# -*-sh-*- # mingw32-make is used for both 32 and 64 bit builds. MAKE = mingw32-make # Note: copy.exe does not exist on windows since it is a cmd.exe built-in # The same appears to be true for del. MFLAGS = COPY="cmd /c copy /y" RM="cmd /c del" # DESTDIR is used for building a package for use on another machine. DESTDIR = # PREFIX controls where the library will be installed. PREFIX = C:/mingw/local CONFDIR = $(PREFIX)/etc # SLSH_DEFS = SLSH_CONF_DIR=$(CONFDIR) SLSH_LIB_DIR=$(PREFIX)/share/slsh SLANG_DEFS = prefix=$(PREFIX) all: cd src && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(SLANG_DEFS) cd slsh && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(SLSH_DEFS) cd modules && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) @echo . @echo To install it, run $(MAKE) install. @echo . # clean: cd src && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean cd slsh && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean cd modules && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean # # Note the use of X- below. Windows regards '=' as a commandline whitespace # character and needs to be quoted. However I have not been able to figure # out how to do that in the context of the mingw32-make command parser. # As a major hack, I added the X- prefix and modified mkfiles/install.sl # to remove the X-. # # If the command below fails with an error message involving /usr/bin/sh, then # change "mkfiles\runslsh.bat" to "mkfiles/runslsh.bat" install: all mkfiles\runslsh.bat mkfiles/install.sl --destdir="X-$(DESTDIR)" --prefix="$(PREFIX)" install # .PHONY: all install clean