2015-07-17 17:36:37 -07:00

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Исполняемый файл

# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
# University Research and Technology
# Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Diff;
my $src_arg;
my $tgt_arg;
my $src_dir;
my $target_dir;
my @src_tree = ();
my @tgt_tree = ();
my $flag;
my $help_arg = 0;
my $diff_file = "";
my $diff_arg;
my $update_arg;
my $modified_arg;
my $repo_type;
my $cmd;
sub construct {
# don't process directories or links, and don't recurse down
# "special" directories
if ( -l $_ ) { return; }
if ( -d $_ ) {
if ((/\.deps/) || (/\.libs/) || (/\.git/) || (/\.dSYM/) || ($_ eq "autom4te.cache") || ($_ eq "libltdl")) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
# $File::Find::name is the path relative to the starting point.
# $_ contains the file's basename. The code automatically changes
# to the processed directory, so we want to add the full pathname.
# ignore some obvious files we don't care about
if (($_ =~ /\.dirstamp$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.DS_Store$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.lo$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.la$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.o$/i) || ($_ =~ /\.\d$/i)) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
if (($_ =~ /\.pc$/i) || ($_ eq "config.h") || ($_ eq "opal_config.h") || ($_ eq "opalcc-wrapper-data.txt") || ($_ eq "opalc++-wrapper-data.txt")) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
if (($_ eq "stamp-h$")) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
if (($_ eq "Makefile") || ($_ eq "Makefile.in") || ($_ eq "config.log") || ($_ eq "config.status") || ($_ eq "static-components.h")) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
# ignore executables
if (-x $File::Find::name) {
$File::Find::prune = true;
if ($flag == 0) {
push(@src_tree, $File::Find::name);
} else {
push(@tgt_tree, $File::Find::name);
# Command line parameters
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("help|h" => \$help_arg,
"src=s" => \$src_arg,
"tgt=s" => \$tgt_arg,
"diff=s" => \$diff_arg,
"update" => \$update_arg,
"update-modified" => \$modified_arg
if (!$ok || $help_arg) {
print "Invalid command line argument.\n\n"
if (!$ok);
print "Options:
--diff | -diff Output diff of changed files to specified file
--src | -src Head of source directory
--tgt | -tgt Head of target directory
--update | -update Apply changes to update target
--update-modified Only update modified files (do not add/delete files)\n";
exit($ok ? 0 : 1);
if (!$src_arg || !$tgt_arg) {
print "Missing src or tgt directory\n";
$src_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($src_arg);
$target_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($tgt_arg);
my @srcpth = ();
my @newpth = ();
my $spath;
my $npath;
# if we are updating, then identify the
# leading elements of the src_dir path that
# must be replaced when pointing to the
# target location for a file copy
if ($update_arg || $modified_arg) {
my $s;
my $t;
my @srcpath = File::Spec->splitdir($src_dir);
my @tgtpath = File::Spec->splitdir($target_dir);
# find the place where they first differ - since
# they cannot be identical, they must differ
# somewhere
my $found = 0;
while ($found == 0) {
$s = shift(@srcpath);
$t = shift(@tgtpath);
push(@srcpth, $s);
push(@newpth, $t);
if ($s ne $t) {
$found = 1;
# if either path has been exhausted, then we are done
if (0 != scalar(@srcpath) && 0 != scalar(@tgtpath)) {
# find the place where they re-converge - this
# might be nowhere, e.g., if they provided the
# top of two different source trees
$spath = join("/", @srcpth);
$npath = join("/", @newpth);
print "Source: " . $spath . " New: " . $npath . "\n";
if ($diff_arg) {
$diff_file = File::Spec->rel2abs($diff_arg);
unlink ($diff_file);
open(MYFILE, ">$diff_file");
my $len_src_dir = length($src_dir);
my $len_tgt_dir = length($target_dir);
# construct a tree of all files in the source directory tree
$flag = 0;
find(\&construct, $src_dir);
# construct a tree of all files in the target directory tree
$flag = 1;
find(\&construct, $target_dir);
print "size of src_tree: " . @src_tree . ".\n";
print "size of tgt_tree: " . @tgt_tree . ".\n";
# print a list of files in the source tree that need to be added to the target
my $found;
my $src_file;
my $tgt_file;
my @modified = ();
my @src_pared = ();
my $i;
foreach $src (@src_tree) {
# strip the leading elements of the path that was given to us
$src_file = substr($src, $len_src_dir);
$found = 0;
$i = -1;
foreach $tgt (@tgt_tree) {
$i = $i + 1;
$tgt_file = substr($tgt, $len_tgt_dir);
if ($src_file eq $tgt_file) {
# printf "Matched: " . $src_file . " " . $tgt_file . "\n";
# file has been found - ignore it
$found = 1;
if (compare($src, $tgt) != 0) {
if ($diff_arg) {
my $diff = diff $tgt, $src, { STYLE => "Unified" };
print MYFILE $diff . "\n";
push(@modified, $src);
} elsif ($update_arg || $modified_arg) {
print "Updating $src to $tgt\n";
copy("$src", "$tgt") or die "Copy failed: src=$src tgt=$tgt\n";
} else {
push(@modified, $src);
# remove this file from the target tree as it has been found
# splice @tgt_tree, $i, 1;
if (!$modified_arg && $found == 0) {
if ($update_arg) {
my $targetpath = $src;
$targetpath =~ s/$spath/$npath/;
my $tpath = dirname($targetpath);
if (! -d $tpath) {
my $dirs = eval { mkpath($tpath) };
if (!$dirs) {
print "Failed to create path $tpath\n";
print "Adding $tpath to repo\n";
$cmd = "pushd $target_dir >& /dev/null; git add $tpath >& /dev/null; popd >& /dev/null";
print "Adding $src to repo\n";
copy("$src", "$targetpath") or die "Update failed: src=$src tgt=$targetpath\n";
$cmd = "pushd $target_dir >& /dev/null; git add $targetpath >& /dev/null; popd >& /dev/null";
} else {
print "Add: " . $src . "\n";
} else {
push(@src_pared, $src);
print "\n";
# print a list of files in the target tree that need to be deleted
if (!$modified_arg) {
foreach $tgt (@tgt_tree) {
$found = 0;
$tgt_file = substr($tgt, $len_tgt_dir);
foreach $src (@src_pared) {
$src_file = substr($src, $len_src_dir);
if ($src_file eq $tgt_file) {
# file has been found - ignore it
$found = 1;
if ($found == 0) {
if ($update_arg) {
print "Removing $tgt_file from repo\n";
$cmd = "pushd $target_dir >& /dev/null; git rm .$tgt_file >& /dev/null; popd >& /dev/null";
} else {
print "Delete: " . $tgt . "\n";
print "\n";
# print a list of files that have been modified
foreach $tgt (@modified) {
print "Modified: " . $tgt . "\n";
if ($diff_arg) {