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* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
/** @file */
#ifndef MCA_COLL_ML_ML_H
#define MCA_COLL_ML_ML_H
#include "ompi_config.h"
#include "opal/mca/mca.h"
#include "opal/mca/base/base.h"
#include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor.h"
#include "opal/threads/mutex.h"
#include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h"
#include "ompi/mca/coll/coll.h"
#include "ompi/request/request.h"
#include "ompi/mca/bcol/bcol.h"
#include "ompi/mca/sbgp/sbgp.h"
#include "ompi/op/op.h"
#include "ompi/class/ompi_free_list.h"
#include "coll_ml_lmngr.h"
#include "coll_ml_functions.h"
#include "coll_ml_colls.h"
#include "coll_ml_allocation.h"
#include "coll_ml_config.h"
/* macros for return status */
enum {
enum {
/* ML collectives IDs */
enum {
/* blocking functions */
/* nonblocking functions */
struct mca_bcol_base_module_t;
/* function description */
struct coll_ml_function_t {
int fn_idx;
/* module */
struct mca_bcol_base_module_t *bcol_module;
* The following two parameters are used for bcol modules
* that want to do some optimizations based on the fact that
* n functions from the same bcol module are called in a row.
* For example, in the iboffload case, on the first call one
* will want to initialize the MWR, and start to instantiate
* it, but only post it at the end of the last call.
* The index of this function in a sequence of consecutive
* functions from the same bcol
int index_in_consecutive_same_bcol_calls;
/* number of times functions from this bcol are
* called in order
int n_of_this_type_in_a_row;
* number of times functions from this module are called in the
* collective operation.
int n_of_this_type_in_collective;
int index_of_this_type_in_collective;
typedef struct coll_ml_function_t coll_ml_function_t;
/* collective function arguments - gives
* one function signature for calling all collective setup
* routines, with the initial call to a collective function having
* the context to access the right parts of the data structure.
* this information is used by each of the setup functions to
* setup the correct information for each of the functions in the
* hierarchy that will be called. */
/* RLG NOTE: Need to figure out what arguments to store here,
* and which ones directly in the message descriptor
struct mpi_coll_fn_params_t {
union {
struct {
ompi_communicator_t *comm;
int n_fanin_steps;
int n_fanout_steps;
int n_recursive_doubling_steps;
} ibarrier_recursive_doubling;
struct {
int root;
ompi_communicator_t *comm;
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype;
} ibcast;
} coll_fn;
typedef struct mpi_coll_fn_params_t mpi_coll_fn_params_t;
/* algorithm parmeters needed for the setup function */
struct mpi_coll_algorithm_params_t {
union {
struct {
int n_fanin_steps;
int n_fanout_steps;
int n_recursive_doubling_steps;
} ibarrier_recursive_doubling;
struct {
int place_holder;
} ibcast;
} coll_fn;
typedef struct mpi_coll_algorithm_params_t mpi_coll_algorithm_params_t;
/* setup function - used to setup each segment (or fragment)
* to be processed
struct mca_coll_ml_module_t;
struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t;
typedef int (*coll_fragment_comm_setup_fn)(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
mpi_coll_fn_params_t *fn_params, mpi_coll_algorithm_params_t *algorithm_params);
/* full collective description */
struct coll_ml_collective_description_t {
/* number of temp buffers */
int n_buffers;
/* description size */
int n_functions;
/* collective setup function - called for every non-blocking
* function, and for each fragment of such a message
coll_fragment_comm_setup_fn *coll_fn_setup_fn;
/* algorithm parameters */
mpi_coll_algorithm_params_t alg_params;
/* list of functions */
coll_ml_function_t *functions;
/* function names - for debugging */
char **function_names;
/* Signalling collective completion */
bool completion_flag;
typedef struct coll_ml_collective_description_t coll_ml_collective_description_t;
/* Utility data structure */
struct rank_properties_t {
int rank;
int leaf;
int n_connected_subgroups;
int *list_connected_subgroups;
int num_of_ranks_represented;
}; typedef struct rank_properties_t rank_properties_t;
/* data structure for holding node information for the nodes of the
* hierarchical communications tree.
struct sub_group_params_t {
/* rank of root in the communicator */
int root_rank_in_comm;
/* index in subgroup */
int root_index;
/* number of ranks in subgroup */
int n_ranks;
/* index of the first element in the subgroup. The
* assumption is that
* ranks for all subgroups are stored in a single
* linear array
int index_of_first_element;
* level in the hierarchy - subgroups at the same
* level don't
* overlap.
int level_in_hierarchy;
* Connected nodes
int n_connected_nodes;
int *list_connected_nodes;
* Information on the ranks in the subgroup. This includes
* the rank, and wether or not the rank is a source/sink of
* of data in this subgroup, or just a "pass through".
rank_properties_t *rank_data;
* Temp list of ranks
int *list_ranks;
/* level one index - for example,
for( i = 0; i < level_one_index; i++) will loop
through all level one subgroups, this is significant
since level one is a disjoint partitioning of all ranks
i.e. all ranks appear once and only once at level one
int level_one_index;
typedef struct sub_group_params_t sub_group_params_t;
/* function to setup information on the order of a given bcol within
* a specific ML-level algorithm.
