% This example illustrates the use of associative arrays. % The function 'analyse_file' counts the number of occurrences of each word % in a specified file. Once the file has been read in, it writes out % the list of words and number of occurrences to the file counts.log define analyse_file (file) { variable fp = fopen (file, "r"); if (fp == NULL) throw OpenError, "Unable to open $file"$; % Create an Integer_Type assoc array with default value of 0. variable a = Assoc_Type[Integer_Type, 0]; variable line, word; while (-1 != fgets (&line, fp)) { foreach word (strtok (strlow(line), "^\\w")) a[word] = a[word] + 1; % default value of 0 assumed!! } () = fclose (fp); variable keys = assoc_get_keys (a); variable values = assoc_get_values (a); % The default array_sort for Int_Type is an ascending sort. We want the % opposite. variable i = array_sort (values; dir=-1); fp = fopen ("count.log", "w"); () = array_map (Int_Type, &fprintf, fp, "%s:\t%d\n", keys[i], values[i]); () = fclose (fp); }