1545 строки
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1545 строки
44 KiB
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* File : mpi_Comm.c
* Headerfile : mpi_Comm.h
* Author : Sung-Hoon Ko, Xinying Li, Sang Lim, Bryan Carpenter
* Created : Thu Apr 9 12:22:15 1998
* Revision : $Revision: 1.17 $
* Updated : $Date: 2003/01/16 16:39:34 $
* Copyright: Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
* at Syracuse University 1998
#include "ompi_config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "mpi_Comm.h"
#include "mpiJava.h" /* must come AFTER the related .h so JNI is included */
/* `getBufPtr' is used in
Send, Recv ...
for getting pointer from `jobject buf'
void* ompi_java_getBufPtr(void** bufbase,
JNIEnv *env, jobject buf,
int baseType, int offset)
jboolean isCopy ;
void* bufptr = 0 ;
*bufbase = 0 ;
switch (baseType) {
case 0: /* NULL */
case 1: {
jbyte* els = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 2: {
jchar* els = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 3: {
jshort* els = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 4: {
jboolean* els = (*env)->GetBooleanArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 5: {
jint* els = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 6: {
jlong* els = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 7: {
jfloat* els = (*env)->GetFloatArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 8: {
jdouble* els = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 9: {
jbyte* els = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
case 10:
case 11:
case 12: {
jbyte* els = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
*bufbase = els ;
bufptr = els + offset ;
break; /* `UNDEFINED' */
return bufptr ;
/* `releaseBufPtr' is used in
Send, Recv ...
to release pointer obtained by `getBufPtr'.
void ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(JNIEnv *env, jobject buf,
void* bufbase, int baseType)
switch (baseType) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
/* `getBufCritical' is used in
getMPIBuf, releaseMPIBuf...
for getting pointer from `jobject buf'
static void* getBufCritical(void** bufbase,
JNIEnv *env, jobject buf,
int baseType, int offset)
jboolean isCopy ;
void* bufptr = NULL;
*bufbase = (jbyte*) (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env,buf,&isCopy) ;
switch (baseType) {
case 0:
case 1: {
bufptr = ((jbyte*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 2: {
bufptr = ((jchar*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 3: {
bufptr = ((jshort*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 4: {
bufptr = ((jboolean*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 5: {
bufptr = ((jint*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 6: {
bufptr = ((jlong*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 7: {
bufptr = ((jfloat*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 8: {
bufptr = ((jdouble*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 9: {
bufptr = ((jbyte*) *bufbase) + offset ;
case 10:
case 11:
case 12: {
bufptr = ((jbyte*) *bufbase) + offset ;
return bufptr ;
extern MPI_Datatype Dts[] ;
extern int* dt_sizes ;
* If the VM doesn't support pinning of arrays by
* native methods, we allocate a private buffer "by hand", and copy
* just the required data to that buffer.
* This avoids having the VM copy the whole of the Java array, when
* a message may only be a small portion of that array. It also
* avoids potentially erroneous behaviour when we have overlapping
* operations on disjoint segments of the same Java array.
* `getMPIBuf' uses `Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical' to access the
* Java array, hopefully without copying, and `MPI_Pack' to copy just
* the required segment.
* (Note packed messages are sent and received using `MPI_BYTE',
* not `MPI_PACKED'. In some ways `MPI_PACKED' would be more natural
* and flexible, but the specification of how it works is pretty
* vague, and the reference implementation seems inconsistent,
* and after spending too long trying to make it work I gave up... dbc)
void* ompi_java_getMPIBuf(int* bsize, JNIEnv *env, jobject buf, int offset,
int count, MPI_Datatype type, MPI_Comm comm,
int baseType)
int dt_size ;
void *bufptr, *javaptr, *bufbase ;
int pos ;
MPI_Pack_size(count, type, comm, bsize) ;
*bsize += sizeof(int) ;
bufptr = malloc(*bsize) ;
MPI_Type_size(type, &dt_size) ;
((int*) bufptr) [0] = count * dt_size ;
/* Append "elements" count to start of buffer.
