Ralph Castain ef86707fbe Deprecate the --slot-list paramaeter in favor of --cpu-list. Remove the --cpu-set param (mark it as deprecated) and use --cpu-list instead as it was confusing having the two params. The --cpu-list param defines the cpus to be used by procs of this job, and the binding policy will be overlayed on top of it.
Note: since the discovered cpus are filtered against this list, #slots will be set to the #cpus in the list if no slot values are given in a -host or -hostname specification.

Signed-off-by: Ralph Castain <rhc@open-mpi.org>
2017-01-24 13:33:22 -08:00
2015-06-23 20:59:57 -07:00

12 Sep 2011

Notes for hwloc component maintainers:

1. There can only be *1* hwloc version component at a time.
   Specifically: if there are multiple hwlocXYZ components (i.e.,
   different versions of hwloc), then they must all be .ompi_ignore'd
   except for 1.  This is because we currently m4_include all of the
   underlying hwloc's .m4 files -- if there are multiple hwlocXYZ
   components, I don't know if m4 will barf at the multiple,
   conflicting AC_DEFUNs, or whether it'll just do something
   completely undefined.

1a. As a consequence, if you're adding a new hwloc version component,
   you'll need to .ompi_ignore all others while you're testing the new

2. If someone wants to fix #1 someday, we might be able to do what we
   do for libevent: OPAL_CONFIG_SUBDIR (instead of slurping in hwloc's
   .m4 files).