int mca_coll_ml_setup_scratch_vals(mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t *func_list,
int *scratch_indx, int *scratch_num, int n_hiers);
/* driver for setting up collective communication description */
int ml_coll_schedule_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
int ml_coll_up_and_down_hier_setup(
struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t *topo_info,
int up_function_idx,
int top_function_idx,
int down_function_idx,
int collective);
int ml_coll_barrier_constant_group_data_setup(
struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t *topo_info,
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *schedule);
/* Barrier */
int ml_coll_hier_barrier_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* allreduce */
int ml_coll_hier_allreduce_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
int ml_coll_hier_allreduce_setup_new(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* alltoall */
int ml_coll_hier_alltoall_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
int ml_coll_hier_alltoall_setup_new(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* allgather */
int ml_coll_hier_allgather_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* gather */
int ml_coll_hier_gather_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* broadcast */
int ml_coll_hier_bcast_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* reduce */
int ml_coll_hier_reduce_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* reduce */
int ml_coll_hier_scatter_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* alltoall */
int mca_coll_ml_alltoall(void *sbuf, int scount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
void* rbuf, int rcount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_alltoall_nb(void *sbuf, int scount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
void* rbuf, int rcount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* allgather */
int mca_coll_ml_allgather(void *sbuf, int scount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
void* rbuf, int rcount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* non-blocking allgather */
int mca_coll_ml_allgather_nb(void *sbuf, int scount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
void* rbuf, int rcount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* gather */
int mca_coll_ml_gather(void *sbuf, int scount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
void* rbuf, int rcount,
struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
int root,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* nonblocking Barrier */
int ml_coll_hier_nonblocking_barrier_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module, struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t *topo_info);
/* Memory syncronization collective setup */
int ml_coll_memsync_setup(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module);
/* Fragment descriptor */
struct mca_coll_ml_descriptor_t;
struct mca_coll_ml_fragment_t {
opal_list_item_t super;
struct mca_coll_ml_descriptor_t *full_msg_descriptor;
int offset; /*offset for progress pointer*/
int length; /*fragment length I assume*/
opal_convertor_t convertor; /*convertor for copy/pack data*/
/* current function index */
int current_fn_index;
/* array of function arguments */
struct bcol_function_args_t *fn_args;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_fragment_t mca_coll_ml_fragment_t;
#define MCA_COLL_IBOFFLOAD_SET_ML_BUFFER_INFO(coll_op, index, desc) \
do { \
(coll_op)->variable_fn_params.buffer_index = index; \
(coll_op)->fragment_data.buffer_desc = desc; \
/* pasha - why we duplicate it ? */ \
(coll_op)->variable_fn_params.src_desc = desc; \
(coll_op)->variable_fn_params.hier_factor = 1; \
} while (0)
/*Full message descriptor*/
struct mca_coll_ml_descriptor_t {
ompi_request_t super; /*base request*/
struct ompi_datatype_t *datatype; /*ompi datatype*/
size_t count; /*count of user datatype elements*/
uint64_t sequence_num; /*sequence number for collective operation*/
size_t frags_limit; /*upper limit on # of fragments*/
size_t frags_start; /*number of fragments started*/
/*number of fragments completed*/
size_t frags_complete;
/* number of fragments needed to process this message */
size_t n_fragments;
volatile bool free_resource; /*signals release resource*/
/*pointer to reduction operation, e.g. MPI_MIN - need to handle
* user defined functions also */
/* ompi_predefined_op_t *operation; */
/*pointer to a communication schedule, data struct undefined*/
struct coll_ml_collective_description_t *local_comm_description;
/* fragment descriptor - we always have a fragment descriptor
* if we get a full message descriptor. Optimization for
* small messages */
mca_coll_ml_fragment_t fragment;
/* The ML memory buffer index that should consist the send and
recv information
if the index is -1, it means no buffer was allocated */
uint64_t buffer_index;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_descriptor_t mca_coll_ml_descriptor_t;
OMPI_DECLSPEC OBJ_CLASS_DECLARATION(mca_coll_ml_descriptor_t);
/* sbgp and bcol module pairs */
struct hierarchy_pairs {
mca_sbgp_base_module_t *subgroup_module;
struct mca_bcol_base_module_t **bcol_modules;
int num_bcol_modules;
int bcol_index;
mca_bcol_base_component_t *bcol_component;
typedef struct hierarchy_pairs hierarchy_pairs;
/* list of ranks in each group */
struct ml_level_t {
int n_modules;
hierarchy_pairs *modules;
typedef struct ml_level_t ml_level_t;
enum {
COLL_ML_HR_FULL, /* Full hierarchy topology, all bcols and sbgps attends in discovery */
COLL_ML_HR_NBS, /* All hierarchy except base socket */
COLL_ML_HR_SINGLE_PTP, /* Single flat ptp hierarchy */
COLL_ML_HR_SINGLE_IBOFFLOAD, /* Single flat iboffload hierarchy */
/* Topology-hierarchy discovery function */
struct mca_coll_ml_module_t; /* forward declaration for the function */
typedef int (* mca_coll_topo_discovery_fn_t)
(struct mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module, int n_hierarchies);
typedef enum {
} topo_status_t;
* Structure to hold the sm coll component. First it holds the
* base coll component, and then holds a bunch of
* sm-coll-component-specific stuff (e.g., current MCA param
* values).
