David Solt 50aa143ab6 Major structural changes to data types: .super infosubscriber
ompi_communicator_t, ompi_win_t, ompi_file_t all have a super class of type opal_infosubscriber_t instead of a base/super type of opal_object_t (in previous code comm used c_base, but file used super).  It may be a bit bold to say that being a subscriber of MPI_Info is the foundational piece that ties these three things together, but if you object, then I would prefer to turn infosubscriber into a more general name that encompasses other common features rather than create a different super class.  The key here is that we want to be able to pass comm, win and file objects as if they were opal_infosubscriber_t, so that one routine can heandle all 3 types of objects being passed to it.

MPI_INFO_NULL is still an ompi_predefined_info_t type since an MPI_Info is part of ompi but the internal details of the underlying information concept is part of opal.

An ompi_info_t type still exists for exposure to the user, but it is simply a wrapper for the opal object.

Routines such as ompi_info_dup, etc have all been moved to opal_info_dup and related to the opal directory.

Fortran to C translation tables are only used for MPI_Info that is exposed to the application and are therefore part of the ompi_info_t and not the opal_info_t

The data structure changes are primarily in the following files:


The following new files were created:


This infosubscriber concept is that communicators, files and windows can have subscribers that subscribe to any changes in the info associated with the comm/file/window.  When xxx_set_info is called, the new info is presented to each subscriber who can modify the info in any way they want.  The new value is presented to the next subscriber and so on until all subscribers have had a chance to modify the value.  Therefore, the order of subscribers can make a difference but we hope that there is generally only one subscriber that cares or modifies any given key/value pair.  The final info is then stored and returned by a call to xxx_get_info.

The new model can be seen in the following files:


The current subscribers where changed as follows:

    mca/osc/rmda/osc_rdma_component.c (This one actually subscribes to "no_locks")
    mca/osc/sm/osc_sm_component.c (This one actually subscribes to "blocking_fence" and "alloc_shared_contig")

