Jeff Squyres 90ef93b763 First cut of user docs (very rough; copied from LAM/MPI -- insertted
much of README.alpha in the release notes).

This commit was SVN r5145.
2005-04-02 15:11:28 +00:00

464 строки
16 KiB

%% This is file `lstpatch.sty', generated manually.
%% Please read the software license in listings.dtx or listings.dvi.
%% (w)(c) 2002 Carsten Heinz
%% This file is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
%% License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
%% Send comments and ideas on the package, error reports and additional
%% programming languages to <cheinz@gmx.de>.
%% This patch file will remove the following bugs from the listings package.
%% Each item contains the bug finder with date of report and first bug fix
%% version, a short description of the problem, and the reason for the bug
%% in parenthesis.
%% 1) Jochen Schneider, 2002/04/03, 1.0a (2002/04/05)
%% undefined control sequence \lst@CommentB with HTML, XML, tcl
%% (I didn't renamed them to \lst@DefDelimB|E)
%% 2) Michael Niedermair, 2002/04/07, 1.0b
%% undefined control sequence \lst@commentmode with XML
%% (mode not defined any more)
%% 3) Carsten Heinz, 2002/04/08, 1.0b
%% bad PODs (investigating bugs 1 and 2)
%% (definition doesn't use 1.0 style)
%% 4) Peter Bartke, 2002/04/10, 1.0b
%% various problems with fancyvrb interface: string ".5" at beginning
%% of first line when using lineskip; ditto "perhaps a missing \item
%% error"; wrong placed characters , and - when using fancyvrb
%% (bad use of \strip@pt; TeX is not in vertical mode when leaving
%% Verbatim; bad `noligs' handling)
%% 5) Rolf Niepraschk, 2002/04/12, 1.0b
%% \RequirePackage is missing keywordstyle when near the top of a page
%% (\lst@lastother not saved away across page breaks)
%% 6) Peter Ruckdeschel, 2002/04/12, 1.0b
%% Timothy Van Zandt analyzed and fixed the bug
%% incompatibility with seminar class
%% (bad assignment of \lst@do@noligs in \lst@SelectCharTable)
%% 7) Rene H. Larsen, 2002/04/12, 1.0b
%% \lstinputlistings and texcl conflict
%% (^^M not active to reenter modes)
%% 8) Carsten Heinz, 2002/04/15, 1.0b (2002/04/15)
%% gobble doesn't always work (investigating problem with VTeX)
%% (\lst@BOLGobble@ must test against \lst@Process{FormFeed|Tabulator}X)
%% 9) Peter Bartke, 2002/04/17, 1.0c
%% TeX capacity exceeded with fancyvrb
%% (\let\lst@entermodes\@empty must stay in \lstFV@VerbatimBegin)
%% 10) Svend Tollak Munkejord, 2002/04/17, 1.0c
%% Heiko Oberdiek analyzed and fixed the bug
%% package incompatible with Lucida .fd files
%% (parentheses have active catcodes when reading the file)
%% 11) Carsten Hamm, 2002/04/19, 1.0c (2002/04/24)
%% wrong frame rules with breaklines and xleftmargin>0pt
%% (missing \kern-\lst@xleftmargin in \lst@discretionary)
%% 12) Michael Niedermair, 2002/05/14, 1.0d
%% backgroundcolor take effect on bottom captions
%% (wrong order of \everypar{} and \lsthk@ExitVars in \lst@DeInit)
%% 13) Georg Rehm, 2002/05/14, 1.0d
%% bad baselineskip with captionpos=b
%% (missing \normalbaselines)
%% 14) Herfried Karl Wagner, 2002/05/11, 1.0d
%% undefined control sequence \lst@entermodes
%% (\output called before first \lst@EnterMode)
%% 15) Peter K\"oller, 2002/05/24, 1.0d
%% XML keywords don't have keywordstyle
%% (missing \ifx... in implementation of contentsstyle)
%% 16) Stephen Reindl, 2002/05/28, 1.0d
%% \inaccessible using Cobol
%% (\lst@Delim@option didn't enclose option in [])
%% 17) Stephen Reindl, 2002/06/04, 1.0d (2002/06/12)
%% frames not deactivated for text style listings
%% 18) Carsten Heinz, 2002/07/27, 1.0e (2002/07/31)
%% broken keywordcomments
%% (\lst@KCpost inside group level 2; bad \lst@BeginComment call)
%% 19) Kris Luyten, 2002/07/30, 1.0f (2002/08/03)
%% Undefined control sequence \lst@thestyle
%% (undefined \lst@directives after _loading_ C)
%% 20) Kris Luyten, 2002/08/03, 1.0g (2002/08/06)
