bytes long, then abort the commit. This avoids asking an extra question in the most common case (where the GK doesn't edit the file at all). This commit was SVN r27198. The following SVN revision numbers were found above: r27195 --> open-mpi/ompi@70aa879ed3
394 строки
11 KiB
Исполняемый файл
394 строки
11 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Helper script for gatekeepers: it marshals together a GK-worthy SVN
# commit message containing the CMR number(s) being closed and SVN
# commit log messages for the SVN r numbers referenced.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::Parser;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;
use LWP;
use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /;
my $base_trac_url = "https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/%d?format=csv";
my $base_svn_url = "https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi/trunk";
# Command line parsing
my @cmr_arg;
my @r_arg;
my $svn_up_arg = 1;
my $help_arg = 0;
my $dry_run_arg = 0;
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("cmr|c=s" => \@cmr_arg,
"r|r=s" => \@r_arg,
"svn-up|s!" => \$svn_up_arg,
"dry-run|d!" => \$dry_run_arg,
"help|h!" => \$help_arg);
if (!$ok || $help_arg) {
print "$0 [--cmr=<list>|-c <list>] [--r=<list>|-r <list>]
[--[no-]svn-up|-s] [--dry-run|-d]
<list> is a comma-delimited list of integers.
If --dry-run is specified, 'svn up' and 'svn commit' will not be executed.
If --cmr is not specified on the command line, you will be prompted
interactively. Ditto for --r.
--no-svn-up inhibits running \"svn up\" before doing the commit.\n";
print "DRY RUN: no svn state-changing commands will be run\n"
if ($dry_run_arg);
# Parse the -cmr argument
my @cmrs;
if (@cmr_arg) {
foreach my $cmr (@cmr_arg) {
foreach my $c (split(/,/, $cmr)) {
push(@cmrs, $c);
# Parse the -r argument
my @rs;
if (@r_arg) {
foreach my $r (@r_arg) {
foreach my $rr (split(/,/, $r)) {
$rr =~ s/^r?//;
push(@rs, $rr);
# Make sure we're in an SVN tree
die "Not in a SVN tree"
if (! -d ".svn");
# If we didn't get cmrs on the command line, prompt for them
if (!@cmrs) {
print "Enter a list of CMRs closed by this commit.\n";
while (1) {
print "\nList so far: ";
if ($#cmrs >= 0) {
print "#" . join(', #', @cmrs) . "\n";
} else {
print "<none>\n";
print "CMR number (-1 to exit)? ";
my $cmrs = <STDIN>;
if (-1 == $cmrs);
foreach my $cmr (split(/[\s,]+/, $cmrs)) {
if ($cmr > 0) {
push(@cmrs, $cmr);
} else {
print "Invalid CMR number ($cmr); must be greater than 0 (ignored).\n";
if ($#cmrs < 0) {
print "Must supply at least one CMR that is closed by this commit\n";
# If we didn't get r numbers on the command line, prompt for them
if (!@rs) {
print "Enter a list of SVN r numbers included in this commit.\n";
while (1) {
print "\nList so far: ";
if ($#rs >= 0) {
print "r" . join(', r', @rs) . "\n";
} else {
print "<none>\n";
print "SVN r number (-1 to exit)? ";
my $rs = <STDIN>;
if (-1 == $rs);
foreach my $r (split(/[\s,]+/, $rs)) {
$r =~ s/^r//;
if ($r > 0) {
push(@rs, $r);
} else {
print "Invalid SVN r number ($r); must be greater than 0 (ignored).\n";
# Prettyprint
print "\nFinal list of CMRs closed by this commit: #" .
join(', #', @cmrs) . "\n";
print "\nFinal list of SVN r number closed by this commit: ";
if ($#rs >= 0) {
print "r" . join(', r', @rs) . "\n";
} else {
print "<none>\n";
# Retrieve subject lines for Trac CMRs
print "Retrieving Trac CMR summaries...\n";
my $cmr_summaries;
foreach my $cmr (@cmrs) {
my $url = sprintf($base_trac_url, $cmr);
# Recent (as of 3 Aug 2011) versions of LWP in Macports seem to
# have broken SSL certificate verification. The IU CA is in my
# Mac system keychain (and has been there for quite a long time),
# but after a recent ports update, LWP fails the SSL certificate
# verification. Fine. So we'll just turn it off, per
# http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-6.02/lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm.
