Ensure the returned exit status is non-zero if we fail to map If no -np is given, but either -host and/or -hostfile was given, then error out with a message telling the user that this combination is not supported. If -np is given, and -host is given with only one instance of each host, then default the #slots to the detected #pe's and enforce oversubscription rules. If -np is given, and -host is given with more than one instance of a given host, then set the #slots for that host to the number of times it was given and enforce oversubscription rules. Alternatively, the #slots can be specified via "-host foo:N". I therefore believe that row #7 on Jeff's spreadsheet is incorrect. With that one correction, this now passes all the given use-cases on that spreadsheet. Make things behave under unmanaged allocations more like their managed cousins - if the #slots is given, then no-np shall fill things up. Fixes #1344
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved
* Additional copyrights may follow
#ifndef ORTE_ATTRS_H
#define ORTE_ATTRS_H
#include "orte_config.h"
#include "orte/types.h"
#define ORTE_ATTR_LOCAL true // for local use only
#define ORTE_ATTR_GLOBAL false // include when sending this object
/* define the mininum value of the ORTE keys just in
* case someone someday puts a layer underneath us */
/*** ATTRIBUTE FLAGS - never sent anywwhere ***/
typedef uint8_t orte_app_context_flags_t;
#define ORTE_APP_FLAG_USED_ON_NODE 0x01 // is being used on the local node
#define ORTE_APP_HOSTFILE 1 // string - hostfile
#define ORTE_APP_ADD_HOSTFILE 2 // string - hostfile to be added
#define ORTE_APP_DASH_HOST 3 // string - hosts specified with -host option
#define ORTE_APP_ADD_HOST 4 // string - hosts to be added
#define ORTE_APP_USER_CWD 5 // bool - user specified cwd
#define ORTE_APP_SSNDIR_CWD 6 // bool - use session dir as cwd
#define ORTE_APP_PRELOAD_BIN 7 // bool - move binaries to remote nodes prior to exec
#define ORTE_APP_PRELOAD_FILES 8 // string - files to be moved to remote nodes prior to exec
#define ORTE_APP_SSTORE_LOAD 9 // string
#define ORTE_APP_RECOV_DEF 10 // bool - whether or not a recovery policy was defined
#define ORTE_APP_MAX_RESTARTS 11 // int32 - max number of times a process can be restarted
#define ORTE_APP_MIN_NODES 12 // int64 - min number of nodes required
#define ORTE_APP_MANDATORY 13 // bool - flag if nodes requested in -host are "mandatory" vs "optional"
#define ORTE_APP_MAX_PPN 14 // uint32 - maximum number of procs/node for this app
#define ORTE_APP_PREFIX_DIR 15 // string - prefix directory for this app, if override necessary
#define ORTE_APP_NO_CACHEDIR 16 // bool - flag that a cache dir is not to be specified for a Singularity container
#define ORTE_APP_MAX_KEY 100
/*** NODE FLAGS - never sent anywhere ***/
typedef uint8_t orte_node_flags_t;
#define ORTE_NODE_FLAG_DAEMON_LAUNCHED 0x01 // whether or not the daemon on this node has been launched
#define ORTE_NODE_FLAG_LOC_VERIFIED 0x02 // whether or not the location has been verified - used for
// environments where the daemon's final destination is uncertain
#define ORTE_NODE_FLAG_OVERSUBSCRIBED 0x04 // whether or not this node is oversubscribed
#define ORTE_NODE_FLAG_MAPPED 0x08 // whether we have been added to the current map
#define ORTE_NODE_FLAG_SLOTS_GIVEN 0x10 // the number of slots was specified - used only in non-managed environments
/*** NODE ATTRIBUTE KEYS - never sent anywhere ***/
#define ORTE_NODE_LAUNCH_ID (ORTE_NODE_START_KEY + 2) // int32 - Launch id needed by some systems to launch a proc on this node
#define ORTE_NODE_HOSTID (ORTE_NODE_START_KEY + 3) // orte_vpid_t - if this "node" is a coprocessor being hosted on a different node, then
// we need to know the id of our "host" to help any procs on us to determine locality
#define ORTE_NODE_ALIAS (ORTE_NODE_START_KEY + 4) // comma-separate list of alternate names for the node
#define ORTE_NODE_SERIAL_NUMBER (ORTE_NODE_START_KEY + 5) // string - serial number: used if node is a coprocessor
#define ORTE_NODE_MAX_KEY 200
/*** JOB FLAGS - included in orte_job_t transmissions ***/
typedef uint16_t orte_job_flags_t;
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_UPDATED 0x0001 // job has been updated and needs to be included in the pidmap message
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_GANG_LAUNCHED 0x0002 // MPI is allowed on this job - i.e., all members of the job were simultaneously launched
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_RESTARTED 0x0004 // some procs in this job are being restarted
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_ABORTED 0x0008 // did this job abort?
