This is a fairly intrusive change, but outside of the moving of opal/event to opal/mca/event, the only changes involved (a) changing all calls to opal_event functions to reflect the new framework instead, and (b) ensuring that all opal_event_t objects are properly constructed since they are now true opal_objects. Note: Shiqing has just returned from vacation and has not yet had a chance to complete the Windows integration. Thus, this commit almost certainly breaks Windows support on the trunk. However, I want this to have a chance to soak for as long as possible before I become less available a week from today (going to be at a class for 5 days, and thus will only be sparingly available) so we can find and fix any problems. Biggest change is moving the libevent code from opal/event to a new opal/mca/event framework. This was done to make it much easier to update libevent in the future. New versions can be inserted as a new component and tested in parallel with the current version until validated, then we can remove the earlier version if we so choose. This is a statically built framework ala installdirs, so only one component will build at a time. There is no selection logic - the sole compiled component simply loads its function pointers into the opal_event struct. I have gone thru the code base and converted all the libevent calls I could find. However, I cannot compile nor test every environment. It is therefore quite likely that errors remain in the system. Please keep an eye open for two things: 1. compile-time errors: these will be obvious as calls to the old functions (e.g., opal_evtimer_new) must be replaced by the new framework APIs (e.g., opal_event.evtimer_new) 2. run-time errors: these will likely show up as segfaults due to missing constructors on opal_event_t objects. It appears that it became a typical practice for people to "init" an opal_event_t by simply using memset to zero it out. This will no longer work - you must either OBJ_NEW or OBJ_CONSTRUCT an opal_event_t. I tried to catch these cases, but may have missed some. Believe me, you'll know when you hit it. There is also the issue of the new libevent "no recursion" behavior. As I described on a recent email, we will have to discuss this and figure out what, if anything, we need to do. This commit was SVN r23925.
1712 строки
54 KiB
Исполняемый файл
1712 строки
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Исполняемый файл
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2005 Niels Provos <provos@citi.umich.edu>
# All rights reserved.
# Generates marshaling code based on libevent.
# 1) use optparse to allow the strategy shell to parse options, and
# to allow the instantiated factory (for the specific output language)
# to parse remaining options
# 2) move the globals into a class that manages execution (including the
# progress outputs that space stderr at the moment)
# 3) emit other languages
import sys
import re
_NAME = "event_rpcgen.py"
_VERSION = "0.1"
# Globals
line_count = 0
white = re.compile(r'\s+')
cppcomment = re.compile(r'\/\/.*$')
nonident = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]')
structref = re.compile(r'^struct\[([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\]$')
structdef = re.compile(r'^struct +[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* *{$')
headerdirect = []
cppdirect = []
def TranslateList(mylist, mydict):
return map(lambda x: x % mydict, mylist)
# Exception class for parse errors
class RpcGenError(Exception):
def __init__(self, why):
self.why = why
def __str__(self):
return str(self.why)
# Holds everything that makes a struct
class Struct:
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
self._entries = []
self._tags = {}
print >>sys.stderr, ' Created struct: %s' % name
def AddEntry(self, entry):
if self._tags.has_key(entry.Tag()):
raise RpcGenError(
'Entry "%s" duplicates tag number %d from "%s" '
'around line %d' % (entry.Name(), entry.Tag(),
self._tags[entry.Tag()], line_count))
self._tags[entry.Tag()] = entry.Name()
print >>sys.stderr, ' Added entry: %s' % entry.Name()
def Name(self):
return self._name
def EntryTagName(self, entry):
"""Creates the name inside an enumeration for distinguishing data
name = "%s_%s" % (self._name, entry.Name())
return name.upper()
def PrintIndented(self, file, ident, code):
"""Takes an array, add indentation to each entry and prints it."""
for entry in code:
print >>file, '%s%s' % (ident, entry)
class StructCCode(Struct):
""" Knows how to generate C code for a struct """
def __init__(self, name):
Struct.__init__(self, name)
def PrintTags(self, file):
"""Prints the tag definitions for a structure."""
