Currently necessary to install the --prefix-patches for ORTE. Used in ompi_cronjob.sh This commit was SVN r6913.
1016 строки
29 KiB
Исполняемый файл
1016 строки
29 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
# This script is used to take a nightly snapshot tarball of Open MPI
# and try building it.
# $1: scratch root
# $2: e-mail address for destination
# $3: URL_ARG
# $4: config file
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
# Set this to true for additional output; typically only when
# debugging
my $debug = 0;
# Set this to true, if You want to disable checking
# Useful, if the check might fail on Your machine, but you
# nevertheless want to compile/debug other tests.
my $nocheck = 0;
# Set this to the installation directory
# (possibly accesible by all nodes in a cluster).
my $install_dir;
# download "latest" filename
my $latest_name = "latest_snapshot.txt";
# checksum filenames
my $md5_checksums = "md5sums.txt";
my $sha1_checksums = "sha1sums.txt";
# max length of logfile to send in an e-mail
my $max_log_len = 100;
# email subjects
my $success_subject = "Open MPI: Build success (\@version@)";
my $fail_subject = "Open MPI: === BUILD FAILURE (\@version@) ===";
# max number of snapshots to keep downloaded
my $max_snapshots = 3;
# max number of old build roots to maintain (note that build roots are
# only left if a) you use --leave-install or b) a build fails)
my $max_build_roots = 3;
# Shouldn't need to change below this line
# Need to define some globals here -- can't use "our" because we have
# to run on machines with older versions of perl. #$%#@$%#...
my $version;
my $mail;
my @email_output;
my $tarball_name;
my $ret;
my $last_test_version_name;
my $save_tmpdir;
my $save_tmpdir_exists;
my $scratch_root_arg;
my $email_arg;
my $url_arg;
my $config_arg;
my $debug_arg;
my $file_arg;
my $patches_arg;
my $leave_install_arg;
my $help_arg;
my $force_arg;
my $nocheck_arg;
my $install_dir_arg;
# send a mail
sub send_mail {
my ($subject, $to) = @_;
my $msg = \@_;
# Restore tmpdir -- if we don't do this, for some reason (when
# TMPDIR has been changed), we get permission denied's from the
# mail command (something about a temporary file cannot be created
# -- shrug).
if ($save_tmpdir_exists) {
$ENV{TMPDIR} = $save_tmpdir;
} else {
delete $ENV{TMPDIR};
$subject =~ s/\@version\@/$version/;
open MAIL, "|$mail -s \"$subject\" \"$to\"" ||
die "Could not open pipe to output e-mail\n";
my $i = 0;
while ($i <= $#$msg) {
print MAIL $$msg[$i];
close MAIL;
# abort the script, and send an error e-mail as a result
sub test_abort {
my $msg = \@_;
push(@email_output, "Building the nightly tarball ended in error:\n\n");
push(@email_output, @$msg);
send_mail($fail_subject, $email_arg, @email_output);
# check to see if we've tested this version before
sub check_last_version {
my ($new_version) = @_;
my $old_version;
print "This version: $new_version\n" if ($debug);
if (! -f $last_test_version_name) {
print "Never tested on this system before\n" if ($debug);
$old_version = `cat $last_test_version_name`;
print "Last tested version: $old_version\n" if ($debug);
