* Added Create_errhandler for MPI::File * Make errors_throw_exceptions a first-class predefined exception handler, and make it work for Comm, File, and Win * Deal with error handlers and attributes for Files, Types, and Wins like we do with Comms - can't just cast the callbacks from C++ signatures to C signatures. Callbacks will then fire with the C object, not the C++ object. That's bad. Refs trac:455 This commit was SVN r12945. The following Trac tickets were found above: Ticket 455 --> https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/455
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// -*- c++ -*-
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
// University Research and Technology
// Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
// of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
// reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
// University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
// All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Additional copyrights may follow
class Comm_Null {
// friend class PMPI::Comm_Null;
// construction
inline Comm_Null() { }
// copy
inline Comm_Null(const Comm_Null& data) : pmpi_comm(data.pmpi_comm) { }
// inter-language operability
inline Comm_Null(MPI_Comm data) : pmpi_comm(data) { }
inline Comm_Null(const PMPI::Comm_Null& data) : pmpi_comm(data) { }
// destruction
virtual inline ~Comm_Null() { }
inline Comm_Null& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) {
pmpi_comm = data.pmpi_comm;
return *this;
// comparison
inline bool operator==(const Comm_Null& data) const {
return (bool) (pmpi_comm == data.pmpi_comm); }
inline bool operator!=(const Comm_Null& data) const {
return (bool) (pmpi_comm != data.pmpi_comm);}
// inter-language operability (conversion operators)
inline operator MPI_Comm() const { return pmpi_comm; }
// inline operator MPI_Comm*() /*const JGS*/ { return pmpi_comm; }
inline operator const PMPI::Comm_Null&() const { return pmpi_comm; }
// construction
inline Comm_Null() : mpi_comm(MPI_COMM_NULL) { }
// copy
inline Comm_Null(const Comm_Null& data) : mpi_comm(data.mpi_comm) { }
// inter-language operability
inline Comm_Null(MPI_Comm data) : mpi_comm(data) { }
// destruction
virtual inline ~Comm_Null() { }
// comparison
// JGS make sure this is right (in other classes too)
inline bool operator==(const Comm_Null& data) const {
return (bool) (mpi_comm == data.mpi_comm); }
inline bool operator!=(const Comm_Null& data) const {
return (bool) !(*this == data);}
// inter-language operability (conversion operators)
inline operator MPI_Comm() const { return mpi_comm; }
PMPI::Comm_Null pmpi_comm;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm;
class Comm : public Comm_Null {
typedef void Errhandler_fn(Comm&, int*, ...);
typedef int Copy_attr_function(const Comm& oldcomm, int comm_keyval,
void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in,
void* attribute_val_out,
bool& flag);
typedef int Delete_attr_function(Comm& comm, int comm_keyval,
void* attribute_val,
void* extra_state);
#define _MPI2CPP_ERRHANDLERFN_ Errhandler_fn
#define _MPI2CPP_COPYATTRFN_ Copy_attr_function
#define _MPI2CPP_DELETEATTRFN_ Delete_attr_function
// construction
// copy
Comm(const Comm_Null& data);
Comm(const Comm& data) :
pmpi_comm((const PMPI::Comm&) data) { }
// inter-language operability
Comm(MPI_Comm data) : Comm_Null(data), pmpi_comm(data) { }
Comm(const PMPI::Comm& data) :
Comm_Null((const PMPI::Comm_Null&)data),
pmpi_comm(data) { }
operator const PMPI::Comm&() const { return pmpi_comm; }
// assignment
Comm& operator=(const Comm& data) {
pmpi_comm = data.pmpi_comm;
return *this;
Comm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) {
MPI_Comm tmp = data;
pmpi_comm = tmp;
return *this;
// inter-language operability
Comm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) {
pmpi_comm = data;
return *this;
Comm(const Comm& data) : Comm_Null(data.mpi_comm) { }
// inter-language operability
Comm(MPI_Comm data) : Comm_Null(data) { }
// Point-to-Point
virtual void Send(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual void Recv(void *buf, int count, const Datatype & datatype,
int source, int tag, Status & status) const;
virtual void Recv(void *buf, int count, const Datatype & datatype,
int source, int tag) const;
virtual void Bsend(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual void Ssend(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const ;
virtual void Rsend(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual Request Isend(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual Request Ibsend(const void *buf, int count, const
Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual Request Issend(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual Request Irsend(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest, int tag) const;
virtual Request Irecv(void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int source, int tag) const;
virtual bool Iprobe(int source, int tag, Status & status) const;
virtual bool Iprobe(int source, int tag) const;
virtual void Probe(int source, int tag, Status & status) const;
virtual void Probe(int source, int tag) const;
virtual Prequest Send_init(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest,
int tag) const;
virtual Prequest Bsend_init(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest,
int tag) const;
virtual Prequest Ssend_init(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest,
int tag) const;
virtual Prequest Rsend_init(const void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest,
int tag) const;
virtual Prequest Recv_init(void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int source,
int tag) const;
virtual void Sendrecv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype, int dest, int sendtag,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount,
const Datatype & recvtype, int source,
int recvtag, Status & status) const;
virtual void Sendrecv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype, int dest, int sendtag,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount,
const Datatype & recvtype, int source,
int recvtag) const;
virtual void Sendrecv_replace(void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest,
int sendtag, int source,
int recvtag, Status & status) const;
virtual void Sendrecv_replace(void *buf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, int dest,
int sendtag, int source,
int recvtag) const;
// Groups, Contexts, and Communicators
virtual Group Get_group() const;
virtual int Get_size() const;
virtual int Get_rank() const;
static int Compare(const Comm & comm1, const Comm & comm2);
virtual Comm& Clone() const = 0;
virtual void Free(void);
virtual bool Is_inter() const;
// Collective Communication
// Up in Comm because as of MPI-2, they are common to intracomm and
// intercomm -- with the exception of Scan and Exscan, which are not
// defined on intercomms.