print >>file, '/* Tag definition for %s */' % self._name
print >>file, 'enum %s_ {' % self._name.lower()
for entry in self._entries:
print >>file, ' %s=%d,' % (self.EntryTagName(entry),
print >>file, ' %s_MAX_TAGS' % (self._name.upper())
print >>file, '};\n'
def PrintForwardDeclaration(self, file):
print >>file, 'struct %s;' % self._name
def PrintDeclaration(self, file):
print >>file, '/* Structure declaration for %s */' % self._name
print >>file, 'struct %s_access_ {' % self._name
for entry in self._entries:
dcl = entry.AssignDeclaration('(*%s_assign)' % entry.Name())
entry.GetDeclaration('(*%s_get)' % entry.Name()))
if entry.Array():
entry.AddDeclaration('(*%s_add)' % entry.Name()))
self.PrintIndented(file, ' ', dcl)
print >>file, '};\n'
print >>file, 'struct %s {' % self._name
print >>file, ' struct %s_access_ *base;\n' % self._name
for entry in self._entries:
dcl = entry.Declaration()
self.PrintIndented(file, ' ', dcl)
print >>file, ''
for entry in self._entries:
print >>file, ' ev_uint8_t %s_set;' % entry.Name()
print >>file, '};\n'
print >>file, \
"""struct %(name)s *%(name)s_new(void);
struct %(name)s *%(name)s_new_with_arg(void *);
void %(name)s_free(struct %(name)s *);
void %(name)s_clear(struct %(name)s *);
void %(name)s_marshal(struct evbuffer *, const struct %(name)s *);
int %(name)s_unmarshal(struct %(name)s *, struct evbuffer *);
int %(name)s_complete(struct %(name)s *);
void evtag_marshal_%(name)s(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t,
const struct %(name)s *);
int evtag_unmarshal_%(name)s(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t,
struct %(name)s *);""" % { 'name' : self._name }
# Write a setting function of every variable
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, '', entry.AssignDeclaration(
self.PrintIndented(file, '', entry.GetDeclaration(
if entry.Array():
self.PrintIndented(file, '', entry.AddDeclaration(
print >>file, '/* --- %s done --- */\n' % self._name
def PrintCode(self, file):
print >>file, ('/*\n'
' * Implementation of %s\n'
' */\n') % self._name
print >>file, \
'static struct %(name)s_access_ __%(name)s_base = {' % \
{ 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, ' ', entry.CodeBase())
print >>file, '};\n'
# Creation
print >>file, (
'struct %(name)s *\n'
' return %(name)s_new_with_arg(NULL);\n'
'struct %(name)s *\n'
'%(name)s_new_with_arg(void *unused)\n'
' struct %(name)s *tmp;\n'
' if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct %(name)s))) == NULL) {\n'
' event_warn("%%s: malloc", __func__);\n'
' return (NULL);\n'
' }\n'
' tmp->base = &__%(name)s_base;\n') % { 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, ' ', entry.CodeInitialize('tmp'))
print >>file, ' tmp->%s_set = 0;\n' % entry.Name()
print >>file, (
' return (tmp);\n'
# Adding
for entry in self._entries:
if entry.Array():
self.PrintIndented(file, '', entry.CodeAdd())
print >>file, ''
# Assigning
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, '', entry.CodeAssign())
print >>file, ''
# Getting
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, '', entry.CodeGet())
print >>file, ''
# Clearing
print >>file, ( 'void\n'
'%(name)s_clear(struct %(name)s *tmp)\n'
) % { 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, ' ', entry.CodeClear('tmp'))
print >>file, '}\n'
# Freeing
print >>file, ( 'void\n'
'%(name)s_free(struct %(name)s *tmp)\n'
) % { 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
self.PrintIndented(file, ' ', entry.CodeFree('tmp'))
print >>file, (' free(tmp);\n'
# Marshaling
print >>file, ('void\n'
'%(name)s_marshal(struct evbuffer *evbuf, '
'const struct %(name)s *tmp)'
'{') % { 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
indent = ' '
# Optional entries do not have to be set
if entry.Optional():
indent += ' '
print >>file, ' if (tmp->%s_set) {' % entry.Name()
file, indent,
entry.CodeMarshal('evbuf', self.EntryTagName(entry),
if entry.Optional():
print >>file, ' }'
print >>file, '}\n'
# Unmarshaling
print >>file, ('int\n'
'%(name)s_unmarshal(struct %(name)s *tmp, '
' struct evbuffer *evbuf)\n'
' ev_uint32_t tag;\n'
' while (evbuffer_get_length(evbuf) > 0) {\n'
' if (evtag_peek(evbuf, &tag) == -1)\n'
' return (-1);\n'
' switch (tag) {\n'
) % { 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
print >>file, ' case %s:\n' % self.EntryTagName(entry)
if not entry.Array():
print >>file, (
' if (tmp->%s_set)\n'
' return (-1);'
) % (entry.Name())
file, ' ',
print >>file, ( ' tmp->%s_set = 1;\n' % entry.Name() +
' break;\n' )
print >>file, ( ' default:\n'
' return -1;\n'
' }\n'
' }\n' )
# Check if it was decoded completely
print >>file, ( ' if (%(name)s_complete(tmp) == -1)\n'
' return (-1);'
) % { 'name' : self._name }
# Successfully decoded
print >>file, ( ' return (0);\n'
# Checking if a structure has all the required data
print >>file, (
'%(name)s_complete(struct %(name)s *msg)\n'
'{' ) % { 'name' : self._name }
for entry in self._entries:
if not entry.Optional():
code = [
'if (!msg->%(name)s_set)',
' return (-1);' ]
code = TranslateList(code, entry.GetTranslation())
file, ' ', code)
file, ' ',
entry.CodeComplete('msg', entry.GetVarName('msg')))
print >>file, (
' return (0);\n'
'}\n' )
# Complete message unmarshaling
print >>file, (
'evtag_unmarshal_%(name)s(struct evbuffer *evbuf, '
'ev_uint32_t need_tag, struct %(name)s *msg)\n'
' ev_uint32_t tag;\n'
' int res = -1;\n'
' struct evbuffer *tmp = evbuffer_new();\n'
' if (evtag_unmarshal(evbuf, &tag, tmp) == -1'
' || tag != need_tag)\n'
' goto error;\n'
' if (%(name)s_unmarshal(msg, tmp) == -1)\n'
' goto error;\n'
' res = 0;\n'
' error:\n'
' evbuffer_free(tmp);\n'
' return (res);\n'
'}\n' ) % { 'name' : self._name }
# Complete message marshaling
print >>file, (
'evtag_marshal_%(name)s(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t tag, '
'const struct %(name)s *msg)\n'
' struct evbuffer *_buf = evbuffer_new();\n'
' assert(_buf != NULL);\n'
' %(name)s_marshal(_buf, msg);\n'
' evtag_marshal_buffer(evbuf, tag, _buf);\n '
' evbuffer_free(_buf);\n'
'}\n' ) % { 'name' : self._name }
class Entry:
def __init__(self, type, name, tag):
self._type = type
self._name = name
