CFFI based Python wrapper for ORTE


This example starts up a persistent DVM and then spawns some tasks using

$ virtualenv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ pip install orte-cffi
$ orte-dvm --report-uri dvm_uri
$ python examples/submit.py

Create a distfile

If you want to create a sdist file:

$ virtualenv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ python setup.py sdist

Uploading sdist to pypi

Assuming you have admin privileges to the pypi package repository for this
package, a new version can be uploaded using twine:

$ virtualenv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ pip install twine
$ twine upload dist/orte-cffi-`python setup.py --version`.tar.gz

Building (for development purposes only)

If you want to create a non-pip build:

$ virtualenv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ pip install cffi
$ python src/orte-cffi/build.py