Rename the pmix1xx component to pmix111 so it reflects the actual release it includes Resolve the problem of PMIx being passed a bogus --with-platform argument when configuring the PMIx tarball code. There is no reason we should be passing --with-platform arguments to any internal subdirectory, so just leave that out when constructing the opal_subdir_args variable. Update the PMIx code and continue attempting to debug direct modex Fix a problem in the ORTE PMIx server - there was an early intent to optimize the direct modex by fetching data for all procs from the target job on the remote node, instead of fetching the data one proc at a time. However, this was never completely implemented, and so we would hang if we had multiple overlapping requests for data from more than one proc on the node. Update PMIx to v1.1.2
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
#ifndef MCA_PMIX_PMIX1_H
#define MCA_PMIX_PMIX1_H
#include "opal_config.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
#include <sys/un.h>
#include "opal/mca/mca.h"
#include "opal/mca/event/event.h"
#include "opal/util/proc.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix_server.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix112/pmix/include/pmix_server.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix112/pmix/include/pmix/pmix_common.h"
typedef struct {
opal_pmix_base_component_t super;
opal_list_t jobids;
bool native_launch;
} mca_pmix_pmix1_component_t;
OPAL_DECLSPEC extern mca_pmix_pmix1_component_t mca_pmix_pmix112_component;
OPAL_DECLSPEC extern const opal_pmix_base_module_t opal_pmix_pmix112_module;
typedef struct {
opal_list_item_t super;
opal_jobid_t jobid;
char nspace[PMIX_MAX_NSLEN + 1];
} opal_pmix1_jobid_trkr_t;
typedef struct {
opal_object_t super;
pmix_proc_t p;
pmix_proc_t *procs;
size_t nprocs;
pmix_proc_t *error_procs;
size_t nerror_procs;
pmix_info_t *info;
size_t ninfo;
pmix_app_t *apps;
size_t sz;
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t opcbfunc;
opal_pmix_modex_cbfunc_t mdxcbfunc;
opal_pmix_value_cbfunc_t valcbfunc;
opal_pmix_lookup_cbfunc_t lkcbfunc;
opal_pmix_spawn_cbfunc_t spcbfunc;
void *cbdata;
} pmix1_opcaddy_t;
typedef struct {
opal_object_t super;
opal_list_t procs;
opal_list_t info;
opal_list_t apps;
pmix_op_cbfunc_t opcbfunc;
pmix_dmodex_response_fn_t dmdxfunc;
pmix_modex_cbfunc_t mdxcbfunc;
pmix_lookup_cbfunc_t lkupcbfunc;
pmix_spawn_cbfunc_t spwncbfunc;
void *cbdata;
opal_pmix_release_cbfunc_t odmdxfunc;
void *ocbdata;
} pmix1_opalcaddy_t;
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_client_init(void);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_client_finalize(void);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_initialized(void);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_abort(int flag, const char *msg,
opal_list_t *procs);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_commit(void);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_fence(opal_list_t *procs, int collect_data);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_fencenb(opal_list_t *procs, int collect_data,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_put(opal_pmix_scope_t scope,
opal_value_t *val);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_get(const opal_process_name_t *proc, const char *key,
opal_list_t *info, opal_value_t **val);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_getnb(const opal_process_name_t *proc, const char *key,
opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_value_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_publish(opal_list_t *info);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_publishnb(opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_lookup(opal_list_t *data, opal_list_t *info);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_lookupnb(char **keys, opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_lookup_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_unpublish(char **keys, opal_list_t *info);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_unpublishnb(char **keys, opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_spawn(opal_list_t *job_info, opal_list_t *apps, opal_jobid_t *jobid);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_spawnnb(opal_list_t *job_info, opal_list_t *apps,
opal_pmix_spawn_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_connect(opal_list_t *procs);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_connectnb(opal_list_t *procs,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_disconnect(opal_list_t *procs);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_disconnectnb(opal_list_t *procs,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_resolve_peers(const char *nodename, opal_jobid_t jobid,
opal_list_t *procs);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_resolve_nodes(opal_jobid_t jobid, char **nodelist);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_store_local(const opal_process_name_t *proc,
opal_value_t *val);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_init(opal_pmix_server_module_t *module,
opal_list_t *info);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_finalize(void);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_gen_regex(const char *input, char **regex);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_gen_ppn(const char *input, char **ppn);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_register_nspace(opal_jobid_t jobid,
int nlocalprocs,
opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC void pmix1_server_deregister_nspace(opal_jobid_t jobid);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_register_client(const opal_process_name_t *proc,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
void *server_object,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC void pmix1_server_deregister_client(const opal_process_name_t *proc);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_setup_fork(const opal_process_name_t *proc, char ***env);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_dmodex(const opal_process_name_t *proc,
opal_pmix_modex_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_server_notify_error(int status,
opal_list_t *procs,
opal_list_t *error_procs,
opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC pmix_status_t pmix1_convert_opalrc(int rc);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_convert_rc(pmix_status_t rc);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC void pmix1_value_load(pmix_value_t *v,
opal_value_t *kv);
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC int pmix1_value_unload(opal_value_t *kv,
const pmix_value_t *v);
#endif /* MCA_PMIX_PMIX1_H */