self._tag = int(tag)
self._ctype = type
self._optional = 0
self._can_be_array = 0
self._array = 0
self._line_count = -1
self._struct = None
self._refname = None
self._optpointer = True
self._optaddarg = True
def GetInitializer(self):
assert 0, "Entry does not provide initializer"
def SetStruct(self, struct):
self._struct = struct
def LineCount(self):
assert self._line_count != -1
return self._line_count
def SetLineCount(self, number):
self._line_count = number
def Array(self):
return self._array
def Optional(self):
return self._optional
def Tag(self):
return self._tag
def Name(self):
return self._name
def Type(self):
return self._type
def MakeArray(self, yes=1):
self._array = yes
def MakeOptional(self):
self._optional = 1
def Verify(self):
if self.Array() and not self._can_be_array:
raise RpcGenError(
'Entry "%s" cannot be created as an array '
'around line %d' % (self._name, self.LineCount()))
if not self._struct:
raise RpcGenError(
'Entry "%s" does not know which struct it belongs to '
'around line %d' % (self._name, self.LineCount()))
if self._optional and self._array:
raise RpcGenError(
'Entry "%s" has illegal combination of optional and array '
'around line %d' % (self._name, self.LineCount()))
def GetTranslation(self, extradict = {}):
mapping = {
"parent_name" : self._struct.Name(),
"name" : self._name,
"ctype" : self._ctype,
"refname" : self._refname,
"optpointer" : self._optpointer and "*" or "",
"optreference" : self._optpointer and "&" or "",
"optaddarg" :
self._optaddarg and ", const %s value" % self._ctype or ""
for (k, v) in extradict.items():
mapping[k] = v
return mapping
def GetVarName(self, var):
return '%(var)s->%(name)s_data' % self.GetTranslation({ 'var' : var })
def GetVarLen(self, var):
return 'sizeof(%s)' % self._ctype
def GetFuncName(self):
return '%s_%s_get' % (self._struct.Name(), self._name)
def GetDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, %s *);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def CodeGet(self):
code = (
'%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_get(struct %(parent_name)s *msg, '
'%(ctype)s *value)',
' if (msg->%(name)s_set != 1)',
' return (-1);',
' *value = msg->%(name)s_data;',
' return (0);',
'}' )
code = '\n'.join(code)
code = code % self.GetTranslation()
return code.split('\n')
def AssignFuncName(self):
return '%s_%s_assign' % (self._struct.Name(), self._name)
def AddFuncName(self):
return '%s_%s_add' % (self._struct.Name(), self._name)
def AssignDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, const %s);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def CodeAssign(self):
code = [ 'int',
'%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_assign(struct %(parent_name)s *msg,'
' const %(ctype)s value)',
' msg->%(name)s_set = 1;',
' msg->%(name)s_data = value;',
' return (0);',
'}' ]
code = '\n'.join(code)
code = code % self.GetTranslation()
return code.split('\n')
def CodeClear(self, structname):
code = [ '%s->%s_set = 0;' % (structname, self.Name()) ]
return code
def CodeComplete(self, structname, var_name):
return []
def CodeFree(self, name):
return []
def CodeBase(self):
code = [
if self.Array():
code = '\n'.join(code)
code = code % self.GetTranslation()
return code.split('\n')
class EntryBytes(Entry):
def __init__(self, type, name, tag, length):
# Init base class
Entry.__init__(self, type, name, tag)
self._length = length
self._ctype = 'ev_uint8_t'
def GetInitializer(self):
return "NULL"
def GetVarLen(self, var):
return '(%s)' % self._length
def CodeArrayAdd(self, varname, value):
# XXX: copy here
return [ '%(varname)s = NULL;' % { 'varname' : varname } ]
def GetDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, %s **);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def AssignDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, const %s *);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def Declaration(self):
dcl = ['ev_uint8_t %s_data[%s];' % (self._name, self._length)]
return dcl
def CodeGet(self):
name = self._name
code = [ 'int',
'%s_%s_get(struct %s *msg, %s **value)' % (
self._struct.Name(), name,
self._struct.Name(), self._ctype),
' if (msg->%s_set != 1)' % name,
' return (-1);',
' *value = msg->%s_data;' % name,
' return (0);',
'}' ]
return code
def CodeAssign(self):
name = self._name
code = [ 'int',
'%s_%s_assign(struct %s *msg, const %s *value)' % (
self._struct.Name(), name,
self._struct.Name(), self._ctype),
' msg->%s_set = 1;' % name,
' memcpy(msg->%s_data, value, %s);' % (
name, self._length),
' return (0);',
'}' ]
return code
def CodeUnmarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = [ 'if (evtag_unmarshal_fixed(%(buf)s, %(tag)s, '
'%(var)s, %(varlen)s) == -1) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: failed to unmarshal %(name)s", __func__);',
' return (-1);',
return TranslateList(code,
'var' : var_name,
'varlen' : var_len,
'buf' : buf,
'tag' : tag_name }))
def CodeMarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['evtag_marshal(%s, %s, %s, %s);' % (
buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len)]
return code
def CodeClear(self, structname):
code = [ '%s->%s_set = 0;' % (structname, self.Name()),
'memset(%s->%s_data, 0, sizeof(%s->%s_data));' % (
structname, self._name, structname, self._name)]
return code
def CodeInitialize(self, name):
code = ['memset(%s->%s_data, 0, sizeof(%s->%s_data));' % (
name, self._name, name, self._name)]
return code
def Verify(self):
if not self._length:
raise RpcGenError(
'Entry "%s" needs a length '
'around line %d' % (self._name, self.LineCount()))
class EntryInt(Entry):
def __init__(self, type, name, tag, bits=32):
# Init base class
Entry.__init__(self, type, name, tag)
self._can_be_array = 1
if bits == 32:
self._ctype = 'ev_uint32_t'
self._marshal_type = 'int'
if bits == 64:
self._ctype = 'ev_uint64_t'
self._marshal_type = 'int64'
def GetInitializer(self):
return "0"
def CodeArrayFree(self, var):
return []
def CodeArrayAssign(self, varname, srcvar):
return [ '%(varname)s = %(srcvar)s;' % { 'varname' : varname,
'srcvar' : srcvar } ]
def CodeArrayAdd(self, varname, value):
"""Returns a new entry of this type."""
