2013-07-08 22:07:52 +00:00

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* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
#include "ompi_config.h"
#include "ompi/mca/bcol/bcol.h"
#define COLL_ML_FN_NAME_LEN 256
/* utility information used to coordinate activities, such as resource
* management between different functions in the hierarchy
struct mca_coll_ml_utility_data_t {
/* RLG - temp fix !!!! - really need to remove this, but right now
do not want to change the signature of the collective primitives to
use coll_ml_utility_data_t rather than coll_ml_function_t */
int dummy;
/* module */
struct mca_bcol_base_module_t *bcol_module;
/* */
int index_in_consecutive_same_bcol_calls;
/* number of times functions from this bcol are called in order */
int n_of_this_type_in_a_row;
/* number of times functions from this module are called
* in the collective operation. */
int n_of_this_type_in_collective;
int index_of_this_type_in_collective;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_utility_data_t mca_coll_ml_utility_data_t;
/* forward declaration */
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t;
struct mca_coll_ml_task_status_t;
typedef int (* mca_coll_ml_process_op_fn_t)
(struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op);
typedef int (* mca_coll_ml_task_comp_fn_t)
(struct mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *coll_op);
typedef int (* mca_coll_ml_fragment_launch_fn_t)
( struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op);
typedef int (* mca_coll_ml_sequential_task_setup_fn_t)
( struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op);
/* This data structure defines the dependencies for a given
* compound operation. We will use this as a basis for implementing
* collective operations.
struct mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t {
/* label */
char fn_name[COLL_ML_FN_NAME_LEN];
/* hierarchy level that is used for this bcol */
int h_level;
/* the list of functions that make up this task */
/* coll_bcol_collective_description_t *bcol_function; */
mca_bcol_base_coll_fn_desc_t *bcol_function;
/* task completion function for this compound function */
mca_coll_ml_task_comp_fn_t task_comp_fn;
/* module specific information that is a constant on a per group
* basis
mca_coll_ml_utility_data_t constant_group_data;
/* number of dependencies to be satified before these function can be
* started */
int num_dependencies;
* number of notifications to perform on completion. The assumption
* is that a counter will be incremented.
int num_dependent_tasks;
* pointers to counters that need be updated. This assumes
* an array of tasks is used to describe the ML level
* collective operation, with these indecies referencing elements
* in this array.
int *dependent_task_indecies;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t;
/* Forward declaration for operation_description_t */
struct mca_coll_ml_module_t;
enum {
enum {
typedef void (*mca_coll_ml_task_setup_fn_t) (struct mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *task_status, int index, struct mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t *func);
* Collective operation definition
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t {
* Type of collective opeartion - there are two types:
* 1) sequential progress through the collectives is sufficient
* 2) general treatment, popping tasks onto execution queus is needed.
int progress_type;
struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t *topo_info;
* number of functions in collective operation
int n_fns;
* list of functions
mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t *component_functions;
* array of lists of functions
mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t **comp_fn_arr;
* indices into the list - fixes a sequential schedule
int *sch_idx;
* Task setup functions, so far we have only 3 - root and non-root
mca_coll_ml_task_setup_fn_t task_setup_fn[COLL_ML_MAX_TASK_FN];
/* number of functions are called for bcols need ordering */
int n_fns_need_ordering;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t
/* Data structure used to track the state of individual bcol
* functions. This is used to track dependencies and completion
* to progress the ML level function correctly.
* mca_coll_ml_task_status_t will be associated with an
* mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t structure for
* the duration of the lifetime of a communicator.
* An array of task statuses will be stored with
* the mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t data structure, so
* that the taks status elements do not need to be moved back to
* a free list before they are re-used. When the ML level function
* is complete, all mca_coll_ml_task_status_t are available for
* re-use.
struct mca_coll_ml_task_status_t{
/* need to move this between lists to progress this correctly */
opal_list_item_t item;
/* number of dependencies satisfied */
int n_dep_satisfied;
/* ***************************************************************
* Pasha:
* I'm adding to the status: num_dependencies, num_dependent_tasks and
* dependent_task_indecies. The information originally resided on mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t.
* For collective operation with static nature it is not problem.
* But for Bcast operation, where run time parameters, like root, actually
* define the dependency. rt prefix mean run-time.
