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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2011 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014 Research Organization for Information Science
* and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
* The ugni btl is implemented with native Cray Gemini.
* Known issues with ugni:
* -
#ifndef MCA_BTL_UGNI_H
#define MCA_BTL_UGNI_H
#include "opal_config.h"
#include "opal/mca/mpool/mpool.h"
#include "opal/mca/mpool/base/base.h"
#include "opal/mca/rcache/base/base.h"
#include "opal/mca/rcache/udreg/rcache_udreg.h"
#include "opal/util/output.h"
#include "opal_stdint.h"
#include "opal/mca/btl/btl.h"
#include "opal/mca/btl/base/base.h"
#include "opal/mca/btl/base/btl_base_error.h"
#include "opal/class/opal_hash_table.h"
#include "opal/class/opal_free_list.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <gni_pub.h>
/* datagram message ids */
#define MCA_BTL_UGNI_CONNECT_WILDCARD_ID 0x0000000000000000ull
#define MCA_BTL_UGNI_CONNECT_DIRECTED_ID 0x8000000000000000ull
#define MCA_BTL_UGNI_DATAGRAM_MASK 0x8000000000000000ull
/** maximum number of supported virtual devices */
/** number of rdma completion queue items to remove per progress loop */
/** how often to check for connection requests */
* Modex data
struct mca_btl_ugni_modex_t {
/** GNI NIC address */
uint32_t addr;
/** CDM identifier (base) */
int id;
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_modex_t mca_btl_ugni_modex_t;
/* ompi and smsg endpoint attributes */
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_endpoint_attr_t {
opal_process_name_t proc_name;
uint32_t index;
gni_smsg_attr_t smsg_attr;
gni_mem_handle_t rmt_irq_mem_hndl;
} mca_btl_ugni_endpoint_attr_t;
enum {
enum mca_btl_ugni_free_list_id_t {
/* eager fragment list (registered) */
/* SMSG fragment list (unregistered) */
/* RDMA fragment list */
struct mca_btl_ugni_cq_t {
/** ugni CQ handle */
gni_cq_handle_t gni_handle;
/** number of completions expected on the CQ */
volatile int32_t active_operations;
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_cq_t mca_btl_ugni_cq_t;
* GNI virtual device
struct mca_btl_ugni_device_t {
/** Communication domain handle */
gni_cdm_handle_t dev_cd_handle;
/** protection for ugni access */
volatile int32_t lock;
/** Index of device in module devices array */
int dev_index;
/** number of SMSG connections */
volatile int32_t smsg_connections;
/** boolean indicating that the device was recently flushed */
volatile bool flushed;
/** uGNI device handle */
gni_nic_handle_t dev_handle;
/** uGNI rdma completion queue */
mca_btl_ugni_cq_t dev_rdma_local_cq;
/** local rdma completion queue (async) */
mca_btl_ugni_cq_t dev_rdma_local_irq_cq;
/** local SMSG completion queue */
mca_btl_ugni_cq_t dev_smsg_local_cq;
/** IRQ memory handle for this device */
gni_mem_handle_t smsg_irq_mhndl;
/** RDMA endpoint free list */
opal_free_list_t rdma_descs;
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_device_t mca_btl_ugni_device_t;
typedef intptr_t (*mca_btl_ugni_device_serialize_fn_t) (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device, void *arg);
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_module_t {
mca_btl_base_module_t super;
bool initialized;
mca_btl_ugni_device_t devices[MCA_BTL_UGNI_MAX_DEV_HANDLES];
opal_mutex_t endpoint_lock;
size_t endpoint_count;
opal_pointer_array_t endpoints;
opal_hash_table_t id_to_endpoint;
/* lock for this list */
opal_mutex_t failed_frags_lock;
/** rdma frags waiting to be reposted */
opal_list_t failed_frags;
/** lock for the eager_get_pending list */
opal_mutex_t eager_get_pending_lock;
opal_list_t eager_get_pending;
mca_mpool_base_module_t *mpool;
opal_free_list_t smsg_mboxes;
gni_ep_handle_t wildcard_ep;
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *local_ep;
volatile int32_t active_datagrams;
opal_event_t connection_event;
struct mca_btl_ugni_endpoint_attr_t wc_remote_attr, wc_local_attr;
gni_cq_handle_t smsg_remote_cq;