return [ '%(varname)s = %(value)s;' % { 'varname' : varname,
'value' : value } ]
def CodeUnmarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = [
'if (evtag_unmarshal_%(ma)s(%(buf)s, %(tag)s, &%(var)s) == -1) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: failed to unmarshal %(name)s", __func__);',
' return (-1);',
'}' ]
code = '\n'.join(code) % self.GetTranslation({
'ma' : self._marshal_type,
'buf' : buf,
'tag' : tag_name,
'var' : var_name })
return code.split('\n')
def CodeMarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = [
'evtag_marshal_%s(%s, %s, %s);' % (
self._marshal_type, buf, tag_name, var_name)]
return code
def Declaration(self):
dcl = ['%s %s_data;' % (self._ctype, self._name)]
return dcl
def CodeInitialize(self, name):
code = ['%s->%s_data = 0;' % (name, self._name)]
return code
class EntryString(Entry):
def __init__(self, type, name, tag):
# Init base class
Entry.__init__(self, type, name, tag)
self._can_be_array = 1
self._ctype = 'char *'
def GetInitializer(self):
return "NULL"
def CodeArrayFree(self, varname):
code = [
'if (%(var)s != NULL) free(%(var)s);' ]
return TranslateList(code, { 'var' : varname })
def CodeArrayAssign(self, varname, srcvar):
code = [
'if (%(var)s != NULL)',
' free(%(var)s);',
'%(var)s = strdup(%(srcvar)s);',
'if (%(var)s == NULL) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: strdup", __func__);',
' return (-1);',
'}' ]
return TranslateList(code, { 'var' : varname,
'srcvar' : srcvar })
def CodeArrayAdd(self, varname, value):
code = [
'if (%(value)s != NULL) {',
' %(var)s = strdup(%(value)s);',
' if (%(var)s == NULL) {',
' goto error;',
' }',
'} else {',
' %(var)s = NULL;',
'}' ]
return TranslateList(code, { 'var' : varname,
'value' : value })
def GetVarLen(self, var):
return 'strlen(%s)' % self.GetVarName(var)
def CodeMakeInitalize(self, varname):
return '%(varname)s = NULL;' % { 'varname' : varname }
def CodeAssign(self):
name = self._name
code = """int
%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_assign(struct %(parent_name)s *msg,
const %(ctype)s value)
if (msg->%(name)s_data != NULL)
if ((msg->%(name)s_data = strdup(value)) == NULL)
return (-1);
msg->%(name)s_set = 1;
return (0);
}""" % self.GetTranslation()
return code.split('\n')
def CodeUnmarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['if (evtag_unmarshal_string(%(buf)s, %(tag)s, &%(var)s) == -1) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: failed to unmarshal %(name)s", __func__);',
' return (-1);',
code = '\n'.join(code) % self.GetTranslation({
'buf' : buf,
'tag' : tag_name,
'var' : var_name })
return code.split('\n')
def CodeMarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['evtag_marshal_string(%s, %s, %s);' % (
buf, tag_name, var_name)]
return code
def CodeClear(self, structname):
code = [ 'if (%s->%s_set == 1) {' % (structname, self.Name()),
' free(%s->%s_data);' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_data = NULL;' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_set = 0;' % (structname, self.Name()),
return code
def CodeInitialize(self, name):
code = ['%s->%s_data = NULL;' % (name, self._name)]
return code
def CodeFree(self, name):
code = ['if (%s->%s_data != NULL)' % (name, self._name),
' free (%s->%s_data);' % (name, self._name)]
return code
def Declaration(self):
dcl = ['char *%s_data;' % self._name]
return dcl
class EntryStruct(Entry):
def __init__(self, type, name, tag, refname):
# Init base class
Entry.__init__(self, type, name, tag)
self._optpointer = False
self._can_be_array = 1
self._refname = refname
self._ctype = 'struct %s*' % refname
self._optaddarg = False
def GetInitializer(self):
return "NULL"
def GetVarLen(self, var):
return '-1'
def CodeArrayAdd(self, varname, value):
code = [
'%(varname)s = %(refname)s_new();',
'if (%(varname)s == NULL)',
' goto error;' ]
return TranslateList(code, self.GetTranslation({ 'varname' : varname }))
def CodeArrayFree(self, var):
code = [ '%(refname)s_free(%(var)s);' % self.GetTranslation(
{ 'var' : var }) ]
return code
def CodeArrayAssign(self, var, srcvar):
code = [
'int had_error = 0;',
'struct evbuffer *tmp = NULL;',
'if ((tmp = evbuffer_new()) == NULL) {',
' event_warn("%%s: evbuffer_new()", __func__);',
' had_error = 1;',
' goto done;',
'%(refname)s_marshal(tmp, %(srcvar)s);',
'if (%(refname)s_unmarshal(%(var)s, tmp) == -1) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: %(refname)s_unmarshal", __func__);',
' had_error = 1;',
' goto done;',
'if (tmp != NULL)',
' evbuffer_free(tmp);',
'if (had_error) {',
' %(refname)s_clear(%(var)s);',
' return (-1);',
'}' ]
return TranslateList(code, self.GetTranslation({
'var' : var,
'srcvar' : srcvar}))
def CodeGet(self):
name = self._name
code = [ 'int',
'%s_%s_get(struct %s *msg, %s *value)' % (
self._struct.Name(), name,
self._struct.Name(), self._ctype),
' if (msg->%s_set != 1) {' % name,
' msg->%s_data = %s_new();' % (name, self._refname),
' if (msg->%s_data == NULL)' % name,
' return (-1);',
' msg->%s_set = 1;' % name,
' }',
' *value = msg->%s_data;' % name,
' return (0);',
'}' ]