struct mca_coll_ml_component_t {
/** Base coll component */
mca_coll_base_component_2_0_0_t super;
/** MCA parameter: Priority of this component */
int ml_priority;
/** MCA parameter: Number of levels */
int ml_n_levels;
/** MCA parameter: subgrouping components to use */
char *subgroups_string;
/** MCA parameter: basic collectives components to use */
char *bcols_string;
/** verbosity level */
int verbose;
/** max of communicators available to run ML */
uint32_t max_comm;
/** min size of comm to be available to run ML */
int min_comm_size;
/* base sequence number to use - the expectation is that
* this will be used as a basis for generating IDs for
* specific collective operations
int64_t base_sequence_number;
/** memory pool */
mca_coll_ml_lmngr_t memory_manager;
/* We need it because some bcols cannot
support all possible allreduce data types */
bool need_allreduce_support;
int use_knomial_allreduce;
/* Use global knowledge bcast algorithm */
bool use_static_bcast;
/* use hdl_framework */
bool use_hdl_bcast;
/* Enable / Disable fragmentation */
bool enable_fragmentation;
/* Use sequential bcast algorithm */
bool use_sequential_bcast;
/* frag size that is used by list memory_manager */
size_t lmngr_block_size;
/* alignment that is used by list memory_manager */
size_t lmngr_alignment;
/* list size for memory_manager */
size_t lmngr_size;
/* number of payload memory banks */
int n_payload_mem_banks;
/* number of payload buffers per bank */
int n_payload_buffs_per_bank;
/* size of payload buffer */
size_t payload_buffer_size;
/* pipeline depth for msg fragmentation */
int pipeline_depth;
/* Free list tunings */
int free_list_init_size;
int free_list_grow_size;
int free_list_max_size;
* queues for asynchronous collective progress
/* tasks that have not started, either because dependencies are not
* statisfied, or resources are lacking
opal_list_t pending_tasks;
opal_mutex_t pending_tasks_mutex;
/* active incomplete tasks */
opal_list_t active_tasks;
opal_mutex_t active_tasks_mutex;
/* sequential collectives to progress */
opal_list_t sequential_collectives;
opal_mutex_t sequential_collectives_mutex;
bool progress_is_busy;
/* Temporary hack for IMB test - not all bcols have allgather */
int disable_allgather;
/* Temporary hack for IMB test - not all bcols have alltoall */
int disable_alltoall;
/* Brucks alltoall mca and other params */
int use_brucks_smsg_alltoall;
mca_coll_topo_discovery_fn_t topo_discovery_fn[COLL_ML_TOPO_MAX];
/* Configure file for collectives */
char *config_file_name;
per_collective_configuration_t coll_config[ML_NUM_OF_FUNCTIONS][ML_NUM_MSG];
* Convenience typedef
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_component_t mca_coll_ml_component_t;
* Global component instance
OMPI_MODULE_DECLSPEC extern mca_coll_ml_component_t mca_coll_ml_component;
struct mca_coll_ml_route_info_t {
int level;
int rank;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_route_info_t mca_coll_ml_route_info_t;
struct mca_coll_ml_leader_offset_info_t {
size_t offset;
int level_one_index;
bool leader;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_leader_offset_info_t mca_coll_ml_leader_offset_info_t;
/* Topolody data structure */
struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t {
topo_status_t status; /* 0 - enabled , 1 - disabled */
/* information on the selected groups - needed for collective
** algorithms */
int32_t global_lowest_hier_group_index;
int32_t global_highest_hier_group_index;
int number_of_all_subgroups;
int n_levels;
/* bcols bits that describe supported features/modes */
uint64_t all_bcols_mode;
mca_coll_ml_route_info_t *route_vector;
coll_ml_collective_description_t *hierarchical_algorithms[BCOL_NUM_OF_FUNCTIONS];
sub_group_params_t *array_of_all_subgroups;
/* (sbgp, bcol) pairs */
hierarchy_pairs *component_pairs;
/* ordering of ranks when I am the root of the operation.
* This ordering guarantees that data need to be re-ordered
* only at the first or last step in rooted operations,
* depending on whether the opearation is a scatter or
* gather operation.
int *sort_list;
mca_coll_ml_leader_offset_info_t *hier_layout_info;
/* are ranks laid out contiguously */
bool ranks_contiguous;
struct ordering_info_t {
int next_inorder;
int next_order_num;
int num_bcols_need_ordering;
} topo_ordering_info;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_topology_t mca_coll_ml_topology_t;
struct mca_coll_ml_bcol_list_item_t {
opal_list_item_t super;
mca_bcol_base_module_t *bcol_module;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_bcol_list_item_t mca_coll_ml_bcol_list_item_t;
OPAL_DECLSPEC OBJ_CLASS_DECLARATION(mca_coll_ml_bcol_list_item_t);
#define MCA_COLL_MAX_NUM_COLLECTIVES 40 /* ... I do not remember how much exactly collectives do we have */
#define MCA_COLL_MAX_NUM_SUBTYPES 15 /* Maximum number of algorithms per collective */
struct mca_coll_ml_module_t {
/* base structure */
mca_coll_base_module_t super;
/* ML module status - 0 was not initialized, 1 - was initialized */
bool initialized;
/* communicator */
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm;
/* reference convertor */
opal_convertor_t *reference_convertor;
mca_coll_ml_topology_t topo_list[COLL_ML_TOPO_MAX];
/* Collectives - Topology map */
int collectives_topology_map
/* largest number of function calls for the collective routines.