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_DEBUGGER_DAEMON 0x0010 // job is launching debugger daemons
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_FORWARD_OUTPUT 0x0020 // forward output from the apps
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_DO_NOT_MONITOR 0x0040 // do not monitor apps for termination
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_FORWARD_COMM 0x0080 //
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_RECOVERABLE 0x0100 // job is recoverable
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_RESTART 0x0200 //
#define ORTE_JOB_FLAG_PROCS_MIGRATING 0x0400 // some procs in job are migrating from one node to another
#define ORTE_JOB_LAUNCH_MSG_SENT (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 1) // timeval - time launch message was sent
#define ORTE_JOB_LAUNCH_MSG_RECVD (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 2) // timeval - time launch message was recvd
#define ORTE_JOB_MAX_LAUNCH_MSG_RECVD (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 3) // timeval - max time for launch msg to be received
#define ORTE_JOB_FILE_MAPS (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 4) // opal_buffer_t - file maps associates with this job
#define ORTE_JOB_CKPT_STATE (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 5) // size_t - ckpt state
#define ORTE_JOB_SNAPSHOT_REF (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 6) // string - snapshot reference
#define ORTE_JOB_SNAPSHOT_LOC (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 7) // string - snapshot location
#define ORTE_JOB_SNAPC_INIT_BAR (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 8) // orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t - collective id
#define ORTE_JOB_SNAPC_FINI_BAR (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 9) // orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t - collective id
#define ORTE_JOB_NUM_NONZERO_EXIT (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 10) // int32 - number of procs with non-zero exit codes
#define ORTE_JOB_FAILURE_TIMER_EVENT (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 11) // opal_ptr (orte_timer_t*) - timer event for failure detect/response if fails to launch
#define ORTE_JOB_ABORTED_PROC (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 12) // opal_ptr (orte_proc_t*) - proc that caused abort to happen
#define ORTE_JOB_MAPPER (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 13) // bool - job consists of MapReduce mappers
#define ORTE_JOB_REDUCER (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 14) // bool - job consists of MapReduce reducers
#define ORTE_JOB_COMBINER (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 15) // bool - job consists of MapReduce combiners
#define ORTE_JOB_INDEX_ARGV (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 16) // bool - automatically index argvs
#define ORTE_JOB_NO_VM (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 17) // bool - do not use VM launch
#define ORTE_JOB_SPIN_FOR_DEBUG (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 18) // bool - job consists of continuously operating apps
#define ORTE_JOB_CONTINUOUS_OP (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 19) // bool - recovery policy defined for job
#define ORTE_JOB_RECOVER_DEFINED (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 20) // bool - recovery policy has been defined
#define ORTE_JOB_ENABLE_RECOVERY (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 21) // bool - enable recovery of these processes
#define ORTE_JOB_NON_ORTE_JOB (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 22) // bool - non-orte job
#define ORTE_JOB_STDOUT_TARGET (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 23) // orte_jobid_t - job that is to receive the stdout (on its stdin) from this one
#define ORTE_JOB_POWER (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 24) // string - power setting for nodes in job
#define ORTE_JOB_MAX_FREQ (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 25) // string - max freq setting for nodes in job
#define ORTE_JOB_MIN_FREQ (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 26) // string - min freq setting for nodes in job
#define ORTE_JOB_GOVERNOR (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 27) // string - governor used for nodes in job
#define ORTE_JOB_FAIL_NOTIFIED (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 28) // bool - abnormal term of proc within job has been reported
#define ORTE_JOB_TERM_NOTIFIED (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 29) // bool - normal term of job has been reported
#define ORTE_JOB_PEER_MODX_ID (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 30) // orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t - collective id
#define ORTE_JOB_INIT_BAR_ID (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 31) // orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t - collective id
#define ORTE_JOB_FINI_BAR_ID (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 32) // orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t - collective id
#define ORTE_JOB_FWDIO_TO_TOOL (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 33) // Forward IO for this job to the tool requesting its spawn
#define ORTE_JOB_PHYSICAL_CPUIDS (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 34) // bool - Hostfile contains physical jobids in cpuset
#define ORTE_JOB_LAUNCHED_DAEMONS (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 35) // bool - Job caused new daemons to be spawned
#define ORTE_JOB_REPORT_BINDINGS (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 36) // bool - Report process bindings
#define ORTE_JOB_SLOT_LIST (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 37) // string - constraints on cores to use
#define ORTE_JOB_NOTIFICATIONS (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 38) // string - comma-separated list of desired notifications+methods
#define ORTE_JOB_ROOM_NUM (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 39) // int - number of remote request's hotel room
#define ORTE_JOB_LAUNCH_PROXY (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 40) // opal_process_name_t - name of spawn requestor
