Ralph Castain 6509f60929 Complete the memprobe support. This provides a new scaling tool called "mpi_memprobe" that samples the memory footprint of the local daemon and the client procs, and then reports the results. The output contains the footprint of the daemon on each node, plus the average footprint of the client procs on that node.
Samples are taken after MPI_Init, and then again after MPI_Barrier. This allows the user to see memory consumption caused by add_procs, as well as any modex contribution from forming connections if pmix_base_async_modex is given.

Using the probe simply involves executing it via mpirun, with however many copies you want per node. Example:

$ mpirun -npernode 2 ./mpi_memprobe
Sampling memory usage after MPI_Init
Data for node rhc001
	Daemon: 12.483398
	Client: 6.514648

Data for node rhc002
	Daemon: 11.865234
	Client: 4.643555

Sampling memory usage after MPI_Barrier
Data for node rhc001
	Daemon: 12.520508
	Client: 6.576660

Data for node rhc002
	Daemon: 11.879883
	Client: 4.703125

Note that the client value on node rhc001 is larger - this is where rank=0 is housed, and apparently it gets a larger footprint for some reason.

Signed-off-by: Ralph Castain <rhc@open-mpi.org>
2017-01-05 10:32:17 -08:00

537 строки
17 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Research Organization for Information Science
* and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014 Mellanox Technologies, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
#include "opal_config.h"
#include "opal/constants.h"
#include "opal/types.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "opal/dss/dss.h"
#include "opal/mca/event/event.h"
#include "opal/mca/hwloc/base/base.h"
#include "opal/runtime/opal.h"
#include "opal/runtime/opal_progress_threads.h"
#include "opal/util/argv.h"
#include "opal/util/error.h"
#include "opal/util/output.h"
#include "opal/util/proc.h"
#include "opal/util/show_help.h"
#include "opal/mca/pmix/base/base.h"
#include "pmix2x.h"
#include "pmix.h"
#include "pmix_server.h"
/**** S.O.U.T.H.B.O.U.N.D I.N.T.E.R.F.A.C.E.S ****/
/* These are the interfaces used by the OMPI/ORTE/OPAL layer to call
* down into the embedded PMIx server. */
extern pmix_server_module_t mymodule;
extern opal_pmix_server_module_t *host_module;
static char *dbgvalue=NULL;
static size_t errhdler_ref = 0;
do { \
while ((a)) { \
usleep(10); \
} \
} while (0)
static void errreg_cbfunc (pmix_status_t status,
size_t errhandler_ref,
void *cbdata)
volatile bool *active = (volatile bool*)cbdata;
errhdler_ref = errhandler_ref;
opal_output_verbose(5, opal_pmix_base_framework.framework_output,
"PMIX server errreg_cbfunc - error handler registered status=%d, reference=%lu",
status, (unsigned long)errhandler_ref);
*active = false;
static void opcbfunc(pmix_status_t status, void *cbdata)
pmix2x_opcaddy_t *op = (pmix2x_opcaddy_t*)cbdata;
if (NULL != op->opcbfunc) {
op->opcbfunc(pmix2x_convert_rc(status), op->cbdata);
if (op->active) {
op->status = status;
op->active = false;
} else {
static void op2cbfunc(pmix_status_t status, void *cbdata)
volatile bool *active = (volatile bool*)cbdata;
*active = false;
int pmix2x_server_init(opal_pmix_server_module_t *module,
opal_list_t *info)
pmix_status_t rc;
int dbg;
opal_value_t *kv;
pmix_info_t *pinfo;
size_t sz, n;
volatile bool active;
opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t *job;
if (0 < (dbg = opal_output_get_verbosity(opal_pmix_base_framework.framework_output))) {
asprintf(&dbgvalue, "PMIX_DEBUG=%d", dbg);
/* convert the list to an array of pmix_info_t */
if (NULL != info) {
sz = opal_list_get_size(info);
PMIX_INFO_CREATE(pinfo, sz);
n = 0;
OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(kv, info, opal_value_t) {
(void)strncpy(pinfo[n].key, kv->key, PMIX_MAX_KEYLEN);
pmix2x_value_load(&pinfo[n].value, kv);
} else {
sz = 0;
pinfo = NULL;