* This is used to allocate resources */
int max_fn_calls;
/* collective sequence number - unique id for barrier type operations */
int64_t no_data_collective_sequence_num;
/* collective sequence number - unique id for each collective */
int64_t collective_sequence_num;
/** ompi free list of full message descriptors **/
ompi_free_list_t message_descriptors;
/** ompi free list of message fragment descriptors **/
ompi_free_list_t fragment_descriptors;
/** pointer to the payload memory block **/
struct ml_memory_block_desc_t *payload_block;
/** the maximum size of collective function description */
int max_dag_size;
/** data used to initialize coll_ml_collective_descriptors */
struct coll_desc_init {
int max_dag_size;
size_t max_n_bytes_per_proc_total;
mca_coll_base_module_t *bcol_base_module;
} coll_desc_init_data;
/** collective operation descriptor free list - used to manage a single
* collective operation. */
ompi_free_list_t coll_ml_collective_descriptors;
/** multiple function collective operation support */
/** broadcast */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/* bcast size selection criteria - cutoff for the largest size of
* data for which to apply the specified collective operation.
* This gives us the ability to choose algorithm based on size */
size_t bcast_cutoff_size[ML_N_DATASIZE_BINS];
/** Allreduce functions */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** scatter */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** alltoall */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** allgather */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** gather */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** Barrier */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** ML Memory Syncronization collective operation */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *
/** The table of allreduce functions for specific type and op **/
/* data offset from ML */
int32_t data_offset;
int small_message_thresholds[BCOL_NUM_OF_FUNCTIONS];
/* fragmenation parameters */
int use_user_buffers;
uint64_t fragment_size;
uint32_t ml_fragment_size;
/* For carto graph */
/* opal_carto_graph_t *sm_graph; */
/* opal_carto_graph_t *ib_graph; */
/* Bcast index table. Pasha: Do we need to define something more generic ?
the table x 2 (large/small)*/
int bcast_fn_index_table[2];
/* List of pointer to bcols that have been initilized and used.
* So far we use it only for ML memory management */
opal_list_t active_bcols_list;
/* Buffer size required for Bruck's algorithm */
int brucks_buffer_threshold_const;
/* log comm size */
/* We require this for alltoall algorithm */
int log_comm_size;
/* On this list we keep coll_op descriptors that were not
* be able to start, since no ml buffers were available */
opal_list_t waiting_for_memory_list;
typedef struct mca_coll_ml_module_t mca_coll_ml_module_t;
/* query to see if the component is available for use, and can
* satisfy the thread and progress requirements
int mca_coll_ml_init_query(bool enable_progress_threads,
bool enable_mpi_threads);
/* query to see if the module is available for use on the given
* communicator, and if so, what it's priority is. This is where
* the backing shared-memory file is created.
mca_coll_base_module_t *
mca_coll_ml_comm_query(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, int *priority);
/* Barrier - blocking */
int mca_coll_ml_barrier_intra(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* Barrier - non-blocking */
int mca_coll_ml_ibarrier_intra(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_allreduce_dispatch(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* Allreduce - blocking */
int mca_coll_ml_allreduce_intra(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_memsync_intra(mca_coll_ml_module_t *module, int bank_index);
/* Reduce blocking */
int mca_coll_ml_reduce(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op,
int root,
struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int coll_ml_progress_individual_message(mca_coll_ml_fragment_t *frag_descriptor);
* the ml entry point for the broadcast function
int mca_coll_ml_parallel_bcast(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_parallel_bcast_nb(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_bcast_sequential_root(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
* The ml function interface for non-blocking routines
int mca_coll_ml_bcast_unknown_root_nb(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_bcast_known_root_nb(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
OMPI_DECLSPEC int mca_coll_ml_bcast_unknown_root_with_frags_nb(void *buf, int count,
struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
ompi_request_t **req, mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* This routine sets up a sequential hierarchical scatter algorithm. The
* assumptions are that each rank knows in which sub-group that data will show
* up first, and that the scatter is executed sequentially, one subgroup at a
* time. This is needed, when the full collective needs to be specified before
* the collective operation starts up. The algorithm handles all data sizes
* and data types.
