lines up to the next ".fi" -- which for functions that do not implement the corresponding interface as code will have all eliminated. Change to delete the man page's content up to the next section header ".SH" Also in case of make V=1, we'd like to see the command line, too. Amend OMPI_Affinity_str according to the other man-pages definitions.
83 строки
2.3 KiB
Исполняемый файл
83 строки
2.3 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2015 Research Organization for Information Science
# and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Subroutine to generate a bunch of Fortran declarations and symbols
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $package_name;
my $package_version;
my $ompi_date;
my $opal_date;
my $orte_date;
my $cxx = '1';
my $fortran = '1';
my $f08 = '1';
my $input;
my $output;
my $help_arg = 0;
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("package-name=s" => \$package_name,
"package-version=s" => \$package_version,
"ompi-date=s" => \$ompi_date,
"opal-date=s" => \$opal_date,
"orte-date=s" => \$orte_date,
"cxx!" => \$cxx,
"fortran!" => \$fortran,
"f08!" => \$f08,
"input=s" => \$input,
"output=s" => \$output);
if ($help_arg || !$ok ||
!defined($input) ||
!defined($output) ||
!defined($package_name) ||
!defined($package_version) ||
!defined($ompi_date) ||
!defined($opal_date) ||
!defined($orte_date)) {
print "Usage: $0 --package-name=<package name> --package-version=<package version> --ompi-date=<ompi date> --opal-date=<opal date> --orte-date=<orte date> --input=<input file> --output=<output file> [--nocxx] [ --nofortran] [--nof08]\n";
exit(1 - $ok);
open(FILE, $input) ||
die "Can't open $input";
my $file;
$file .= $_
$file =~ s/#PACKAGE_NAME#/$package_name/g;
$file =~ s/#PACKAGE_VERSION#/$package_version/g;
$file =~ s/#OMPI_DATE#/$ompi_date/g;
$file =~ s/#OPAL_DATE#/$opal_date/g;
$file =~ s/#ORTE_DATE#/$orte_date/g;
if ($cxx == 0) {
$file =~ s/\n\.SH C\+\+ Syntax.+?\n\.SH/\n\.SH/s;
if ($fortran == 0) {
$file =~ s/\n\.SH Fortran Syntax.+?\n\.SH/\n\.SH/s;
if ($f08 == 0) {
$file =~ s/\n\.SH Fortran 2008 Syntax.+?\n\.SH/\n\.SH/s;
open(FILE, ">$output") ||
die "Can't open $output";
print FILE $file;