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 0,
ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 });
# @#$@!$# LWP proxying for https *does not work*. So don't set
# $ua->proxy() for it. Instead, rely on $ENV{https_proxy} being
# set whenever we process requests that require SSL proxying,
# because that is obeyed deep down in the innards underneath LWP.
my $res = $ua->get($url);
if (!$res->is_success()) {
print("Failed to download Trac ticket #" . $cmr . "\n");
print $res->status_line . "\n";
my @lines = split('\n', $res->content);
my @fields = split(',', $lines[0]);
# The summary field may have a "," in it, so do the parsing with
# care. If it does, the value will be enclosed in quotes ("foo").
# If not, there will be no quotes.
my $summary = $lines[1];
$summary =~ s/^.*?,//;
if (substr($summary, 0, 1) eq '"') {
# Quotes are escaped in the string with double quotes
my $marker="===GK-COMMIT-DOUBLE-QUOTE===";
$summary =~ s/\"\"/$marker/g;
$summary =~ m/^\"(.+?)\",/;
$summary = $1;
$summary =~ s/$marker/\"/g;
} else {
$summary =~ s/(.+?),.+/\1/;
$cmr_summaries->{$cmr} = $summary;
# If we have r numbers to parse, get the SVN logs and parse them into
# a data structure
my $logentries;
my $logentry;
my $chars;
if ($#rs >= 0) {
print "Retrieving SVN log messages...\n";
my $cmd = "svn log $base_svn_url --xml ";
foreach my $r (@rs) {
$cmd .= "-r $r ";
print "Running: $cmd\n";
my $xml;
open(CMD, "$cmd|");
$xml .= $_
while (<CMD>);
my $x = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Subs',
Handlers => { Char => \&my_char });
# Run "svn up" just to get the tree consistent
if ($dry_run_arg) {
print "DRY RUN: skipping 'svn up' step\n";
} elsif ($svn_up_arg) {
print "Running 'svn up'...\n";
system("svn up");
} else {
print "Skipping 'svn up' step\n";
# Create a SVN commit message for the gatekeeper
my $commit_file = File::Temp::tempnam(Cwd::cwd(), "gkcommit");
open(FILE, ">$commit_file") ||
die "Can't open temp file";
foreach my $cmr (@cmrs) {
print FILE "Fixes #$cmr: $cmr_summaries->{$cmr}\n";
print FILE "\n";
# If we have r numbers, print them. Use a special line to make the
# pre-commit hook ignore all of these messages (i.e., so that it
# doesn't try to close some ticket twice, or something like that).
print FILE "---svn-pre-commit-ignore-below---\n\n"
if ($#rs >= 0);
foreach my $r (@rs) {
print FILE "r$r [[BR]]
# Now add all the files that changes so that the gk can examine them
print "Running 'svn status'...\n";
open(SVN, "svn status|") ||
die "Can't open svn status";
print FILE "--This line, and those below, will be ignored--
GATEKEEPER: If you wish to abort this commit, delete all content from
this file, save the file, and then quit your editor as normal. The
gkcommit script will see the 0-byte file and not perform the commit.
while (<SVN>) {
print FILE $_;
# Now allow the gk to edit the file
if ($dry_run_arg) {
# Dry run -- just show what would have happened.
print "DRY RUN: skipping edit of this commit message:
my $pager = "more";
$pager = $ENV{PAGER}
if ($ENV{PAGER});
system("$pager $commit_file");
} else {
# Let the GK edit the file
system("$ENV{SVN_EDITOR} $commit_file");
} elsif ($ENV{EDITOR}) {
system("$ENV{EDITOR} $commit_file");
} else {
system("vi $commit_file");
if (! -f $commit_file) {
print "Commit file no longer exists! Aborting.\n";
# Ensure that the file is >0 bytes long
if (-z $commit_file) {
print "ABORT: Commit file is 0 bytes long. Nothing committed.\n";
# Finally, run the commit
my $cmd = "svn commit --file $commit_file " . join(' ', @ARGV);
if ($dry_run_arg) {
print "DRY RUN: skipping '$cmd' step\n";
} else {
print "Running: $cmd\n";
if (0 == system($cmd)) {
} else {
print "Error during SVN commit!\n";
print "GK commit message left in: $commit_file\n";
# Helper functions
# Called for the first logentry tag in the XML parsing
sub logentry {
# The beginning logentry tag has arugments of the form:
# ($expat, 'logentry', attr1, val1, attr2, val2, ...);
while (@_) {
my $attr = shift(@_);
my $val = shift(@_);
$logentry->{$attr} = $val;
# Called for the last logentry tag in the XML parsing
sub logentry_ {
$logentries->{$logentry->{revision}} = $logentry;
$logentry = undef;
# Called for the last anchor tag in the XML parsing
sub author_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{author} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for the last date tag in the XML parsing
sub date_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{date} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for the last revision tag in the XML parsing
sub revision_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{revision} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for the last msg tag in the XML parsing
sub msg_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{msg} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for general character data in XML parsing
sub my_char {
my ($expat, $tmp) = @_;
$chars .= $tmp;