Copyright (c) 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. BFO DESIGN DOCUMENT This document describes the use and design of the bfo. In addition, there is a section at the end explaining why this functionality was not merged into the ob1 PML. 1. GENERAL USAGE First, one has to configure the failover code into the openib BTL so that bfo will work correctly. To do this: configure --enable-openib-failover. Then, when running one needs to select the bfo PML explicitly. mpirun --mca pml bfo Note that one needs to both configure with --enable-openib-failover and run with --mca pml bfo to get the failover support. If one of these two steps is skipped, then the MPI job will just abort in the case of an error like it normally does with the ob1 PML. 2. GENERAL FUNCTION The bfo failover feature requires two or more openib BTLs in use. In normal operation, it will stripe the communication over the multiple BTLs. When an error is detected, it will stop using the BTL that incurred the error and continue the communication over the remaining BTL. Once a BTL has been mapped out, it cannot be used by the job again, even if the underlying fabric becomes functional again. Only new jobs started after the fabric comes back up will use both BTLs. The bfo works in conjunction with changes that were made in the openib BTL. As noted above, those changes need to be configured into the BTL for everything to work properly. The bfo only fails over between openib BTLs. It cannot failover from an openib BTL to TCP, for example. 3. GENERAL DESIGN The bfo (Btl FailOver) PML was designed to work in clusters that have multiple openib BTLs. It was designed to be lightweight so as to avoid any adverse effects on latency. To that end, there is no tracking of fragments or messages in the bfo PML. Rather, it depends on the underlying BTL to notify it of each fragment that has an error. The bfo then decides what needs to be done based on the type of fragment that gets an error. No additional sequence numbers were introduced in the bfo. Instead, it makes use of the sequence numbers that exist in the MATCH, RNDV and RGET fragment header. In that way, duplicate fragments that have MATCH information in them can be detected. Other fragments, like PUT and ACK, are never retransmitted so it does not matter that they do not have sequence numbers. The FIN header was a special case in that it was changed to include the MATCH header so that the tag, source, and context fields could be used to check for duplicate FINs. Note that the assumption is that the underlying BTL will always issue a callback with an error flag when it thinks a fragment has an error. This means that even after an error is detected on a BTL, the BTL continues to be checked for any other messages that may also complete with an error. This is potentially a unique characteristic of the openib BTL when running over RC connections that allows the BFO to work properly. One scenario that is particularly difficult to handle is the case where a fragment has an error but the message actually makes it to the other side. It is because of this that all fragments need to be checked to make sure they are not a duplicate. This scenario also complicates some of the rendezvous protocols as the two sides may not agree where the problem occurred. For example, one can imagine a sender getting an error on a final FIN message, but the FIN message actually arrives at the other side. The receiver thinks the communication is done and moves on. The sender thinks there was a problem, and that the communication needs to restart. It is also important to note that a message cannot signal a successful completion and *not* make it to the receiver. This would probably cause the bfo to hang. 4. ERRORS Errors are detected in the openib BTL layer and propagated to the PML layer. Typically, the errors occur while polling the completion queue, but can happen in other areas as well. When an error occurs, an additional callback is called so the PML can map out the connection for future sending. Then the callback associated with the fragment is called, but with the error field set to OMPI_ERROR. This way, the PML knows that this fragment may not have made it to the remote side. The first callback into the PML is via the mca_pml_bfo_error_handler() callback and the PML uses this to remove a connection for future sending. If the error_proc_t field is NULL, then the entire BTL is removed for any future communication. If the error_proc_t is not NULL, then the BTL is only removed for the connection associated with the error_proc_t. The second callback is the standard one for a completion event, and this can trigger various activities in the PML. The regular callback function is called but the status is set to OMPI_ERROR. The PML layer detects this and calls some failover specific routines depending on the type of fragment that got the error. 