The ompi_datatype_get_single_predefined_type_from_args() recurses down into a constructed type to identify what base datatype it's built from if it's built from a single type. But if the type has MPI_LB/MPI_UB, for example lens[0] = 1; lens[1] = 1; disps[0] = 0; disps[1] = 0; types[0] = MPI_LB; types[1] = MPI_INT; MPI_Type_create_struct(2, lens, disps, types, &mydt); then this function will see the base type MPI_LB as differing from MPI_INT and will identify mydt as not being constructed from a single base type, so the type will be rejected for calls like MPI_Accumulate. I think those "meta data" types shouldn't result in rejection like that, and the above mydt should still be identified as having a single base type of MPI_INT. Addition: boslica wanted another change discussed here https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/pull/3609 relating to the calculation for "count" after identifying the predefined_type that was being used. Signed-off-by: Mark Allen <markalle@us.ibm.com>
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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
* University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Research Organization for Information Science
* and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
* utility functions for dealing with remote datatype and op structures
#include "ompi_config.h"
#include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor.h"
#include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor_internal.h"
#include "opal/datatype/opal_datatype_prototypes.h"
#include "opal/util/show_help.h"
#include "ompi/op/op.h"
#include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h"
#include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype_internal.h"
#include "osc_base_obj_convert.h"
#include "ompi/memchecker.h"
ompi_osc_base_get_primitive_type_info(ompi_datatype_t *datatype,
ompi_datatype_t **prim_datatype,
uint32_t *prim_count)
ompi_datatype_t *primitive_datatype = NULL;
size_t datatype_size, primitive_size, primitive_count;
primitive_datatype = ompi_datatype_get_single_predefined_type_from_args(datatype);
if( NULL == primitive_datatype ) {
*prim_count = 0;
ompi_datatype_type_size( datatype, &datatype_size );
ompi_datatype_type_size( primitive_datatype, &primitive_size );
primitive_count = datatype_size / primitive_size;
assert( 0 == (datatype_size % primitive_size) );
#endif /* OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG */
/* We now have the count as a size_t, convert it to an uint32_t */
*prim_datatype = primitive_datatype;
*prim_count = (uint32_t)primitive_count;
int ompi_osc_base_process_op (void *outbuf, void *inbuf, size_t inbuflen,
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype, int count,
ompi_op_t *op)
if (op == &ompi_mpi_op_replace.op) {
/* TODO: Remove the following check when ompi adds support */
if(MPI_MINLOC == op || MPI_MAXLOC == op) {
if(MPI_SHORT_INT == datatype ||
MPI_DOUBLE_INT == datatype ||
MPI_LONG_INT == datatype ||
MPI_LONG_DOUBLE_INT == datatype) {
ompi_communicator_t *comm = &ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm;
opal_output(0, "Error: %s datatype is currently "
"unsupported for MPI_MINLOC/MPI_MAXLOC "
"operation\n", datatype->name);
opal_show_help("help-mpi-api.txt", "mpi-abort", true,
('\0' != comm->c_name[0]) ? comm->c_name : "<Unknown>",
ompi_mpi_abort(comm, -1);
if (ompi_datatype_is_predefined(datatype)) {
ompi_op_reduce(op, inbuf, outbuf, count, datatype);
} else {
opal_convertor_t convertor;
struct ompi_datatype_t *primitive_datatype = NULL;
struct iovec iov[OMPI_OSC_BASE_DECODE_MAX];
uint32_t iov_count;
size_t size, primitive_size;
ptrdiff_t lb, extent;
bool done;
primitive_datatype = ompi_datatype_get_single_predefined_type_from_args(datatype);
ompi_datatype_type_size (primitive_datatype, &primitive_size);
if (ompi_datatype_is_contiguous_memory_layout (datatype, count) &&
1 == datatype->super.desc.used) {
/* NTH: the datatype is made up of a contiguous block of the primitive
* datatype. fast path. do not set up a convertor to deal with the
* datatype. */
(void)ompi_datatype_type_size(datatype, &size);
count *= (size / primitive_size);
assert( 0 == (size % primitive_size) );
/* in case it is possible for the datatype to have a non-zero lb in this case.
