Upcoming soon: 
  o Hierarchical striping as described in the paper from CCGrid2007
Further out:
  o To post the code for ParColl (Partitioned collective IO)
Improved data redistribution
  o Improve I/O pattern identification. Besides checking interleaving,
    if request I/O size is small, collective I/O will be performed.
    The hint bigsize can be used to define the req size value.
  o Provide hint CO for load balancing to control the number of
    IO clients for each OST
  o Produce stripe-contiguous I/O pattern that Lustre prefers
  o Control read-modify-write in data sieving in collective IO
    by hint ds_in_coll.
  o Reduce extent lock conflicts by make each OST accessed by one or
    more constant clients.

  o Direct IO and Lockless IO support

  o Correct detection of fs_type when lustre: prefix is not given
  o Further fix on stripe alignment
  o Tested/Enabled striping hints over Cray XT (Catamount and CNL)

The Lustre ADIO driver has been cleaned up quite a lot. Compared 
to the intital posting, here are the changes:
  o Removal of dead/redundant code
  o Removal of asynchronous IO piece as it appears outdated
  o Bug fixes for setting Lustre Hints
  o Bug fixes for data sieving 
  o Improved Setsize operation with one process calling ftruncate 
  o Improved collective IO with domain partitioning on 
    Lustre stripe boundary

  o You may contribute via many different ways, such as 
    testing results, bug reports, and new feature patches.
  o We appreciate any courtesy reference of this work.
  o Disclaimer: you are welcome to try the code, but at your own risk. 

Contact info:
    For more info, visit http://ft.ornl.gov/projects/io/