This pull request adds an arraylist of type Buffer to the Request class. Whenever a request object is created that has associated buffers, the buffers should be added to this array list so the java garbage collector does not dispose of the buffers prematurely. This is a more robust expansion on the idea first proposed by @ggouaillardet Fixes #369 Signed-off-by: Nathaniel Graham <ngraham@lanl.gov>
1250 строки
33 KiB
1250 строки
33 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
* University Research and Technology
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
* of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
* University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
* reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
* All methods with buffers that can be direct or non direct have
* a companion argument 'db' which is true if the buffer is direct.
* Checking if a buffer is direct is faster in Java than C.
package mpi;
import java.nio.*;
import static mpi.MPI.isHeapBuffer;
import static mpi.MPI.isDirectBuffer;
import static mpi.MPI.assertDirectBuffer;
* This class represents {@code MPI_File}.
public final class File
private long handle;
private FileView view = new FileView(0, MPI.BYTE, MPI.BYTE, "native");
private Status beginStatus;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_OPEN} using {@code MPI_INFO_NULL}.
* @param comm communicator
* @param filename name of the file to open
* @param amode file access mode
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public File(Comm comm, String filename, int amode) throws MPIException
handle = open(comm.handle, filename, amode, Info.NULL);
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_OPEN}.
* @param comm communicator
* @param filename name of the file to open
* @param amode file access mode
* @param info info object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public File(Comm comm, String filename, int amode, Info info)
throws MPIException
handle = open(comm.handle, filename, amode, info.handle);
private native long open(long comm, String filename, int amode, long info)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_CLOSE}.
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void close() throws MPIException
handle = close(handle);
private native long close(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_DELETE} using {@code MPI_INFO_NULL}.
* @param filename name of the file to delete
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public static void delete(String filename) throws MPIException
delete(filename, Info.NULL);
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_DELETE}.
* @param filename name of the file to delete
* @param info info object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public static void delete(String filename, Info info) throws MPIException
delete(filename, info.handle);
private static native void delete(String filename, long info)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SET_SIZE}.
* @param size size to truncate or expand file
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void setSize(long size) throws MPIException
setSize(handle, size);
private native void setSize(long fh, long size) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_PREALLOCATE}.
* @param size size to preallocate file
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void preallocate(long size) throws MPIException
preallocate(handle, size);
private native void preallocate(long fh, long size) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_SIZE}.
* @return size of file in bytes
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public long getSize() throws MPIException
return getSize(handle);
private native long getSize(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_GROUP}.
* @return group wich opened the file
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Group getGroup() throws MPIException
return new Group(getGroup(handle));
private native long getGroup(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_AMODE}.
* @return file access mode to open the file
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public int getAMode() throws MPIException
return getAMode(handle);
private native int getAMode(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SET_INFO}.
* @param info info object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void setInfo(Info info) throws MPIException
setInfo(handle, info.handle);
private native void setInfo(long fh, long info) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_INFO}.
* @return new info object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Info getInfo() throws MPIException
return new Info(getInfo(handle));
private native long getInfo(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW} using {@code MPI_INFO_NULL}.
* @param disp displacement
* @param etype elementary datatype
* @param filetype filetype
* @param datarep data representation
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void setView(long disp, Datatype etype,
Datatype filetype, String datarep)
throws MPIException
setView(handle, disp, etype.handle, filetype.handle, datarep, Info.NULL);
view = new FileView(disp, etype, filetype, datarep);
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW}.
* @param disp displacement
* @param etype elementary datatype
* @param filetype filetype
* @param datarep data representation
* @param info info object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void setView(long disp, Datatype etype,
Datatype filetype, String datarep, Info info)
throws MPIException
setView(handle, disp, etype.handle, filetype.handle, datarep, info.handle);
view = new FileView(disp, etype, filetype, datarep);
private native void setView(
long fh, long disp, long etype,
long filetype, String datarep, long info) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_VIEW}.