5. RECOVERY OF MATCH FRAGMENTS Note: For a general description of how the various fragments interact, see Appendix 1 at the end of this document. In the case of a MATCH fragment, the fragment is simply resent. Care has to be taken with a MATCH fragment that is sent via the standard interface and one that is sent via the sendi interface. In the standard send, the send request is still available and is therefore reset reused to send the MATCH fragment. In the case of the sendi fragment, the send request is gone, so the fragment is regenerated from the information contained within the fragment. 6. RECOVERY OF RNDV or LARGE MESSAGE RDMA In the case of a large message RDMA transfer or a RNDV transfer where the message consists of several fragments, the restart is a little more complicated. This includes fragments like RNDV, PUT, RGET, FRAG, FIN, and RDMA write and RDMA read completions. In most cases, the requests associated with these fragments are reset and restarted. First, it should be pointed out that a new variable was added to the send and receive requests. This variable tracks outstanding send events that have not yet received their completion events. This new variable is used so that a request is not restarted until all the outstanding events have completed. If one does not wait for the outstanding events to complete, then one may restart a request and then a completion event will happen on the wrong request. There is a second variable added to each request and that is one that shows whether the request is already in an error state. When a request reaches the state that it has an error flagged on it and the outstanding completion events are down to zero, it can start the restart dance as described below. 7. SPECIAL CASE FOR FIN FRAGMENT Like the MATCH fragment, the FIN message is also simply resent. Like the sendi MATCH fragment, there may be no request associated with the FIN message when it gets an error, so the fragment is recreated from the information in the fragment. The FIN fragment was modified to have additional information like what is in a MATCH fragment including the context, source, and tag. In this way, we can figure out if the FIN message is a duplicate on the receiving side. 8. RESTART DANCE When the bfo determines that there are no outstanding completion events, a restart dance is initiated. There are four new PML message types that have been created to participate in the dance. 1. RNDVRESTARTNOTIFY 2. RECVERRNOTIFY 3. RNDVRESTARTACK 4. RNDVRESTARTNACK When the send request is in an error state and the outstanding completion events is zero, RNDVRESTARTNOTIFY is sent from the sender to the receiver to let it know that the communication needs to be restarted. Upon receipt of the RNDVRESTARTNOTIFY, the receiver first checks to make sure that it is still pointing to a valid receiver request. If so, it marks the receive request in error. It then checks to see if there are any outstanding completion events on the receiver. If there are no outstanding completion events, the receiver sends the RNDVRESTARTACK. If there are outstanding completion events, then the RNDVRESTARTACK gets sent later when a completion event occurs that brings the outstanding event count to zero. In the case that the receiver determines that it is no longer looking at a valid receive request, which means the request is complete, the receiver responds with a RNDVRESTARTNACK. While rare, this case can happen for example, when a final FRAG message triggers an error on the sender, but actually makes it to the receiver. The RECVERRNOTIFY fragment is used so the receiver can let the sender sender know that it had an error. The sender then waits for all of its completion events, and then sends a RNDVRESTARTNOTIFY. All the handling of these new messages is contained in the pml_bfo_failover files. 9. BTL SUPPORT The openib BTL also supplies a lot of support for the bfo PML. First, fragments can be stored in the BTL during normal operation if resources become scarce. This means that when an error is detected in the BTL, it needs to scour its internal queues for fragments that are destined for the BTL and error them out. The function error_out_all_pending_frags() takes care of this functionality. And some of the fragments stored can be coalesced, so care has to be taken to tease out each message from a coalesced fragment. There is also some special code in the BTL to handle some strange occurrences that were observed in the BTL. First, there are times where only one half of the connection gets an error. This can result in a mismatch between what the PML thinks is available to it and can cause hangs. Therefore, when a BTL detects an error, it sends a special message down the working BTL connection to tell the remote side that it needs to be brought down as well. Secondly, it has been observed that a message can get stuck in the eager RDMA connection between two BTLs. In this case, an error is detected on one side, but the other side never sees the message. Therefore, a special message is sent to the other side telling it to move along in the eager RDMA connection. This is all somewhat confusing. See the code in the btl_openib_failover.c file for the details. 