(1) rml_ofi_transports mca parameter. This parameter should have the list of transports (currently ethernet,fabric are valid) fabric is higher priority if provided. (2) ORTE_RML_TRANSPORT_TYPE key with values "ethernet" or "fabric". "fabric" is higher priority. If specific provider is required use ORTE_RML_OFI_PROV_NAME key with values "socket" or "OPA" or any other supported in system. modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi.h modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_component.c modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_send.c On send_msg choose the provider on local and peer to follow below rules - 1. if the user specified the transport for this conduit (even giving us a prioritized list of candidates), then the one we selected is the _only_ one we will use. If the remote peer has a matching endpoint, then we use it - otherwise, we error out 2. if the user didn't specify a transport, then we look for matches against _all_ of our available transports, starting with fabric and then going to Ethernet, taking the first one that matches. 3. if we can't find any match, then we error out modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi.h modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_component.c modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_send.c send_msg() -> Fixed case when the local provider chosen at time of opening conduit is not present in peer (destination) node modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi.h modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_send.c When opening conduit, checking for the transport preference in below order - (1) rml_ofi_transports mca parameter. This parameter should have the list of transports (currently ethernet,fabric are valid) fabric is higher priority if provided. (2) ORTE_RML_TRANSPORT_TYPE key with values "ethernet" or "fabric". "fabric" is higher priority. If specific provider is required use ORTE_RML_OFI_PROV_NAME key with values "socket" or "OPA" or any other supported in system. modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi.h modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_component.c modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_send.c On send_msg choose the provider on local and peer to follow below rules - 1. if the user specified the transport for this conduit (even giving us a prioritized list of candidates), then the one we selected is the _only_ one we will use. If the remote peer has a matching endpoint, then we use it - otherwise, we error out 2. if the user didn't specify a transport, then we look for matches against _all_ of our available transports, starting with fabric and then going to Ethernet, taking the first one that matches. 3. if we can't find any match, then we error out modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi.h modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_component.c modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_send.c send_msg() -> Fixed case when the local provider chosen at time of opening conduit is not present in peer (destination) node modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi.h modified: ../orte/mca/rml/ofi/rml_ofi_send.c Signed-off-by: Anandhi Jayakumar <anandhi.s.jayakumar@intel.com>
214 строки
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214 строки
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* Copyright (c) 2015 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved
* Additional copyrights may follow
#include "orte_config.h"
#include "opal/dss/dss_types.h"
#include "opal/mca/event/event.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix.h"
#include "orte/mca/rml/base/base.h"
#include <rdma/fabric.h>
#include <rdma/fi_cm.h>
#include <rdma/fi_domain.h>
#include <rdma/fi_endpoint.h>
#include <rdma/fi_errno.h>
#include <rdma/fi_tagged.h>
#include "rml_ofi_request.h"
/** the maximum open OFI ofi_prov - assuming system will have no more than 20 transports*/
/** RML/OFI key values **/
/* (char*) ofi socket address (type IN) of the node process is running on */
#define OPAL_RML_OFI_FI_SOCKADDR_IN "rml.ofi.fisockaddrin"
/* (char*) ofi socket address (type PSM) of the node process is running on */
#define OPAL_RML_OFI_FI_ADDR_PSMX "rml.ofi.fiaddrpsmx"
// MULTI_BUF_SIZE_FACTOR defines how large the multi recv buffer will be.
