This script can be run from any sub-tree in the OMPI code base. It does several things: * Find all help-*txt files and index all the topics found in the sub-tree. * Find all C/C++ source files (.c, .cc, .h) in the sub-tree, and look for various flavors of the opal_show_help() function (e.g., including orte_show_help()) and search for hard-coded filenames and topics. * Also look for special tokens (in comments) in the source code for help topics that are not necessarily hard-coded (e.g., topics that are snprintf'ed). * For each filename/topic found, output a warning if a) the file does not exist, or b) that the topic does not exist in that file. * Output a warning for any topic that is not referenced in the source code (i.e., orphaned/now-unused help messages). * Output a warning for any help file that appears to be empty. * Output a warning for any help file that appears to be unused (i.e., no topics in the help file are referenced in code). This commit was SVN r31311.
293 строки
7.4 KiB
293 строки
7.4 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Simple script to check all the opal_show_help (and orte_show_help)
# strings against what is found in help files.
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
my $num_warnings = 0;
my $num_errors = 0;
my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $HELP = 0;
"help" => \$HELP,
"verbose" => \$VERBOSE,
) or die "unable to parse options, aborted";
if ($HELP) {
print <<EOF;
%0 [options]
--help | -h This help message
--verbose | -v Be verbose in output
sub verbose {
print @_
if ($VERBOSE);
sub DebugDump {
my $d = new Data::Dumper([@_]);
my $s = $d->Dump;
print $s;
# Find the top-level OMPI source tree dir
my $start = cwd();
my $top = $start;
while (! -f "$top/Makefile.ompi-rules") {
$top = cwd();
die "Can't find top-level Open MPI directory"
if ($top eq "/");
my @source_files;
my @help_files;
# Helper: Search for all source and help files
sub match_files {
# Don't process sym links
if (-l $_);
# Don't recurse down "special" directories
if (-d $_ &&
((/^\.deps$/) || (/^\.libs$/) ||
(/^\.svn$/) || (/^\.hg$/) || (/^\.git$/))) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
# $File::Find::name is the path relative to the starting point.
# $_ contains the file's basename. The code automatically changes
# to the processed directory, so we want to open / close $_.
verbose("--> $File::Find::name\n");
my $relative = $File::Find::name;
$relative =~ s/^$top//;
$relative =~ s/^\///;
my $short = $_;
if ($short =~ /^help-.*\.txt$/) {
push(@help_files, {
full => $File::Find::name,
short => $short,
relative => $relative,
verbose(" Found help file: $short\n");
if ($short =~ /\.c$/ ||
$short =~ /\.h$/ ||
$short =~ /\.cc$/) {
push(@source_files, {
full => $File::Find::name,
short => $short,
relative => $relative,
verbose(" Found source file: $short\n");
# Find all source and help files
print "Searching for source and help files...\n";
print "Starting in: $start\n";
find(\&match_files, ".");
# Index all help files
my $help_topics;
my $help_file_refs;
print "Indexing help files...\n";
foreach my $info (@help_files) {
verbose("Indexing help: $info->{full}\n");
# Check for short name collision
if (exists($help_topics->{$info->{short}})) {
# Found a collision! Find the original's full name.
my $collide_relative = "unknown";
foreach my $i (@help_files) {
if ($i->{short} eq $info->{short}) {
$collide_relative = $i->{relative};
# Print error message
print "*** ERROR: Help file name collision:
File 1: $info->{relative}
File 2: $collide_relative\n";
# Read in file, find all of its topics
my $num_topics = 0;
open(FH, $info->{full}) || die "Can't open $info->{full}";
while (<FH>) {
if (m/^\s*\[(.+?)\]\s*$/) {
my $topic = $1;
verbose(" Topic: $topic\n");
$help_topics->{$info->{short}}->{$topic} = 0;
if (0 == $num_topics) {
print "*** WARNING: Empty help file (no topics)
Help file: $info->{short}\n";
# Search source files for calls to opal_show_help and (o)rte_show_help
print "Searching source files...\n";
# Helper: for a given filename/topic, see if it exists
sub check_file_topic {
my $info = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $topic = shift;
verbose("Found $info->{short}: $file / $topic\n");
# Do we have a help file for this?
if (!exists($help_topics->{$file})) {
print "*** ERROR: Source-referenced help file does not exist
Source file: $info->{relative}
Help file referenced: $file\n";
# Do we have a topic in that help file for this?
elsif (!exists($help_topics->{$file}->{$topic})) {
print "*** ERROR: Source-referenced help topic does not exist
Source file: $info->{relative}
Help file referenced: $file
Help topic referenced: $topic\n";
# Yes, we do have a topic in that help file for this.
# Increase its ref count.
else {
# Helper: search source file for a regexps matching a help filename
# and topic.
sub check_name {
my $info = shift,
my $name = shift;
my $sep = shift;
my $src = shift;
while ($src =~ m/$name\s*$sep\s*"(.+?)"\s*,\s*"(.+?)"/) {
my $file = $1;
my $topic = $2;
check_file_topic($info, $file, $topic);
# Don't find this one again
$src =~ s/$name\s*$sep\s*"(.+?)"\s*,\s*"(.+?)"/SHOW_HELP_REPLACED/;
return $src;
# Check to ensure helpfile/topic combos exist
foreach my $info (@source_files) {
verbose("Searching source: $info->{full}\n");
my $src;
open(FH, $info->{full}) || die "Can't open $info->{full}";
while (<FH>) {
# Eliminate newlines, just for regexp simplicity later
$src .= $_;
# Find calls to opal_show_help()
$src = check_name($info, "opal_show_help", "\\(", $src);
# Find calls to opal_show_help_string()
$src = check_name($info, "opal_show_help_string", "\\(", $src);
# Find calls to rte_show_help() (and also orte_show_help())
$src = check_name($info, "rte_show_help", "\\(", $src);
# Find special tokens from comments
$src = check_name($info, "SHOW_HELP", ":", $src);
# Check that all indexed help strings were referenced
print "Checking for stale help messages / files...\n";
foreach my $file (sort(keys(%{$help_topics}))) {
my $num_used = 0;
foreach my $topic (sort(keys(%{$help_topics->{$file}}))) {
if (0 == $help_topics->{$file}->{$topic}) {
print "*** WARNING: Possibly unused help topic
Help file: $file
Help topic: $topic\n";
} else {
# Were no topics used in this file at all?
if (0 == $num_used) {
print "*** WARNING: Possibly unused help file (no topics used from this file)
Help file: $file\n";
# All done
if (0 == $num_errors && 0 == $num_warnings) {
print "+++ All seems good!\n";
} else {
print "Total number of warnings: $num_warnings
Total number of errors: $num_errors\n";