* (In practise this is a count of actual number of data bytes,
* excluding packing overheads.)
pos = sizeof(int) ;
javaptr = getBufCritical(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset);
if (count != 0 && *bsize != pos) /* LAM doesn't like count = 0 */
MPI_Pack(javaptr, count, type, bufptr, *bsize, &pos, comm) ;
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buf, bufbase, 0);
return bufptr ;
* `releaseMPIBuf' uses `Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical' to access the
* Java array, hopefully without copying, and `MPI_Unpack' to write just
* the necessary segment.
void ompi_java_releaseMPIBuf(JNIEnv *env, jobject buf, int offset,
int count, MPI_Datatype type, MPI_Comm comm,
void* bufptr, int bsize, int baseType)
void *bufbase ;
int pos = sizeof(int) ;
void *javaptr = getBufCritical(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset);
MPI_Unpack(bufptr, bsize, &pos, javaptr, count, type, comm) ;
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buf, bufbase, 0);
free(bufptr) ;
* Optimization of `getMPIBuf' for the case of receive buffers, where
* we don't need to copy the original value.
void* ompi_java_getMPIWriteBuf(int* bsize, int count,
MPI_Datatype type, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_Pack_size(count, type, comm, bsize) ;
*bsize += sizeof(int) ;
return malloc(*bsize) ;
* `releaseMPIRecvBuf' is a variant of `releaseMPIBuf' that retrieves
* the number of elements to be copied back from an `MPI_Status' object.
void ompi_java_releaseMPIRecvBuf(int* elements, JNIEnv *env, jobject buf, int offset,
int count, MPI_Datatype type, MPI_Comm comm,
void* bufptr, MPI_Status* status,
int baseType)
void *bufbase, *javaptr ;
int bsize ;
int pos ;
MPI_Get_count(status, MPI_BYTE, &bsize) ;
*elements = ((int*) bufptr) [0] ;
pos = sizeof(int) ;
javaptr = getBufCritical(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset);
MPI_Unpack(bufptr, bsize, &pos, javaptr, count, type, comm) ;
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buf, bufbase, 0);
* See thread "mpiJava on Sun HPC", Sep 2002, on java-mpi mailing list.
* MPICH and LAM allow short buffers. Sun HPC and SP2 don't.
* As discussed on the mailing list, this solution will fail for
* some (hopefully unusual) cases, but it is the best we can do for now.
int tsize ;
MPI_Type_size(type, &tsize) ;
MPI_Get_count(status, MPI_BYTE, &bsize) ;
*elements = ((int*) bufptr) [0] ;
pos = sizeof(int) ;
javaptr = getBufCritical(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset);
MPI_Unpack(bufptr, bsize, &pos, javaptr, *elements / tsize, type, comm) ;
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buf, bufbase, 0);
free(bufptr) ;
* Optimization of `releaseMPIBuf' for the case of send buffers, where
* we don't need to write back modified data.