/* insert ourselves into our list of jobids - it will be the
* first, and so we'll check it first */
job = OBJ_NEW(opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t);
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(job->nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, OPAL_PROC_MY_NAME.jobid);
job->jobid = OPAL_PROC_MY_NAME.jobid;
opal_list_append(&mca_pmix_pmix2x_component.jobids, &job->super);
if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_server_init(&mymodule, pinfo, sz))) {
PMIX_INFO_FREE(pinfo, sz);
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
PMIX_INFO_FREE(pinfo, sz);
/* record the host module */
host_module = module;
/* register the default event handler */
active = true;
PMIx_Register_event_handler(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, pmix2x_event_hdlr, errreg_cbfunc, (void*)&active);
/* as we might want to use some client-side functions, be sure
* to register our own nspace */
active = true;
PMIx_server_register_nspace(job->nspace, 1, pinfo, 1, op2cbfunc, (void*)&active);
PMIX_INFO_FREE(pinfo, 1);
static void fincb(pmix_status_t status, void *cbdata)
volatile bool *active = (volatile bool*)cbdata;
*active = false;
int pmix2x_server_finalize(void)
pmix_status_t rc;
volatile bool active;
/* deregister the default event handler */
active = true;
PMIx_Deregister_event_handler(errhdler_ref, fincb, (void*)&active);
rc = PMIx_server_finalize();
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
int pmix2x_server_gen_regex(const char *input, char **regex)
pmix_status_t rc;
rc = PMIx_generate_regex(input, regex);
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
int pmix2x_server_gen_ppn(const char *input, char **ppn)
pmix_status_t rc;
rc = PMIx_generate_ppn(input, ppn);
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
static void _reg_nspace(int sd, short args, void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd = (pmix2x_threadshift_t*)cbdata;
opal_value_t *kv, *k2;
pmix_info_t *pinfo = NULL, *pmap;
size_t sz, szmap, m, n;
char nspace[PMIX_MAX_NSLEN];
pmix_status_t rc;
opal_list_t *pmapinfo;
opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t *job;
pmix2x_opcaddy_t op;
/* we must threadshift this request as we might not be in an event
* and we are going to access framework-global lists/objects */
/* convert the jobid */
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, cd->jobid);
/* store this job in our list of known nspaces */
job = OBJ_NEW(opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t);
(void)strncpy(job->nspace, nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN);
job->jobid = cd->jobid;
opal_list_append(&mca_pmix_pmix2x_component.jobids, &job->super);
/* convert the list to an array of pmix_info_t */
if (NULL != cd->info) {
sz = opal_list_get_size(cd->info);
PMIX_INFO_CREATE(pinfo, sz);
n = 0;
OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(kv, cd->info, opal_value_t) {
(void)strncpy(pinfo[n].key, kv->key, PMIX_MAX_KEYLEN);
if (0 == strcmp(kv->key, OPAL_PMIX_PROC_DATA)) {
pinfo[n].value.type = PMIX_DATA_ARRAY;
/* the value contains a list of values - convert
* that list to another array */
pmapinfo = (opal_list_t*)kv->data.ptr;
szmap = opal_list_get_size(pmapinfo);
PMIX_INFO_CREATE(pmap, szmap);
pinfo[n].value.data.darray = (pmix_data_array_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(pmix_data_array_t));
pinfo[n].value.data.darray->type = PMIX_INFO;
pinfo[n].value.data.darray->array = (struct pmix_info_t*)pmap;
pinfo[n].value.data.darray->size = szmap;
m = 0;
OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(k2, pmapinfo, opal_value_t) {
(void)strncpy(pmap[m].key, k2->key, PMIX_MAX_KEYLEN);
pmix2x_value_load(&pmap[m].value, k2);
} else {
pmix2x_value_load(&pinfo[n].value, kv);
} else {
sz = 0;
pinfo = NULL;
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&op, pmix2x_opcaddy_t);
