2013-06-27 22:13:25 +00:00

182 строки
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# -*- text -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2013 NVIDIA. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
[cuCtxGetCurrent failed not initialized]
WARNING: The call to cuCtxGetCurrent() failed while attempting to register
internal memory with the CUDA environment. The program will continue to run,
but the performance of GPU memory transfers may be reduced. This failure
indicates that the CUDA environment is not yet initialized. To eliminate
this warning, ensure that CUDA is initialized prior to calling MPI_Init.
NOTE: You can turn off this warning by setting the MCA parameter
mpi_common_cuda_warning to 0.
[cuCtxGetCurrent failed]
WARNING: The call to cuCtxGetCurrent() failed while attempting to register
internal memory with the CUDA environment. The program will continue to run,
but the performance of GPU memory transfers may be reduced.
cuCtxGetCurrent return value: %d
NOTE: You can turn off this warning by setting the MCA parameter
mpi_common_cuda_warning to 0.
[cuCtxGetCurrent returned NULL]
WARNING: The call to cuCtxGetCurrent() failed while attempting to register
internal memory with the CUDA environment. The program will continue to run,
but the performance of GPU memory transfers may be reduced. This failure
indicates that there is no CUDA context yet. To eliminate this warning,
ensure that there is a CUDA context prior to calling MPI_Init.
NOTE: You can turn off this warning by setting the MCA parameter
mpi_common_cuda_warning to 0.
[cuMemHostRegister failed]
The call to cuMemHostRegister(%p, %d, 0) failed.
Host: %s
cuMemHostRegister return value: %d
Memory Pool: %s
[cuMemHostUnregister failed]
The call to cuMemHostUnregister(%p) failed.
Host: %s
cuMemHostUnregister return value: %d
Memory Pool: %s
[cuIpcGetMemHandle failed]
The call to cuIpcGetMemHandle failed. This means the GPU RDMA protocol
cannot be used.
cuIpcGetMemHandle return value: %d
address: %p
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means. Perhaps a reboot
of the node will clear the problem.
[cuMemGetAddressRange failed]
The call to cuMemGetAddressRange failed. This means the GPU RDMA protocol
cannot be used.
cuMemGetAddressRange return value: %d
address: %p
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means. Perhaps a reboot
of the node will clear the problem.
[Out of cuEvent handles]
The library has exceeded its number of outstanding event handles.
For better performance, this number should be increased.
Current maximum handles: %4d
Suggested new maximum: %4d
Rerun with --mca mpi_common_cuda_event_max %d
[cuIpcOpenMemHandle failed]
The call to cuIpcOpenMemHandle failed. This is an unrecoverable error
and will cause the program to abort.
cuIpcOpenMemHandle return value: %d
address: %p
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means. Perhaps a reboot
of the node will clear the problem.
[cuIpcCloseMemHandle failed]
The call to cuIpcCloseMemHandle failed. This is a warning and the program
will continue to run.
cuIpcOpenMemHandle return value: %d
address: %p
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means. Perhaps a reboot
of the node will clear the problem.
[cuMemcpyAsync failed]
The call to cuMemcpyAsync failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuMemcpyAsync(%p, %p, %d) returned value %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuEventCreate failed]
The call to cuEventCreate failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuEventCreate return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuEventRecord failed]
The call to cuEventRecord failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuEventRecord return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuEventQuery failed]
The call to cuEventQuery failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuEventQuery return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuIpcGetEventHandle failed]
The call to cuIpcGetEventHandle failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuIpcGetEventHandle return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuIpcOpenEventHandle failed]
The call to cuIpcOpenEventHandle failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuIpcOpenEventHandle return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuStreamWaitEvent failed]
The call to cuStreamWaitEvent failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuStreamWaitEvent return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuEventDestroy failed]
The call to cuEventDestory failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuEventDestory return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means.
[cuStreamCreate failed]
The call to cuStreamCreate failed. This is a unrecoverable error and will
cause the program to abort.
cuStreamCreate return value: %d
Check the cuda.h file for what the return vale means.
[dlopen disabled]
While trying to load the supporting libcuda.so library, an error was
detected. This error indicates that the Open MPI library was probably
configured with the --disable-dlopen flag. When the library is
configured in this way, CUDA support is disabled because CUDA support
depends on the ability to dynamically open libraries. Reconfigure
without the --disable-dlopen flag to get around this problem.
[dladvise disabled]
While trying to initialize the lt_dladvise structure, an error was
detected. This error indicates that the Open MPI library was
configured such that there is no support for the lt_dladvise
structure. This is needed for properly opening the libcuda library.
Look around for the OPAL_HAVE_LTDL_ADVISE macro and ensure that it
is defined as a 1.
[unknown ltdl error]
While attempting to load the supporting libcuda.so library, an error
occurred. This really should rarely happen. Please notify the Open
MPI developers.
Function: %s
Return Value: %d
Error string: %s
[dlopen failed]
The library attempted to open the supporting CUDA libraries but failed.
Library attempted: %s
Error string: %s
Library attempted: %s
Error string: %s
Library attempted: %s
Error string: %s
Library attempted: %s
Error string: %s
[dlsym failed]
An error occurred while trying to map in the address of a function.
Function Name: %s