gni_cq_handle_t smsg_remote_irq_cq;
/** fragment free lists (see enum mca_btl_ugni_free_list_id_t) */
opal_free_list_t frags_lists[MCA_BTL_UGNI_LIST_MAX];
/* lock for this list */
opal_mutex_t ep_wait_list_lock;
/* endpoints waiting on credits */
opal_list_t ep_wait_list;
/* fragment id bounce buffer (smsg msg ids are only 32 bits) */
opal_pointer_array_t pending_smsg_frags_bb;
int32_t reg_max;
volatile int32_t reg_count;
/* used to calculate the fraction of registered memory resources
* this rank should be limited too */
int nlocal_procs;
volatile int32_t active_rdma_count;
mca_rcache_base_module_t *rcache;
} mca_btl_ugni_module_t;
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_component_t {
/* base BTL component */
mca_btl_base_component_3_0_0_t super;
/* maximum supported btls. hardcoded to 1 for now */
uint32_t ugni_max_btls;
/* Maximum number of entries a completion queue can hold */
uint32_t remote_cq_size;
uint32_t local_cq_size;
uint32_t local_rdma_cq_size;
/* There is a hardware limitation that hurts BTE performance
* if we submit too many BTE requests. This acts as a throttle. */
int32_t active_rdma_threshold;
/* number of ugni modules */
uint32_t ugni_num_btls;
/* ugni modules */
mca_btl_ugni_module_t *modules;
size_t smsg_max_data;
/* After this message size switch to BTE protocols */
long int ugni_fma_limit;
/** FMA switchover for get */
long int ugni_fma_get_limit;
/** FMA switchover for put */
long int ugni_fma_put_limit;
bool bind_threads_to_devices;
/* Switch to get when sending above this size */
size_t ugni_smsg_limit;
/* RDMA/SMSG free list settings */
int ugni_free_list_num;
int ugni_free_list_max;
int ugni_free_list_inc;
/* eager free list settings */
int ugni_eager_num;
int ugni_eager_max;
int ugni_eager_inc;
int smsg_max_retries;
/* number of times to retry a post */
int rdma_max_retries;
/* Maximum number of outstanding eager messages */
int smsg_max_credits;
/* mailbox size (computed) */
int smsg_mbox_size;
/* Maximum number of memory registrations per process */
int max_mem_reg;
/* Page size to use for SMSG allocations (udreg mpool) */
unsigned int smsg_page_size;
/* rcache type (grdma or udreg) */
int rcache_type;
/* memory pool hints */
char *mpool_hints;
/* Number of mailboxes to allocate in each block */
unsigned int mbox_increment;
/* Indicate whether progress thread requested */
bool progress_thread_requested;
/* Indicate whether progress thread allowed */
bool progress_thread_enabled;
/** Number of ugni device contexts to create per GNI device */
int virtual_device_count;
/** Protection tag */
uint8_t ptag;
/** Unique id for this process assigned by the system */
uint32_t cookie;
/** Starting value of communication identifier */
uint32_t cdm_id_base;
/** GNI CDM flags */
uint32_t cdm_flags;
/** NIC address */
uint32_t dev_addr;
/** MCA variable identifier for the cdm_flags variable */
int cdm_flags_id;
} mca_btl_ugni_component_t;
/* Global structures */
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC extern mca_btl_ugni_component_t mca_btl_ugni_component;
OPAL_MODULE_DECLSPEC extern mca_btl_ugni_module_t mca_btl_ugni_module;
static inline uint32_t mca_btl_ugni_ep_get_device_index (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module)
static volatile uint32_t device_index = (uint32_t) 0;
/* don't really care if the device index is atomically updated */
return opal_atomic_fetch_add_32 ((volatile int32_t *) &device_index, 1) % mca_btl_ugni_component.virtual_device_count;
* Get a virtual device for communication
static inline mca_btl_ugni_device_t *mca_btl_ugni_ep_get_device (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module)
return ugni_module->devices + mca_btl_ugni_ep_get_device_index (ugni_module);
static inline int mca_btl_rc_ugni_to_opal (gni_return_t rc)
static int codes[] = {OPAL_SUCCESS,
return codes[rc];
int mca_btl_ugni_flush (mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint);
* BML->BTL notification of change in the process list.