# If the version hasn't changed since the last time we tested,
# then don't bother testing again.
if ($new_version eq $old_version) {
if ($debug || $force_arg) {
print "Test tarball version is the same as the last version we tested\nOnly testing again because we're in --debug or --force mode\n"
if ($debug);
} else {
# run a command and save the stdout / stderr
sub do_command {
my ($merge_output, $cmd) = @_;
print "*** Running command: $cmd\n" if ($debug);
pipe OUTread, OUTwrite;
pipe ERRread, ERRwrite
if (!$merge_output);
# Child
my $pid;
if (($pid = fork()) == 0) {
close OUTread;
close ERRread
if (!$merge_output);
if ($merge_output) {
open STDERR, ">&OUTwrite" ||
die "Can't redirect stderr\n";
} else {
open STDERR, ">&ERRwrite" ||
die "Can't redirect stderr\n";
select STDERR;
$| = 1;
open STDOUT, ">&OUTwrite" ||
die "Can't redirect stdout\n";
select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
# Turn shell-quoted words ("foo bar baz") into individual tokens
my @tokens;
while ($cmd =~ /\".*\"/) {
my $prefix;
my $middle;
my $suffix;
$cmd =~ /(.*?)\"(.*?)\"(.*)/;
$prefix = $1;
$middle = $2;
$suffix = $3;
if ($prefix) {
foreach my $token (split(' ', $prefix)) {
push(@tokens, $token);
if ($middle) {
push(@tokens, $middle);
} else {
push(@tokens, "");
$cmd = $suffix;
if ($cmd) {
push(@tokens, split(' ', $cmd));
# Run it!
exec(@tokens) ||
die "Can't execute command: $cmd\n";
close OUTwrite;
close ERRwrite
if (!$merge_output);
# Parent
my (@out, @err);
my ($rin, $rout);
my $done = $merge_output ? 1 : 2;
# Keep watching over the pipe(s)
$rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno(OUTread), 1) = 1;
vec($rin, fileno(ERRread), 1) = 1
if (!$merge_output);
while ($done > 0) {
my $nfound = select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, undef);
if (vec($rout, fileno(OUTread), 1) == 1) {
my $data = <OUTread>;
if (!defined($data)) {
vec($rin, fileno(OUTread), 1) = 0;
} else {
push(@out, $data);
print "OUT:$data" if ($debug);
if (!$merge_output && vec($rout, fileno(ERRread), 1) == 1) {
my $data = <ERRread>;
if (!defined($data)) {
vec($rin, fileno(ERRread), 1) = 0;
} else {
push(@err, $data);
print "ERR:$data" if ($debug);
close OUTerr;
close OUTread
if (!$merge_output);
# The pipes are closed, so the process should be dead. Reap it.
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $status = $?;
print "*** Command complete, exit status: $status\n" if ($debug);
# Return an anonymous hash containing the relevant data
my $ret = {
stdout => \@out,
status => $status
# If we had stderr, return that, too
$ret->{stderr} = \@err
if (!$merge_output);
return $ret;
# find a program from a list and load it into the target variable
sub find_program {
my @names = @_;
# loop through the list and save the first one that we find
my $i = 0;
while ($i <= $#names) {
my $ret = system("which $names[$i] 2>&1 >/dev/null");
my $status = $ret >> 8;
if ($status == 0) {
return $names[$i];
return undef;
sub trim {
my ($max, $msg) = @_;
my @out;
my $i = 0;
if ($#$msg > $max) {
$i = $#$msg - $max + 1;
push(@out, "[...previous $i lines snipped; last $max lines shown...]\n");
while ($i <= $#$msg) {
push(@out, $$msg[$i]);
if (! ($out[$#out] =~ /\n/)) {
push(@out, "\n");
# subroutine for building a single configuration
sub try_build {
my ($name, $merge_output, $tarball, $srcroot, $installdir,
$vpath_mode, $confargs) = @_;
my $ret;
my $startdir = `pwd`;
my $unpacker;
my $status;
# make the source root
if (! -d $srcroot) {
mkdir($srcroot, 0777);