void ompi_java_releaseMPIReadBuf(void* bufptr)
free(bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: init
* Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_init(JNIEnv *env, jclass thisClass)
jfieldID nullHandleID =
ompi_java.CommhandleID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env,thisClass,"handle","J");
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: GetComm
* Signature: (I)J
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_GetComm(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint type)
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
switch (type) {
case 0:
(*env)->SetLongField(env,jthis, ompi_java.CommhandleID,(jlong)MPI_COMM_NULL);
case 1:
(*env)->SetLongField(env,jthis, ompi_java.CommhandleID,(jlong)MPI_COMM_SELF);
case 2:
(*env)->SetLongField(env,jthis, ompi_java.CommhandleID,(jlong)MPI_COMM_WORLD);
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Size
* Signature: ()I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Size(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
int size;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return size;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Rank
* Signature: ()I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Rank(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
int rank;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return rank;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Dup
* Signature: ()Lmpi/Comm;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_dup(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
MPI_Comm newcomm;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return (jlong)newcomm;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Compare
* Signature: (Lmpi/Comm;Lmpi/Comm;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Compare(JNIEnv *env, jclass jthis,
jobject comm1, jobject comm2)
int result;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return result;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Free
* Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Free(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
MPI_Comm comm=(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID));
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env,jthis, ompi_java.CommhandleID, (jlong)MPI_COMM_NULL);
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Is_null
* Signature: ()Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Is_1null(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
MPI_Comm comm;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
return JNI_TRUE;
} else {
return JNI_FALSE;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: group
* Signature: ()J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_group(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
MPI_Group group;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return (jlong)group;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Test_inter
* Signature: ()Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Test_1inter(JNIEnv *env,
jobject jthis)
int flag;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
if (flag == 0) {
return JNI_FALSE;
} else {
return JNI_TRUE;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: GetIntercomm
* Signature: (Lmpi/Comm;III)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_GetIntercomm(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject local_comm, jint local_leader,
jint remote_leader, jint tag)
MPI_Comm newintercomm;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
(*env)->GetLongField(env,local_comm, ompi_java.CommhandleID),
remote_leader, tag, &newintercomm);
return (jlong)newintercomm;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: send
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;II)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_send(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count,
jobject type, jint dest, jint tag)
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Send(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, buf, bufbase, baseType) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Send(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseMPIReadBuf(bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Recv
* Signature:
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Recv(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint source, jint tag, jobject stat)
MPI_Status *status =
(MPI_Status *)((*env)->GetLongField(env,stat,ompi_java.stathandleID));
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Recv(bufptr, count, mpi_type, source, tag, mpi_comm, status);
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, buf, bufbase, baseType) ;
int size, elements ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIWriteBuf(&size, count, mpi_type, mpi_comm) ;
MPI_Recv(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, source, tag, mpi_comm, status);
ompi_java_releaseMPIRecvBuf(&elements, env, buf, offset, count, mpi_type,
mpi_comm, bufptr, status, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.elementsID, elements);
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.sourceID, status->MPI_SOURCE);
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.tagID, status->MPI_TAG);
return stat;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Sendrecv
* Signature:
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Sendrecv(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject sbuf, jint soffset, jint scount,
jobject stype, jint dest, jint stag,
jobject rbuf, jint roffset, jint rcount,
jobject rtype, jint source, jint rtag, jobject stat)
MPI_Status *status =
(MPI_Status *)((*env)->GetLongField(env,stat,ompi_java.stathandleID));
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_stype =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,stype,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_rtype =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,rtype,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int sbaseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, stype, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
int rbaseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, rtype, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *sbufptr, *rbufptr ;
void *sbufbase, *rbufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
rbufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&rbufbase, env, rbuf, rbaseType, roffset) ;
sbufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&sbufbase, env, sbuf, sbaseType, soffset) ;
MPI_Sendrecv(sbufptr, scount, mpi_stype, dest, stag,
rbufptr, rcount, mpi_rtype, source, rtag,
mpi_comm, status);
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, sbuf, sbufbase, sbaseType) ;
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, rbuf, rbufbase, rbaseType) ;
/* Important to release receive buffer after send buffer,
in case actually the GC is not supporting pinning.
