Xin Zhao 74ef51af1b OMPI/OSC/UCX: move memory hooks init in osc to win creation.
Move memory hooks init (for request based operation) in osc ucx to window
creation time, to avoid performance issue in MPI initialization.

Signed-off-by: Xin Zhao <xinz@mellanox.com>
2018-07-12 15:03:02 -07:00

222 строки
9.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2001-2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* Additional copyrights may follow
#ifndef OMPI_OSC_UCX_H
#define OMPI_OSC_UCX_H
#include <ucp/api/ucp.h>
#include "ompi/group/group.h"
#include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h"
#include "opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h"
typedef struct ompi_osc_ucx_win_info {
ucp_rkey_h rkey;
uint64_t addr;
bool rkey_init;
} ompi_osc_ucx_win_info_t;
typedef struct ompi_osc_ucx_component {
ompi_osc_base_component_t super;
ucp_context_h ucp_context;
ucp_worker_h ucp_worker;
bool enable_mpi_threads;
opal_free_list_t requests; /* request free list for the r* communication variants */
bool env_initialized; /* UCX environment is initialized or not */
int num_incomplete_req_ops;
unsigned int priority;
} ompi_osc_ucx_component_t;
OMPI_DECLSPEC extern ompi_osc_ucx_component_t mca_osc_ucx_component;
typedef enum ompi_osc_ucx_epoch {
} ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_t;
typedef struct ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_type {
ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_t access;
ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_t exposure;
} ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_type_t;
#define TARGET_LOCK_UNLOCKED ((uint64_t)(0x0000000000000000ULL))
#define TARGET_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE ((uint64_t)(0x0000000100000000ULL))
#define OSC_UCX_IOVEC_MAX 128
#define OSC_UCX_OPS_THRESHOLD 1000000
#define OSC_UCX_STATE_REQ_FLAG_OFFSET sizeof(uint64_t)
#define OSC_UCX_STATE_ACC_LOCK_OFFSET (sizeof(uint64_t) * 2)
#define OSC_UCX_STATE_COMPLETE_COUNT_OFFSET (sizeof(uint64_t) * 3)
#define OSC_UCX_STATE_POST_INDEX_OFFSET (sizeof(uint64_t) * 4)
#define OSC_UCX_STATE_POST_STATE_OFFSET (sizeof(uint64_t) * 5)
typedef struct ompi_osc_dynamic_win_info {
uint64_t base;
size_t size;
char rkey_buffer[OMPI_OSC_UCX_RKEY_BUF_MAX];
} ompi_osc_dynamic_win_info_t;
typedef struct ompi_osc_local_dynamic_win_info {
ucp_mem_h memh;
int refcnt;
} ompi_osc_local_dynamic_win_info_t;
typedef struct ompi_osc_ucx_state {
volatile uint64_t lock;
volatile uint64_t req_flag;
volatile uint64_t acc_lock;
volatile uint64_t complete_count; /* # msgs received from complete processes */
volatile uint64_t post_index;
volatile uint64_t post_state[OMPI_OSC_UCX_POST_PEER_MAX];
volatile uint64_t dynamic_win_count;
volatile ompi_osc_dynamic_win_info_t dynamic_wins[OMPI_OSC_UCX_ATTACH_MAX];
} ompi_osc_ucx_state_t;
typedef struct ompi_osc_ucx_module {
ompi_osc_base_module_t super;
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm;
ucp_mem_h memh; /* remote accessible memory */
int flavor;
size_t size;
ucp_mem_h state_memh;
ompi_osc_ucx_win_info_t *win_info_array;
ompi_osc_ucx_win_info_t *state_info_array;
int disp_unit; /* if disp_unit >= 0, then everyone has the same
* disp unit size; if disp_unit == -1, then we
* need to look at disp_units */
int *disp_units;
ompi_osc_ucx_state_t state; /* remote accessible flags */
ompi_osc_local_dynamic_win_info_t local_dynamic_win_info[OMPI_OSC_UCX_ATTACH_MAX];
ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_type_t epoch_type;
ompi_group_t *start_group;
ompi_group_t *post_group;
opal_hash_table_t outstanding_locks;
opal_list_t pending_posts;
int lock_count;
int post_count;
int global_ops_num;
int *per_target_ops_nums;
uint64_t req_result;
int *start_grp_ranks;
bool lock_all_is_nocheck;
} ompi_osc_ucx_module_t;
typedef enum locktype {
} lock_type_t;
typedef struct ompi_osc_ucx_lock {
opal_object_t super;
int target_rank;
lock_type_t type;
bool is_nocheck;
} ompi_osc_ucx_lock_t;
#define OSC_UCX_GET_EP(comm_, rank_) (ompi_comm_peer_lookup(comm_, rank_)->proc_endpoints[OMPI_PROC_ENDPOINT_TAG_UCX])
#define OSC_UCX_GET_DISP(module_, rank_) ((module_->disp_unit < 0) ? module_->disp_units[rank_] : module_->disp_unit)
int ompi_osc_ucx_win_attach(struct ompi_win_t *win, void *base, size_t len);
int ompi_osc_ucx_win_detach(struct ompi_win_t *win, const void *base);
int ompi_osc_ucx_free(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_put(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_get(void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_accumulate(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_compare_and_swap(const void *origin_addr, const void *compare_addr,
void *result_addr, struct ompi_datatype_t *dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp,
struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_fetch_and_op(const void *origin_addr, void *result_addr,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dt, int target,
ptrdiff_t target_disp, struct ompi_op_t *op,
struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_get_accumulate(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_datatype,
void *result_addr, int result_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *result_datatype,
int target_rank, ptrdiff_t target_disp,
int target_count, struct ompi_datatype_t *target_datatype,
struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_rput(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
struct ompi_win_t *win, struct ompi_request_t **request);
int ompi_osc_ucx_rget(void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt, struct ompi_win_t *win,
struct ompi_request_t **request);
int ompi_osc_ucx_raccumulate(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
int target, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt, struct ompi_op_t *op,
struct ompi_win_t *win, struct ompi_request_t **request);
int ompi_osc_ucx_rget_accumulate(const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_datatype,
void *result_addr, int result_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *result_datatype,
int target_rank, ptrdiff_t target_disp, int target_count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *target_datatype,
struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_win_t *win,
struct ompi_request_t **request);
int ompi_osc_ucx_fence(int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_start(struct ompi_group_t *group, int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_complete(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_post(struct ompi_group_t *group, int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_wait(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_test(struct ompi_win_t *win, int *flag);
int ompi_osc_ucx_lock(int lock_type, int target, int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_unlock(int target, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_lock_all(int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_unlock_all(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_sync(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_flush(int target, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_flush_all(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_flush_local(int target, struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_ucx_flush_local_all(struct ompi_win_t *win);
int ompi_osc_find_attached_region_position(ompi_osc_dynamic_win_info_t *dynamic_wins,
int min_index, int max_index,
uint64_t base, size_t len, int *insert);
void req_completion(void *request, ucs_status_t status);
void internal_req_init(void *request);
#endif /* OMPI_OSC_UCX_H */