* remove me if this is not possible */
ompi_datatype_get_extent (datatype, &lb, &extent);
outbuf = (void *)((uintptr_t) outbuf + lb);
ompi_op_reduce(op, inbuf, outbuf, count, primitive_datatype);
/* create convertor */
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&convertor, opal_convertor_t);
opal_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_recv(ompi_mpi_local_convertor, &datatype->super,
count, outbuf, 0, &convertor);
do {
done = opal_convertor_raw (&convertor, iov, &iov_count, &size);
for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < iov_count ; ++i) {
int primitive_count = iov[i].iov_len / primitive_size;
ompi_op_reduce (op, inbuf, iov[i].iov_base, primitive_count, primitive_datatype);
inbuf = (void *)((intptr_t) inbuf + iov[i].iov_len);
} while (!done);
opal_convertor_cleanup (&convertor);
int ompi_osc_base_sndrcv_op (const void *origin, int32_t origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
void *target, int32_t target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
ompi_op_t *op)
ompi_datatype_t *origin_primitive, *target_primitive;
opal_convertor_t origin_convertor, target_convertor;
struct iovec origin_iovec[OMPI_OSC_BASE_DECODE_MAX];
struct iovec target_iovec[OMPI_OSC_BASE_DECODE_MAX];
uint32_t origin_iov_count, target_iov_count;
uint32_t origin_iov_index, target_iov_index;
size_t origin_size, target_size, primitive_size;
int primitive_count;
size_t acc_len;
bool done;
if (ompi_datatype_is_predefined(origin_dt) && origin_dt == target_dt) {
ompi_op_reduce(op, (void *)origin, target, origin_count, origin_dt);
origin_primitive = ompi_datatype_get_single_predefined_type_from_args(origin_dt);
target_primitive = ompi_datatype_get_single_predefined_type_from_args(target_dt);
/* check that the two primitives are the same */
if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(origin_primitive != target_primitive)) {
ompi_datatype_type_size (target_primitive, &primitive_size);
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&origin_convertor, opal_convertor_t);
opal_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_send (ompi_mpi_local_convertor, &origin_dt->super,
origin_count, origin, 0, &origin_convertor);
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&target_convertor, opal_convertor_t);
opal_convertor_copy_and_prepare_for_recv (ompi_mpi_local_convertor, &target_dt->super,
target_count, target, 0, &target_convertor);
target_iov_index = 0;
target_iov_count = 0;
do {
/* decode segments of the source data */
origin_iov_count = OMPI_OSC_BASE_DECODE_MAX;
origin_iov_index = 0;
done = opal_convertor_raw (&origin_convertor, origin_iovec, &origin_iov_count, &origin_size);
/* loop on the target segments until we have exhaused the decoded source data */
while (origin_iov_index != origin_iov_count) {
if (target_iov_index == target_iov_count) {
/* decode segments of the target buffer */
target_iov_count = OMPI_OSC_BASE_DECODE_MAX;
target_iov_index = 0;
(void) opal_convertor_raw (&target_convertor, target_iovec, &target_iov_count, &target_size);
/* we already checked that the target was large enough. this should be impossible */
assert (0 != target_iov_count);
/* determine how much to accumulate */
if (target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len < origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_len) {
acc_len = target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len;
} else {
acc_len = origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_len;
primitive_count = acc_len / primitive_size;
ompi_op_reduce (op, origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_base, target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base,
primitive_count, target_primitive);
/* adjust io vectors */
target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len -= acc_len;
origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_len -= acc_len;
target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base = (void *)((intptr_t) target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_base + acc_len);
origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_base = (void *)((intptr_t) origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_base + acc_len);
origin_iov_index += 0 == origin_iovec[origin_iov_index].iov_len;
target_iov_index += 0 == target_iovec[target_iov_index].iov_len;
} while (!done);
opal_convertor_cleanup (&origin_convertor);
opal_convertor_cleanup (&target_convertor);