OMPI_DECLSPEC int mca_coll_ml_scatter_sequential(
void *sbuf, int scount, struct ompi_datatype_t *sdtype,
void *rbuf, int rcount, struct ompi_datatype_t *rdtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
#if 0
int mca_coll_ml_bcast_small_dynamic_root(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
int mca_coll_ml_bcast_small_known_root(void *buf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype,
int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
mca_coll_base_module_t *module);
/* Topology discovery function */
int mca_coll_ml_fulltree_hierarchy_discovery(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
int n_hierarchies);
int mca_coll_ml_allreduce_hierarchy_discovery(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
int n_hierarchies);
int mca_coll_ml_fulltree_exclude_basesmsocket_hierarchy_discovery(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
int n_hierarchies);
int mca_coll_ml_fulltree_ptp_only_hierarchy_discovery(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
int n_hierarchies);
int mca_coll_ml_fulltree_iboffload_only_hierarchy_discovery(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
int n_hierarchies);
void mca_coll_ml_allreduce_matrix_init(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
const mca_bcol_base_component_2_0_0_t *bcol_component);
static inline int mca_coll_ml_err(const char* fmt, ...)
va_list list;
int ret;
va_start(list, fmt);
ret = vfprintf(stderr, fmt, list);
return ret;
#define ML_ERROR(args) \
do { \
mca_coll_ml_err("[%s]%s[%s:%d:%s] COLL-ML ", \
orte_process_info.nodename, \
__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); \
mca_coll_ml_err args; \
mca_coll_ml_err("\n"); \
} while(0)
#define ML_VERBOSE(level, args) \
do { \
if(mca_coll_ml_component.verbose >= level) { \
mca_coll_ml_err("[%s]%s[%s:%d:%s] COLL-ML ", \
orte_process_info.nodename, \
__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); \
mca_coll_ml_err args; \
mca_coll_ml_err("\n"); \
} \
} while(0)
#define ML_VERBOSE(level, args)
#define IS_BCOL_TYPE_IDENTICAL(bcol1, bcol2) \
( (NULL != bcol1 && NULL != bcol2) && \
( /* chech if the len is the same */ \
(strlen(((mca_base_component_t *)((bcol1)->bcol_component))->mca_component_name) == \
strlen(((mca_base_component_t *)((bcol2)->bcol_component))->mca_component_name)) \
&& /* check if the string are identical */ \
(0 == strncmp(((mca_base_component_t *)((bcol1)->bcol_component))->mca_component_name, \
((mca_base_component_t *)((bcol2)->bcol_component))->mca_component_name, \
strlen(((mca_base_component_t *)((bcol2)->bcol_component))->mca_component_name))) \
) ? true : false)
#define GET_BCOL(module, indx) ((module)->component_pairs[(indx)].bcol_modules[0])
#define GET_BCOL_SYNC_FN(bcol) ((bcol)->filtered_fns_table[DATA_SRC_KNOWN][NON_BLOCKING] \
/* Allocator macros */
#define BUFFER_INDEX(bank,nbuffs,buffer) (bank*nbuffs+buffer)
#define ML_GET_FRAG_SIZE(op, coll) \
((op)->fragment_data.message_descriptor->n_bytes_total - \
(op)->fragment_data.message_descriptor->n_bytes_scheduled < \
(size_t) OP_ML_MODULE((op))->small_message_thresholds[coll] ? \
(op)->fragment_data.message_descriptor->n_bytes_total - \
(op)->fragment_data.message_descriptor->n_bytes_scheduled : \
(size_t) OP_ML_MODULE((op))->small_message_thresholds[coll])
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ int ml_fls(int num)
int i = 1;
int j = 0;
if (0 == num) {
return 0;
while (i < num) {
i *= 2;
if (i > num) {
return j;
/* Abort mpi process in case of fatal error */
void mca_coll_ml_abort_ml(char *message);
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__
int mca_coll_ml_buffer_recycling(mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *ml_request)
mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module = (mca_coll_ml_module_t *)ml_request->coll_module;
ml_memory_block_desc_t *ml_memblock = ml_module->payload_block;
uint64_t bank_index = ml_request->fragment_data.buffer_desc->bank_index;
int rc;
opal_atomic_add(&ml_memblock->bank_release_counters[bank_index], 1);
/* Check if the bank is ready for recycling */
if (ml_memblock->bank_release_counters[bank_index] ==
ml_memblock->num_buffers_per_bank ) {
ml_memblock->ready_for_memsync[bank_index] = true;
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Sync count %d, bank %d", ml_memblock->memsync_counter, bank_index));
if (ml_memblock->memsync_counter == (int)bank_index) {
while(ml_memblock->ready_for_memsync[ml_memblock->memsync_counter]) {
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Calling for service barrier: ml_buffer_index - %d %d %d == %d.\n",
/* Setting the ready flag to 0 - unready - done */
ml_memblock->ready_for_memsync[ml_memblock->memsync_counter] = false;
rc = mca_coll_ml_memsync_intra(ml_module, ml_memblock->memsync_counter);
if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
ML_ERROR(("Failed to start memory sync !!!"));
return rc;
opal_atomic_add(&ml_memblock->memsync_counter, 1);
if (ml_memblock->memsync_counter == (int)ml_memblock->num_banks) {
ml_memblock->memsync_counter = 0;
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("After service barrier."));
} else {
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Out of order %d\n", ml_memblock->memsync_counter));
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ int coll_ml_fragment_completion_processing(
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op)
/* local variables */
int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;
size_t bytes_in_this_frag;
struct full_message_t *full_msg_desc = coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor;
