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Исходник Обычный вид История

% This example shows how one can save the values of slang variables to a file
% and then load those values back in another instance of the program.
% The following code defines two public functions:
% save_object (FILE, obj, ...);
% (obj,...) = load_object (FILE);
% For example,
% a = [1:20];
% b = 2.4;
% c = struct { d, e }; c.d = 2.7; c.e = "foobar";
% save_object ("foo.save", a, b, c);
% saves the values of the variables a, b, c to a file called "foo.save".
% These values may be retrieved later, e.g., by another program instance
% via:
% (a,b,c) = load_object ("foo.save");
% Caveats:
% 1. Not all object types are supported. The ones supported include:
% All integer types (Int_Type, Char_Type, Long_Type, ...)
% Float_Type, Double_Type
% String_Type, BString_Type
% Null_Type
% as well as the container classes of the above objects:
% Struct_Type, Array_Type
% 2. The algorithm for saving Struct_Type is recursive. This allows one to
% save a linked-list of Struct_Type objects. However, due to the recursive
% nature of the algorithm and the interpreter's finite stack size, such
% linked-lists cannot be arbitrarily long.
% 3. Objects are saved in the native representation. As such, the files are
% not portable across machine architectures.
% File Format:
% Each slang object is written to the file with the following format
% Data_Type (integer)
% Length of Data Bytes (unsigned integer)
% Data Bytes
% Here, Data Bytes may specify other objects if the parent is a container
% object.
%_debug_info = 1;
private variable Type_Map = Assoc_Type[Integer_Type, -1];
private variable Write_Object_Funs = Assoc_Type[Ref_Type];
private variable Read_Object_Funs = Assoc_Type[Ref_Type];
!if (is_defined ("_Save_Object_Cache_Type"))
typedef struct
private variable Object_Cache;
private variable Num_Cached;
private define delete_cache ()
Object_Cache = NULL;
Num_Cached = 0;
private define create_cache ()
delete_cache ();
% If the object does not need cached, return the object.
% If the object needs cached but does not exist in the cache, cache it and
% return it.
% Otherwise, the object is in the cache, to return a _Save_Object_Cache_Type
% representing the object.
private define cache_object (obj)
variable t = typeof (obj);
if ((t != Array_Type)
and (0 == is_struct_type (obj))
and (t != BString_Type))
%vmessage ("not caching %S (type %S)", obj, typeof (obj));
return obj;
variable n = Num_Cached;
variable c = Object_Cache;
while (n)
if (__is_same (c.obj, obj))
obj = @_Save_Object_Cache_Type;
obj.index = n;
return obj;
c = c.next;
c = struct {obj, next};
c.obj = obj;
c.next = Object_Cache;
Object_Cache = c;
%vmessage ("%S (type %S) added to cache", c.obj, typeof (c.obj));
return obj;
private define get_object_from_cache (index)
variable depth = Num_Cached - index;
variable c = Object_Cache;
while (depth)
c = c.next;
return c.obj;
private define get_type_id (type)
variable id;
id = Type_Map[string (type)];
if (id == -1)
verror ("Object %S is not supported", type);
return id;
private define write_not_implemented (fp, object)
() = fprintf (stderr, "write for object %S not implemented\n", typeof (object));
return 0;
private define do_fwrite (a, fp)
%vmessage ("Writing %S", a);
variable n = fwrite (a, fp);
if (n == -1)
verror ("fwrite failed: %s", errno_string (errno));
return n;
private define do_fread (t, n, fp)
variable b;
if (n != fread (&b, t, n, fp))
verror ("fread failed: %s", errno_string (errno));
%vmessage ("Read %S", b);
return b;
private define do_ftell (fp)