If order was reversed and buffers were part of *same*
Java array, copy-back of send buffer would overwrite
modifications made copying back the receive buffer! */
int rsize, ssize, elements ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
rbufptr = ompi_java_getMPIWriteBuf(&rsize, rcount, mpi_rtype, mpi_comm) ;
sbufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&ssize, env, sbuf, soffset,
scount, mpi_stype, mpi_comm, sbaseType) ;
MPI_Sendrecv(sbufptr, ssize, MPI_BYTE, dest, stag,
rbufptr, rsize, MPI_BYTE, source, rtag,
mpi_comm, status);
ompi_java_releaseMPIReadBuf(sbufptr) ;
ompi_java_releaseMPIRecvBuf(&elements, env, rbuf, roffset, rcount, mpi_rtype,
mpi_comm, rbufptr, status, rbaseType) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.elementsID, elements);
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.sourceID, status->MPI_SOURCE);
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.tagID, status->MPI_TAG);
return stat;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Sendrecv_replace
* Signature:
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Sendrecv_1replace(JNIEnv *env,
jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint stag, jint source, jint rtag, jobject stat)
MPI_Status *status =
(MPI_Status *)((*env)->GetLongField(env,stat,ompi_java.stathandleID));
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Sendrecv_replace(bufptr, count, mpi_type,
dest, stag, source, rtag, mpi_comm, status);
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, buf, bufbase, baseType) ;
int size, elements ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Sendrecv_replace(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE,
dest, stag, source, rtag, mpi_comm, status);
ompi_java_releaseMPIRecvBuf(&elements, env, buf, offset, count, mpi_type,
mpi_comm, bufptr, status, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.elementsID, elements);
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.sourceID, status->MPI_SOURCE);
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.tagID, status->MPI_TAG);
return stat;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: bsend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;II)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_bsend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag)
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Bsend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, buf, bufbase, baseType) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Bsend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseMPIReadBuf(bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: ssend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;II)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_ssend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag)
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Ssend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, buf, bufbase, baseType) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Ssend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseMPIReadBuf(bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: rsend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;II)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_rsend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag)
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Rsend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, buf, bufbase, baseType) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Rsend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm) ;
ompi_java_releaseMPIReadBuf(bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Isend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;IILmpi/Request;)Lmpi/Request;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Isend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag, jobject req)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Isend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm, &request);
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, req, ompi_java.bufSaveID, buf) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.baseTypeSaveID, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufbaseSaveID, (jlong) bufbase) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Isend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm,
&request) ;
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufptrSaveID, (jlong) bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
return req;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Ibsend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;IILmpi/Request;)Lmpi/Request;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Ibsend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag, jobject req)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Ibsend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm, &request);
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, req, ompi_java.bufSaveID, buf) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.baseTypeSaveID, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufbaseSaveID, (jlong) bufbase) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Ibsend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm,
&request) ;
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufptrSaveID, (jlong) bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
return req;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Issend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;IILmpi/Request;)Lmpi/Request;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Issend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag, jobject req)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Issend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm, &request);
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, req, ompi_java.bufSaveID, buf) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.baseTypeSaveID, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufbaseSaveID, (jlong) bufbase) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Issend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm,
&request) ;
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufptrSaveID, (jlong) bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
return req;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Irsend
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;IILmpi/Request;)Lmpi/Request;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Irsend(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint dest, jint tag, jobject req)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Irsend(bufptr, count, mpi_type, dest, tag, mpi_comm, &request);
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, req, ompi_java.bufSaveID, buf) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.baseTypeSaveID, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufbaseSaveID, (jlong) bufbase) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIBuf(&size, env, buf, offset,
count, mpi_type, mpi_comm, baseType) ;
MPI_Irsend(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, mpi_comm,
&request) ;
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 0) ; /* Request.OP_SEND */
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufptrSaveID, (jlong) bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
return req;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Irecv