Signed-off-by: Mark Allen <markalle@us.ibm.com>

2017-05-12 14:41:05 -04:00

377 строки
17 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
* University Research and Technology
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
* of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
* University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015 University of Houston. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Research Organization for Information Science
* and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
#ifndef MCA_IO_H
#define MCA_IO_H
#include "mpi.h"
#include "ompi/mca/mca.h"
#include "ompi/request/request.h"
* Forward declaration for private data on io components and modules.
struct ompi_file_t;
struct mca_io_base_file_t;
struct mca_io_base_delete_t;
* Forward declarations of things declared in this file
struct mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t;
union mca_io_base_modules_t;
* Version of IO component interface that we're using.
* The IO component is being designed to ensure that it can
* simultaneously support multiple component versions in a single
* executable. This is because ROMIO will always be v2.x that
* supports pretty much a 1-to-1 MPI-API-to-module-function mapping,
* but we plan to have a v3.x series that will be "something
* different" (as yet undefined).
enum mca_io_base_version_t {
* Convenience typedef
typedef enum mca_io_base_version_t mca_io_base_version_t;
* Macro for use in components that are of type io
* 1-1 mapping of all MPI-IO functions
#define MCA_IO_BASE_VERSION_2_0_0 \
OMPI_MCA_BASE_VERSION_2_1_0("io", 2, 0, 0)
* Component
struct mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t;
typedef int (*mca_io_base_component_init_query_fn_t)
(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads);
typedef const struct mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t *
(struct ompi_file_t *file, struct mca_io_base_file_t **private_data,
int *priority);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_component_file_unquery_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *file, struct mca_io_base_file_t *private_data);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_component_file_delete_query_fn_t)
(const char *filename, struct opal_info_t *info,
struct mca_io_base_delete_t **private_data,
bool *usable, int *priority);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_component_file_delete_select_fn_t)
(const char *filename, struct opal_info_t *info,
struct mca_io_base_delete_t *private_data);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_component_file_delete_unselect_fn_t)
(const char *filename, struct opal_info_t *info,
struct mca_io_base_delete_t *private_data);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_component_register_datarep_fn_t)(
const char *,
/* IO component version and interface functions. */
struct mca_io_base_component_2_0_0_t {
mca_base_component_t io_version;
mca_base_component_data_t io_data;
mca_io_base_component_init_query_fn_t io_init_query;
mca_io_base_component_file_query_2_0_0_fn_t io_file_query;
mca_io_base_component_file_unquery_fn_t io_file_unquery;
mca_io_base_component_file_delete_query_fn_t io_delete_query;
mca_io_base_component_file_delete_unselect_fn_t io_delete_unquery;
mca_io_base_component_file_delete_select_fn_t io_delete_select;
mca_io_base_component_register_datarep_fn_t io_register_datarep;
typedef struct mca_io_base_component_2_0_0_t mca_io_base_component_2_0_0_t;
* All component versions
union mca_io_base_components_t {
mca_io_base_component_2_0_0_t v2_0_0;
typedef union mca_io_base_components_t mca_io_base_components_t;
* Module v2.0.0
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_open_fn_t)
(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, const char *filename, int amode,
struct opal_info_t *info, struct ompi_file_t *fh);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_close_fn_t)(struct ompi_file_t *fh);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_set_size_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset size);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_preallocate_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset size);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_size_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset *size);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_amode_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, int *amode);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_set_view_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset disp, struct ompi_datatype_t *etype,
struct ompi_datatype_t *filetype, const char *datarep,
struct opal_info_t *info);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_view_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset *disp,
struct ompi_datatype_t **etype, struct ompi_datatype_t **filetype,
char *datarep);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iread_at_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_at_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iread_at_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_at_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *
datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *
datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *
datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *
datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iread_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iread_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_all_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_seek_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, int whence);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_position_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset *offset);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_byte_offset_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, MPI_Offset *disp);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_shared_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_shared_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iread_shared_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_shared_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_request_t **request);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_ordered_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_ordered_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_seek_shared_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, int whence);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_position_shared_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset *offset);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_all_begin_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_all_end_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_all_begin_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, MPI_Offset offset, const void *buf,
int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_all_end_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_all_begin_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_all_end_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_all_begin_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_all_end_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_ordered_begin_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_read_ordered_end_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, void *buf, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_ordered_begin_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_write_ordered_end_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, const void *buf, struct ompi_status_public_t *status);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_type_extent_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
MPI_Aint *extent);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_set_atomicity_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, int flag);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_get_atomicity_fn_t)
(struct ompi_file_t *fh, int *flag);
typedef int (*mca_io_base_module_file_sync_fn_t)(struct ompi_file_t *fh);
struct mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t {
/* Back-ends to MPI API calls (pretty much a 1-to-1 mapping) */
mca_io_base_module_file_open_fn_t io_module_file_open;
mca_io_base_module_file_close_fn_t io_module_file_close;
mca_io_base_module_file_set_size_fn_t io_module_file_set_size;
mca_io_base_module_file_preallocate_fn_t io_module_file_preallocate;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_size_fn_t io_module_file_get_size;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_amode_fn_t io_module_file_get_amode;
mca_io_base_module_file_set_view_fn_t io_module_file_set_view;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_view_fn_t io_module_file_get_view;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_fn_t io_module_file_read_at;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_all_fn_t io_module_file_read_at_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_fn_t io_module_file_write_at;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_all_fn_t io_module_file_write_at_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_iread_at_fn_t io_module_file_iread_at;
mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_at_fn_t io_module_file_iwrite_at;
mca_io_base_module_file_iread_at_all_fn_t io_module_file_iread_at_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_at_all_fn_t io_module_file_iwrite_at_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_fn_t io_module_file_read;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_all_fn_t io_module_file_read_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_fn_t io_module_file_write;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_all_fn_t io_module_file_write_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_iread_fn_t io_module_file_iread;
mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_fn_t io_module_file_iwrite;
mca_io_base_module_file_iread_all_fn_t io_module_file_iread_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_all_fn_t io_module_file_iwrite_all;
mca_io_base_module_file_seek_fn_t io_module_file_seek;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_position_fn_t io_module_file_get_position;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_byte_offset_fn_t io_module_file_get_byte_offset;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_shared_fn_t io_module_file_read_shared;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_shared_fn_t io_module_file_write_shared;
mca_io_base_module_file_iread_shared_fn_t io_module_file_iread_shared;
mca_io_base_module_file_iwrite_shared_fn_t io_module_file_iwrite_shared;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_ordered_fn_t io_module_file_read_ordered;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_ordered_fn_t io_module_file_write_ordered;
mca_io_base_module_file_seek_shared_fn_t io_module_file_seek_shared;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_position_shared_fn_t io_module_file_get_position_shared;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_all_begin_fn_t io_module_file_read_at_all_begin;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_at_all_end_fn_t io_module_file_read_at_all_end;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_all_begin_fn_t io_module_file_write_at_all_begin;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_at_all_end_fn_t io_module_file_write_at_all_end;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_all_begin_fn_t io_module_file_read_all_begin;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_all_end_fn_t io_module_file_read_all_end;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_all_begin_fn_t io_module_file_write_all_begin;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_all_end_fn_t io_module_file_write_all_end;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_ordered_begin_fn_t io_module_file_read_ordered_begin;
mca_io_base_module_file_read_ordered_end_fn_t io_module_file_read_ordered_end;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_ordered_begin_fn_t io_module_file_write_ordered_begin;
mca_io_base_module_file_write_ordered_end_fn_t io_module_file_write_ordered_end;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_type_extent_fn_t io_module_file_get_type_extent;
mca_io_base_module_file_set_atomicity_fn_t io_module_file_set_atomicity;
mca_io_base_module_file_get_atomicity_fn_t io_module_file_get_atomicity;
mca_io_base_module_file_sync_fn_t io_module_file_sync;
typedef struct mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t;
* All module versions
union mca_io_base_modules_t {
mca_io_base_module_2_0_0_t v2_0_0;
typedef union mca_io_base_modules_t mca_io_base_modules_t;
#endif /* MCA_IO_H */