/* number of dependencies to be satisfied before these function can be
* started */
int rt_num_dependencies;
* number of notifications to perform on completion. The assumption
* is that a counter will be incremented.
int rt_num_dependent_tasks;
* pointers to counters that need be updated. This assumes
* an array of tasks is used to describe the ML level
* collective operation, with these indecies referencing elements
* in this array.
int *rt_dependent_task_indecies;
* ***************************************************************/
/* index in collective schedule */
int my_index_in_coll_schedule;
/* function pointers */
mca_bcol_base_coll_fn_desc_t *bcol_fn;
/* association with a specific collective task - the ML
* mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t stores the
* specific function parameters */
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *ml_coll_operation;
mca_coll_ml_task_comp_fn_t task_comp_fn;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_task_status_t mca_coll_ml_task_status_t;
typedef enum mca_coll_ml_pending_type_t {
} mca_coll_ml_pending_type_t;
/* Forward declaration */
struct ml_payload_buffer_desc_t;
/* Data structure used to track ML level collective operation
* progress.
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t {
/* need this to put on a list properly */
/* Full message information */
struct full_message_t {
/* make this a list item */
ompi_request_t super;
/* Next expected fragment.
* It used for controling order of converter unpack operation */
size_t next_expected_index;
/* Pointer to last intilized fragment.
* It used for controling order of converter unpack operation */
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *last_started_frag;
/* destination data address in user memory */
void *dest_user_addr;
/* source data address in user memory */
void *src_user_addr;
/* total message size */
size_t n_bytes_total;
/* per-process total message size - relevant for operations
* such as gather and scatter, where each rank has it's
* own unique data
size_t n_bytes_per_proc_total;
size_t max_n_bytes_per_proc_total;
/* data processes - from a local perspective */
size_t n_bytes_delivered;
/* current offset - where to continue with next fragment */
size_t n_bytes_scheduled;
/* number of fragments needed to process this message */
size_t n_fragments;
/* number of active frags */
int n_active;
/* actual pipeline depth */
int pipeline_depth;
/* am I the real root of the collective ? */
bool root;
/* collective fragment launcher */
mca_coll_ml_fragment_launch_fn_t fragment_launcher;
/* is data contingous */
bool send_data_continguous;
bool recv_data_continguous;
/* data type count */
int64_t send_count;
int64_t recv_count;
/* extent of the data types */
int32_t send_extent;
int32_t recv_extent;
/* send data type */
struct ompi_datatype_t * send_data_type;
/* needed for non-contigous buffers */
size_t offset_into_send_buffer;
/* receive data type */
struct ompi_datatype_t * recv_data_type;
/* needed for non-contigous buffers */
size_t offset_into_recv_buffer;
/* Convertors for non contigous data */
opal_convertor_t send_convertor;
opal_convertor_t recv_convertor;
/* Will be used by receiver for #bytes calc in the next frag */
opal_convertor_t dummy_convertor;
size_t dummy_conv_position;
/* Size of packed data */
size_t send_converter_bytes_packed;
size_t recv_converter_bytes_packed;
/* In case if ordering is needed: order num for next frag */
int next_frag_num;
/* The variable is used by non-blocking memory synchronization code
* for caching bank index */
int bank_index_to_recycle;
} full_message;
/* collective operation being progressed */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *coll_schedule;
/* */
mca_coll_ml_process_op_fn_t process_fn;
mca_coll_base_module_t *coll_module;
/* If not null , we have to release next fragment */
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *next_to_process_frag;
/* pointer to previous fragment */
struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *prev_frag;
/* This flag marks that the fragment is pending on the waiting
* to be processed prior to recycling
enum mca_coll_ml_pending_type_t pending;
/* Fragment data */
struct fragment_data_t {
/* current buffer pointer - offset (in bytes) into the user data */
size_t offset_into_user_buffer;
size_t offset_into_user_buffer_per_proc;
/* amount of data (in bytes) in this fragment - amount of data
* actually processed */
size_t fragment_size;
size_t per_rank_fragment_size;
size_t data_type_count_per_frag;
/* pointer to full message progress data */
struct full_message_t *message_descriptor;
/* ML buffer descriptor attached to this buffer */
struct ml_payload_buffer_desc_t *buffer_desc;
/* Which collective algorithm */
int current_coll_op;
} fragment_data;
/* specific function parameters */
/* the assumption is that the variable parameters passed into
* the ML level function will persist until the collective operation
* is complete. For a blocking function this is until the collective
* function is exited, and for nonblocking collective functions this
* is until test or wait completes the collective.
bcol_function_args_t variable_fn_params;
/* current active function - for sequential algorithms */
int current_active_bcol_fn;
/* current function status - not started, or in progress.