10. MERGING Every effort was made to try and merge the bfo PML into the ob1 PML. The idea was that any upgrades to the ob1 PML would automatically make it into the bfo PML and this would enhance maintainability of all the code. However, it was deemed that this merging would cause more problems than it would solve. What was attempted and why the conclusion was made are documented here. One can look at the bfo and easily see the differences between it and ob1. All the bfo specific code is surrounded by #if PML_BFO. In addition, there are two additional files in the bfo, pml_bfo_failover.c and pml_bfo_failover.h. To merge them, the following was attempted. First, add all the code in #if regions into the ob1 PML. As of this writing, there are 73 #ifs that would have to be added into ob1. Secondly, remove almost all the pml_bfo files and replace them with links to the ob1 files. Third, create a new header file that did name shifting of all the functions so that ob1 and bfo could live together. This also included having to create macros for the names of header files as well. To help illustrate the name shifting issue, here is what the file might look like in the bfo directory. /* Need macros for the header files as they are different in the * different PMLs */ #define PML "bfo" #define PML_OB1_H "pml_bfo.h" #define PML_OB1_COMM_H "pml_bfo_comm.h" #define PML_OB1_COMPONENT_H "pml_bfo_component.h" #define PML_OB1_HDR_H "pml_bfo_hdr.h" #define PML_OB1_RDMA_H "pml_bfo_rdma.h" #define PML_OB1_RDMAFRAG_H "pml_bfo_rdmafrag.h" #define PML_OB1_RECVFRAG_H "pml_bfo_recvfrag.h" #define PML_OB1_RECVREQ_H "pml_bfo_recvreq.h" #define PML_OB1_SENDREQ_H "pml_bfo_sendreq.h" /* Name shifting of functions from ob1 to bfo (incomplete list) */ #define mca_pml_ob1 mca_pml_bfo #define mca_pml_ob1_t mca_pml_bfo_t #define mca_pml_ob1_component mca_pml_bfo_component #define mca_pml_ob1_add_procs mca_pml_bfo_add_procs #define mca_pml_ob1_del_procs mca_pml_bfo_del_procs #define mca_pml_ob1_enable mca_pml_bfo_enable #define mca_pml_ob1_progress mca_pml_bfo_progress #define mca_pml_ob1_add_comm mca_pml_bfo_add_comm #define mca_pml_ob1_del_comm mca_pml_bfo_del_comm #define mca_pml_ob1_irecv_init mca_pml_bfo_irecv_init #define mca_pml_ob1_irecv mca_pml_bfo_irecv #define mca_pml_ob1_recv mca_pml_bfo_recv #define mca_pml_ob1_isend_init mca_pml_bfo_isend_init #define mca_pml_ob1_isend mca_pml_bfo_isend #define mca_pml_ob1_send mca_pml_bfo_send #define mca_pml_ob1_iprobe mca_pml_bfo_iprobe [...and much more ...] The pml_bfo_hdr.h file was not a link because the changes in it were so extensive. Also the Makefile was kept separate so it could include the additional failover files as well as add a compile directive that would force the files to be compiled as bfo instead of ob1. After these changes were made, several independent developers reviewed the results and concluded that making these changes would have too much of a negative impact on ob1 maintenance. First, the code became much harder to read with all the additional #ifdefs. Secondly, the possibility of adding other features, like csum, to ob1 would only make this issue even worse. Therefore, it was decided to keep the bfo PML separate from ob1. 11. UTILITIES In an ideal world, any bug fixes that are made in the ob1 PML would also be made in the csum and the bfo PMLs. However, that does not always happen. Therefore, there are two new utilities added to the contrib directory. The first one can be run to see if ob1 has changed from its last known state. Here is an example. machine => Running svn diff -r24138 ../ompi/mca/pml/ob1 No new changes detected in ob1. Everything is fine. If there are differences, then one needs to review them and potentially add them to the bfo (and csum also if one feels like it). After that, bump up the value in the script to the latest value. The second script allows one to see the differences between the ob1 and bfo PML. Here is an example. machine => Starting script to check differences between bfo and ob1... Files Compared: pml_ob1.c and pml_bfo.c No differences encountered Files Compared: pml_ob1.h and pml_bfo.h [...snip...] Files Compared: pml_ob1_start.c and pml_bfo_start.c No differences encountered There is a lot more in the script that tells how it is used. Appendix 1: SIMPLE OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS The drawings below attempt to describe some of the general flow of fragments in the various protocols that are supported in the PMLs. The "read" and "write" are actual RDMA actions and do not pertain to fragments that are sent. As can be inferred, they use FIN messages to indicate their completion. MATCH PROTOCOL sender >->->-> MATCH >->->-> receiver SEND WITH MULTIPLE FRAGMENTS sender >->->-> RNDV >->->-> receiver <-<-<-< ACK <-<-<-< >->->-> FRAG >->->-> >->->-> FRAG >->->-> >->->-> FRAG >->->-> RDMA PUT sender >->->-> RNDV >->->-> receiver <-<-<-< PUT <-<-<-< <-<-<-< PUT <-<-<-< >->->-> write >->->-> >->->-> FIN >->->-> >->->-> write >->->-> >->->-> FIN >->->-> RMA GET sender >->->-> RGET >->->-> receiver <-<-<-< read <-<-<-< <-<-<-< FIN <-<-<-<