* @return file view
public FileView getView()
return view;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_AT}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readAt(long offset, Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readAt(handle, offset, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void readAt(
long fh, long fileOffset, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readAtAll(long offset, Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readAtAll(handle, offset, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void readAtAll(
long fh, long fileOffset, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeAt(long offset, Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeAt(handle, offset, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void writeAt(
long fh, long fileOffset, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeAtAll(long offset, Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeAtAll(handle, offset, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void writeAtAll(
long fh, long fileOffset, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_IREAD_AT}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return request object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Request iReadAt(long offset, Buffer buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
Request req = new Request(iReadAt(handle, offset, buf, count, type.handle));
return req;
private native long iReadAt(
long fh, long offset, Buffer buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_IWRITE_AT}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return request object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Request iWriteAt(long offset, Buffer buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
Request req = new Request(iWriteAt(handle, offset, buf, count, type.handle));
return req;
private native long iWriteAt(
long fh, long offset, Buffer buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status read(Object buf, int count, Datatype type) throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
read(handle, buf, db, off, count, type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void read(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_ALL}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readAll(Object buf, int count, Datatype type) throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readAll(handle, buf,db,off, count, type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void readAll(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status write(Object buf, int count, Datatype type) throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
write(handle, buf, db, off, count, type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void write(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_ALL}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeAll(Object buf, int count, Datatype type) throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeAll(handle, buf,db,off, count, type.handle,type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void writeAll(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset,
int count, long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_IREAD}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return request object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Request iRead(Buffer buf, int count, Datatype type) throws MPIException
Request req = new Request(iRead(handle, buf, count, type.handle));
return req;
private native long iRead(long fh, Buffer buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_IWRITE}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return request object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Request iWrite(Buffer buf, int count, Datatype type) throws MPIException
Request req = new Request(iWrite(handle, buf, count, type.handle));
return req;
private native long iWrite(long fh, Buffer buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SEEK}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param whence update mode
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void seek(long offset, int whence) throws MPIException
seek(handle, offset, whence);
private native void seek(long fh, long offset, int whence) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_POSITION}.
* @return offset of individual pointer
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public long getPosition() throws MPIException
return getPosition(handle);
private native long getPosition(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_BYTE_OFFSET}.
* @param offset offset
* @return absolute byte position of offset
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public long getByteOffset(long offset) throws MPIException
return getByteOffset(handle, offset);
private native long getByteOffset(long fh, long offset) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_SHARED}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readShared(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readShared(handle, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void readShared(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset, int count,
long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_SHARED}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeShared(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeShared(handle, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void writeShared(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset, int count,
long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_IREAD_SHARED}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return request object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Request iReadShared(Buffer buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
Request req = new Request(iReadShared(handle, buf, count, type.handle));
return req;
private native long iReadShared(long fh, Buffer buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_IWRITE_SHARED}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return request object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Request iWriteShared(Buffer buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
Request req = new Request(iWriteShared(handle, buf, count, type.handle));
return req;
private native long iWriteShared(long fh, Buffer buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_ORDERED}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readOrdered(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readOrdered(handle, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void readOrdered(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset, int count,
long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_ORDERED}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeOrdered(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
int off = 0;
boolean db = false;
Status status = new Status();
if(buf instanceof Buffer && !(db = ((Buffer)buf).isDirect()))
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeOrdered(handle, buf, db, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
return status;
private native void writeOrdered(
long fh, Object buf, boolean db, int offset, int count,
long type, int baseType, long[] stat) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SEEK_SHARED}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param whence update mode
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void seekShared(long offset, int whence) throws MPIException
seekShared(handle, offset, whence);
private native void seekShared(long fh, long offset, int whence)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_POSITION_SHARED}.
* @return offset of individual pointer
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public long getPositionShared() throws MPIException
return getPositionShared(handle);
private native long getPositionShared(long fh) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL_BEGIN}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void readAtAllBegin(long offset, Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
readAtAllBegin(handle, offset, buf, count, type.handle);
int off = 0;
Status status = new Status();
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readAtAll(handle, offset, buf, false, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
beginStatus = status;
private native void readAtAllBegin(
long fh, long offset, Object buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL_END}.