bool ready_to_release = true, out_of_resource = false;
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Coll_op %p processing completion", coll_op));
/* Call unpack/pack function */
if (OPAL_LIKELY(NULL != coll_op->process_fn)) {
ret = coll_op->process_fn(coll_op);
switch(ret) {
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("unpack done"));
ready_to_release = true;
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("unexpected packet"));
ready_to_release = false;
ML_ERROR(("Error, unexpected error code %d", ret));
return ret;
bytes_in_this_frag = coll_op->fragment_data.fragment_size;
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Delivered %d bytes in frag %d total %d",
/* check for full message completion */
if(full_msg_desc->n_bytes_delivered + bytes_in_this_frag ==
full_msg_desc->n_bytes_total) {
/* message complete - don't update number of bytes delivered, just
* mark the message complete
full_msg_desc->n_bytes_delivered += bytes_in_this_frag;
/* decrement the number of fragments */
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Signaling completion"));
/* here we need to be sure that we point to the first fragment only */
ompi_request_complete(&(coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor->super), true);
coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor->super.req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
} else {
assert(NULL != coll_op->fragment_data.buffer_desc);
/* update the number of bytes delivered */
full_msg_desc->n_bytes_delivered += bytes_in_this_frag;
/* decrement the number of fragments */
/* here we need to start the next fragment */
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Launch frags for %p", coll_op));
if (full_msg_desc->n_bytes_scheduled < full_msg_desc->n_bytes_total) {
ret = coll_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor->fragment_launcher(coll_op);
out_of_resource = true;
} else if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Failed to launch fragment"));
return ret;
if (ready_to_release) {
/* Check if we have to recycle memory.
* Note: It is safe to recycle ML buffers since the ML buffer data
* already was unpacked to user buffer
if (NULL != coll_op->fragment_data.buffer_desc) {
ret = mca_coll_ml_buffer_recycling(coll_op);
return ret;
/* if this is not fragment 0, return fragment to the free list.
* fragment 0 will be returned in mca_ml_request_free() which
* is called from the MPI wait() and test() routines.
* We can recover the pointer to the fragement descriptor from
* the MPI level request object, wich is the first element
* in the fragment descriptor.
ML_VERBOSE(10, ("Master ? %p %d", coll_op, coll_op->fragment_data.offset_into_user_buffer));
if (0 != coll_op->fragment_data.offset_into_user_buffer &&
!out_of_resource) {
/* non-zero offset ==> this is not fragment 0 */
/* return */
/* task completion */
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ int coll_ml_task_dependency_processing(
mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *task)
/* update dependencies */
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *my_schedule_instance =
int n_dependent_tasks = task->rt_num_dependent_tasks;
int dep_task;
for (dep_task = 0; dep_task < n_dependent_tasks; dep_task++)
int task_index;
task_index = task->rt_dependent_task_indecies[dep_task];
/* return */
/* collective task completion processing -
* "task" may be removed from list in this routine.
* Thread safety is assumed to be handled outside this routine.
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ int mca_coll_ml_task_completion_processing(
mca_coll_ml_task_status_t **task_status_g, opal_list_t *list)
/* local variables */
int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;
mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *task_status = *task_status_g;
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op =
/* Pasha: Since all our collectives so far use the root
flag, I replacing the call for custom call back function
with setting root_flag.
If we will see that we need some custom functionality,
we will enable it later.
task_status->ml_coll_operation->variable_fn_params.root_flag = true;
#if 0
/* process task completion function,
if any was defined */
if (OPAL_LIKELY(NULL != task_status->task_comp_fn)) {
ret = task_status->task_comp_fn(task_status);
if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
/* update dependencies */
ret = coll_ml_task_dependency_processing(task_status);
if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
ML_VERBOSE(3,("Failed to coll_ml_task_dependency_processing"));
return ret;
/* process task completion function,
if any was defined */
if (OPAL_LIKELY(NULL != task_status->task_comp_fn)) {
ret = task_status->task_comp_fn(task_status);
if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
ML_VERBOSE(3,("Failed to task_comp_fn"));
return ret;
/* remove the descriptor from the incomplete list
(Pasha: if the list was provided) */
/* No need to put this an any new list - it is associcated
* with the mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t
* descriptor already
if (NULL != list) {
(*task_status_g) = (mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *)
opal_list_remove_item(list, (opal_list_item_t *)(task_status));
/* update completion counter */
if(coll_op->dag_description.num_tasks_completed ==
/* the actual fragment descriptor is not on any list, as
* we can get at it from the task descriptors
ret = coll_ml_fragment_completion_processing(coll_op);
if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
ML_VERBOSE(3,("Failed to coll_ml_fragment_completion_processing"));
return ret;
/* return */
