WHAT: Open our low-level communication infrastructure by moving all necessary components (btl/rcache/allocator/mpool) down in OPAL All the components required for inter-process communications are currently deeply integrated in the OMPI layer. Several groups/institutions have express interest in having a more generic communication infrastructure, without all the OMPI layer dependencies. This communication layer should be made available at a different software level, available to all layers in the Open MPI software stack. As an example, our ORTE layer could replace the current OOB and instead use the BTL directly, gaining access to more reactive network interfaces than TCP. Similarly, external software libraries could take advantage of our highly optimized AM (active message) communication layer for their own purpose. UTK with support from Sandia, developped a version of Open MPI where the entire communication infrastucture has been moved down to OPAL (btl/rcache/allocator/mpool). Most of the moved components have been updated to match the new schema, with few exceptions (mainly BTLs where I have no way of compiling/testing them). Thus, the completion of this RFC is tied to being able to completing this move for all BTLs. For this we need help from the rest of the Open MPI community, especially those supporting some of the BTLs. A non-exhaustive list of BTLs that qualify here is: mx, portals4, scif, udapl, ugni, usnic. This commit was SVN r32317.
264 строки
7.8 KiB
Исполняемый файл
264 строки
7.8 KiB
Исполняемый файл
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
# University Research and Technology
# Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Diff;
my $src_arg;
my $tgt_arg;
my $src_dir;
my $target_dir;
my @src_tree = ();
my @tgt_tree = ();
my $flag;
my $help_arg = 0;
my $diff_file = "";
my $diff_arg;
my $update_arg;
my $modified_arg;
sub construct {
# don't process directories or links, and dont' recurse down
# "special" directories
if ( -l $_ ) { return; }
if ( -d $_ ) {
if ((/\.svn/) || (/\.deps/) || (/\.libs/) || (/\.hg/) || (/\.git/) || (/\.dSYM/) || ($_ eq "autom4te.cache") || ($_ eq "libltdl")) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
# $File::Find::name is the path relative to the starting point.
# $_ contains the file's basename. The code automatically changes
# to the processed directory, so we want to add the full pathname.
# ignore some obvious files we don't care about
if (($_ =~ /\.dirstamp$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.DS_Store$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.lo$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.la$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.o$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.\d$/i)) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
if (($_ eq "Makefile") || ($_ eq "Makefile.in") || ($_ eq "config.log") || ($_ eq "config.status")) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
# ignore executables
if (-x $File::Find::name) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
if ($flag == 0) {
push(@src_tree, $File::Find::name);
} else {
push(@tgt_tree, $File::Find::name);
# Command line parameters
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("help|h" => \$help_arg,
"src=s" => \$src_arg,
"tgt=s" => \$tgt_arg,
"diff=s" => \$diff_arg,
"update" => \$update_arg,
"update-modified" => \$modified_arg,
if (!$ok || $help_arg) {
print "Invalid command line argument.\n\n"
if (!$ok);
print "Options:
--diff | -diff Output diff of changed files to specified file
--src | -src Head of source directory
--tgt | -tgt Head of target directory
--update | -update Apply changes to update target
--update-modified Only update modified files (do not add/delete files)\n";
exit($ok ? 0 : 1);
if (!$src_arg || !$tgt_arg) {
print "Missing src or tgt directory\n";
$src_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($src_arg);
$target_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($tgt_arg);
my @srcpth = ();
my @newpth = ();
my $spath;
my $npath;
# if we are updating, then identify the
# leading elements of the src_dir path that
# must be replaced when pointing to the
# target location for a file copy
if ($update_arg || $modified_arg) {
my $s;
my $t;
my @srcpath = File::Spec->splitdir($src_dir);
my @tgtpath = File::Spec->splitdir($target_dir);
# find the place where they first differ - since
# they cannot be identical, they must differ
# somewhere
my $found = 0;
while ($found == 0) {
$s = shift(@srcpath);
$t = shift(@tgtpath);
push(@srcpth, $s);
push(@newpth, $t);
if ($s ne $t) {
$found = 1;
# if either path has been exhausted, then we are done
if (0 != scalar(@srcpath) && 0 != scalar(@tgtpath)) {
# find the place where they re-converge - this
# might be nowhere, e.g., if they provided the
# top of two different source trees
$spath = join("/", @srcpth);
$npath = join("/", @newpth);
print "Source: " . $spath . " New: " . $npath . "\n";
if ($diff_arg) {
$diff_file = File::Spec->rel2abs($diff_arg);
unlink ($diff_file);
open(MYFILE, ">$diff_file");
my $len_src_dir = length($src_dir);
my $len_tgt_dir = length($target_dir);
# construct a tree of all files in the source directory tree
$flag = 0;
find(\&construct, $src_dir);
# construct a tree of all files in the target directory tree
$flag = 1;
find(\&construct, $target_dir);
print "size of src_tree: " . @src_tree . ".\n";
print "size of tgt_tree: " . @tgt_tree . ".\n";
# print a list of files in the source tree that need to be added to the target
my $found;
my $src_file;
my $tgt_file;
my @modified = ();
my @src_pared = ();
my $i;
foreach $src (@src_tree) {
# strip the leading elements of the path that was given to us
$src_file = substr($src, $len_src_dir);
$found = 0;
$i = -1;
foreach $tgt (@tgt_tree) {
$i = $i + 1;
$tgt_file = substr($tgt, $len_tgt_dir);
if ($src_file eq $tgt_file) {
# printf "Matched: " . $src_file . " " . $tgt_file . "\n";
# file has been found - ignore it
$found = 1;
if (compare($src, $tgt) != 0) {
if ($diff_arg) {
my $diff = diff $tgt, $src, { STYLE => "Unified" };
print MYFILE $diff . "\n";
push(@modified, $src);
} elsif ($update_arg || $modified_arg) {
print "Updating $src to $tgt\n";
copy("$src", "$tgt") or die "Copy failed: src=$src tgt=$tgt\n";
} else {
push(@modified, $src);
# remove this file from the target tree as it has been found
# splice @tgt_tree, $i, 1;
if (!$modified_arg && $found == 0) {
if ($update_arg) {
my $targetpath = $src;
$targetpath =~ s/$spath/$npath/;
my $tpath = dirname($targetpath);
if (! -d $tpath) {
my $dirs = eval { mkpath($tpath) };
if (!$dirs) {
print "Failed to create path $tpath\n";
print "Adding $tpath to svn repo\n";
my $cmd = "svn add $tpath";
print "Copying $src to $targetpath\n";
copy("$src", "$targetpath") or die "Update failed: src=$src tgt=$targetpath\n";
my $cmd = "svn add $targetpath";
} else {
print "Add: " . $src . "\n";
} else {
push(@src_pared, $src);
print "\n";
# print a list of files in the target tree that need to be deleted
if (!$modified_arg) {
foreach $tgt (@tgt_tree) {
$found = 0;
$tgt_file = substr($tgt, $len_tgt_dir);
foreach $src (@src_pared) {
$src_file = substr($src, $len_src_dir);
if ($src_file eq $tgt_file) {
# file has been found - ignore it
$found = 1;
if ($found == 0) {
if ($update_arg) {
my $cmd = "svn del $tgt";
} else {
print "Delete: " . $tgt . "\n";
print "\n";
# print a list of files that have been modified
foreach $tgt (@modified) {
print "Modified: " . $tgt . "\n";
if ($diff_arg) {