% Copyright (C) 2012-2017,2018 John E. Davis % % This file is part of the S-Lang Library and may be distributed under the % terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for % more information. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Command-line option parsing. % % Examples: % (a,b,c values) % -i -ja3 -b 4 ==> -i -j -a 3 -b 4 % -q 3 -sli --foo=3 % private variable CMDOPT_REQ_VALUE = 0x1; % value required private variable CMDOPT_OPT_VALUE = 0x2; % value optional private variable CMDOPT_INC_VALUE = 0x4; % increment value by 1 private variable CMDOPT_APPEND_VALUE = 0x8; % append to list private variable CMDOPT_BOR_VALUE = 0x10; % bitwise-or private variable CMDOPT_BAND_VALUE = 0x20; % bitwise-and private variable CmdOpt_Type = struct { names, flags, convert_method, valuep, bor_value, band_value, default_value, callback_args }; private define usage_error (opts, name, str) { variable msg = sprintf ("Option %s: %s", name, str); if (opts.usage_error != NULL) (@opts.usage_error) (msg); throw UsageError, msg; } private define convert_to_string (opts, opt, name, value) { return value; } private define convert_to_int (opts, opt, name, value) { try { if (1 != __is_datatype_numeric (_slang_guess_type (value))) throw SyntaxError; return integer (value); } catch SyntaxError: usage_error (opts, name, "error parsing '$value' as an integer"$); } private define convert_to_double (opts, opt, name, value) { try { if (0 == __is_datatype_numeric (_slang_guess_type (value))) throw SyntaxError; return atof (value); } catch SyntaxError: usage_error (opts, name, "error parsing value '$value' as a number"$); } define cmdopt_add () { variable opts, name, valuep; variable s = @CmdOpt_Type; s.callback_args = __pop_args (_NARGS-3); (opts, name, valuep) = (); s.flags = 0; if (qualifier_exists ("append")) s.flags |= CMDOPT_APPEND_VALUE; if (qualifier_exists ("inc")) s.flags |= CMDOPT_INC_VALUE; variable type = qualifier ("type"); switch (type) { case "string" or case "str": s.convert_method = &convert_to_string; } { case "int": s.convert_method = &convert_to_int; } { case "float" or case "double": s.convert_method = &convert_to_double; } { case NULL: s.convert_method = &convert_to_string; } { throw InvalidParmError, sprintf ("type=%s is not supported", type); } variable default_value = 1; if (qualifier_exists ("optional")) { if (type == NULL) throw InvalidParmError, sprintf ("option %s requires the 'type' qualifier", name); s.flags |= CMDOPT_OPT_VALUE; default_value = qualifier ("optional"); } else if (type != NULL) s.flags |= CMDOPT_REQ_VALUE; if (qualifier_exists ("bor")) { s.bor_value = qualifier ("bor"); s.flags |= CMDOPT_BOR_VALUE; } if (qualifier_exists ("band")) { s.band_value = qualifier ("band"); s.flags |= CMDOPT_BAND_VALUE; } s.names = strchop (name, '|', 0); s.valuep = valuep; s.default_value = qualifier ("default", default_value); list_append (opts.opt_list, s); } private define set_opt_value (opt, value) { variable opt_value; ifnot (opt.flags & CMDOPT_APPEND_VALUE) { @opt.valuep = value; return; } if ((0 == __is_initialized (opt.valuep)) || (@opt.valuep == NULL)) @opt.valuep = {}; if (typeof (@opt.valuep) != List_Type) { @opt.valuep = {@opt.valuep}; } list_append (@opt.valuep, value); } private define process_value (opts, opt, name, value) { set_opt_value (opt, (@opt.convert_method) (opts, opt, name, value)); } private define process_option (opts, opt, name, value) { if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_REQ_VALUE) { if (value == NULL) usage_error (opts, name, "value required"); if (__is_callable (opt.valuep)) { value = (@opt.convert_method) (opts, opt, name, value); (@opt.valuep)(value, __push_args(opt.callback_args)); return; } process_value (opts, opt, name, value); return; } if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_OPT_VALUE) { if (__is_callable (opt.valuep)) { if (value != NULL) value = (@opt.convert_method) (opts, opt, name, value); (@opt.valuep)(value, __push_args(opt.callback_args)); return; } if (value != NULL) { process_value (opts, opt, name, value); return; } set_opt_value (opt, opt.default_value); return; } if (value != NULL) usage_error (opts, name, "value not supported"); if (__is_callable (opt.valuep)) { (@opt.valuep)(__push_args(opt.callback_args)); return; } if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_INC_VALUE) { @opt.valuep += 1; return; } ifnot (opt.flags & (CMDOPT_BAND_VALUE|CMDOPT_BOR_VALUE)) { set_opt_value (opt, opt.default_value); return; } if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_BAND_VALUE) @opt.valuep &= opt.band_value; if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_BOR_VALUE) @opt.valuep |= opt.bor_value; } private define find_opt (opts, name) { foreach (opts.opt_list) { variable opt = (); if (any (opt.names == name)) return opt; } usage_error (opts, name, "not supported/unknown"); } private define find_short_opt (opts, name) { return find_opt (opts, name); } private define find_long_opt (opts, name) { return find_opt (opts, name); } private define process_short_args (opts, letters) { variable i = 0, n = strlen (letters); while (i < n) { i++; variable name = substr (letters, i, 1); variable opt = find_short_opt (opts, name); variable value = NULL; if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_REQ_VALUE) { if (i < n) value = substr (letters, i+1, n); i = n; } process_option (opts, opt, name, NULL); } } private define parse_arg (arg) { variable pos = is_substr (arg, "="); if (pos == 0) return (arg, NULL); variable value = substr (arg, pos+1, -1); arg = substr (arg, 1, pos-1); return arg, value; } define cmdopt_process (opts, argv, istart) { variable iend = length (argv); variable i = istart; while (i < iend) { variable arg = argv[i]; variable opt, value; if (arg == "--") return i+1; if (arg[0] != '-') return i; if (arg == "-") return i; if (arg[1] == '-') { % --long-opt (arg, value) = parse_arg (arg); arg = substr(arg, 3, -1); opt = find_long_opt (opts, arg); } else { % short arg: -a -ab -abc value % -abc value is equiv to -ab -c value arg = substr (arg, 2, -1); value = NULL; variable j = 0, n = strlen(arg); while (j < n) { j++; variable name = substr (arg, j, 1); opt = find_short_opt (opts, name); if (opt.flags & CMDOPT_REQ_VALUE) { if (j < n) value = substr (arg, j+1, n); arg = name; break; } % -aVALUE if ((j < n) && (opt.flags & CMDOPT_OPT_VALUE)) { value = substr (arg, j+1, n); arg = name; break; } process_option (opts, opt, name, NULL); } then { i++; continue; } } if (opt == NULL) return -1; if ((opt.flags & CMDOPT_REQ_VALUE) && (value == NULL)) { i++; if (i == iend) usage_error (opts, opt, "value expected"); value = argv[i]; } process_option (opts, opt, arg, value); i++; } return i; } define cmdopt_new () { variable error_routine = NULL; if (_NARGS == 1) error_routine = (); variable s = struct { usage_error = error_routine, opt_list = {}, add = &cmdopt_add, process = &cmdopt_process }; return s; }