This is closely related to Platform-MPI's old -prot feature.
The long-format of the tables it prints could look like this:
> Host 0 [myhost001] ranks 0 - 1
> Host 1 [myhost002] ranks 2 - 3
> Host 2 [myhost003] ranks 4
> Host 3 [myhost004] ranks 5
> Host 4 [myhost005] ranks 6
> Host 5 [myhost006] ranks 7
> Host 6 [myhost007] ranks 8
> Host 7 [myhost008] ranks 9
> Host 8 [myhost009] ranks 10
> host | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
> ======|==============================================
> 0 : sm tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp
> 1 : tcp sm tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp
> 2 : tcp tcp self tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp
> 3 : tcp tcp tcp self tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp
> 4 : tcp tcp tcp tcp self tcp tcp tcp tcp
> 5 : tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp self tcp tcp tcp
> 6 : tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp self tcp tcp
> 7 : tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp self tcp
> 8 : tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp tcp self
> Connection summary:
> on-host: all connections are sm or self
> off-host: all connections are tcp
In this example hosts 0 and 1 had multiple ranks so "sm" was more
meaningful than "self" to identify how the ranks on the host are
talking to each other. While host 2..8 were one rank per host so
"self" was more meaningful as their btl.
Above a certain number of hosts (12 by default) the above table gets too big
so we shrink to a more abbreviated looking table that has the same data:
> host | 0 1 2 3 4 8
> ======|====================
> 0 : A C C C C C C C C
> 1 : C A C C C C C C C
> 2 : C C B C C C C C C
> 3 : C C C B C C C C C
> 4 : C C C C B C C C C
> 5 : C C C C C B C C C
> 6 : C C C C C C B C C
> 7 : C C C C C C C B C
> 8 : C C C C C C C C B
> key: A == sm
> key: B == self
> key: C == tcp
Then above 36 hosts we stop printing the 2d table entirely and just print the
> Connection summary:
> on-host: all connections are sm or self
> off-host: all connections are tcp
The options to control it are
-mca comm_method 1 : print the above table at the end of MPI_Init
-mca comm_method 2 : print the above table at the beginning of MPI_Finalize
-mca comm_method_max <n> : number of hosts <n> for which to print a full size 2d
-mca comm_method_brief 1 : only print summary output, no 2d table
-mca comm_method_fakefile <filename> : for debugging only
* printing at init vs finalize:
The most important difference between these two is that when printing the table
during MPI_Init(), we send extra messages to make sure all hosts are connected to
each other. So the table ends up working against the idea of on-demand connections
(although it's only forcing the n^2 connections in the number of hosts, not the
total ranks). If printing at MPI_Finalize() we don't create any connections that
aren't already connected, so the table is more likely to have "n/a" entries if
some hosts never connected to each other.
* how many hosts <n> for which to print a full size 2d table
The option -mca comm_method_max <n> can be used to specify a number of hosts <n>
(default 12) that controls at what host-count the unabbreviated / abbreviated
2d tables get printed:
1 - n : full size 2d table
n+1 - 3n : shortened 2d table
3n+1 - inf : summary only, no 2d table
* brief
The option -mca comm_method_brief 1 can be used to skip the printing of the 2d
table and only show the short summary
* fakefile
This is a debugging option that allows easeir testing of all the printout
routines by letting all the detected communication methods between the hosts
be overridden by fake data from a file.
The source of the information used in the table is the .mca_component_name
In the case of BTLs, the module always had a .btl_component linking back to the
component. The vars mca_pml_base_selected_component and ompi_mtl_base_selected_component
offer similar functionality for pml/mtl.
So with the ability to identify the component, we can then access
the component name with code like this
See the three lookup_{pml,mtl,btl}_name() functions in hook_comm_method_fns.c,
and their use in comm_method() to parse the strings and produce an integer
to represent the connection type being used.
Signed-off-by: Mark Allen <>