Add support for MPI_Count type and MPI_COUNT datatype and add the required MPI-3 functions MPI_Get_elements_x, MPI_Status_set_elements_x, MPI_Type_get_extent_x, MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x, and MPI_Type_size_x. This commit adds only the C bindings. Fortran bindins will be added in another commit. For now the MPI_Count type is define to have the same size as MPI_Offset. The type is required to be at least as large as MPI_Offset and MPI_Aint. The type was initially intended to be a ssize_t (if it was the same size as a long long) but there were issues compiling romio with that definition (despite the inclusion of stddef.h). I updated the datatype engine to use size_t instead of uint32_t to support large datatypes. This will require some review to make sure that 1) the changes are beneficial, 2) nothing was broken by the change (I doubt anything was), and 3) there are no performance regressions due to this change. Increase the maximum number of predifined datatypes to support MPI_Count Put common get_elements code to ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype_get_elements.c Update MPI_Get_count to reflect changes in MPI-3 (return MPI_UNDEFINED when the count is too large for an int) This commit was SVN r28932.
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# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
# University Research and Technology
# Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Sandia National Laboratories. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2012 Oak Rigde National Laboratory. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
SUBDIRS = profile
# OMPI_PRPOFILING_DEFINES flag s enabled when we want our MPI_* symbols
# to be replaced by PMPI_*. In other words, this flag decides
# whether "profile/defines.h" is included or not. "profile/defines.h"
# replaces all MPI_* symbols with PMPI_* symbols. In this directory,
# we need it to be 0
# The top directory always builds MPI_* bindings. The bottom directory
# always builds PMPI_* bindings. The cases where the top directory
# needs to be built are:
# 1. When profiling is disabled.
# 2. When profiling is enabled but weak symbol support is absent.
noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libmpi_c.la
noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libmpi_c_mpi.la
headers = bindings.h
# libmpi_c.la is always build because it contains some non-profilied
# functions.
libmpi_c_la_SOURCES = \
# libmpi_c_mpi.la is only built in some cases (see above)
libmpi_c_mpi_la_SOURCES = \
abort.c \
add_error_class.c \
add_error_code.c \
add_error_string.c \
address.c \
allgather.c \
iallgather.c \
allgatherv.c \
iallgatherv.c \
alloc_mem.c \
allreduce.c \
iallreduce.c \
alltoall.c \
ialltoall.c \
alltoallv.c \
ialltoallv.c \
alltoallw.c \
ialltoallw.c \
attr_delete.c \
attr_get.c \
attr_put.c \
barrier.c \
ibarrier.c \
bcast.c \
ibcast.c \
bsend.c \
bsend_init.c \
buffer_attach.c \
buffer_detach.c \
cancel.c \
cart_coords.c \
cart_create.c \
cartdim_get.c \
cart_get.c \
cart_map.c \
cart_rank.c \
cart_shift.c \
cart_sub.c \
close_port.c \
comm_accept.c \
comm_c2f.c \
comm_call_errhandler.c \
comm_compare.c \
comm_connect.c \
comm_create.c \
comm_create_errhandler.c \
comm_create_keyval.c \
comm_delete_attr.c \
comm_disconnect.c \
comm_dup.c \
comm_f2c.c \
comm_free.c \
comm_free_keyval.c \
comm_get_attr.c \
comm_get_errhandler.c \
comm_get_name.c \
comm_get_parent.c \
comm_group.c \
comm_join.c \
comm_rank.c \
comm_remote_group.c \
comm_remote_size.c \
comm_set_attr.c \
dist_graph_create.c \
dist_graph_create_adjacent.c \
dist_graph_neighbors.c \
dist_graph_neighbors_count.c \
comm_set_errhandler.c \
comm_set_name.c \
comm_size.c \
comm_spawn.c \
comm_spawn_multiple.c \
comm_split.c \
comm_split_type.c \
comm_test_inter.c \
dims_create.c \
errhandler_c2f.c \
errhandler_create.c \
errhandler_f2c.c \
errhandler_free.c \
errhandler_get.c \
errhandler_set.c \
error_class.c \
error_string.c \
exscan.c \
iexscan.c \
finalize.c \
finalized.c \
free_mem.c \
gather.c \
igather.c \
gatherv.c \
igatherv.c \
get_address.c \
get_count.c \
get_elements.c \
get_elements_x.c \
get_library_version.c \
get_processor_name.c \
get_version.c \
graph_create.c \
graph_get.c \
graph_map.c \
graph_neighbors_count.c \
