* fixup lookup of supported ops by name: in ompi 1.5.x the op string representation were changed from MPI_XXX to MPI_OP_XXX (relative to OMPI 1.4.x) * keep compat between diff versions of FCA * better error handling (return error if symbol not found) * register to opal_progress and call fca_progress API This commit was SVN r23597.
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Copyright (c) 2010 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved.
Additional copyrights may follow
#ifndef MCA_COLL_FCA_H
#define MCA_COLL_FCA_H
#include <fca_api.h>
#include "ompi_config.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "opal/mca/mca.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/coll.h"
#include "ompi/request/request.h"
#include "ompi/mca/pml/pml.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/base/coll_tags.h"
#include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h"
#include "ompi/op/op.h"
#include "coll_fca_debug.h"
#define FCA_DT_GET_TRUE_EXTENT ompi_datatype_get_true_extent
#define FCA_DT_IS_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY_LAYOUT ompi_datatype_is_contiguous_memory_layout
#define FCA_DT_GET_TRUE_EXTENT ompi_ddt_get_true_extent
#define FCA_DT_IS_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY_LAYOUT ompi_ddt_is_contiguous_memory_layout
* FCA library functions.
* Used to load the library dynamically.
struct mca_coll_fca_fca_ops_t {
/* FCA Context operations */
int (*init)(fca_init_spec_t *spec, fca_t **context);
void (*cleanup)(fca_t *context);
void (*progress)(fca_t *context);
/* Fabric communicator creation */
int (*comm_new)(fca_t *context, fca_comm_new_spec_t *spec, fca_comm_desc_t *comm_desc);
int (*comm_end)(fca_t *context, int comm_id);
void* (*get_rank_info)(fca_t *context, int *size);
void (*free_rank_info)(void *rank_info);
/* Local communicator creation */
int (*comm_init)(fca_t *context, int proc_idx, int num_procs, int comm_size,
fca_comm_desc_t *comm_desc, fca_comm_t** fca_comm);
void (*comm_destroy)(fca_comm_t *comm);
int (*comm_get_caps)(fca_comm_t *comm, fca_comm_caps_t *caps);
/* Collectives supported by FCA */
int (*do_reduce)(fca_comm_t *comm, fca_reduce_spec_t *spec);
int (*do_all_reduce)(fca_comm_t *comm, fca_reduce_spec_t *spec);
int (*do_bcast)(fca_comm_t *comm, fca_bcast_spec_t *spec);
int (*do_barrier)(fca_comm_t *comm);
/* Helper functions */
unsigned long (*get_version)(void);
int (*maddr_ib_pton)(const char *mlid_str, const char *mgid_str, fca_mcast_addr_t *dst);
int (*maddr_inet_pton)(int af, const char *src, fca_mcast_addr_t *dst);
fca_init_spec_t *(*parse_spec_file)(char* spec_ini_file);
void (*free_init_spec)(fca_init_spec_t *fca_init_spec);
int (*translate_mpi_op)(char *mpi_op);
int (*translate_mpi_dtype)(char *mpi_dtype);
int (*get_dtype_size)(int dtype);
const char* (*strerror)(int code);
typedef struct mca_coll_fca_fca_ops_t mca_coll_fca_fca_ops_t;
* FCA data type information
struct mca_coll_fca_dtype_info_t {
ompi_datatype_t *mpi_dtype;
size_t mpi_dtype_extent;
int fca_dtype; /* -1 if invalid */
size_t fca_dtype_extent;
typedef struct mca_coll_fca_dtype_info_t mca_coll_fca_dtype_info_t;
* FCA operator information
struct mca_coll_fca_op_info_t {
ompi_op_t *mpi_op;
int fca_op; /* -1 if invalid */
typedef struct mca_coll_fca_op_info_t mca_coll_fca_op_info_t;
#define FCA_MAX_OPS 32 /* Must be large enough to hold all FCA-supported operators */
* Globally exported structure
struct mca_coll_fca_component_t {
/** Base coll component */
mca_coll_base_component_2_0_0_t super;
/** MCA parameter: Priority of this component */
int fca_priority;
/** MCA parameter: Verbose level of this component */
int fca_verbose;
/** MCA parameter: Comm_mLid */
char *fca_comm_mlid;
/** MCA parameter: Comm_mGid */
char *fca_comm_mgid;
/** MCA parameter: FCA_Mlid */
char *fca_fmm_mlid;
/** MCA parameter: Path to fca spec file */
char* fca_spec_file;
/** MCA parameter: Path to libfca.so */
char* fca_lib_path;
/** MCA parameter: FCA device */
char* fca_dev;
/** MCA parameter: Enable FCA */
int fca_enable;
/** MCA parameter: FCA NP */
int fca_np;
/* FCA global stuff */
void *fca_lib_handle; /* FCA dynamic library */
mca_coll_fca_fca_ops_t fca_ops; /* FCA operations */
fca_t *fca_context; /* FCA context handle */
mca_coll_fca_dtype_info_t fca_dtypes[FCA_DT_MAX_PREDEFINED]; /* FCA dtype translation */
mca_coll_fca_op_info_t fca_reduce_ops[FCA_MAX_OPS]; /* FCA op translation */
typedef struct mca_coll_fca_component_t mca_coll_fca_component_t;
OMPI_MODULE_DECLSPEC extern mca_coll_fca_component_t mca_coll_fca_component;
* FCA enabled communicator
struct mca_coll_fca_module_t {
mca_coll_base_module_t super;
MPI_Comm comm;
int rank;
int local_proc_idx;
int num_local_procs;
int *local_ranks;
fca_comm_t *fca_comm;
fca_comm_desc_t fca_comm_desc;
fca_comm_caps_t fca_comm_caps;
/* Saved handlers - for fallback */
mca_coll_base_module_reduce_fn_t previous_reduce;
mca_coll_base_module_t *previous_reduce_module;
mca_coll_base_module_allreduce_fn_t previous_allreduce;
mca_coll_base_module_t *previous_allreduce_module;
mca_coll_base_module_bcast_fn_t previous_bcast;
mca_coll_base_module_t *previous_bcast_module;
mca_coll_base_module_barrier_fn_t previous_barrier;
mca_coll_base_module_t *previous_barrier_module;
typedef struct mca_coll_fca_module_t mca_coll_fca_module_t;
/* API functions */
int mca_coll_fca_init_query(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads);
mca_coll_base_module_t *mca_coll_fca_comm_query(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, int *priority);
/* Collective functions */
int mca_coll_fca_allreduce(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_fca_bcast(void *buff, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_fca_reduce(void *sbuf, void* rbuf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_fca_barrier(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);