op.active = true;
rc = PMIx_server_register_nspace(nspace, cd->status, pinfo, sz,
opcbfunc, (void*)&op);
if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc) {
} else {
op.status = rc;
/* ensure we execute the cbfunc so the caller doesn't hang */
if (NULL != cd->opcbfunc) {
cd->opcbfunc(pmix2x_convert_rc(op.status), cd->cbdata);
if (NULL != pinfo) {
PMIX_INFO_FREE(pinfo, sz);
int pmix2x_server_register_nspace(opal_jobid_t jobid,
int nlocalprocs,
opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd;
/* we must threadshift this request as it touches
* shared lists of objects */
cd = OBJ_NEW(pmix2x_threadshift_t);
cd->jobid = jobid;
cd->status = nlocalprocs;
cd->info = info;
cd->opcbfunc = cbfunc;
cd->cbdata = cbdata;
/* if the cbfunc is NULL, then the caller is in an event
* and we can directly call the processing function */
if (NULL == cbfunc) {
_reg_nspace(0, 0, cd);
} else {
event_assign(&cd->ev, opal_pmix_base.evbase,
-1, EV_WRITE, _reg_nspace, cd);
event_active(&cd->ev, EV_WRITE, 1);
static void tdcbfunc(pmix_status_t status, void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd = (pmix2x_threadshift_t*)cbdata;
if (NULL != cd->opcbfunc) {
cd->opcbfunc(pmix2x_convert_rc(status), cd->cbdata);
if (cd->active) {
cd->active = false;
} else {
static void _dereg_nspace(int sd, short args, void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd = (pmix2x_threadshift_t*)cbdata;
opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t *jptr;
/* if we don't already have it, we can ignore this */
OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(jptr, &mca_pmix_pmix2x_component.jobids, opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t) {
if (jptr->jobid == cd->jobid) {
/* found it - tell the server to deregister */
cd->active = true;
PMIx_server_deregister_nspace(jptr->nspace, tdcbfunc, cd);
/* now get rid of it from our list */
opal_list_remove_item(&mca_pmix_pmix2x_component.jobids, &jptr->super);
/* must release the caller */
tdcbfunc(PMIX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, cd);
void pmix2x_server_deregister_nspace(opal_jobid_t jobid,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd;
/* we must threadshift this request as it touches
* shared lists of objects */
cd = OBJ_NEW(pmix2x_threadshift_t);
cd->jobid = jobid;
cd->opcbfunc = cbfunc;
cd->cbdata = cbdata;
if (NULL == cbfunc) {
_dereg_nspace(0, 0, cd);
} else {
event_assign(&cd->ev, opal_pmix_base.evbase,
-1, EV_WRITE, _dereg_nspace, cd);
event_active(&cd->ev, EV_WRITE, 1);
int pmix2x_server_register_client(const opal_process_name_t *proc,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
void *server_object,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata)
pmix_status_t rc;
pmix_proc_t p;
pmix2x_opcaddy_t op;
/* convert the jobid */
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(p.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, proc->jobid);
p.rank = pmix2x_convert_opalrank(proc->vpid);
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&op, pmix2x_opcaddy_t);
op.active = true;
rc = PMIx_server_register_client(&p, uid, gid, server_object,
opcbfunc, (void*)&op);
if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc) {
rc = op.status;
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
static void _dereg_client(int sd, short args, void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd = (pmix2x_threadshift_t*)cbdata;
opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t *jptr;
pmix_proc_t p;
/* if we don't already have it, we can ignore this */
OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(jptr, &mca_pmix_pmix2x_component.jobids, opal_pmix2x_jobid_trkr_t) {
if (jptr->jobid == cd->source->jobid) {
/* found it - tell the server to deregister */
(void)strncpy(p.nspace, jptr->nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN);
