A mindless task for a lazy weekend: convert all the README and README.txt files to Markdown. Paired with the slow conversion of all of our man pages to Markdown, this gives a uniform language to the Open MPI docs. This commit moved a bunch of copyright headers out of the top-level README.txt file, so I updated the relevant copyright header years in the top-level LICENSE file to match what was removed from README.txt. Additionally, this commit did (very) little to update the actual content of the README files. A very small number of updates were made for topics that I found blatently obvious while Markdown-izing the content, but in general, I did not update content during this commit. For example, there's still quite a bit of text about ORTE that was not meaningfully updated. Signed-off-by: Jeff Squyres <jsquyres@cisco.com> Co-authored-by: Josh Hursey <jhursey@us.ibm.com>
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# Open MPI Java Bindings
## Important node
## Overview
This version of Open MPI provides support for Java-based
MPI applications.
The rest of this document provides step-by-step instructions on
building OMPI with Java bindings, and compiling and running Java-based
MPI applications. Also, part of the functionality is explained with
examples. Further details about the design, implementation and usage
of Java bindings in Open MPI can be found in [1]. The bindings follow
a JNI approach, that is, we do not provide a pure Java implementation
of MPI primitives, but a thin layer on top of the C
implementation. This is the same approach as in mpiJava [2]; in fact,
mpiJava was taken as a starting point for Open MPI Java bindings, but
they were later totally rewritten.
1. O. Vega-Gisbert, J. E. Roman, and J. M. Squyres. "Design and
implementation of Java bindings in Open MPI". Parallel Comput.
59: 1-20 (2016).
2. M. Baker et al. "mpiJava: An object-oriented Java interface to
MPI". In Parallel and Distributed Processing, LNCS vol. 1586,
pp. 748-762, Springer (1999).
## Building Java Bindings
If this software was obtained as a developer-level checkout as opposed
to a tarball, you will need to start your build by running
`./autogen.pl`. This will also require that you have a fairly recent
version of GNU Autotools on your system - see the HACKING.md file for
Java support requires that Open MPI be built at least with shared libraries
(i.e., `--enable-shared`) - any additional options are fine and will not
conflict. Note that this is the default for Open MPI, so you don't
have to explicitly add the option. The Java bindings will build only
if `--enable-mpi-java` is specified, and a JDK is found in a typical
system default location.
If the JDK is not in a place where we automatically find it, you can
specify the location. For example, this is required on the Mac
platform as the JDK headers are located in a non-typical location. Two
options are available for this purpose:
1. `--with-jdk-bindir=<foo>`: the location of `javac` and `javah`
1. `--with-jdk-headers=<bar>`: the directory containing `jni.h`
For simplicity, typical configurations are provided in platform files
under `contrib/platform/hadoop`. These will meet the needs of most
users, or at least provide a starting point for your own custom
In summary, therefore, you can configure the system using the
following Java-related options:
$ ./configure --with-platform=contrib/platform/hadoop/<your-platform> ...
$ ./configure --enable-mpi-java --with-jdk-bindir=<foo> --with-jdk-headers=<bar> ...
or simply
$ ./configure --enable-mpi-java ...
if JDK is in a "standard" place that we automatically find.
## Running Java Applications
For convenience, the `mpijavac` wrapper compiler has been provided for
compiling Java-based MPI applications. It ensures that all required MPI
libraries and class paths are defined. You can see the actual command
line using the `--showme` option, if you are interested.
Once your application has been compiled, you can run it with the
standard `mpirun` command line:
$ mpirun <options> java <your-java-options> <my-app>
For convenience, `mpirun` has been updated to detect the `java` command
and ensure that the required MPI libraries and class paths are defined
to support execution. You therefore do _NOT_ need to specify the Java
library path to the MPI installation, nor the MPI classpath. Any class
path definitions required for your application should be specified
either on the command line or via the `CLASSPATH` environment
variable. Note that the local directory will be added to the class
path if nothing is specified.
As always, the `java` executable, all required libraries, and your
application classes must be available on all nodes.
## Basic usage of Java bindings
There is an MPI package that contains all classes of the MPI Java
bindings: `Comm`, `Datatype`, `Request`, etc. These classes have a
direct correspondence with classes defined by the MPI standard. MPI
primitives are just methods included in these classes. The convention
used for naming Java methods and classes is the usual camel-case
convention, e.g., the equivalent of `MPI_File_set_info(fh,info)` is
`fh.setInfo(info)`, where `fh` is an object of the class `File`.