return code
def CodeAssign(self):
name = self._name
code = """int
%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_assign(struct %(parent_name)s *msg,
const %(ctype)s value)
struct evbuffer *tmp = NULL;
if (msg->%(name)s_set) {
msg->%(name)s_set = 0;
} else {
msg->%(name)s_data = %(refname)s_new();
if (msg->%(name)s_data == NULL) {
event_warn("%%s: %(refname)s_new()", __func__);
goto error;
if ((tmp = evbuffer_new()) == NULL) {
event_warn("%%s: evbuffer_new()", __func__);
goto error;
%(refname)s_marshal(tmp, value);
if (%(refname)s_unmarshal(msg->%(name)s_data, tmp) == -1) {
event_warnx("%%s: %(refname)s_unmarshal", __func__);
goto error;
msg->%(name)s_set = 1;
return (0);
if (tmp != NULL)
if (msg->%(name)s_data != NULL) {
msg->%(name)s_data = NULL;
return (-1);
}""" % self.GetTranslation()
return code.split('\n')
def CodeComplete(self, structname, var_name):
code = [ 'if (%(structname)s->%(name)s_set && '
'%(refname)s_complete(%(var)s) == -1)',
' return (-1);' ]
return TranslateList(code, self.GetTranslation({
'structname' : structname,
'var' : var_name }))
def CodeUnmarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['%(var)s = %(refname)s_new();',
'if (%(var)s == NULL)',
' return (-1);',
'if (evtag_unmarshal_%(refname)s(%(buf)s, %(tag)s, '
'%(var)s) == -1) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: failed to unmarshal %(name)s", __func__);',
' return (-1);',
code = '\n'.join(code) % self.GetTranslation({
'buf' : buf,
'tag' : tag_name,
'var' : var_name })
return code.split('\n')
def CodeMarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['evtag_marshal_%s(%s, %s, %s);' % (
self._refname, buf, tag_name, var_name)]
return code
def CodeClear(self, structname):
code = [ 'if (%s->%s_set == 1) {' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s_free(%s->%s_data);' % (
self._refname, structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_data = NULL;' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_set = 0;' % (structname, self.Name()),
return code
def CodeInitialize(self, name):
code = ['%s->%s_data = NULL;' % (name, self._name)]
return code
def CodeFree(self, name):
code = ['if (%s->%s_data != NULL)' % (name, self._name),
' %s_free(%s->%s_data);' % (
self._refname, name, self._name)]
return code
def Declaration(self):
dcl = ['%s %s_data;' % (self._ctype, self._name)]
return dcl
class EntryVarBytes(Entry):
def __init__(self, type, name, tag):
# Init base class
Entry.__init__(self, type, name, tag)
self._ctype = 'ev_uint8_t *'
def GetInitializer(self):
return "NULL"
def GetVarLen(self, var):
return '%(var)s->%(name)s_length' % self.GetTranslation({ 'var' : var })
def CodeArrayAdd(self, varname, value):
# xxx: copy
return [ '%(varname)s = NULL;' % { 'varname' : varname } ]
def GetDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, %s *, ev_uint32_t *);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def AssignDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, const %s, ev_uint32_t);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def CodeAssign(self):
name = self._name
code = [ 'int',
'%s_%s_assign(struct %s *msg, '
'const %s value, ev_uint32_t len)' % (
self._struct.Name(), name,
self._struct.Name(), self._ctype),
' if (msg->%s_data != NULL)' % name,
' free (msg->%s_data);' % name,
' msg->%s_data = malloc(len);' % name,
' if (msg->%s_data == NULL)' % name,
' return (-1);',
' msg->%s_set = 1;' % name,
' msg->%s_length = len;' % name,
' memcpy(msg->%s_data, value, len);' % name,
' return (0);',
'}' ]
return code
def CodeGet(self):
name = self._name
code = [ 'int',
'%s_%s_get(struct %s *msg, %s *value, ev_uint32_t *plen)' % (
self._struct.Name(), name,
self._struct.Name(), self._ctype),
' if (msg->%s_set != 1)' % name,
' return (-1);',
' *value = msg->%s_data;' % name,
' *plen = msg->%s_length;' % name,
' return (0);',
'}' ]
return code
def CodeUnmarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['if (evtag_payload_length(%(buf)s, &%(varlen)s) == -1)',
' return (-1);',
# We do not want DoS opportunities
'if (%(varlen)s > evbuffer_get_length(%(buf)s))',
' return (-1);',
'if ((%(var)s = malloc(%(varlen)s)) == NULL)',
' return (-1);',
'if (evtag_unmarshal_fixed(%(buf)s, %(tag)s, %(var)s, '
'%(varlen)s) == -1) {',
' event_warnx("%%s: failed to unmarshal %(name)s", __func__);',
' return (-1);',
code = '\n'.join(code) % self.GetTranslation({
'buf' : buf,
'tag' : tag_name,
'var' : var_name,
'varlen' : var_len })
return code.split('\n')
def CodeMarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['evtag_marshal(%s, %s, %s, %s);' % (
buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len)]
return code
def CodeClear(self, structname):
code = [ 'if (%s->%s_set == 1) {' % (structname, self.Name()),
' free (%s->%s_data);' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_data = NULL;' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_length = 0;' % (structname, self.Name()),
' %s->%s_set = 0;' % (structname, self.Name()),
return code
def CodeInitialize(self, name):
code = ['%s->%s_data = NULL;' % (name, self._name),