variable pos = ftell (fp);
if (-1 == pos)
verror ("ftell failed: %s", errno_string (errno));
return pos;
private define do_fseek (fp, ofs, whence)
if (-1 == fseek (fp, ofs, whence))
verror ("fseek failed: %s", errno_string (errno));
private define sizeof (t)
variable size;
switch (t)
{ case Char_Type or case UChar_Type: size = 1; }
{ case Int16_Type or case UInt16_Type: size = 2; }
{ case Int32_Type or case UInt32_Type: size = 4; }
{ case Float_Type: size = 4; }
{ case Double_Type: size = 8; }
verror ("sizeof (%S) not implemented", t);
return size;
private define write_numbers (fp, a)
variable size = sizeof (_typeof (a));
variable num = do_fwrite (a, fp);
return num * size;
private define read_numbers (fp, t, nbytes)
variable size = sizeof (t);
nbytes /= size;
return do_fread (t, nbytes, fp);
private define write_string (fp, a)
return do_fwrite (a, fp);
private define read_string (fp, t, nbytes)
return do_fread (BString_Type, nbytes, fp);
private define start_header (fp, id)
variable len = write_numbers (fp, id);
variable pos = do_ftell (fp);
len += write_numbers (fp, 0); % temporary
variable h = struct
pos, len
h.pos = pos;
h.len = len;
return h;
private define end_header (fp, h, num)
do_fseek (fp, h.pos, SEEK_SET);
() = do_fwrite (num, fp);
do_fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
return h.len + num;
private define id_to_datatype (id)
variable keys, values;
keys = assoc_get_keys (Type_Map);
values = assoc_get_values (Type_Map);
variable i = where (values == id);
!if (length (i))
verror ("Corrupt file? Unknown type-id (%d)", id);
return eval (keys[i][0]);
private define write_scalars (fp, a)
variable id = get_type_id (typeof (a));
variable h = start_header (fp, id);
variable len = write_numbers (fp, a);
return end_header (fp, h, len);
private define read_null (fp, t, nbytes)
return NULL;
private define write_null (fp, a)
return 0;
private define write_object ();
private define read_object ();
% Array DataBytes: int num_dims, int dims[num_dims], type, Data...
private define write_array (fp, a)
variable dims, num_dims, data_type;
(dims, num_dims, data_type) = array_info (a);
variable len;
variable id = get_type_id (data_type);
len = write_numbers (fp, num_dims) + write_numbers (fp, dims)
+ write_numbers (fp, id);
% For now allow numbers or strings
if (_typeof(a) == String_Type)
foreach (a)
variable elem = ();
len += write_object (fp, elem);
return len;
len += write_numbers (fp, a);
return len;
private define read_array (fp, type, nbytes)
variable num_dims = do_fread (Int_Type, 1, fp);
variable dims = do_fread (Int_Type, num_dims, fp);
type = do_fread (Int_Type, 1, fp);
variable len;
len = 1;
foreach (dims)
len *= ();
type = id_to_datatype (type);
variable v;
if (type == String_Type)
v = String_Type [len];
_for (0,len-1,1)
variable i = ();
v[i] = read_object (fp, NULL);
else v = do_fread (type, len, fp);
reshape (v, dims);
return v;
% Data Bytes: int num_fields. String-Object [num_fields], Values[num_fields]
private define write_struct (fp, a)
variable fields = get_struct_field_names (a);
variable len = write_numbers (fp, typecast (length (fields), Int_Type));
foreach (fields)
variable f = ();
len += write_object (fp, f);
foreach (fields)
f = ();
len += write_object (fp, get_struct_field (a, f));
return len;
private define read_struct (fp, type, nbytes)
variable num_fields = do_fread (Int_Type, 1, fp);
variable fields = String_Type[num_fields];
variable i;
_for (0, num_fields-1, 1)
i = ();
fields[i] = read_object (fp, NULL);
variable s = @Struct_Type (fields);
% make sure it is in the cache in case the fields refer to it.