* location: btl_ugni_add_procs.c
* @param btl (IN) BTL module
* @param nprocs (IN) Number of processes
* @param procs (IN) Array of processes
* @param endpoint (OUT) Array of mca_btl_base_endpoint_t structures by BTL.
* @param reachable (OUT) Bitmask indicating set of peer processes that are reachable by this BTL.
* @return OPAL_SUCCESS or error status on failure.
mca_btl_ugni_add_procs (struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl,
size_t nprocs,
struct opal_proc_t **procs,
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t **peers,
opal_bitmap_t *reachable);
* Notification of change to the process list.
* location: btl_ugni_add_procs.c
* @param btl (IN) BTL module
* @param nprocs (IN) Number of processes
* @param proc (IN) Set of processes
* @param peer (IN) Set of peer addressing information.
* @return Status indicating if cleanup was successful
mca_btl_ugni_del_procs (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl,
size_t nprocs,
struct opal_proc_t **procs,
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t **peers);
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *mca_btl_ugni_get_ep (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *module, opal_proc_t *proc);
* Initiate an asynchronous send.
* location: btl_ugni_send.c
* @param btl (IN) BTL module
* @param endpoint (IN) BTL addressing information
* @param descriptor (IN) Description of the data to be transfered
* @param tag (IN) The tag value used to notify the peer.
mca_btl_ugni_send (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl,
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *btl_peer,
struct mca_btl_base_descriptor_t *descriptor,
mca_btl_base_tag_t tag);
* Initiate an immediate blocking send.
* location: btl_ugni_sendi.c
* @param btl (IN) BTL module
* @param endpoint (IN) BTL addressing information
* @param convertor (IN) Data type convertor
* @param header (IN) Pointer to header.
* @param header_size (IN) Size of header.
* @param payload_size (IN) Size of payload (from convertor).
* @param order (IN) The ordering tag (may be MCA_BTL_NO_ORDER)
* @param flags (IN) Flags.
* @param tag (IN) The tag value used to notify the peer.
* @param descriptor (OUT) The descriptor to be returned unable to be sent immediately
mca_btl_ugni_sendi (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl,
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
struct opal_convertor_t *convertor,
void *header, size_t header_size,
size_t payload_size, uint8_t order,
uint32_t flags, mca_btl_base_tag_t tag,
mca_btl_base_descriptor_t **descriptor);
int mca_btl_ugni_get (mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint, void *local_address,
uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *local_handle,
mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle, size_t size, int flags,
int order, mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbcontext, void *cbdata);
int mca_btl_ugni_put (mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint, void *local_address,
uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *local_handle,
mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle, size_t size, int flags,
int order, mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbcontext, void *cbdata);
int mca_btl_ugni_aop (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle,
mca_btl_base_atomic_op_t op, uint64_t operand, int flags, int order,
mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbcontext, void *cbdata);
int mca_btl_ugni_afop (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
void *local_address, uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *local_handle,
mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle, mca_btl_base_atomic_op_t op,
uint64_t operand, int flags, int order, mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc,
void *cbcontext, void *cbdata);
int mca_btl_ugni_acswap (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
void *local_address, uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *local_handle,
mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle, uint64_t compare, uint64_t value,
int flags, int order, mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbcontext, void *cbdata);
int mca_btl_ugni_progress_send_wait_list (struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint);
int mca_btl_ugni_progress_datagram (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device);
mca_btl_base_descriptor_t *
mca_btl_ugni_alloc(struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl,
struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
uint8_t order, size_t size, uint32_t flags);
struct mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t {
/** uGNI memory handle */
gni_mem_handle_t gni_handle;
typedef struct mca_btl_ugni_reg_t {
mca_rcache_base_registration_t base;
mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t handle;
} mca_btl_ugni_reg_t;
* Initialize uGNI support.
int mca_btl_ugni_init (void);
* Finalize uGNI support.
int mca_btl_ugni_fini (void);
int mca_btl_ugni_module_init (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module);
* Intialize a virtual device for device index 0.
