side seems to be working. Now to hook up something on the server side... This commit was SVN r3589.
316 строки
8.5 KiB
Исполняемый файл
316 строки
8.5 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $base_url = "http://www.open-mpi.org/~jsquyres/openmpi";
my $platform_file = "platforms.php";
my $ptl_file = "ptls.php";
my $pcm_file = "pcms.php";
my $submit_uri = "submit.php";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new({ env_proxy => 1 });
$ua->agent("Open MPI test reporter/1.0");
sub download {
my ($url, $file) = @_;
# Delete previous and download the new
my $uri = "$url/$file";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success()) {
open(FILE, ">$file") ||
die("ERROR: Could not write to $file");
print FILE $res->content;
} else {
print "Error retrieving URL: $uri\n";
die $res->message;
# Find the fields and prompts in the config files
my @prompts;
my @fields;
open CONFIG, $file || die "Can't open $file";
my $i = 0;
while (<CONFIG>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /^#PROMPTS/) {
@prompts = split(/:/, substr($line, 9));
} elsif ($line =~ /^#FIELDS/) {
@fields = split(/:/, substr($line, 9));
if ($i >= 2);
close CONFIG;
die "Could not find list of prompts in file $file"
if ($#prompts < 0);
# Parse the rest of the config file into a hash
my $output;
open CONFIG, $file || die "Can't open downloaded $file";
while (<CONFIG>) {
my $line = $_;
if (length($line) > 0 &&
! ($line =~ /^[ \t]+$/) &&
! ($line =~ /^[ \t]*#/)) {
my @vals = split(/:/, $line);
# There are definitely better ways to do this, but I can't
# quite figure out the exact right syntax, so I'm just
# gonna punt for now. :-)
if ($#vals == 0) {
$output->{$vals[0]} = "";
} elsif ($#vals == 1) {
$output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]} = "";
} elsif ($#vals == 2) {
$output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]} = "";
} elsif ($#vals == 3) {
$output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]} = ""
} elsif ($#vals == 4) {
$output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]}->{$vals[4]} = "";
} elsif ($#vals == 5) {
$output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]}->{$vals[4]}->{$vals[5]} = "";
} elsif ($#vals == 6) {
$output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]}->{$vals[4]}->{$vals[5]}->{$vals[6]} = "";
} else {
die "Tell Jeff to fix the syntax parser ($#vals fields found)";
close CONFIG;
# Return it
(\@prompts, \@fields, $output);
# Descend through the hash until we have a unique configuration
sub do_menu {
my ($prompts, $options) = @_;
my $i;
my $level = $options;
my @config;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#$prompts; ++$i) {
while (1) {
my @keys = sort keys (%$level);
for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#keys; ++$j) {
printf("%d. %s\n", $j + 1, $keys[$j]);
print "\n$$prompts[$i] (1-" . ($#keys + 1) . "): ";
my $input = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
if ($input < 1 || $input > $#keys + 1) {
print "Please enter a valid selection\n";
push(@config, $keys[$input - 1]);
$level = $level->{$keys[$input - 1]};
# Return it
sub do_question {
my ($q, $default, $check_func) = @_;
my $input;
while (1) {
print "$q ";
$input = <STDIN>;
if (length($input) == 0) {
$input = $default;
if (&$check_func($input)) {
sub do_yn {
my ($q, $default) = @_;
my $input = do_question($q, $default,
sub { my ($line) = @_; lc($line) eq "y" || lc($line) eq "n"; });
sub do_int {
my ($q, $default) = @_;
do_question($q, $default,
sub { my ($line) = @_; $line >= 0; });
sub do_compile {
my $compile = do_yn("Did Open MPI compile successfully (Y/n)?", "y");
my $warnings = do_yn("Were there compiler warnings (Y/n)?", "y");
my $link = do_yn("Were you able to link MPI applications (Y/n)?", "y");
# Submit the results
sub do_mpi {
my $intel_passed = 0;
my $intel_failed = 0;
my $mpich_passed = 0;
my $mpich_failed = 0;
my $ibm_passed = 0;
my $ibm_failed = 0;
our $ptl_prompts;
our $ptls;
my $ptl = do_menu($ptl_prompts, $ptls);
$intel_passed = do_int("How many Intel tests PASSED? (0 = not run)", -1);
$intel_failed = do_int("How many Intel tests failed?", -1)
if ($intel_passed > 0);
$mpich_passed = do_int("How many MPICH tests PASSED? (0 = not run)", -1);
$mpich_failed = do_int("How many MPICH tests failed?", -1)
if ($mpich_passed > 0);
$ibm_passed = do_int("How many IBM tests PASSED? (0 = not run)", -1);
$ibm_failed = do_int("How many IBM tests failed?", -1)
if ($ibm_passed > 0);
# Submit the results
sub do_rte {
our $pcm_prompts;
our $pcms;
my $pcm = do_menu($pcm_prompts, $pcms);
my $hello = do_yn("Was MPI hello world run successfully (Y/n)", "y");
my $abort = do_yn("Was MPI abort world run successfully (Y/n)", "y");
my $spawn = do_yn("Was MPI spawn run successfully (Y/n)", "y");
# Submit the results
# Download the files
our ($platform_prompts, $platform_fields, $platforms) =
download($base_url, $platform_file);
our ($ptl_prompts, $ptl_fields, $ptls) = download($base_url, $ptl_file);
our ($pcm_prompts, $pcm_fields, $pcms) = download($base_url, $pcm_file);
# Traverse the platform choices
my $platform = do_menu($platform_prompts, $platforms);
# Common information for all test categories
my $svn_r = do_int("What is the SVN revision number you are testing?", "-1");
print "\n";
open HOST, "hostname|";
my $hostname = <HOST>;
my ($username) = getpwuid($<);
print "SVN revision: $svn_r
Hostname: $hostname
Username: $username
Configuration: " . join("/", @$platform) . "\n\n";
# Compile, PTL, or PCM?
my $type = {
"Compile" => "",
"MPI" => "",
"RTE" => "",
my $type_prompts = [
"What kind of test are you reporting?"
my $test = do_menu($type_prompts, $type);
# Process
my $result;
if ($$test[0] eq "Compile") {
$result = do_compile();
} elsif ($$test[0] eq "MPI") {
$result = do_mpi();
} elsif ($$test[0] eq "RTE") {
$result = do_rte();
} else {
die "Unknown test report type!";
$result .= "&svn=$svn_r";
$result .= "&hostname=$hostname";
$result .= "&username=$username";
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$platform_fields; ++$i) {
$result .= "&platform_" . $$platform_fields[$i] . "=" . $$platform[$i];
# Send back
my $url = "$base_url/$submit_uri?$result";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success()) {
# print "Response: " . $res->content . "\n";
print "Results submitted successfully. Thanks!\n";
} else {
die $res->message;
# All done