graph_neighbors.c \
graphdims_get.c \
grequest_complete.c \
grequest_start.c \
group_c2f.c \
group_compare.c \
group_difference.c \
group_excl.c \
group_f2c.c \
group_free.c \
group_incl.c \
group_intersection.c \
group_range_excl.c \
group_range_incl.c \
group_rank.c \
group_size.c \
group_translate_ranks.c \
group_union.c \
ibsend.c \
improbe.c \
imrecv.c \
info_c2f.c \
info_create.c \
info_delete.c \
info_dup.c \
info_f2c.c \
info_free.c \
info_get.c \
info_get_nkeys.c \
info_get_nthkey.c \
info_get_valuelen.c \
info_set.c \
init.c \
init_thread.c \
initialized.c \
intercomm_create.c \
intercomm_merge.c \
iprobe.c \
irecv.c \
irsend.c \
is_thread_main.c \
isend.c \
issend.c \
keyval_create.c \
keyval_free.c \
lookup_name.c \
message_f2c.c \
message_c2f.c \
mprobe.c \
mrecv.c \
op_c2f.c \
op_commutative.c \
op_create.c \
op_f2c.c \
op_free.c \
open_port.c \
pack_external.c \
pack_external_size.c \
pack.c \
pack_size.c \
pcontrol.c \
probe.c \
publish_name.c \
query_thread.c \
recv_init.c \
recv.c \
reduce.c \
ireduce.c \
reduce_local.c \
reduce_scatter.c \
ireduce_scatter.c \
reduce_scatter_block.c \
ireduce_scatter_block.c \
request_c2f.c \
request_f2c.c \
request_free.c \
request_get_status.c \
rsend_init.c \
rsend.c \
scan.c \
iscan.c \
scatter.c \
iscatter.c \
scatterv.c \
iscatterv.c \
send.c \
send_init.c \
sendrecv.c \
sendrecv_replace.c \
ssend_init.c \
ssend.c \
start.c \
startall.c \
status_c2f.c \
status_f2c.c \
status_set_cancelled.c \
status_set_elements.c \
status_set_elements_x.c \
testall.c \
testany.c \
test.c \
test_cancelled.c \
testsome.c \
topo_test.c \
type_c2f.c \
type_commit.c \
type_contiguous.c \
type_create_darray.c \
type_create_f90_complex.c \
type_create_f90_integer.c \
type_create_f90_real.c \
type_create_hindexed.c \
type_create_hvector.c \
type_create_indexed_block.c \
type_create_hindexed_block.c \
type_create_keyval.c \
type_create_resized.c \
type_create_struct.c \
type_create_subarray.c \
type_delete_attr.c \
type_dup.c \
type_extent.c \
type_f2c.c \
type_free.c \
type_free_keyval.c \
type_get_attr.c \
type_get_contents.c \
type_get_envelope.c \
type_get_extent.c \
type_get_extent_x.c \
type_get_name.c \
type_get_true_extent.c \
type_get_true_extent_x.c \
type_hindexed.c \
type_hvector.c \
type_indexed.c \
type_lb.c \
type_match_size.c \
type_set_attr.c \
type_set_name.c \
type_size.c \
type_size_x.c \
type_struct.c \
type_ub.c \
type_vector.c \
unpack_external.c \
unpack.c \
unpublish_name.c \
wait.c \
waitall.c \
waitany.c \
waitsome.c \
wtime.c \
wtick.c \
accumulate.c \
get.c \
put.c \
win_c2f.c \
win_call_errhandler.c \
win_complete.c \
win_create_errhandler.c \
win_create_keyval.c \
win_create.c \
win_delete_attr.c \
win_f2c.c \
win_fence.c \
win_free_keyval.c \
win_free.c \
win_get_attr.c \
win_get_errhandler.c \
win_get_group.c \
win_get_name.c \
win_lock.c \
win_post.c \
win_set_attr.c \
win_set_errhandler.c \
win_set_name.c \
win_start.c \
win_test.c \
win_unlock.c \
libmpi_c_mpi_la_SOURCES += \
file_c2f.c \
file_call_errhandler.c \
file_close.c \
file_create_errhandler.c \
file_delete.c \
file_f2c.c \
file_get_amode.c \
file_get_atomicity.c \
file_get_byte_offset.c \
file_get_errhandler.c \
file_get_group.c \
file_get_info.c \
file_get_position.c \
file_get_position_shared.c \
file_get_size.c \
file_get_type_extent.c \
file_get_view.c \
file_iread_at.c \
file_iread.c \
file_iread_shared.c \
file_iwrite_at.c \
file_iwrite.c \
file_iwrite_shared.c \
file_open.c \
file_preallocate.c \
file_read_all_begin.c \
file_read_all.c \
file_read_all_end.c \
file_read_at_all_begin.c \
file_read_at_all.c \
file_read_at_all_end.c \
file_read_at.c \
file_read.c \
file_read_ordered_begin.c \
file_read_ordered.c \
file_read_ordered_end.c \
file_read_shared.c \
file_seek.c \
file_seek_shared.c \
file_set_atomicity.c \
file_set_errhandler.c \
file_set_info.c \
file_set_size.c \
file_set_view.c \
file_sync.c \
file_write_all_begin.c \
file_write_all.c \
file_write_all_end.c \
file_write_at_all_begin.c \
file_write_at_all.c \
file_write_at_all_end.c \
file_write_at.c \
file_write.c \
file_write_ordered_begin.c \
file_write_ordered.c \
file_write_ordered_end.c \
file_write_shared.c \
# Conditionally install the header files
ompidir = $(includedir)/openmpi/$(subdir)
ompi_HEADERS = $(headers)