'%s->%s_length = 0;' % (name, self._name) ]
return code
def CodeFree(self, name):
code = ['if (%s->%s_data != NULL)' % (name, self._name),
' free(%s->%s_data);' % (name, self._name)]
return code
def Declaration(self):
dcl = ['ev_uint8_t *%s_data;' % self._name,
'ev_uint32_t %s_length;' % self._name]
return dcl
class EntryArray(Entry):
def __init__(self, entry):
# Init base class
Entry.__init__(self, entry._type, entry._name, entry._tag)
self._entry = entry
self._refname = entry._refname
self._ctype = self._entry._ctype
self._optional = True
self._optpointer = self._entry._optpointer
self._optaddarg = self._entry._optaddarg
# provide a new function for accessing the variable name
def GetVarName(var_name):
return '%(var)s->%(name)s_data[%(index)s]' % \
self._entry.GetTranslation({'var' : var_name,
'index' : self._index})
self._entry.GetVarName = GetVarName
def GetInitializer(self):
return "NULL"
def GetVarName(self, var_name):
return var_name
def GetVarLen(self, var_name):
return '-1'
def GetDeclaration(self, funcname):
"""Allows direct access to elements of the array."""
code = [
'int %(funcname)s(struct %(parent_name)s *, int, %(ctype)s *);' %
self.GetTranslation({ 'funcname' : funcname }) ]
return code
def AssignDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [ 'int %s(struct %s *, int, const %s);' % (
funcname, self._struct.Name(), self._ctype ) ]
return code
def AddDeclaration(self, funcname):
code = [
'%(ctype)s %(optpointer)s '
'%(funcname)s(struct %(parent_name)s *msg%(optaddarg)s);' % \
self.GetTranslation({ 'funcname' : funcname }) ]
return code
def CodeGet(self):
code = """int
%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_get(struct %(parent_name)s *msg, int offset,
%(ctype)s *value)
if (!msg->%(name)s_set || offset < 0 || offset >= msg->%(name)s_length)
return (-1);
*value = msg->%(name)s_data[offset];
return (0);
}""" % self.GetTranslation()
return code.split('\n')
def CodeAssign(self):
code = [
'%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_assign(struct %(parent_name)s *msg, int off,',
' const %(ctype)s value)',
' if (!msg->%(name)s_set || off < 0 || off >= msg->%(name)s_length)',
' return (-1);\n',
' {' ]
code = TranslateList(code, self.GetTranslation())
codearrayassign = self._entry.CodeArrayAssign(
'msg->%(name)s_data[off]' % self.GetTranslation(), 'value')
code += map(lambda x: ' ' + x, codearrayassign)
code += TranslateList([
' }',
' return (0);',
'}' ], self.GetTranslation())
return code
def CodeAdd(self):
codearrayadd = self._entry.CodeArrayAdd(
'msg->%(name)s_data[msg->%(name)s_length - 1]' % self.GetTranslation(),
code = [
'static int',
'struct %(parent_name)s *msg)',
' int tobe_allocated = msg->%(name)s_num_allocated;',
' %(ctype)s* new_data = NULL;',
' tobe_allocated = !tobe_allocated ? 1 : tobe_allocated << 1;',
' new_data = (%(ctype)s*) realloc(msg->%(name)s_data,',
' tobe_allocated * sizeof(%(ctype)s));',
' if (new_data == NULL)',
' return -1;',
' msg->%(name)s_data = new_data;',
' msg->%(name)s_num_allocated = tobe_allocated;',
' return 0;'
'%(ctype)s %(optpointer)s',
'struct %(parent_name)s *msg%(optaddarg)s)',
' if (++msg->%(name)s_length >= msg->%(name)s_num_allocated) {',
' if (%(parent_name)s_%(name)s_expand_to_hold_more(msg)<0)',
' goto error;',
' }' ]
code = TranslateList(code, self.GetTranslation())
code += map(lambda x: ' ' + x, codearrayadd)
code += TranslateList([
' msg->%(name)s_set = 1;',
' return %(optreference)s(msg->%(name)s_data['
'msg->%(name)s_length - 1]);',
' --msg->%(name)s_length;',
' return (NULL);',
'}' ], self.GetTranslation())
return code
def CodeComplete(self, structname, var_name):
self._index = 'i'
tmp = self._entry.CodeComplete(structname, self._entry.GetVarName(var_name))
# skip the whole loop if there is nothing to check
if not tmp:
return []
translate = self.GetTranslation({ 'structname' : structname })
code = [
' int i;',
' for (i = 0; i < %(structname)s->%(name)s_length; ++i) {' ]
code = TranslateList(code, translate)
code += map(lambda x: ' ' + x, tmp)
code += [
' }',
'}' ]
return code
def CodeUnmarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
translate = self.GetTranslation({ 'var' : var_name,
'buf' : buf,
'tag' : tag_name,
'init' : self._entry.GetInitializer()})
code = [
'if (%(var)s->%(name)s_length >= %(var)s->%(name)s_num_allocated &&',
' %(parent_name)s_%(name)s_expand_to_hold_more(%(var)s) < 0) {',
' puts("HEY NOW");',
' return (-1);',
# the unmarshal code directly returns
code = TranslateList(code, translate)
self._index = '%(var)s->%(name)s_length' % translate
code += self._entry.CodeUnmarshal(buf, tag_name,
code += [ '++%(var)s->%(name)s_length;' % translate ]
return code
def CodeMarshal(self, buf, tag_name, var_name, var_len):
code = ['{',
' int i;',
' for (i = 0; i < %(var)s->%(name)s_length; ++i) {' ]
self._index = 'i'
code += self._entry.CodeMarshal(buf, tag_name,
code += [' }',
code = "\n".join(code) % self.GetTranslation({ 'var' : var_name })
return code.split('\n')
def CodeClear(self, structname):
translate = self.GetTranslation({ 'structname' : structname })
