Turns out that the way the SLURM plm works is not compatible with the way MPI processes on Cray XC obtain RDMA credentials to use the high speed network. Unlike with ALPS, the mpirun process is on the first compute node in the job. With the current PLM launch system, mpirun (HNP daemon) launches the MPI ranks on that node rather than relying on srun. This will probably require a significant amount of effort to rework to support Native SLURM on Cray XC's. As a short term alternative, have the alps plm (which gets selected by default again on Cray systems regardless of the launch system) check whether or not srun or alps is being used on the system. If alps is not being used, print a helpful message for the user and abort the job launch. Signed-off-by: Howard Pritchard <howardp@lanl.gov>