unfortunately redefined some C library constants (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END). Scheesh -- who designed those bindings, anyway? Most <stdio.h>'s and <iostream>'s are sane enough that if those values are already #define'd, they won't redefine them. So various other MPI's out there have counseled that if you want to compile with the C++ MPI bindings, ensure to include "mpi.h" before <iostream> or <stdio.h> (in C++ source files). This commit was SVN r11511.
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana University Research and Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The files in this directory are sample MPI applications provided both as a trivial primer to MPI as well as simple tests to ensure that your Open MPI installation is working properly. If you are looking for a comprehensive MPI tutorial, these samples are not enough. An excellent MPI tutorial is available here: http://webct.ncsa.uiuc.edu:8900/public/MPI/ There are 2 MPI examples in this directory, each in four languages: - Hello world C: hello_c.c C++: hello_cxx.cc F77: hello_f77.f F90: hello_f90.f90 - Send a trivial message around in a ring C: ring_c.c C++: ring_cxx.cc F77: ring_f77.f F90: ring_f90.f90 The Makefile in this directory will build as many of the examples as you have language support (e.g., if you do not have F90 bindings compiled as part of Open MPI, the F90 examples will be skipped). The Makefile assumes that the wrapper compilers mpicc, mpic++, mpif77, and mpif90 are in your path. Although the Makefile is tailored for Open MPI (e.g., it checks the "ompi_info" command to see if you have support for C++, F77, and F90), all of the example programs are pure MPI, and therefore not specific to Open MPI. Hence, you can use a different MPI implementation to complie and run these programs if you wish. Make today an Open MPI day!