return ret;
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ int mca_coll_ml_generic_collectives_append_to_queue(
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *op_prog,
mca_coll_ml_task_setup_fn_t task_setup)
int fn_index;
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *op_desc =
mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t *func = NULL;
mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *task_status = NULL;
mca_coll_ml_component_t *cm = &mca_coll_ml_component;
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Calling mca_coll_ml_generic_collectives_launcher"));
/* Init all tasks, before we start them */
for (fn_index = 0; fn_index < op_desc->n_fns; fn_index++) {
func = &op_desc->component_functions[fn_index];
task_status = &op_prog->dag_description.status_array[fn_index];
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Processing function index %d", fn_index));
assert(NULL != func);
/* Init task status */
task_status->n_dep_satisfied = 0; /* start from zero */
task_status->bcol_fn = func->bcol_function;
/* setup run time parametres */
/* Pasha: do we need the if proctection ? */
if (OPAL_LIKELY(NULL != task_setup)) {
task_setup(task_status, fn_index, func);
/* the pointer to operation progress supposed to be set during
construction time. Just want to make sure that it is ok */
assert(task_status->ml_coll_operation == op_prog);
/* We assume that all pointer to functions are defined and it
is not reson to check for null */
assert(NULL != func->bcol_function->coll_fn);
/* In order to preserve ordering on all ranks we have to add it to tail */
/* TBD: Need to review the way we launch fragments */
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("The task %p dependency is %d, appending it on pending list",
(void *)task_status, func->num_dependencies));
opal_list_append(&cm->pending_tasks, (opal_list_item_t *)task_status);
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Collective was launched !"));
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ int mca_coll_ml_generic_collectives_launcher(
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *op_prog,
mca_coll_ml_task_setup_fn_t task_setup)
int fn_index;
int rc, ret;
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *op_desc =
mca_coll_ml_compound_functions_t *func = NULL;
mca_coll_ml_task_status_t *task_status = NULL;
mca_coll_ml_component_t *cm = &mca_coll_ml_component;
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Calling mca_coll_ml_generic_collectives_launcher"));
/* Init all tasks, before we start them */
for (fn_index = 0; fn_index < op_desc->n_fns; fn_index++) {
func = &op_desc->component_functions[fn_index];
task_status = &op_prog->dag_description.status_array[fn_index];
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Processing function index %d", fn_index));
assert(NULL != func);
/* Init task status */
task_status->n_dep_satisfied = 0; /* start from zero */
/* task_status->my_index_in_coll_schedule = fn_index;
pasha: the value is set during init */
task_status->bcol_fn = func->bcol_function;
/* Pasha: disabling support for custom complition functions
task_status->task_comp_fn = func->task_comp_fn;
/* setup run time parametres */
/* Pasha: do we need the if proctection ? */
if (OPAL_LIKELY(NULL != task_setup)) {
task_setup(task_status, fn_index, func);
/* the pointer to operation progress supposed to be set during
construction time. Just want to make sure that it is ok */
assert(task_status->ml_coll_operation == op_prog);
/* Task status is done */
/* launch the task and put it on corresponding list (if required) */
/* We assume that all pointer to functions are defined and it
is not reason to check for null */
assert(NULL != func->bcol_function->coll_fn);
/* try to start startable */
for (fn_index = 0; fn_index < op_desc->n_fns; fn_index++) {
func = &op_desc->component_functions[fn_index];
task_status = &op_prog->dag_description.status_array[fn_index];
/* fire the collective imidiate if it has no dependencies */
if (0 == task_status->rt_num_dependencies) {
rc = func->bcol_function->coll_fn(&op_prog->variable_fn_params,
/* Pasha: Need to update the prototype of the func,
right now it is ugly hack for compilation */
(struct coll_ml_function_t *)&func->constant_group_data);
switch(rc) {
/* put it on pending list */
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Call to bcol collecitive return BCOL_FN_NOT_STARTED, putting the task on pending list"));
opal_list_append(&cm->pending_tasks, (opal_list_item_t *)task_status);
/* put it on started list */
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Call to bcol collecitive return BCOL_FN_STARTED, puting the task on active list"));
opal_list_append(&cm->active_tasks, (opal_list_item_t *)task_status);
/* the tast is done ! lets start relevant dependencies */
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Call to bcol collecitive return BCOL_FN_COMPLETE"));
/* the task does not belong to any list, yes. So passing NULL */
ret = mca_coll_ml_task_completion_processing(&task_status, NULL);
if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Failed to mca_coll_ml_task_completion_processing"));
return ret;
ML_ERROR(("Unknow exit status %d", rc));
return OMPI_ERROR;
} else {
/* the task is depend on other, lets put it on pending list */
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("The task %p dependency is %d, putting it on pending list",
(void *)task_status, func->num_dependencies));
opal_list_append(&cm->pending_tasks, (opal_list_item_t *)task_status);
ML_VERBOSE(9, ("Collective was launched !"));
#define ML_SET_VARIABLE_PARAMS_BCAST(op, ml, cnt, datatype, b_desc, \