codearrayfree = self._entry.CodeArrayFree(
'%(structname)s->%(name)s_data[i]' % self.GetTranslation(
{ 'structname' : structname } ))
code = [ 'if (%(structname)s->%(name)s_set == 1) {' ]
if codearrayfree:
code += [
' int i;',
' for (i = 0; i < %(structname)s->%(name)s_length; ++i) {' ]
code = TranslateList(code, translate)
if codearrayfree:
code += map(lambda x: ' ' + x, codearrayfree)
code += [
' }' ]
code += TranslateList([
' free(%(structname)s->%(name)s_data);',
' %(structname)s->%(name)s_data = NULL;',
' %(structname)s->%(name)s_set = 0;',
' %(structname)s->%(name)s_length = 0;',
' %(structname)s->%(name)s_num_allocated = 0;',
], translate)
return code
def CodeInitialize(self, name):
code = ['%s->%s_data = NULL;' % (name, self._name),
'%s->%s_length = 0;' % (name, self._name),
'%s->%s_num_allocated = 0;' % (name, self._name)]
return code
def CodeFree(self, structname):
code = self.CodeClear(structname);
code += TranslateList([
'free(%(structname)s->%(name)s_data);' ],
self.GetTranslation({'structname' : structname }))
return code
def Declaration(self):
dcl = ['%s *%s_data;' % (self._ctype, self._name),
'int %s_length;' % self._name,
'int %s_num_allocated;' % self._name ]
return dcl
def NormalizeLine(line):
global white
global cppcomment
line = cppcomment.sub('', line)
line = line.strip()
line = white.sub(' ', line)
return line
def ProcessOneEntry(factory, newstruct, entry):
optional = 0
array = 0
entry_type = ''
name = ''
tag = ''
tag_set = None
separator = ''
fixed_length = ''
tokens = entry.split(' ')
while tokens:
token = tokens[0]
tokens = tokens[1:]
if not entry_type:
if not optional and token == 'optional':
optional = 1
if not array and token == 'array':
array = 1
if not entry_type:
entry_type = token
if not name:
res = re.match(r'^([^\[\]]+)(\[.*\])?$', token)
if not res:
raise RpcGenError(
'Cannot parse name: \"%s\" '
'around line %d' % (entry, line_count))
name = res.group(1)
fixed_length = res.group(2)
if fixed_length:
fixed_length = fixed_length[1:-1]
if not separator:
separator = token
if separator != '=':
raise RpcGenError('Expected "=" after name \"%s\" got %s'
% (name, token))
if not tag_set:
tag_set = 1
if not re.match(r'^(0x)?[0-9]+$', token):
raise RpcGenError('Expected tag number: \"%s\"' % entry)
tag = int(token, 0)
raise RpcGenError('Cannot parse \"%s\"' % entry)
if not tag_set:
raise RpcGenError('Need tag number: \"%s\"' % entry)
# Create the right entry
if entry_type == 'bytes':
if fixed_length:
newentry = factory.EntryBytes(entry_type, name, tag, fixed_length)
newentry = factory.EntryVarBytes(entry_type, name, tag)
elif entry_type == 'int' and not fixed_length:
newentry = factory.EntryInt(entry_type, name, tag)
elif entry_type == 'int64' and not fixed_length:
newentry = factory.EntryInt(entry_type, name, tag, bits=64)
elif entry_type == 'string' and not fixed_length:
newentry = factory.EntryString(entry_type, name, tag)
res = structref.match(entry_type)
if res:
# References another struct defined in our file
newentry = factory.EntryStruct(entry_type, name, tag, res.group(1))
raise RpcGenError('Bad type: "%s" in "%s"' % (entry_type, entry))
structs = []
if optional:
if array:
if array:
# We need to encapsulate this entry into a struct
newname = newentry.Name()+ '_array'
# Now borgify the new entry.
newentry = factory.EntryArray(newentry)
return structs
def ProcessStruct(factory, data):
tokens = data.split(' ')
# First three tokens are: 'struct' 'name' '{'
newstruct = factory.Struct(tokens[1])
inside = ' '.join(tokens[3:-1])
tokens = inside.split(';')
structs = []
for entry in tokens:
entry = NormalizeLine(entry)
if not entry:
# It's possible that new structs get defined in here
structs.extend(ProcessOneEntry(factory, newstruct, entry))
return structs
def GetNextStruct(file):
global line_count
global cppdirect
got_struct = 0
processed_lines = []
have_c_comment = 0
data = ''
while 1:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
line_count += 1
line = line[:-1]
if not have_c_comment and re.search(r'/\*', line):
if re.search(r'/\*.*?\*/', line):
line = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', line)
line = re.sub(r'/\*.*$', '', line)
have_c_comment = 1
if have_c_comment:
if not re.search(r'\*/', line):
have_c_comment = 0
line = re.sub(r'^.*\*/', '', line)
line = NormalizeLine(line)
if not line:
if not got_struct:
if re.match(r'#include ["<].*[>"]', line):
if re.match(r'^#(if( |def)|endif)', line):
if re.match(r'^#define', line):
if not structdef.match(line):
raise RpcGenError('Missing struct on line %d: %s'
% (line_count, line))
got_struct = 1
data += line
# We are inside the struct
tokens = line.split('}')
if len(tokens) == 1:
data += ' ' + line
if len(tokens[1]):
raise RpcGenError('Trailing garbage after struct on line %d'
% line_count)
# We found the end of the struct
data += ' %s}' % tokens[0]
# Remove any comments, that might be in there
data = re.sub(r'/\*.*\*/', '', data)
return data
def Parse(factory, file):
Parses the input file and returns C code and corresponding header file.