// In order to use FI_MULTI_RECV feature efficiently, we need to have a
// large recv buffer so that we don't need to repost the buffer often to
// get the remaining data when the buffer is full
#define MIN_MULTI_BUF_SIZE (1024 * 1024)
#define OFIADDR "ofiaddr"
#define CLOSE_FID(fd) \
do { \
int _ret = 0; \
if (0 != (fd)) { \
_ret = fi_close(&(fd)->fid); \
fd = NULL; \
if (0 != _ret) { \
opal_output_verbose(10,orte_rml_base_framework.framework_output, \
" %s - fi_close failed with error- %d", \
} \
} \
} while (0);
do { \
do { \
ret = FUNC; \
if(OPAL_LIKELY(0 == ret)) {break;} \
} while(-FI_EAGAIN == ret); \
} while(0);
struct orte_rml_ofi_module_t;
/** This structure will hold the ep and all ofi objects for each transport
and also the corresponding fi_info
typedef struct {
/** ofi provider ID **/
uint8_t ofi_prov_id;
/** fi_info for this transport */
struct fi_info *fabric_info;
/** Fabric Domain handle */
struct fid_fabric *fabric;
/** Access Domain handle */
struct fid_domain *domain;
/** Address vector handle */
struct fid_av *av;
/** Completion queue handle */
struct fid_cq *cq;
/** Endpoint to communicate on */
struct fid_ep *ep;
/** Endpoint name */
char ep_name[FI_NAME_MAX];
/** Endpoint name length */
size_t epnamelen;
/** OFI memory region */
struct fid_mr *mr_multi_recv;
/** buffer for tx and rx */
void *rxbuf;
uint64_t rxbuf_size;
/* event,fd associated with the cq */
int fd;
/*event associated with progress fn */
opal_event_t progress_event;
bool progress_ev_active;
struct fi_context rx_ctx1;
} ofi_transport_ofi_prov_t;
struct orte_rml_ofi_module_t {
orte_rml_base_module_t api;
/** current ofi transport id the component is using, this will be initialised
** in the open_ofi_prov() call **/
int cur_transport_id;
/** Fabric info structure of all supported transports in system **/
struct fi_info *fi_info_list;
/** OFI ep and corr fi_info for all the transports (ofi_providers) **/
ofi_transport_ofi_prov_t ofi_prov[MAX_OFI_PROVIDERS];
size_t min_ofi_recv_buf_sz;
/** "Any source" address */
fi_addr_t any_addr;
/** number of ofi providers currently opened **/
uint8_t ofi_prov_open_num;
/** Unique message id for every message that is fragmented to be sent over OFI **/
uint32_t cur_msgid;
/* hashtable stores the peer addresses */
opal_hash_table_t peers;
opal_list_t recv_msg_queue_list;
opal_list_t queued_routing_messages;
opal_event_t *timer_event;
struct timeval timeout;
} ;
typedef struct orte_rml_ofi_module_t orte_rml_ofi_module_t;
/* For every first send initiated to new peer
* select the peer provider, peer ep-addr,
* local provider and populate in orte_rml_ofi_peer_t instance.
* Insert this in hash table.
* */
typedef struct {
opal_object_t super;
char* ofi_prov_name; /* peer (dest) provider chosen */
void* ofi_ep; /* peer (dest) ep chosen */
size_t ofi_ep_len; /* peer (dest) ep length */
uint8_t src_prov_id; /* index of the local (src) provider used for this peer */
} orte_rml_ofi_peer_t;
ORTE_MODULE_DECLSPEC extern orte_rml_component_t mca_rml_ofi_component;
extern orte_rml_ofi_module_t orte_rml_ofi;
int orte_rml_ofi_send_buffer_nb(struct orte_rml_base_module_t *mod,
orte_process_name_t* peer,
struct opal_buffer_t* buffer,
orte_rml_tag_t tag,
orte_rml_buffer_callback_fn_t cbfunc,
void* cbdata);
int orte_rml_ofi_send_nb(struct orte_rml_base_module_t *mod,
orte_process_name_t* peer,
struct iovec* iov,
int count,
orte_rml_tag_t tag,
orte_rml_callback_fn_t cbfunc,
void* cbdata);
/****************** INTERNAL OFI Functions*************/
void free_ofi_prov_resources( int ofi_prov_id);
void print_provider_list_info (struct fi_info *fi );
void print_provider_info (struct fi_info *cur_fi );
int cq_progress_handler(int sd, short flags, void *cbdata);
int get_ofi_prov_id( opal_list_t *attributes);
/** Send callback */
int orte_rml_ofi_send_callback(struct fi_cq_data_entry *wc,
/** Error callback */
int orte_rml_ofi_error_callback(struct fi_cq_err_entry *error,
/* OFI Recv handler */
int orte_rml_ofi_recv_handler(struct fi_cq_data_entry *wc, uint8_t ofi_prov_id);
bool user_override(void);