s_offset, r_offset, frag_len, buf) \
do { \
op->variable_fn_params.sequence_num = \
OPAL_THREAD_ADD64(&((ml)->collective_sequence_num), 1); \
op->variable_fn_params.count = cnt; \
op->variable_fn_params.dtype = datatype; \
op->variable_fn_params.buffer_index = (b_desc)->buffer_index; \
op->variable_fn_params.src_desc = (b_desc); \
op->variable_fn_params.sbuf_offset = s_offset; \
op->variable_fn_params.rbuf_offset = r_offset; \
op->variable_fn_params.frag_size = frag_len; \
op->variable_fn_params.sbuf = buf; \
} while (0)
#define MCA_COLL_ML_OP_BASIC_SETUP(op, total_bytes, offset_into_user_buff, src, dst, collective_schedule) \
do { \
op->coll_schedule = collective_schedule; \
op->process_fn = NULL; \
op->full_message.n_bytes_total = total_bytes; \
op->full_message.n_bytes_delivered = 0; \
op->full_message.n_bytes_scheduled = 0; \
op->full_message.dest_user_addr = dst; \
op->full_message.src_user_addr = src; \
op->full_message.n_active = 0; \
op->full_message.n_bytes_per_proc_total = 0; \
op->full_message.send_count = 0; \
op->full_message.recv_count = 0; \
op->full_message.send_extent = 0; \
op->full_message.recv_extent = 0; \
op->full_message.offset_into_send_buffer = 0; \
op->full_message.offset_into_recv_buffer = 0; \
op->full_message.send_data_type = 0; \
op->full_message.recv_data_type = 0; \
op->full_message.fragment_launcher = 0; \
op->sequential_routine.current_active_bcol_fn = 0; \
op->sequential_routine.current_bcol_status = SEQ_TASK_NOT_STARTED; \
op->fragment_data.offset_into_user_buffer = offset_into_user_buff; \
/* Pasha, is it constant ? what to put here */ \
op->fragment_data.fragment_size = total_bytes; \
op->fragment_data.message_descriptor = &op->full_message; \
op->fragment_data.current_coll_op = -1; \
} while (0)
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *
mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *coll_schedule,
void *src, void *dst, size_t total_bytes,
size_t offset_into_user_buffer
int rc;
ompi_free_list_item_t *item;
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op = NULL;
ompi_request_t *req;
/* Blocking call on fragment allocation (Maybe we want to make it non blocking ?) */
coll_op = (mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *) item;
ML_VERBOSE(10, (">>> Allocating coll op %p", coll_op));
assert(NULL != coll_op);
assert(coll_op->dag_description.status_array[0].item.opal_list_item_refcount == 0);
req = &(coll_op->full_message.super);
OMPI_REQUEST_INIT(req, false);
/* Mark the request ACTIVE. It is critical for MPI_Test()*/
req->req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE;
req->req_status._cancelled = 0;
req->req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
MCA_COLL_ML_OP_BASIC_SETUP(coll_op, total_bytes,
offset_into_user_buffer, src, dst, coll_schedule);
/* We do not set sequential, since it is not sequential call */
coll_op->dag_description.num_tasks_completed = 0;
/* Release reference counter have to be zero */
assert(0 == coll_op->pending);
return coll_op;
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *
mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *old_op)
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *new_op = NULL;
new_op = mca_coll_ml_alloc_op_prog_single_frag_dag(ml_module,
new_op->fragment_data.current_coll_op = old_op->fragment_data.current_coll_op;
new_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor = old_op->fragment_data.message_descriptor;
return new_op;
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *
mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_description_t *coll_schedule,
void *src, void *dst,
size_t total_bytes,
size_t offset_into_user_buffer
int rc;
ompi_free_list_item_t *item;
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op = NULL;
/* Blocking call on fragment allocation (Maybe we want to make it non blocking ?) */
coll_op = (mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *) item;
assert(NULL != coll_op);
MCA_COLL_ML_OP_BASIC_SETUP(coll_op, total_bytes,
offset_into_user_buffer, src, dst, coll_schedule);
/* set sequential data */
/* pasha - do we have something to set ? */
return coll_op;
/* This routine re-orders and packs user data. The assumption is that
* there is per-process data, the amount of data is the same for all * ranks,
* and the user data is contigous.
int mca_coll_ml_pack_reorder_contiguous_data(
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op);
/* This routine re-orders and packs user data. The assumption is that
* there is per-process data, the amount of data is the same for all * ranks,
* and the user data is noncontigous.
int mca_coll_ml_pack_reorder_noncontiguous_data(
mca_coll_ml_collective_operation_progress_t *coll_op);
static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__
void mca_coll_ml_convertor_get_send_frag_size(mca_coll_ml_module_t *ml_module,
size_t *frag_size, struct full_message_t *message_descriptor)
size_t ml_fragment_size = ml_module->ml_fragment_size;
opal_convertor_t *dummy_convertor = &message_descriptor->dummy_convertor;
/* The last frag needs special service */
if (ml_fragment_size >
message_descriptor->send_converter_bytes_packed) {
*frag_size = message_descriptor->send_converter_bytes_packed;
message_descriptor->send_converter_bytes_packed = 0;
*frag_size = ml_fragment_size;
message_descriptor->dummy_conv_position += ml_fragment_size;
opal_convertor_generic_simple_position(dummy_convertor, &message_descriptor->dummy_conv_position);
*frag_size -= dummy_convertor->partial_length;
message_descriptor->send_converter_bytes_packed -= (*frag_size);
#endif /* MCA_COLL_ML_ML_H */