new config.guess/config.sub files (!), but a) the code is smart enough to know this, and b) when they become available again, the Right Things will happen. Also, I left the example code in there how to add man pages to the relevant Makefile's on the thought that we'll need it when we eventually get around to making man pages (assumedly through doxygen). This commit was SVN r985.
178 строки
4.3 KiB
Исполняемый файл
178 строки
4.3 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#! /bin/csh -f
set srcdir="`pwd`"
set distdir="$srcdir/$1"
set verfile="$srcdir/VERSION"
set verscript="config/lam_get_version.sh"
set LAM_VERSION="`sh $verscript $verfile --full`"
set LAM_MAJOR_VERSION="`sh $verscript $verfile --major`"
set LAM_MINOR_VERSION="`sh $verscript $verfile --minor`"
set LAM_RELEASE_VERSION="`sh $verscript $verfile --release`"
set LAM_ALPHA_VERSION="`sh $verscript $verfile --alpha`"
set LAM_BETA_VERSION="`sh $verscript $verfile --beta`"
if ("$distdir" == "") then
echo "Must supply relative distdir as argv[1] -- aborting"
exit 1
set start=`date`
cat <<EOF
Creating LAM/MPI distribution
In directory: `pwd`
Started: $start
umask 022
# VERY IMPORTANT: Now go into the new distribution tree #
cd $distdir
# Get the latest config.guess and config.sub from ftp.gnu.org
echo "*** Downloading latest config.sub/config.guess from ftp.gnu.org..."
cd config
set configdir="`pwd`"
mkdir tmp.$$
cd tmp.$$
wget -t 1 -T 10 ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/config/config.guess
wget -t 1 -T 10 ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/config/config.sub
# Recently, ftp.gnu.org has had zero-legnth config.guess / config.sub
# files, which causes the automated nightly SVN snapshot tarball to
# fail to be made correctly. This is a primitive attempt to fix that.
# If we got zero-length files from wget, use a config.guess /
# config.sub from a known location that is more recent than what ships
# in the current generation of auto* tools.
if (! -f config.guess || ! -s config.guess) then
echo " - WARNING: Got BAD config.guess from ftp.gnu.org"
echo " - WARNING: using included version"
cp config.guess ..
if (! -f config.sub || ! -s config.sub) then
echo " - WARNING: Got BAD config.sub from ftp.gnu.org"
echo " - WARNING: using known version"
cp config.sub ..
cd ..
rm -rf tmp.$$
# Find all the config.guess/config.sub files, and replace them with
# the ones that we've downloaded
echo "*** Replacing config.sub/config.guess with latest from ftp.gnu.org..."
foreach file (config.guess config.sub)
find src -name $file \
-exec chmod +w {} \; \
-exec cp -f $configdir/$file {} \; \
# Put in date/version number in man pages
# JMS don't have man pages yet -- this is a straight copy from LAM7
set ver="$LAM_VERSION"
#echo "*** Updating version date/number in man pages"
#rm -f manfiles
#find man -type f | grep -v Makefile > manfiles
#set date="`date '+%B, %Y'`"
#cp $srcdir/config/doctext.nroff.def .
#foreach file (`cat manfiles` doctext.nroff.def)
# sed -e "s/-RELEASEDATE-/$date/g" $file > foo
# sed -e "s/-RELEASEVERSION-/$ver/g" foo > bar
# rm -f $file # Needed 'cause automake makes hard links, not copies
# mv bar $file
# rm -f foo
#rm -f manfiles
# Make all the man pages -- doctext needs to be in your path
# JMS: Don't have man pages yet; need to do this at some point
# Now we need to list all these generated man pages in the Makefile.am
# and Makefile.in in man/man3. Ick!
# JMS: Will probably need to do this as well. Sigh.
#echo "*** Frobbing Makefile.am and Makefile.in..."
#cd ../../man/man3
#set files="`ls MPI_*3 MPIO_*3 XMPI_*3 MPIL_*3`"
# This is unfortunately necessary because $files is too long to do a
# single sed search/replace. Ugh.
# JMS: Will probably need to do this as well. Sigh.
#echo "*** Adding man files to Makefile.in..."
#foreach file ($files)
# set name_prefix="`echo $file | cut -c1-4`"
# if ("$name_prefix" == "MPI_") then
# set letter="`echo $file | cut -c5`"
# set div="`expr $letter \> F`"
# set line="generated_man_$div"
# else
# set line="generated_man_other"
# endif
# echo " - $file / $line"
# foreach fix (Makefile.am Makefile.in)
# sed -e "s/$line =/$line =$file /" $fix > $fix.new
# chmod +w $fix
# mv -f $fix.new $fix
# chmod -w $fix
# end
#cd ../..
# Put the release version number in the README and INSTALL files
set files="README INSTALL"
echo "*** Updating version number in $files..."
foreach file ($files)
echo " - Setting $file"
if (-f $file) then
sed -e "s/LAMVERSION/$ver/g" $file > bar
mv -f bar $file
# All done
cat <<EOF
*** LAM/MPI version $ver distribution created
Started: $start
Ended: `date`