handle->tmpbuf+size;
sbuf = (char*)handle->tmpbuf;
speer = (rank + (1<<r)) % p;
/* add p because modulo does not work with negative values */
rpeer = ((rank - (1<<r))+p) % p;
printf("[%i] receiving %i bytes from host %i into rbuf %lu\n", rank, size, rpeer, (unsigned long)rbuf);
res = NBC_Sched_recv(rbuf, size, MPI_BYTE, rpeer, schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
printf("[%i] sending %i bytes to host %i from sbuf %lu\n", rank, size, speer, (unsigned long)sbuf);
res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf, size, MPI_BYTE, speer, schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
pos = 0;
diss_unpack(rank, rank, r, p, &pos, handle->tmpbuf, datasize, recvcount*rcvext, recvbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, comm, schedule);
return NBC_OK;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Fortran bindings */
NBC_F77_ALLFUNC_(nbc_iallgather,NBC_IALLGATHER,(void *sendbuf, int *sendcount, int *sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcount, int *recvtype, int *fcomm, int *fhandle, int *ierr));
#pragma weak NBC_IALLGATHER = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak nbc_iallgather = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak nbc_iallgather_ = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak nbc_iallgather__ = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak PNBC_IALLGATHER = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak pnbc_iallgather = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak pnbc_iallgather_ = nbc_iallgather_f
#pragma weak pnbc_iallgather__ = nbc_iallgather_f
void nbc_iallgather_f(void *sendbuf, int *sendcount, int *sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcount, int *recvtype, int *fcomm, int *fhandle, int *ierr) {
void NBC_F77_FUNC_(nbc_iallgather,NBC_IALLGATHER)(void *sendbuf, int *sendcount, int *sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcount, int *recvtype, int *fcomm, int *fhandle, int *ierr);
void NBC_F77_FUNC_(nbc_iallgather,NBC_IALLGATHER)(void *sendbuf, int *sendcount, int *sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcount, int *recvtype, int *fcomm, int *fhandle, int *ierr) {
MPI_Datatype rtype, stype;
MPI_Comm comm;
NBC_Handle *handle;
/* this is the only MPI-2 we need :-( */
rtype = MPI_Type_f2c(*recvtype);
stype = MPI_Type_f2c(*sendtype);
comm = MPI_Comm_f2c(*fcomm);
/* create a new handle in handle table */
NBC_Create_fortran_handle(fhandle, &handle);
/* call NBC function */
*ierr = NBC_Iallgather(sendbuf, *sendcount, stype, recvbuf, *recvcount, rtype, comm, handle);
#ifdef __cplusplus