if (type != _Save_Object_Cache_Type)
() = cache_object (s);
_for (0, num_fields-1, 1)
i = ();
set_struct_field (s, fields[i], read_object (fp, NULL));
return s;
% Data Bytes: int index
private define write_cached_object (fp, a)
return write_numbers (fp, a.index);
private define read_cached_object (fp, type, nbytes)
variable index = read_numbers (fp, Int_Type, nbytes);
return get_object_from_cache (index);
private define add_type (t, w, r, id)
t = string (t);
Type_Map[t] = id;
Write_Object_Funs[t] = w;
Read_Object_Funs [t] = r;
add_type (Char_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 1);
add_type (UChar_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 2);
add_type (Short_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 3);
add_type (UShort_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 4);
add_type (Integer_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 5);
add_type (UInteger_Type,&write_numbers, &read_numbers, 6);
add_type (Long_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 7);
add_type (ULong_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 8);
add_type (Float_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 9);
add_type (Double_Type, &write_numbers, &read_numbers, 10);
add_type (String_Type, &write_string, &read_string, 11);
add_type (BString_Type, &write_string, &read_string, 12);
add_type (Struct_Type, &write_struct, &read_struct, 13);
add_type (Array_Type, &write_array, &read_array, 14);
add_type (Null_Type, &write_null, &read_null, 15);
add_type (_Save_Object_Cache_Type, &write_cached_object, &read_cached_object, 1000);
private define get_write_function (type)
variable key = string (type);
if (assoc_key_exists (Write_Object_Funs, key))
return Write_Object_Funs[key];
verror ("No write method defined for %S", key);
private define get_read_function (type)
variable key = string (type);
if (assoc_key_exists (Read_Object_Funs, key))
return Read_Object_Funs[key];
verror ("No read method defined for %S", key);
private define write_object (fp, a)
a = cache_object (a);
variable id = get_type_id (typeof (a));
variable h = start_header (fp, id);
variable f = get_write_function (typeof (a));
variable num = (@f)(fp, a);
%vmessage ("Done Writing %S", a);
return end_header (fp, h, num);
private define read_object (fp, statusp)
variable type, nbytes;
variable status = fread (&type, Integer_Type, 1, fp);
if (status == -1)
if (statusp == NULL)
verror ("No more objects in file");
@statusp = 0;
return 0;
nbytes = do_fread (Integer_Type, 1, fp);
type = id_to_datatype (type);
variable f = get_read_function (type);
variable v = (@f)(fp, type, nbytes);
% Necessary because String_Type may get written as BString_Type
if (type != _Save_Object_Cache_Type)
v = typecast (v, type);
() = cache_object (v);
%vmessage ("Read %S", v);
if (statusp != NULL)
@statusp = 1;
return v;
public define save_object ()
if (_NARGS < 2)
usage ("save_object (file, obj1, ...)");
variable objs = __pop_args (_NARGS - 1);
variable file = ();
variable fp = fopen (file, "w+");
if (fp == NULL)
verror ("Unable to open %s: %s", file, errno_string (errno));
create_cache ();
foreach (objs)
variable obj = ().value;
() = write_object (fp, obj);
delete_cache ();
public define load_object ()
if (_NARGS != 1)
usage ("(var1,...) = load_object (filename);");
variable file = ();
variable fp = fopen (file, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
verror ("Unable to open %s: %s", file, errno_string (errno));
create_cache ();
variable status;
variable obj = read_object (fp, &status);
if (status == 0)
delete_cache ();
% Regression test
private define failed (s, a, b)
vmessage ("Failed: %s: wrote: '%S', read '%S'\n", s, a, b);
private define test_eqs ();
private define test_eqs (a, b)
if ((typeof (a) != typeof (b))
or (_typeof (a) != _typeof (b)))
failed ("typeof", typeof(a), typeof(b));
verror ("foo");
return 0;
if (typeof (a) != Struct_Type)
if (length (a) != length (b))
failed ("test_eqs length", a, b);
return 0;
if (length (where (a != b)))
failed ("test_eqs", a, b);
return 0;
return 1;
variable fa, fb;
fa = get_struct_field_names (a);
fb = get_struct_field_names (b);
!if (test_eqs (fa, fb))
failed ("test_eqs: fa, fb");
return 0;
if (length (fa) != length (fb))
return 0;
foreach (fa)
variable name = ();
variable va, vb;
va = get_struct_field (a, name);
vb = get_struct_field (b, name);
if ((typeof (va) == Struct_Type)
and (typeof (vb) == Struct_Type))
% void loop
!if (test_eqs (va, vb))
return 0;
return 1;
private define test_save_object ()
variable x0 = 1278;
variable x1 = 2.3;
variable x2 = "foo";
variable x3 = struct
a, b, c, d
variable x4 = [1:10];
variable x5 = ["a","b","c","d"];
x3.a = "foo";
x3.b = PI;
x3.c = [1:20];
x3.d = x3;
variable x6 = typecast ("foo", BString_Type);
variable x7 = x6;
save_object ("foo.sv", x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7);
variable y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7;
(y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7) = load_object ("foo.sv");
!if (test_eqs (x0, y0))
failed ("x0", x0, y0);
!if (test_eqs (x1, y1))
failed ("x1", x1, y1);
!if (test_eqs (x2, y2))
failed ("x2", x2, y2);
!if (test_eqs (x3, y3))
failed ("x3", x3, y3);
!if (test_eqs (x4, y4))
failed ("x4", x4, y4);
!if (test_eqs (x5, y5))
failed ("x5", x5, y5);
!if (test_eqs (x6, y6))
failed ("x5", x6, y6);
!if (__is_same (y6,y7))
failed ("__is_same(y6,y7)",y6,y7);
vmessage ("Regression Test Done");
test_save_object ();