virtual void
Barrier() const;
virtual void
Bcast(void *buffer, int count,
const Datatype& datatype, int root) const;
virtual void
Gather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount,
const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const;
virtual void
Gatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf,
const int recvcounts[], const int displs[],
const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const;
virtual void
Scatter(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount,
const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const;
virtual void
Scatterv(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[],
const int displs[], const Datatype & sendtype,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount,
const Datatype & recvtype, int root) const;
virtual void
Allgather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf,
int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype) const;
virtual void
Allgatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf,
const int recvcounts[], const int displs[],
const Datatype & recvtype) const;
virtual void
Alltoall(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount,
const Datatype & sendtype, void *recvbuf,
int recvcount, const Datatype & recvtype) const;
virtual void
Alltoallv(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[],
const int sdispls[], const Datatype & sendtype,
void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[],
const int rdispls[], const Datatype & recvtype) const;
virtual void
Alltoallw(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[],
const int sdispls[], const Datatype sendtypes[],
void *recvbuf, const int recvcounts[],
const int rdispls[], const Datatype recvtypes[]) const;
virtual void
Reduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op,
int root) const;
virtual void
Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count,
const Datatype & datatype, const Op & op) const;
virtual void
Reduce_scatter(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf,
int recvcounts[],
const Datatype & datatype,
const Op & op) const;
// Process Creation
virtual void Disconnect();
static Intercomm Get_parent();
static Intercomm Join(const int fd);
// External Interfaces
virtual void Get_name(char * comm_name, int& resultlen) const;
virtual void Set_name(const char* comm_name);
// Process Topologies
virtual int Get_topology() const;
// Environmental Inquiry
virtual void Abort(int errorcode);
// Errhandler
virtual void Set_errhandler(const Errhandler& errhandler);
virtual Errhandler Get_errhandler() const;
//JGS took out const below from fn arg
static Errhandler Create_errhandler(Comm::Errhandler_fn* function);
// Keys and Attributes
//JGS I took the const out because it causes problems when trying to
//call this function with the predefined NULL_COPY_FN etc.
static int Create_keyval(Copy_attr_function* comm_copy_attr_fn,
Delete_attr_function* comm_delete_attr_fn,
void* extra_state);
static void Free_keyval(int& comm_keyval);
virtual void Set_attr(int comm_keyval, const void* attribute_val) const;
virtual bool Get_attr(int comm_keyval, void* attribute_val) const;
virtual void Delete_attr(int comm_keyval);
static int NULL_COPY_FN(const Comm& oldcomm, int comm_keyval,
void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in,
void* attribute_val_out, bool& flag);
static int DUP_FN(const Comm& oldcomm, int comm_keyval,
void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in,
void* attribute_val_out, bool& flag);
static int NULL_DELETE_FN(Comm& comm, int comm_keyval, void* attribute_val,
void* extra_state);
PMPI::Comm pmpi_comm;
public: // JGS hmmm, these used by errhandler_intercept
// should make it a friend
Errhandler* my_errhandler;
typedef ::std::pair<Comm*, CommType> comm_pair_t;
typedef ::std::map<MPI_Comm, comm_pair_t*> mpi_comm_map_t;
static mpi_comm_map_t mpi_comm_map;
typedef ::std::map<MPI_Comm, Comm*> mpi_comm_err_map_t;
static mpi_comm_err_map_t mpi_comm_err_map;
typedef ::std::pair<Comm::_MPI2CPP_COPYATTRFN_*, Comm::_MPI2CPP_DELETEATTRFN_*> key_pair_t;
typedef ::std::map<int, key_pair_t*> mpi_comm_key_fn_map_t;
static mpi_comm_key_fn_map_t mpi_comm_key_fn_map;
void init() {
my_errhandler = (Errhandler*)0;