* @param buf buffer
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readAtAllEnd(Object buf) throws MPIException
Status status = new Status();
readAtAllEnd(handle, buf, status.data);
return status;
return getBeginStatus();
private native void readAtAllEnd(long fh, Object buf, long[] stat)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL_BEGIN}.
* @param offset file offset
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void writeAtAllBegin(long offset, Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
writeAtAllBegin(handle, offset, buf, count, type.handle);
int off = 0;
Status status = new Status();
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeAtAll(handle, offset, buf, false, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
beginStatus = status;
private native void writeAtAllBegin(
long fh, long fileOffset, Object buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL_END}.
* @param buf buffer
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeAtAllEnd(Object buf) throws MPIException
Status status = new Status();
writeAtAllEnd(handle, buf, status.data);
return status;
return getBeginStatus();
private native void writeAtAllEnd(long fh, Object buf, long[] stat)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_BEGIN}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void readAllBegin(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
readAllBegin(handle, buf, count, type.handle);
int off = 0;
Status status = new Status();
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readAll(handle, buf, false, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
beginStatus = status;
private native void readAllBegin(long fh, Object buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_END}.
* @param buf buffer
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readAllEnd(Object buf) throws MPIException
Status status = new Status();
readAllEnd(handle, buf, status.data);
return status;
return getBeginStatus();
private native void readAllEnd(long fh, Object buf, long[] stat)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_ALL_BEGIN}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void writeAllBegin(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
writeAllBegin(handle, buf, count, type.handle);
int off = 0;
Status status = new Status();
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeAll(handle, buf, false, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
beginStatus = status;
private native void writeAllBegin(long fh, Object buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_ALL_END}.
* @param buf buffer
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeAllEnd(Object buf) throws MPIException
Status status = new Status();
writeAllEnd(handle, buf, status.data);
return status;
return getBeginStatus();
private native void writeAllEnd(long fh, Object buf, long[] stat)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_ORDERED_BEGIN}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void readOrderedBegin(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
readOrderedBegin(handle, buf, count, type.handle);
int off = 0;
Status status = new Status();
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
readOrdered(handle, buf, false, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
beginStatus = status;
private native void readOrderedBegin(long fh, Object buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_READ_ORDERED_END}.
* @param buf buffer
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status readOrderedEnd(Object buf) throws MPIException
Status status = new Status();
readOrderedEnd(handle, buf, status.data);
return status;
return getBeginStatus();
private native void readOrderedEnd(long fh, Object buf, long[] stat)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_ORDERED_BEGIN}.
* @param buf buffer
* @param count number of items in buffer
* @param type datatype of each buffer element
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void writeOrderedBegin(Object buf, int count, Datatype type)
throws MPIException
writeOrderedBegin(handle, buf, count, type.handle);
int off = 0;
Status status = new Status();
off = type.getOffset(buf);
buf = ((Buffer)buf).array();
writeOrdered(handle, buf, false, off, count,
type.handle, type.baseType, status.data);
beginStatus = status;
private native void writeOrderedBegin(long fh, Object buf, int count, long type)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_WRITE_ORDERED_END}.
* @param buf buffer
* @return status object
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public Status writeOrderedEnd(Object buf) throws MPIException
Status status = new Status();
writeOrderedEnd(handle, buf, status.data);
return status;
return getBeginStatus();
private native void writeOrderedEnd(long fh, Object buf, long[] stat)
throws MPIException;
private Status getBeginStatus()
Status s = beginStatus;
beginStatus = null;
return s;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_GET_TYPE_EXTENT}.
* @param type type of data
* @return datatype extent
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public int getTypeExtent(Datatype type) throws MPIException
return getTypeExtent(handle, type.handle) / type.baseSize;
private native int getTypeExtent(long fh, long type) throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SET_ATOMICITY}.
* @param atomicity true to set atomic mode, false to set nonatomic mode
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void setAtomicity(boolean atomicity) throws MPIException
setAtomicity(handle, atomicity);
private native void setAtomicity(long fh, boolean atomicity)
throws MPIException;
* Java binding of {@code MPI_FILE_SYNC}.
* @throws MPIException Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
public void sync() throws MPIException
private native void sync(long handle) throws MPIException;
} // File