#define ORTE_JOB_NSPACE_REGISTERED (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 41) // bool - job has been registered with embedded PMIx server
#define ORTE_JOB_FIXED_DVM (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 42) // bool - do not change the size of the DVM for this job
#define ORTE_JOB_DVM_JOB (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 43) // bool - job is using a DVM
#define ORTE_JOB_CANCELLED (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 44) // bool - job was cancelled
#define ORTE_JOB_OUTPUT_TO_FILE (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 45) // string - name of directory to which stdout/err is to be directed
#define ORTE_JOB_MERGE_STDERR_STDOUT (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 46) // bool - merge stderr into stdout stream
#define ORTE_JOB_TAG_OUTPUT (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 47) // bool - tag stdout/stderr
#define ORTE_JOB_TIMESTAMP_OUTPUT (ORTE_JOB_START_KEY + 48) // bool - timestamp stdout/stderr
#define ORTE_JOB_MAX_KEY 300
/*** PROC FLAGS - never sent anywhere ***/
typedef uint16_t orte_proc_flags_t;
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_ALIVE 0x0001 // proc has been launched and has not yet terminated
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_ABORT 0x0002 // proc called abort
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_UPDATED 0x0004 // proc has been updated and need to be included in the next pidmap message
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_LOCAL 0x0008 // indicate that this proc is local
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_REPORTED 0x0010 // indicate proc has reported in
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_REG 0x0020 // proc has registered
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_HAS_DEREG 0x0040 // proc has deregistered
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_AS_MPI 0x0080 // proc is MPI process
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_IOF_COMPLETE 0x0100 // IOF has completed
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_WAITPID 0x0200 // waitpid fired
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_RECORDED 0x0400 // termination has been recorded
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_DATA_IN_SM 0x0800 // modex data has been stored in the local shared memory region
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_DATA_RECVD 0x1000 // modex data for this proc has been received
#define ORTE_PROC_FLAG_SM_ACCESS 0x2000 // indicate if process can read modex data from shared memory region
#define ORTE_PROC_NOBARRIER (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 1) // bool - indicates proc should not barrier in orte_init
#define ORTE_PROC_CPU_BITMAP (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 2) // string - string representation of cpu bindings
#define ORTE_PROC_HWLOC_LOCALE (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 3) // opal_ptr (hwloc_obj_t) = pointer to object where proc was mapped
#define ORTE_PROC_HWLOC_BOUND (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 4) // opal_ptr (hwloc_obj_t) = pointer to object where proc was bound
#define ORTE_PROC_PRIOR_NODE (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 5) // void* - pointer to orte_node_t where this proc last executed
#define ORTE_PROC_NRESTARTS (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 6) // int32 - number of times this process has been restarted
#define ORTE_PROC_RESTART_TIME (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 7) // timeval - time of last restart
#define ORTE_PROC_FAST_FAILS (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 8) // int32 - number of failures in "fast" window
#define ORTE_PROC_CKPT_STATE (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 9) // size_t - ckpt state
#define ORTE_PROC_SNAPSHOT_REF (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 10) // string - snapshot reference
#define ORTE_PROC_SNAPSHOT_LOC (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 11) // string - snapshot location
#define ORTE_PROC_NODENAME (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 12) // string - node where proc is located, used only by tools
#define ORTE_PROC_CGROUP (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 13) // string - name of cgroup this proc shall be assigned to
#define ORTE_PROC_NBEATS (ORTE_PROC_START_KEY + 14) // int32 - number of heartbeats in current window
#define ORTE_PROC_MAX_KEY 400
#define ORTE_QOS_TYPE (ORTE_QOS_START_KEY + 1) //uint8- defining what type of qos - refer to orte_qos_type enum for values
#define ORTE_QOS_WINDOW_SIZE (ORTE_QOS_START_KEY + 2) // uint32 - number of messages in the window (stream)
#define ORTE_QOS_ACK_NACK_TIMEOUT (ORTE_QOS_START_KEY + 3) //uint32 - timeout value in secs for msg/window ack nack
#define ORTE_QOS_MSG_RETRY (ORTE_QOS_START_KEY + 4) // bool- resend message upon ACK fail or NACK or timeout.
#define ORTE_QOS_NUM_RETRIES (ORTE_QOS_START_KEY + 5) // uint32 - number of retries.
#define ORTE_QOS_MAX_KEY 500
#define ORTE_ATTR_KEY_MAX 1000
/*** FLAG OPS ***/
#define ORTE_FLAG_SET(p, f) ((p)->flags |= (f))
#define ORTE_FLAG_UNSET(p, f) ((p)->flags &= ~(f))
#define ORTE_FLAG_TEST(p, f) ((p)->flags & (f))
ORTE_DECLSPEC const char *orte_attr_key_to_str(orte_attribute_key_t key);
/* Retrieve the named attribute from a list */
ORTE_DECLSPEC bool orte_get_attribute(opal_list_t *attributes, orte_attribute_key_t key,
void **data, opal_data_type_t type);
/* Set the named attribute in a list, overwriting any prior entry */
ORTE_DECLSPEC int orte_set_attribute(opal_list_t *attributes, orte_attribute_key_t key,
bool local, void *data, opal_data_type_t type);
/* Remove the named attribute from a list */
ORTE_DECLSPEC void orte_remove_attribute(opal_list_t *attributes, orte_attribute_key_t key);
* Register a handler for converting attr keys to strings
* Handlers will be invoked by orte_attr_key_to_str to return the appropriate value.
typedef char* (*orte_attr2str_fn_t)(orte_attribute_key_t key);
ORTE_DECLSPEC int orte_attr_register(const char *project,
orte_attribute_key_t key_base,
orte_attribute_key_t key_max,
orte_attr2str_fn_t converter);