* @param[inout] device Device to initialize
* @param[in] virtual_device_id Virtual device identified (up to max handles)
int mca_btl_ugni_device_init (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device, int virtual_device_id);
* Finalize a virtual device.
* @param[in] device Device to finalize
int mca_btl_ugni_device_fini (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *dev);
/* Get a unique 64-bit id for the process name */
static inline uint64_t mca_btl_ugni_proc_name_to_id (opal_process_name_t name) {
/* Throw away the top bit of the jobid for the datagram type */
return ((uint64_t) (name.jobid & 0x7fffffff) << 32 | name.vpid);
int mca_btl_ugni_spawn_progress_thread(struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl);
int mca_btl_ugni_kill_progress_thread(void);
struct mca_btl_ugni_post_descriptor_t;
void btl_ugni_dump_post_desc (struct mca_btl_ugni_post_descriptor_t *desc);
struct mca_btl_ugni_post_descriptor_t;
void mca_btl_ugni_handle_rdma_completions (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module, mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device,
struct mca_btl_ugni_post_descriptor_t *post_desc, const int count);
* Try to lock a uGNI device for exclusive access
static inline int mca_btl_ugni_device_trylock (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device)
/* checking the lock non-atomically first can reduce the number of
* unnecessary atomic operations. */
return (device->lock || opal_atomic_swap_32 (&device->lock, 1));
* Lock a uGNI device for exclusive access
static inline void mca_btl_ugni_device_lock (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device)
while (mca_btl_ugni_device_trylock (device));
* Release exclusive access to the device
static inline void mca_btl_ugni_device_unlock (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device)
opal_atomic_wmb ();
device->lock = 0;
* Serialize an operation on a uGNI device
* @params[in] device ugni device
* @params[in] fn function to serialize
* @params[in] arg function argument
static inline intptr_t mca_btl_ugni_device_serialize (mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device,
mca_btl_ugni_device_serialize_fn_t fn, void *arg)
intptr_t rc;
if (!opal_using_threads ()) {
return fn (device, arg);
/* NTH: for now the device is just protected by a spin lock but this will change in the future */
mca_btl_ugni_device_lock (device);
rc = fn (device, arg);
mca_btl_ugni_device_unlock (device);
return rc;
static inline intptr_t mca_btl_ugni_device_serialize_any (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module,
mca_btl_ugni_device_serialize_fn_t fn, void *arg)
mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device;
intptr_t rc;
if (!opal_using_threads ()) {
return fn (ugni_module->devices, arg);
if (mca_btl_ugni_component.bind_threads_to_devices) {
/* NTH: if we have C11 _Thread_local just go ahead and assign the devices round-robin to each
* thread. in testing this give much better performance than just picking any device */
static _Thread_local mca_btl_ugni_device_t *device_local = NULL;
device = device_local;
if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == device)) {
/* assign device contexts round-robin */
device_local = device = mca_btl_ugni_ep_get_device (ugni_module);
mca_btl_ugni_device_lock (device);
} else {
/* get the next starting index */
uint32_t device_index = mca_btl_ugni_ep_get_device_index (ugni_module);
const int device_count = mca_btl_ugni_component.virtual_device_count;
for (int i = 0 ; i < device_count ; ++i) {
device = ugni_module->devices + ((device_index + i) % device_count);
if (!mca_btl_ugni_device_trylock (device)) {
device = NULL;
if (NULL == device) {
device = mca_btl_ugni_ep_get_device (ugni_module);
mca_btl_ugni_device_lock (device);
rc = fn (device, arg);
mca_btl_ugni_device_unlock (device);
return rc;
/** Number of times the progress thread has woken up */
extern unsigned int mca_btl_ugni_progress_thread_wakeups;