AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE, instead of the deprecated version. * Work around dumbness in modern AC_INIT that requires the version number to be set at autoconf time (instead of at configure time, as it was before). Set the version number, minus the subversion r number, at autoconf time. Override the internal variables to include the r number (if needed) at configure time. Basically, the right thing should always happen. The only place it might not is the version reported as part of configure --help will not have an r number. * Since AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE taks a list of options, no need to specify them in all the Makefile.am files. * Addes support for subdir-objects, meaning that object files are put in the directory containing source files, even if the Makefile.am is in another directory. This should start making it feasible to reduce the number of Makefile.am files we have in the tree, which will greatly reduce the time to run autogen and configure. This commit was SVN r7211.
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# -*- makefile -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
# OMPI_PROFILING_DEFINES flag is enabled when we want our MPI_* symbols
# to be replaced by PMPI_*. In other words, this flag decides
# whether "profile/defines.h" is included or not. "profile/defines.h"
# replaces all MPI_* symbols with PMPI_* symbols. In this directory
# we definately need it to be 1.
# This build needs to go through only if profiling is required.
# Further, this build HAS to go through if profiling is required.
noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libmpi_f77_pmpi.la
headers = \
defines.h \
nodist_libmpi_f77_pmpi_la_SOURCES = \
pabort_f.c \
padd_error_class_f.c \
padd_error_code_f.c \
padd_error_string_f.c \
paddress_f.c \
pallgather_f.c \
pallgatherv_f.c \
palloc_mem_f.c \
pallreduce_f.c \
palltoall_f.c \
palltoallv_f.c \
palltoallw_f.c \
pattr_delete_f.c \
pattr_get_f.c \
pattr_put_f.c \
pbarrier_f.c \
pbcast_f.c \
pbsend_f.c \
pbsend_init_f.c \
pbuffer_attach_f.c \
pbuffer_detach_f.c \
pcancel_f.c \
pcart_coords_f.c \
pcart_create_f.c \
pcartdim_get_f.c \
pcart_get_f.c \
pcart_map_f.c \
pcart_rank_f.c \
pcart_shift_f.c \
pcart_sub_f.c \
pclose_port_f.c \
pcomm_accept_f.c \
pcomm_call_errhandler_f.c \
pcomm_compare_f.c \
pcomm_connect_f.c \
pcomm_create_errhandler_f.c \
pcomm_create_f.c \
pcomm_create_keyval_f.c \
pcomm_delete_attr_f.c \
pcomm_disconnect_f.c \
pcomm_dup_f.c \
pcomm_free_f.c \
pcomm_free_keyval_f.c \
pcomm_get_attr_f.c \
pcomm_get_errhandler_f.c \
pcomm_get_name_f.c \
pcomm_get_parent_f.c \
pcomm_group_f.c \
pcomm_join_f.c \
pcomm_rank_f.c \
pcomm_remote_group_f.c \
pcomm_remote_size_f.c \
pcomm_set_attr_f.c \
pcomm_set_errhandler_f.c \
pcomm_set_name_f.c \
pcomm_size_f.c \
pcomm_spawn_f.c \
pcomm_spawn_multiple_f.c \
pcomm_split_f.c \
pcomm_test_inter_f.c \
pdims_create_f.c \
perrhandler_create_f.c \
perrhandler_free_f.c \
perrhandler_get_f.c \
perrhandler_set_f.c \
perror_class_f.c \
perror_string_f.c \
pexscan_f.c \
pfile_call_errhandler_f.c \
pfile_close_f.c \
pfile_create_errhandler_f.c \
pfile_delete_f.c \
pfile_get_amode_f.c \
pfile_get_atomicity_f.c \
pfile_get_byte_offset_f.c \
pfile_get_errhandler_f.c \
pfile_get_group_f.c \
pfile_get_info_f.c \
pfile_get_position_f.c \
pfile_get_position_shared_f.c \
pfile_get_size_f.c \
pfile_get_type_extent_f.c \
pfile_get_view_f.c \
pfile_iread_at_f.c \
pfile_iread_f.c \
pfile_iread_shared_f.c \
pfile_iwrite_at_f.c \
pfile_iwrite_f.c \
pfile_iwrite_shared_f.c \
pfile_open_f.c \
pfile_preallocate_f.c \
pfile_read_all_begin_f.c \
pfile_read_all_end_f.c \
pfile_read_all_f.c \
pfile_read_at_all_begin_f.c \
pfile_read_at_all_end_f.c \
pfile_read_at_all_f.c \
pfile_read_at_f.c \
pfile_read_f.c \
pfile_read_ordered_begin_f.c \
pfile_read_ordered_end_f.c \
pfile_read_ordered_f.c \
pfile_read_shared_f.c \
pfile_seek_f.c \
pfile_seek_shared_f.c \
pfile_set_atomicity_f.c \
pfile_set_errhandler_f.c \