* When the routine has completed, the active bcol index is
* incremented, so no need to keep track of a completed
* status.
int current_bcol_status;
/* use this call back to setup algorithm specific info
after each level necessary
mca_coll_ml_sequential_task_setup_fn_t seq_task_setup;
} sequential_routine;
* BCOL function status - individual elements will be posted to
* ml level component queues, as appropriate.
mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *status_array;
/* number of completed tasks - need this for collective completion.
* Resource completion is tracked by each BCOL module .
int num_tasks_completed;
} dag_description;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t
#define OP_ML_MODULE(op) ((mca_coll_ml_module_t *)((op)->coll_module))
#define GET_COMM(op) ((OP_ML_MODULE(op))->comm)
#define IS_COLL_SYNCMEM(op) (ML_MEMSYNC == op->fragment_data.current_coll_op)
#define CHECK_AND_RECYCLE(op) \
do { \
if (0 == (op)->pending) { \
/* Caching 2 values that we can't to touch on op after returing it */ \
/* back to the free list (free list may release memory on distruct )*/ \
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm = GET_COMM(op); \
bool is_coll_sync = IS_COLL_SYNCMEM(op); \
assert(&coll_op->full_message != \
coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor); \
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Releasing %p", op)); \
OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN_MT(&(((mca_coll_ml_module_t *)(op)->coll_module)-> \
coll_ml_collective_descriptors), \
(ompi_free_list_item_t *)op); \
/* Special check for memory synchronization completion */ \
/* We have to return it first to free list, since the communicator */ \
/* release potentially may trigger ML module distraction and having */ \
/* the element not on the list may cause memory leak. */ \
if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(is_coll_sync)) { \
OBJ_RELEASE(comm); \
/* After this point it is UNSAFE to touch ml module */ \
/* or communicator */ \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#define MCA_COLL_ML_SET_ORDER_INFO(coll_progress, num_frags) \
do { \
mca_coll_ml_topology_t *topo = (coll_progress)->coll_schedule->topo_info; \
bcol_function_args_t *variable_params = &(coll_progress)->variable_fn_params; \
if (topo->topo_ordering_info.num_bcols_need_ordering > 0) { \
variable_params->order_info.bcols_started = 0; \
variable_params->order_info.order_num = \
topo->topo_ordering_info.next_order_num; \
variable_params->order_info.n_fns_need_ordering = \
(coll_progress)->coll_schedule->n_fns_need_ordering; \
topo->topo_ordering_info.next_order_num += num_frags; \
(coll_progress)->fragment_data.message_descriptor->next_frag_num = \
variable_params->order_info.order_num + 1; \
} \
} while (0)
#define MCA_COLL_ML_SET_NEW_FRAG_ORDER_INFO(coll_progress) \
do { \
mca_coll_ml_topology_t *topo = (coll_progress)->coll_schedule->topo_info; \
if (topo->topo_ordering_info.num_bcols_need_ordering > 0) { \
bcol_function_args_t *variable_params = &(coll_progress)->variable_fn_params; \
struct fragment_data_t *frag_data = &(coll_progress)->fragment_data; \
variable_params->order_info.bcols_started = 0; \
variable_params->order_info.order_num = frag_data->message_descriptor->next_frag_num; \
variable_params->order_info.n_fns_need_ordering = \
(coll_progress)->coll_schedule->n_fns_need_ordering; \
frag_data->message_descriptor->next_frag_num++; \
} \
} while (0)
do { \
int i; \
(schedule)->n_fns_need_ordering = 0; \
for (i = 0; i < (schedule)->n_fns; ++i) { \
mca_bcol_base_module_t *current_bcol = \
(schedule)->component_functions[i].constant_group_data.bcol_module; \
if (current_bcol->bcol_component->need_ordering) { \
(schedule)->n_fns_need_ordering++; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#endif /* MCA_COLL_ML_COLLS_H */