p.rank = pmix2x_convert_opalrank(cd->source->vpid);
cd->active = true;
PMIx_server_deregister_client(&p, tdcbfunc, (void*)cd);
/* tell the local PMIx server to cleanup this client as it is
* done executing */
void pmix2x_server_deregister_client(const opal_process_name_t *proc,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc,
void *cbdata)
pmix2x_threadshift_t *cd;
/* we must threadshift this request as we might not be in an event
* and we are going to access framework-global lists/objects */
cd = OBJ_NEW(pmix2x_threadshift_t);
cd->source = proc;
cd->opcbfunc = cbfunc;
cd->cbdata = cbdata;
if (NULL == cbfunc) {
_dereg_client(0, 0, cd);
} else {
event_assign(&cd->ev, opal_pmix_base.evbase,
-1, EV_WRITE, _dereg_client, cd);
event_active(&cd->ev, EV_WRITE, 1);
/* have the local PMIx server setup the environment for this client */
int pmix2x_server_setup_fork(const opal_process_name_t *proc, char ***env)
pmix_status_t rc;
pmix_proc_t p;
/* convert the jobid */
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(p.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, proc->jobid);
p.rank = pmix2x_convert_opalrank(proc->vpid);
rc = PMIx_server_setup_fork(&p, env);
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
/* this is the call back up from the embedded PMIx server that
* will contain the returned data. Note that the embedded server
* "owns" the data and will free it upon return from this function */
static void dmdx_response(pmix_status_t status, char *data, size_t sz, void *cbdata)
int rc;
pmix2x_opcaddy_t *op = (pmix2x_opcaddy_t*)cbdata;
rc = pmix2x_convert_rc(status);
if (NULL != op->mdxcbfunc) {
op->mdxcbfunc(rc, data, sz, op->cbdata, NULL, NULL);
/* request modex data for a local proc from the PMIx server */
int pmix2x_server_dmodex(const opal_process_name_t *proc,
opal_pmix_modex_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata)
pmix2x_opcaddy_t *op;
pmix_status_t rc;
/* setup the caddy */
op = OBJ_NEW(pmix2x_opcaddy_t);
op->mdxcbfunc = cbfunc;
op->cbdata = cbdata;
/* convert the jobid */
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(op->p.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, proc->jobid);
op->p.rank = pmix2x_convert_opalrank(proc->vpid);
/* find the internally-cached data for this proc */
rc = PMIx_server_dmodex_request(&op->p, dmdx_response, op);
if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);
/* tell the PMIx server to notify its local clients of an event */
int pmix2x_server_notify_event(int status,
const opal_process_name_t *source,
opal_list_t *info,
opal_pmix_op_cbfunc_t cbfunc, void *cbdata)
opal_value_t *kv;
pmix_info_t *pinfo;
size_t sz, n;
pmix_status_t rc;
pmix2x_opcaddy_t *op;
/* convert the list to an array of pmix_info_t */
if (NULL != info) {
sz = opal_list_get_size(info);
PMIX_INFO_CREATE(pinfo, sz);
n = 0;
OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(kv, info, opal_value_t) {
(void)strncpy(pinfo[n].key, kv->key, PMIX_MAX_KEYLEN);
pmix2x_value_load(&pinfo[n].value, kv);
} else {
sz = 0;
pinfo = NULL;
/* setup the caddy */
op = OBJ_NEW(pmix2x_opcaddy_t);
op->info = pinfo;
op->sz = sz;
op->opcbfunc = cbfunc;
op->cbdata = cbdata;
/* convert the jobid */
if (NULL == source) {
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(op->p.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, OPAL_JOBID_INVALID);
op->p.rank = pmix2x_convert_opalrank(OPAL_VPID_INVALID);
} else {
(void)opal_snprintf_jobid(op->p.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN, source->jobid);
op->p.rank = pmix2x_convert_opalrank(source->vpid);
rc = pmix2x_convert_opalrc(status);
/* the range is irrelevant here as the server is passing
* the event down to its local clients */
rc = PMIx_Notify_event(rc, &op->p, PMIX_RANGE_LOCAL,
pinfo, sz, opcbfunc, op);
if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) {
return pmix2x_convert_rc(rc);