entities = []
while 1:
# Just gets the whole struct nicely formatted
data = GetNextStruct(file)
if not data:
entities.extend(ProcessStruct(factory, data))
return entities
class CCodeGenerator:
def __init__(self):
def GuardName(self, name):
# Use the complete provided path to the input file, with all
# non-identifier characters replaced with underscores, to
# reduce the chance of a collision between guard macros.
return '_' + nonident.sub('_', name).upper() + '_'
def HeaderPreamble(self, name):
guard = self.GuardName(name)
pre = (
' * Automatically generated from %s\n'
' */\n\n'
'#ifndef %s\n'
'#define %s\n\n' ) % (
name, guard, guard)
for statement in headerdirect:
pre += '%s\n' % statement
if headerdirect:
pre += '\n'
pre += (
'#include <event2/util.h> /* for ev_uint*_t */\n'
'#include <event2/rpc.h>\n'
return pre
def HeaderPostamble(self, name):
guard = self.GuardName(name)
return '#endif /* %s */' % guard
def BodyPreamble(self, name, header_file):
global _NAME
global _VERSION
slash = header_file.rfind('/')
if slash != -1:
header_file = header_file[slash+1:]
pre = ( '/*\n'
' * Automatically generated from %s\n'
' * by %s/%s. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n'
' */\n\n' ) % (name, _NAME, _VERSION)
pre += ( '#include <stdlib.h>\n'
'#include <string.h>\n'
'#include <assert.h>\n'
'#include <event2/event-config.h>\n'
'#include <event2/event.h>\n'
'#include <event2/buffer.h>\n'
'#include <event2/tag.h>\n\n'
'#ifdef _EVENT___func__\n'
'#define __func__ _EVENT___func__\n'
for statement in cppdirect:
pre += '%s\n' % statement
pre += '\n#include "%s"\n\n' % header_file
pre += 'void event_warn(const char *fmt, ...);\n'
pre += 'void event_warnx(const char *fmt, ...);\n\n'
return pre
def HeaderFilename(self, filename):
return '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) + '.h'
def CodeFilename(self, filename):
return '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) + '.gen.c'
def Struct(self, name):
return StructCCode(name)
def EntryBytes(self, entry_type, name, tag, fixed_length):
return EntryBytes(entry_type, name, tag, fixed_length)
def EntryVarBytes(self, entry_type, name, tag):
return EntryVarBytes(entry_type, name, tag)
def EntryInt(self, entry_type, name, tag, bits=32):
return EntryInt(entry_type, name, tag, bits)
def EntryString(self, entry_type, name, tag):
return EntryString(entry_type, name, tag)
def EntryStruct(self, entry_type, name, tag, struct_name):
return EntryStruct(entry_type, name, tag, struct_name)
def EntryArray(self, entry):
return EntryArray(entry)
class Usage(RpcGenError):
def __init__(self, argv0):
RpcGenError.__init__("usage: %s input.rpc [[output.h] output.c]"
% argv0)
class CommandLine:
def __init__(self, argv):
self.filename = None
self.header_file = None
self.impl_file = None
self.factory = CCodeGenerator()
if len(argv) < 2 or len(argv) > 4:
raise Usage(argv[0])
self.filename = argv[1].replace('\\', '/')
if len(argv) == 3:
self.impl_file = argv[2].replace('\\', '/')
if len(argv) == 4:
self.header_file = argv[2].replace('\\', '/')
self.impl_file = argv[3].replace('\\', '/')
if not self.filename:
raise Usage(argv[0])
if not self.impl_file:
self.impl_file = self.factory.CodeFilename(self.filename)
if not self.header_file:
self.header_file = self.factory.HeaderFilename(self.impl_file)
if not self.impl_file.endswith('.c'):
raise RpcGenError("can only generate C implementation files")
if not self.header_file.endswith('.h'):
raise RpcGenError("can only generate C header files")
def run(self):
filename = self.filename
header_file = self.header_file
impl_file = self.impl_file
factory = self.factory
print >>sys.stderr, 'Reading \"%s\"' % filename
fp = open(filename, 'r')
entities = Parse(factory, fp)
print >>sys.stderr, '... creating "%s"' % header_file
header_fp = open(header_file, 'w')
print >>header_fp, factory.HeaderPreamble(filename)
# Create forward declarations: allows other structs to reference
# each other
for entry in entities:
print >>header_fp, ''
for entry in entities:
print >>header_fp, factory.HeaderPostamble(filename)
print >>sys.stderr, '... creating "%s"' % impl_file
impl_fp = open(impl_file, 'w')
print >>impl_fp, factory.BodyPreamble(filename, header_file)
for entry in entities:
if __name__ == '__main__':
except RpcGenError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.filename and e.strerror:
print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (e.filename, e.strerror)
elif e.strerror:
print >> sys.stderr, e.strerror