# expand the tarball (do NOT assume GNU tar). don't use
# do_command here because we need to use a pipe. This isn't an
# "interesting" command, anyway -- we don't need any stdout or
# stderr. So if it fails, it fails -- no big deal.
if ($tarball =~ /.*\.bz2$/) {
elsif ($tarball =~ /.*\.gz$/) {
else {
return {
status => $status,
message => "Failed to figure out compression of tarball",
system("$unpacker -c $tarball | tar xf -");
$status = $? >> 8;
if ($status != 0) {
return {
status => $status,
message => "Failed to unzip the tarball",
test_abort ("Tarball does not contain expected openmpi-directory:openmpi-$version -- aborting")
if (! -d "openmpi-$version");
# In case of patch-files passed to build_tarball, patch from the root-level source-dir
if ($patches_arg) {
my $dirname;
$dirname = dirname("$tarball");
foreach my $patch_file (split(',', $patches_arg)) {
if (! -e "$dirname/$patch_file") {
print "Patch-File $dirname/$patch_file not available -- skipping\n" if ($debug);
$ret = do_command($merge_output, "patch -p0 -i $dirname/$patch_file");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{message} = "Failed to \"patch with $dirname/$patch_file\"";
return $ret;
# configure it
my $config_command = "./configure";
if ($vpath_mode) {
mkdir("vpath_build", 0777);
if ($vpath_mode eq "relative") {
$config_command = "../configure";
} else {
$config_command = "$srcroot/openmpi-$version/configure";
$ret = do_command(1, "$config_command $confargs --prefix=$installdir");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{message} = "Failed to configure the tarball";
return $ret;
# build it
$ret = do_command($merge_output, "make all");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{message} = "Failed to \"make all\"";
return $ret;
# save the compile warnings
my $make_all_stderr = $ret->{stderr};
# and check it, if the user does not disable it. Make sure to
# restore tmpdir.
if ( $nocheck == 0 ) {
$ENV{TMPDIR} = "$installdir/tmp";
mkdir($ENV{TMPDIR}, 0777);
$ret = do_command($merge_output, "make check");
if ($save_tmpdir_exists) {
$ENV{TMPDIR} = $save_tmpdir;
} else {
delete $ENV{TMPDIR};
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr;
$ret->{message} = "Failed to \"make check\"";
return $ret;
# Ensure LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to our shared libraries
if (exists($ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH})) {
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "$installdir/lib:" . $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH};
} else {
# install it
$ret = do_command(1, "make install");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr;
$ret->{message} = "Failed to \"make install\"";
return $ret;
# try compiling and linking a simple C application
if (! -d test) {
mkdir("test-compile", 0777);
open C, ">hello.c";
print C "#include <mpi.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
return 0;
$ret = do_command(1, "$installdir/bin/mpicc hello.c -o hello");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr;
$ret->{message} = "Failed to compile/link C \"hello world\" MPI app";
return $ret;
unlink "hello.c", "hello";
# if we have a C++ compiler, try compiling and linking a simple
# C++ application
open INFO, "$installdir/bin/ompi_info --parsable|";
my @have_cxx = grep { /^bindings:cxx:/ } <INFO>;
chomp @have_cxx;
close INFO;
if ($have_cxx[0] eq "bindings:cxx:yes") {
open CXX, ">hello.cc";
print CXX "#include <mpi.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
MPI::Init(argc, argv);
return 0;
do_command(1, "$installdir/bin/mpic++ hello.cc -o hello");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr;
$ret->{message} =
"Failed to compile/link C++ \"hello world\" MPI app";
return $ret;
unlink "hello.cc", "hello";
# if we have a F77 compiler, try compiling and linking a simple
# F77 application
open INFO, "$installdir/bin/ompi_info --parsable|";
my @have_f77 = grep { /^bindings:f77:/ } <INFO>;
close INFO;
if ($have_f77[0] eq "bindings:f77:yes") {