Apart from classes, the MPI package contains predefined public
attributes under a convenience class `MPI`. Examples are the
predefined communicator `MPI.COMM_WORLD` or predefined datatypes such
as `MPI.DOUBLE`. Also, MPI initialization and finalization are methods
of the `MPI` class and must be invoked by all MPI Java
applications. The following example illustrates these concepts:
import mpi.*;
class ComputePi {
public static void main(String args[]) throws MPIException {
int rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.getRank(),
size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.getSize(),
nint = 100; // Intervals.
double h = 1.0/(double)nint, sum = 0.0;
for(int i=rank+1; i<=nint; i+=size) {
double x = h * ((double)i - 0.5);
sum += (4.0 / (1.0 + x * x));
double sBuf[] = { h * sum },
rBuf[] = new double[1];
MPI.COMM_WORLD.reduce(sBuf, rBuf, 1, MPI.DOUBLE, MPI.SUM, 0);
if(rank == 0) System.out.println("PI: " + rBuf[0]);
## Exception handling
Java bindings in Open MPI support exception handling. By default, errors
are fatal, but this behavior can be changed. The Java API will throw
exceptions if the MPI.ERRORS_RETURN error handler is set:
If you add this statement to your program, it will show the line
where it breaks, instead of just crashing in case of an error.
Error-handling code can be separated from main application code by
means of try-catch blocks, for instance:
File file = new File(MPI.COMM_SELF, "filename", MPI.MODE_RDONLY);
catch(MPIException ex)
System.err.println("Error Message: "+ ex.getMessage());
System.err.println(" Error Class: "+ ex.getErrorClass());
## How to specify buffers
In MPI primitives that require a buffer (either send or receive) the
Java API admits a Java array. Since Java arrays can be relocated by
the Java runtime environment, the MPI Java bindings need to make a
copy of the contents of the array to a temporary buffer, then pass the
pointer to this buffer to the underlying C implementation. From the
practical point of view, this implies an overhead associated to all
buffers that are represented by Java arrays. The overhead is small
for small buffers but increases for large arrays.
There is a pool of temporary buffers with a default capacity of 64K.
If a temporary buffer of 64K or less is needed, then the buffer will
be obtained from the pool. But if the buffer is larger, then it will
be necessary to allocate the buffer and free it later.
The default capacity of pool buffers can be modified with an Open MPI
MCA parameter:
shell$ mpirun --mca mpi_java_eager size ...
Where `size` is the number of bytes, or kilobytes if it ends with 'k',
or megabytes if it ends with 'm'.
An alternative is to use "direct buffers" provided by standard classes
available in the Java SDK such as `ByteBuffer`. For convenience we
provide a few static methods `new[Type]Buffer` in the `MPI` class to
create direct buffers for a number of basic datatypes. Elements of the
direct buffer can be accessed with methods `put()` and `get()`, and
the number of elements in the buffer can be obtained with the method
`capacity()`. This example illustrates its use:
int myself = MPI.COMM_WORLD.getRank();
int tasks = MPI.COMM_WORLD.getSize();
IntBuffer in = MPI.newIntBuffer(MAXLEN * tasks),
out = MPI.newIntBuffer(MAXLEN);
for(int i = 0; i < MAXLEN; i++)
out.put(i, myself); // fill the buffer with the rank
Request request = MPI.COMM_WORLD.iAllGather(
for(int i = 0; i < tasks; i++)
for(int k = 0; k < MAXLEN; k++)
if(in.get(k + i * MAXLEN) != i)
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected value");
Direct buffers are available for: `BYTE`, `CHAR`, `SHORT`, `INT`,
`LONG`, `FLOAT`, and `DOUBLE`. There is no direct buffer for booleans.
Direct buffers are not a replacement for arrays, because they have
higher allocation and deallocation costs than arrays. In some
cases arrays will be a better choice. You can easily convert a
buffer into an array and vice versa.
All non-blocking methods must use direct buffers and only
blocking methods can choose between arrays and direct buffers.
The above example also illustrates that it is necessary to call
the `free()` method on objects whose class implements the `Freeable`
interface. Otherwise a memory leak is produced.
## Specifying offsets in buffers
In a C program, it is common to specify an offset in a array with
`&array[i]` or `array+i`, for instance to send data starting from
a given position in the array. The equivalent form in the Java bindings
is to `slice()` the buffer to start at an offset. Making a `slice()`
on a buffer is only necessary, when the offset is not zero. Slices
work for both arrays and direct buffers.
import static mpi.MPI.slice;
// ...
int numbers[] = new int[SIZE];
// ...
MPI.COMM_WORLD.send(slice(numbers, offset), count, MPI.INT, 1, 0);
## Questions? Problems?
If you have any problems, or find any bugs, please feel free to report
them to [Open MPI user's mailing