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;IILmpi/Status;)Lmpi/Status;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Irecv(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject buf, jint offset, jint count, jobject type,
jint source, jint tag, jobject req)
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm =
(MPI_Comm)((*env)->GetLongField(env,jthis,ompi_java.CommhandleID)) ;
MPI_Datatype mpi_type =
(MPI_Datatype)((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)) ;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void *bufptr ;
void *bufbase ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&bufbase, env, buf, baseType, offset) ;
MPI_Irecv(bufptr, count, mpi_type, source, tag, mpi_comm, &request);
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 1) ; /* Request.OP_RECV ; */
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, req, ompi_java.bufSaveID, buf) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.baseTypeSaveID, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufbaseSaveID, (jlong) bufbase) ;
int size ;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
bufptr = ompi_java_getMPIWriteBuf(&size, count, mpi_type, mpi_comm) ;
MPI_Irecv(bufptr, size, MPI_BYTE, source, tag, mpi_comm,
&request) ;
/* Cache information needed to release the buffer */
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.opTagID, 1) ; /* Request.OP_RECV ; */
(*env)->SetObjectField(env, req, ompi_java.bufSaveID, buf) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.baseTypeSaveID, baseType) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.offsetSaveID, offset) ;
(*env)->SetIntField(env, req, ompi_java.countSaveID, count) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.typeSaveID, (jlong) mpi_type) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.commSaveID, (jlong) mpi_comm) ;
(*env)->SetLongField(env, req, ompi_java.bufptrSaveID, (jlong) bufptr) ;
#endif /* GC_DOES_PINNING */
return req;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: pack
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;[BI)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_pack(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jobject inbuf, jint offset, jint incount, jobject type,
jbyteArray outbuf, jint position)
jboolean isCopy=JNI_TRUE;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
jbyte* obufptr=(*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env,outbuf,&isCopy);
int outsize=(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,outbuf);
void *ibufbase ;
void *ibufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&ibufbase, env, inbuf, baseType, offset);
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
if(incount != 0 && outsize != (int) position)
/* LAM doesn't like count = 0 */
MPI_Pack(ibufptr, incount,
obufptr, outsize, (int*)&position,
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, inbuf, ibufbase, baseType);
return position;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: unpack
* Signature: ([BILjava/lang/Object;IILmpi/Datatype;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_unpack(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jbyteArray inbuf, jint position, jobject outbuf, jint offset,
jint outcount, jobject type)
jboolean isCopy=JNI_TRUE;
int baseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, type, ompi_java.DatatypebaseTypeID) ;
void* ibufptr=(*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env,inbuf,&isCopy);
int insize=(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,inbuf);
void *obufbase ;
void *obufptr = ompi_java_getBufPtr(&obufbase, env, outbuf, baseType, offset);
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
insize, (int*)&position,
obufptr, outcount,
ompi_java_releaseBufPtr(env, outbuf, obufbase, baseType);
return position;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Pack_size
* Signature: (ILmpi/Datatype;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Pack_1size(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint incount, jobject type)
int size;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
(MPI_Datatype) ((*env)->GetLongField(env,type,ompi_java.DatatypehandleID)),
return size;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Iprobe
* Signature: (II)Lmpi/Status;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Iprobe(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint source, jint tag, jobject stat)
int flag;
MPI_Status *status =
(MPI_Status *)((*env)->GetLongField(env,stat,ompi_java.stathandleID));
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
MPI_Iprobe(source, tag,
&flag, status);
if(flag != 0) {
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.sourceID, status->MPI_SOURCE);
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.tagID, status->MPI_TAG);
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.elementsID, -1);
return stat;
return NULL;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Probe
* Signature: (II)Lmpi/Status;
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Probe(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint source, jint tag,jobject stat)
MPI_Status *status =
(MPI_Status *)((*env)->GetLongField(env,stat,ompi_java.stathandleID));
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
MPI_Probe(source, tag,
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.sourceID, status->MPI_SOURCE);
(*env)->SetIntField(env,stat, ompi_java.tagID, status->MPI_TAG);
(*env)->SetIntField(env, stat, ompi_java.elementsID, -1);
return stat;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Errhandler_set
* Signature: (Lmpi/Errhandler;)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Errhandler_1set(JNIEnv *env,
jobject jthis, jobject errhandler)
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: errorhandler_get
* Signature: ()J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_errorhandler_1get(JNIEnv *env,
jobject jthis)
MPI_Errhandler errhandler;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return (jlong)errhandler;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Abort
* Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Abort(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint errorcode)
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Topo_test
* Signature: ()I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Topo_1test(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis)
int status;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
return status;
!! Attr_put and Attr_get are dealing with int attribute_val only now.
xli 3/26/98
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Attr_put
* Signature: (II)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Attr_1put(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint keyval, jint attribute_val)
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
keyval, &attribute_val);
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Attr_get
* Signature: (I)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Attr_1get(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint keyval)
int *attribute_val;
int flag;
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
keyval, &attribute_val, &flag);
if (flag != 0)
return *attribute_val;
/* if we don't find anything, we still have to return something,
* so return zero for now
return 0;
* Class: mpi_Comm
* Method: Attr_delete
* Signature: (I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_mpi_Comm_Attr_1delete(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis,
jint keyval)
ompi_java_clearFreeList(env) ;
* Things to do:
* Handle exceptions!!