open F77, ">hello.f";
print F77 "C
program main
include 'mpif.h'
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
do_command(1, "$installdir/bin/mpif77 hello.f -o hello");
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
$ret->{make_all_stderr} = $make_all_stderr;
$ret->{message} =
"Failed to compile/link F77 \"hello world\" MPI app";
return $ret;
unlink "hello.f", "hello";
# all done -- clean up (unless user specified --leave-install)
if ($leave_install_arg) {
system("rm -rf $srcroot/openmpi* $srcroot/test-compile");
} else {
system("rm -rf $srcroot");
return {
make_all_stderr => $make_all_stderr,
status => 0,
# main
$save_tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR};
$save_tmpdir_exists = exists $ENV{TMPDIR};
# parse the command line
&Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "require_order");
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("url|u=s" => \$url_arg,
"scratch|s=s" => \$scratch_root_arg,
"email|e=s" => \$email_arg,
"config|c=s" => \$config_arg,
"file|f=s" => \$file_arg,
"patches|p=s" => \$patches_arg,
"debug|d" => \$debug_arg,
"leave-install|l=s" => \$leave_install_arg,
"install-dir=s" => \$install_dir_arg,
"help|h" => \$help_arg,
"force" => \$force_arg,
"nocheck" => \$nocheck_arg
if (!$ok || $help_arg) {
print("Command line error\n")
if (!$ok);
print "Usage: $0 [--scratch|-s scratch_directory_root] [--email|-e address]\n";
print " [--config|-c config_file] [--help|-h] [--debug|-d]\n";
print " [[--file|-f local_ompi_tarball] [--url|-u URL_base]]\n";
print " [--patches|-p list_of_patch_files]\n";
print " [--leave-install output_filename] [--install-dir install_dir]\n";
print " [--nocheck]\n";
if ($file_arg && $url_arg) {
print("ERROR: Both --url and --file specified; which should I do?\n");
die("Aborting in confusion!\n");
} elsif (! $file_arg && ! $url_arg) {
print("ERROR: Neither --url nor --file specified; what should I do?\n");
die("Aborting in confusion!\n");
} elsif (! $email_arg) {
print("ERROR: Need e-mail address to mail results\n");
die("Aborting in despair\n");
} elsif (! $scratch_root_arg) {
my $tmp = "/tmp";
$tmp = $ENV{TMPDIR}
if ($ENV{TMPDIR});
$scratch_root_arg = "$tmp/open-mpi-test-build.$$";
# if the --file argument was a relative file, convert it to absolute
# because we're going to chdir before using it
if ($file_arg) {
if (! ($file_arg =~ /^\//)) {
my $tmp = `pwd`;
$file_arg = "$tmp/$file_arg";
# ditto for --config arg
if ($config_arg) {
if (! ($config_arg =~ /^\//)) {
my $tmp = `pwd`;
$config_arg = "$tmp/$config_arg";
# turn on debugging?
$debug = 1
if ($debug_arg);
# Disable checking?
$nocheck = 1
if ($nocheck_arg);
# prefix the e-mail
my $str = "Host: ";
my $first = 1;
foreach my $option (qw/n o r m/) {
my $out = `uname -$option 2>/dev/null`;
if ($out) {
$str .= " / "
if (! $first);
$str .= $out;
$first = 0;
push(@email_output, $str . "\n");
# now that we have scratch root, fill in the filename for the last
# version that we tested -- separate it by hostname and config name so
# that multiple instances of this script can share a downloads
# directory
my $dir = "$scratch_root_arg/last-test-versions";
if (! -d $dir) {
my $hostname = `uname -n`;
my $config = $config_arg ? `basename $config_arg` : "default";
$last_test_version_name = "$dir/$hostname-$config";
# Find a mail program
$mail = find_program(qw(Mail mailx mail));
die "Could not find mail program; aborting in despair\n"
if (!defined($mail));
# figure out what download command to use
# if we need to download a version -- with file_arg, we do not
my $download = "true";
if ($url_arg) {
$download = find_program(qw(wget lynx curl));
test_abort("Cannot find downloading program -- aborting in despair\n")
if (!defined($download));
# move into the scratch directory, and ensure we have an absolute path
# for it
if (! -d $scratch_root_arg) {
mkdir($scratch_root_arg, 0777);
test_abort("Could not cd to scratch root: $scratch_root_arg\n")
if (! -d $scratch_root_arg);
$scratch_root_arg = `pwd`;
