OFI MTL The OFI MTL supports Libfabric (a.k.a. Open Fabrics Interfaces OFI, https://ofiwg.github.io/libfabric/) tagged APIs (fi_tagged(3)). At initialization time, the MTL queries libfabric for providers supporting tag matching (fi_getinfo(3)). Libfabric will return a list of providers that satisfy the requested capabilities, having the most performant one at the top of the list. The user may modify the OFI provider selection with mca parameters mtl_ofi_provider_include or mtl_ofi_provider_exclude. PROGRESS: The MTL registers a progress function to opal_progress. There is currently no support for asynchronous progress. The progress function reads multiple events from the OFI provider Completion Queue (CQ) per iteration (defaults to 100, can be modified with the mca mtl_ofi_progress_event_cnt) and iterates until the completion queue is drained. COMPLETIONS: Each operation uses a request type ompi_mtl_ofi_request_t which includes a reference to an operation specific completion callback, an MPI request, and a context. The context (fi_context) is used to map completion events with MPI_requests when reading the CQ. OFI TAG: MPI needs to send 96 bits of information per message (32 bits communicator id, 32 bits source rank, 32 bits MPI tag) but OFI only offers 64 bits tags. In addition, the OFI MTL uses 2 bits of the OFI tag for the synchronous send protocol. Therefore, there are only 62 bits available in the OFI tag for message usage. The OFI MTL offers the mtl_ofi_tag_mode mca parameter with 4 modes to address this: "auto" (Default): After the OFI provider is selected, a runtime check is performed to assess FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA and FI_DIRECTED_RECV support (see fi_tagged(3), fi_msg(2) and fi_getinfo(3)). If supported, "ofi_tag_full" is used. If not supported, fall back to "ofi_tag_1". "ofi_tag_1": For providers that do not support FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA, the OFI MTL will trim the fields (Communicator ID, Source Rank, MPI tag) to make them fit the 62 bits available bit in the OFI tag. There are two options available with different number of bits for the Communicator ID and MPI tag fields. This tag distribution offers: 12 bits for Communicator ID (max Communicator ID 4,095) subject to provider reserved bits (see mem_tag_format below), 18 bits for Source Rank (max Source Rank 262,143), 32 bits for MPI tag (max MPI tag is INT_MAX). "ofi_tag_2": Same as 2 "ofi_tag_1" but offering a different OFI tag distribution for applications that may require a greater number of supported Communicators at the expense of fewer MPI tag bits. This tag distribution offers: 24 bits for Communicator ID (max Communicator ED 16,777,215. See mem_tag_format below), 18 bits for Source Rank (max Source Rank 262,143), 20 bits for MPI tag (max MPI tag 524,287). "ofi_tag_full": For executions that cannot accept trimming source rank or MPI tag, this mode sends source rank for each message in the CQ DATA. The Source Rank is made available at the remote process CQ (FI_CQ_FORMAT_TAGGED is used, see fi_cq(3)) at the completion of the matching receive operation. Since the minimum size for FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA is 32 bits, the Source Rank fits with no limitations. The OFI tag is used for the Communicator id (28 bits, max Communicator ID 268,435,455. See mem_tag_format below), and the MPI tag (max MPI tag is INT_MAX). If this mode is selected by the user and FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA or FI_DIRECTED_RECV are not supported, the execution will abort. mem_tag_format (fi_endpoint(3)) Some providers can reserve the higher order bits from the OFI tag for internal purposes. This is signaled in mem_tag_format (see fi_endpoint(3)) by setting higher order bits to zero. In such cases, the OFI MTL will reduce the number of communicator ids supported by reducing the bits available for the communicator ID field in the OFI tag.