pfile_set_info_f.c \
pfile_set_size_f.c \
pfile_set_view_f.c \
pfile_sync_f.c \
pfile_write_all_begin_f.c \
pfile_write_all_end_f.c \
pfile_write_all_f.c \
pfile_write_at_all_begin_f.c \
pfile_write_at_all_end_f.c \
pfile_write_at_all_f.c \
pfile_write_at_f.c \
pfile_write_f.c \
pfile_write_ordered_begin_f.c \
pfile_write_ordered_end_f.c \
pfile_write_ordered_f.c \
pfile_write_shared_f.c \
pfinalized_f.c \
pfinalize_f.c \
pfree_mem_f.c \
pgather_f.c \
pgatherv_f.c \
pget_address_f.c \
pget_count_f.c \
pget_elements_f.c \
pget_processor_name_f.c \
pget_version_f.c \
pgraph_create_f.c \
pgraphdims_get_f.c \
pgraph_get_f.c \
pgraph_map_f.c \
pgraph_neighbors_count_f.c \
pgraph_neighbors_f.c \
pgrequest_complete_f.c \
pgrequest_start_f.c \
pgroup_compare_f.c \
pgroup_difference_f.c \
pgroup_excl_f.c \
pgroup_free_f.c \
pgroup_incl_f.c \
pgroup_intersection_f.c \
pgroup_range_excl_f.c \
pgroup_range_incl_f.c \
pgroup_rank_f.c \
pgroup_size_f.c \
pgroup_translate_ranks_f.c \
pgroup_union_f.c \
pibsend_f.c \
pinfo_create_f.c \
pinfo_delete_f.c \
pinfo_dup_f.c \
pinfo_free_f.c \
pinfo_get_f.c \
pinfo_get_nkeys_f.c \
pinfo_get_nthkey_f.c \
pinfo_get_valuelen_f.c \
pinfo_set_f.c \
pinit_f.c \
pinitialized_f.c \
pinit_thread_f.c \
pintercomm_create_f.c \
pintercomm_merge_f.c \
piprobe_f.c \
pirecv_f.c \
pirsend_f.c \
pisend_f.c \
pissend_f.c \
pis_thread_main_f.c \
pkeyval_create_f.c \
pkeyval_free_f.c \
plookup_name_f.c \
pop_create_f.c \
popen_port_f.c \
pop_free_f.c \
ppack_external_f.c \
ppack_external_size_f.c \
ppack_f.c \
ppack_size_f.c \
ppcontrol_f.c \
pprobe_f.c \
ppublish_name_f.c \
pquery_thread_f.c \
precv_f.c \
precv_init_f.c \
preduce_f.c \
preduce_scatter_f.c \
pregister_datarep_f.c \
prequest_free_f.c \
prequest_get_status_f.c \
prsend_f.c \
prsend_init_f.c \
pscan_f.c \
pscatter_f.c \
pscatterv_f.c \
psend_f.c \
psend_init_f.c \
psendrecv_f.c \
psendrecv_replace_f.c \
pssend_f.c \
pssend_init_f.c \
pstartall_f.c \
pstart_f.c \
pstatus_set_cancelled_f.c \
pstatus_set_elements_f.c \
ptestall_f.c \
ptestany_f.c \
ptest_cancelled_f.c \
ptest_f.c \
ptestsome_f.c \
ptopo_test_f.c \
ptype_commit_f.c \
ptype_contiguous_f.c \
ptype_create_darray_f.c \
ptype_create_f90_complex_f.c \
ptype_create_f90_integer_f.c \
ptype_create_f90_real_f.c \
ptype_create_hindexed_f.c \
ptype_create_hvector_f.c \
ptype_create_indexed_block_f.c \
ptype_create_keyval_f.c \
ptype_create_resized_f.c \
ptype_create_struct_f.c \
ptype_create_subarray_f.c \
ptype_delete_attr_f.c \
ptype_dup_f.c \
ptype_extent_f.c \
ptype_free_f.c \
ptype_free_keyval_f.c \
ptype_get_attr_f.c \
ptype_get_contents_f.c \
ptype_get_envelope_f.c \
ptype_get_extent_f.c \
ptype_get_name_f.c \
ptype_get_true_extent_f.c \
ptype_hindexed_f.c \
ptype_hvector_f.c \
ptype_indexed_f.c \
ptype_lb_f.c \
ptype_match_size_f.c \
ptype_set_attr_f.c \
ptype_set_name_f.c \
ptype_size_f.c \
ptype_struct_f.c \
ptype_ub_f.c \
ptype_vector_f.c \
punpack_external_f.c \
punpack_f.c \
punpublish_name_f.c \
pwaitall_f.c \
pwaitany_f.c \
pwait_f.c \
nodist_libmpi_f77_pmpi_la_SOURCES += \
paccumulate_f.c \
pget_f.c \
pput_f.c \
pwin_call_errhandler_f.c \
pwin_complete_f.c \
pwin_create_errhandler_f.c \
pwin_create_f.c \
pwin_create_keyval_f.c \
pwin_delete_attr_f.c \
pwin_fence_f.c \
pwin_free_f.c \
pwin_free_keyval_f.c \
pwin_get_attr_f.c \
pwin_get_errhandler_f.c \
pwin_get_group_f.c \
pwin_get_name_f.c \
pwin_lock_f.c \
pwin_post_f.c \
pwin_set_attr_f.c \
pwin_set_errhandler_f.c \
pwin_set_name_f.c \
pwin_start_f.c \
pwin_test_f.c \
pwin_unlock_f.c \
# Sym link in the sources from the real MPI directory
if test ! -r $@ ; then \
pname=`echo $@ | cut -b '2-'` ; \
ln -s $(top_srcdir)/ompi/mpi/f77/$$pname $@ ; \
# Conditionally install the header files
ompidir = $(includedir)/openmpi/ompi/mpi/f77/profile
ompi_HEADERS = $(headers)
ompidir = $(includedir)
# These files were created by targets above
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(nodist_libmpi_f77_pmpi_la_SOURCES)
# Don't want these targets in here