# if we were given a URL base, get the latest snapshot version number
if ($url_arg) {
# ensure some subdirs exist
foreach my $dir (qw(downloads)) {
if (! -d $dir) {
mkdir($dir, 0777);
do_command(1, "$download $url_arg/$latest_name");
test_abort("Could not download latest snapshot number -- aborting")
if (! -f $latest_name);
$version = `cat $latest_name`;
push(@email_output, "Snapshot: $version\n\n");
# see if we need to download the tarball
$tarball_name = "openmpi-$version.tar.gz";
if (! -f $tarball_name) {
do_command(1, "$download $url_arg/$tarball_name");
test_abort ("Could not download tarball -- aborting")
if (! -f $tarball_name);
# get the checksums
do_command(1, "$download $url_arg/$md5_checksums");
do_command(1, "$download $url_arg/$sha1_checksums");
# compare the md5sum
my $md5_file = `grep $version.tar.gz $md5_checksums`;
my $md5sum = find_program(qw(md5sum));
if (!defined($md5sum)) {
"WARNING: Could not find md5sum executable, so I will not be able to check
WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known MD5
WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n");
} elsif (! $md5_file) {
"WARNING: Could not find md5sum check file, so I will not be able to check
WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known MD5
WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n");
} else {
my $md5_actual = `$md5sum $tarball_name 2>&1`;
test_abort("md5sum from checksum file does not match actual ($md5_file != $md5_actual)")
if ($md5_file ne $md5_actual);
# compare the sha1sum
my $sha1_file = `grep $version.tar.gz $sha1_checksums`;
my $sha1sum = find_program(qw(sha1sum));
if (!defined($sha1sum)) {
"WARNING: Could not find sha1sum executable, so I will not be able to check
WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known SHA1
WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n");
} elsif (! $sha1_file) {
"WARNING: Could not find sha1sum check file, so I will not be able to check
WARNING: the validity of downloaded executables against their known SHA1
WARNING: checksums. Proceeding anyway...\n\n");
} else {
my $sha1_actual = `$sha1sum $tarball_name 2>&1`;
test_abort "sha1sum from checksum file does not match actual ($sha1_file != $sha1_actual)"
if ($sha1_file ne $sha1_actual);
# now adjust the tarball name to be absolute
$tarball_name = "$scratch_root_arg/downloads/$tarball_name";
} elsif ($file_arg) {
$tarball_name = $file_arg;
die "ERROR: Cannot read file $tarball_name\n"
if (! -r $tarball_name);
$version = $tarball_name;
$version =~ s/.*openmpi-(.+)\.tar.*/$1/;
push(@email_output, "Snapshot: $version\n\n");
# Make a root for this build to play in (scratch_root_arg is absolute, so
# root will be absolute)
my $root= "$scratch_root_arg/build-$version";
system("rm -rf $root");
mkdir($root, 0777);
# loop over all configurations
# be lazy: if no configurations supplied, do a default
# configure/build
my $results;
my $do_default = 0;
if (! $config_arg || ! -f $config_arg) {
my $dir = "$root/default";
my $name = "[default]";
my $config = "CFLAGS=-g --disable-f77 --enable-debug";
$ret = try_build($name, 0, $tarball_name,
$dir, "$dir/install", "", $config);
$results->{$name} = $ret;
$results->{$name}->{config} = $config;
$results->{$name}->{want_stderr} = 1;
$results->{$name}->{vpath_mode} = "";
$results->{$name}->{installdir} = "$dir/install";
} else {
open CONF, "$config_arg";
my $i = 1;
while (<CONF>) {
my $line = $_;
# skip comments and blank lines
if ($line && ! ($line =~ /[ \t]*\#/) && ! ($line =~ /^[ \t]+$/)) {
# Parse out the parts
my ($name, $want_stderr, $vpath_mode, $config) = split(/:/, $line);
if (! $name) {
$name = "[build-$i]";
# try to actually build it
my $dir = "$root/$name";
$dir =~ s/[\[\] \t"']/_/g;
# stupid emacs: '"
if ($install_dir_arg) {
my $merge_output = $want_stderr ? 0 : 1;
$ret = try_build($name, $merge_output, $tarball_name,
$dir, $install_dir,
$vpath_mode, $config);
$results->{$name} = $ret;
$results->{$name}->{config} = $config;
$results->{$name}->{want_stderr} = $want_stderr;
$results->{$name}->{vpath_mode} = $vpath_mode;
$results->{$name}->{installdir} = "$install_dir";
close CONF;
# remove this root if we're not leaving the install root
system("rm -rf build-$version")
if (!$leave_install_arg);
my $dir = "$scratch_root_arg";
opendir(ROOT, $dir);
my @roots = sort(grep { /^build.+[0-9]$/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(ROOT));
my $i = $#roots;
my $j = 0;
while ($i >= $max_build_roots) {
print "Removing directory $roots[$j]\n" if ($debug);
system("rm -rf $roots[$j]");
# trim the downloads dir to $max_snapshots
my $dir = "$scratch_root_arg/downloads";
opendir(DOWNLOADS, $dir);
my @tarballs = sort(grep { /^openmpi.+gz$/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(DOWNLOADS));
$i = $#tarballs;
$j = 0;
while ($i >= $max_snapshots) {
print "Unlinking $tarballs[$j]\n" if ($debug);
# save the version that we just tested
open LAST, ">$last_test_version_name";
print LAST "$version\n";
close LAST;
# if we're leaving the installdirs, output their names into the file
# indicated by the --leave-install arg
open LEAVE, ">$leave_install_arg"
if ($leave_install_arg);
# send results mail
my $email_subject;
(Building tarball and compiling/linking MPI \"hello world\")
foreach my $config (keys(%$results)) {
my $str;
if ($results->{$config}->{status} == 0) {
$str = "Success ";
print LEAVE "$results->{$config}->{installdir}\n"
if ($leave_install_arg);
} else {
$str = "FAILURE ";
$email_subject = $fail_subject;
$str .= $config . "\n";
push(@email_output, $str);
if ($leave_install_arg);
$email_subject = $success_subject
if (!$email_subject);
# Include additional details if relevant
my $header = 0;
my $displayed = 0;
push(@email_output, "DETAILED RESULTS (as necessary):\n\n");
foreach my $config (keys(%$results)) {
my $output = 0;
my $str;
$str .= "==> Build: " . $config . "
==> Config options: " . $results->{$config}->{config} . "
==> Result: " . ($results->{$config}->{status} == 0 ?
"Success" : "FAILURE") . "
==> Output: " . ($results->{$config}->{want_stderr} ?
"stderr and stdout shown separately below" :
"stdout and stderr merged below") . "\n";
if ($results->{$config}->{status} != 0 &&
$results->{$config}->{stdout} &&
$#{$results->{$config}->{stdout}} >= 0) {
push(@email_output, $str);
$header = $displayed = $output = 1;
if ($results->{$config}->{want_stderr}) {
"--Standard output---------------------------------------------------------\n");
} else {
"--Standard output and standard error--------------------------------------\n");
my $tmp = trim($max_log_len, $results->{$config}->{stdout});
push(@email_output, @$tmp);
if ($results->{$config}->{want_stderr}) {
"--Standard output end-----------------------------------------------------\n");
} else {
"--Standard output and standard error end----------------------------------\n");
if ($results->{$config}->{stderr} &&
$#{$results->{$config}->{stderr}} >= 0) {
push(@email_output, $str)
if ($output == 0);
$header = $displayed = $output = 1;
"--Standard error----------------------------------------------------------\n");
my $tmp = trim($max_log_len, $results->{$config}->{stderr});
push(@email_output, @$tmp);
"--Standard error end------------------------------------------------------\n");
if ($results->{$config}->{want_stderr} &&
$results->{$config}->{make_all_stderr} &&
$#{$results->{$config}->{make_all_stderr}} >= 0) {
push(@email_output, $str)
if ($output == 0);
$header = $displayed = $output = 1;
"--\"make all\" standard error---------------------------------------------------\n");
my $tmp = trim($max_log_len, $results->{$config}->{make_all_stderr});
push(@email_output, @$tmp);
"--\"make all\" standard error end-----------------------------------------------\n");
if ($output == 1) {
# if we didn't display anything extra, then say so
if (!$displayed) {
push(@email_output, "No additional interesting intformation\n\n");
push(@email_output, "Your friendly server,\nCyrador\n");
send_mail($email_subject, $email_arg, @email_output);
# All done