%% Undefined control sequence \lst@thestyle
%% (side effect of 19-bugfix on \lst@ProvideFamily)
%% 21) Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath, 2002/08/31, 1.0h
%% Undefined control sequence \thelstnumber with 0.21-option
%% (\let must be changed to a \def inition)
%% 22) Fermin Reig, 2002/09/04, 1.0h (2002/09/09)
%% Bad top frame inside figure+centering
%% (reset of leftskip, rightskip and parfillskip comes too late)
%% 23) Hermann H\"uttler, 2002/10/05, 1.0i (2002/10/13)
%% C++-string "... \\" does not end with second double quote
%% (missing \let\lst@lastother\@empty in old fix)
%% Moreover the following functionality is added.
%% a) option "final" (Rolf Niepraschk, Enrico Straube)
%% b) keys "fvcmdparams" and "morefvcmdparams" (Denis Girou)
%% c) key "contentstyle" (Peter K\"oller)
%% d) key "numberfirstline" (Georg Rehm)
\ProvidesFile{lstpatch.sty}[2002/10/13 1.0i (Carsten Heinz)]
*** This is a patch for `listings.sty' version 1.0, but^^J%
*** you're using version \lst@version.^^J%
*** Patch file not loaded.^^J%
% 1) Define the missing control sequences. (Not needed any more.)
% 2) Define \lst@commentmode.
% 3) Introduce \lst@ifxpodcomment as master-clause and define 1.0 style
% contents for SelectCharTable.
\lst@CArgX =\relax\lst@DefDelimB{}{}%
\lst@BeginComment\lst@PODmode{{\lst@commentstyle}}% modified
\lst@CArgX =cut\^^M\relax\lst@DefDelimE
% 4) Redefine lineskip like podcomment above and don't use \strip@pt
% together with \divide.
% 11) Add \kern-\lst@xleftmargin.
% Back to 4): Insert \par for vertical mode.
\par % modified
% 9) Redefined \lstFV@VerbatimBegin removed.
% b) Refine conversion definitions to either work as usual or to ...
\gdef\lst@FVConvert{\@tempcnta\z@ \lst@FVConvertO@}%
\ifcase\@tempcnta \expandafter
% append arguments as they are.
% Here, ...
\ifx \@nil##1\else
% ... actually here, we check for commands with arguments and set the
% value of \@tempcnta as required.
\ifx####3\@empty \else \@tempcnta####2\relax \fi}%
% Eventually we define user keys to adjust \lst@FVcmdparams. The base
% set of commands and parameter numbers was provided by Denis Girou.
% D.G. suggestion begin - 2002/05/31
% D.G. suggestion end
% 5) Extend \lst@SaveToken to save \lst@lastother.
% 6) Assign \lst@do@noligs to \do.
\catcode9\active \catcode12\active \catcode13\active
\lst@ifec \lst@DefEC \fi
\let\do\lst@do@noligs \verbatim@nolig@list % modified
% 4)+6) And we need correct versions of \lst@do@noligs[@].
\begingroup \lccode`\~=`#1\lowercase{\endgroup
% 7) Make ^^M active.
\lsthk@PreSet \gdef\lst@intname{#1}%
\catcode\active=\active % added
\lst@Init\relax \let\lst@gobble\z@
\lst@ifprint \def\lst@next{\input{#1}}%
\else \let\lst@next\@empty \fi
% 8) Replace \lst@Process{FormFeed|Tabulator}.
\ifx \lst@next\relax\else
\ifx \lst@next\lst@MProcessListing\else
\ifx \lst@next\lst@ProcessFormFeedX\else
\ifx \lst@next\lstenv@backslash
\ifx #1\lst@ProcessTabulatorX
\lst@length-\@tempcnta \lst@PreGotoTabStop
\fi \fi \fi \fi
% 10) Add some \@makeother to \lst@nfss@catcodes.
\@makeother (\@makeother )\@makeother ,\@makeother :\@makeother &%
\@makeother 0\@makeother 1\@makeother 2\@makeother 3\@makeother 4%
\@makeother 5\@makeother 6\@makeother 7\@makeother 8\@makeother 9%
\@makeother =\lsts@nfss@catcodes}
% 12) and 13) Deactivate \everypar and use normal baseline parameters.
% 14) Define \lst@entermodes.
% 16) Insert [ and ] in replacement text.
% 17) Just empty `frame' and top, right, bottom, and left shape.
% 18) Execute \lst@BeginKC and \lst@BeginKCS outside the two groups.
% Modify third argument to \lst@BeginComment to work properly.
\gdef\lst@EndKC{\lst@SaveToken \lst@LeaveMode \lst@RestoreToken
\let\lst@thestyle\lst@identifierstyle \lsthk@Output}% renew style selection
% 19) Init \lst@directives.
% 20) Use new prefix for a family -- the now initialized \lst@directives
% clashes with the default.
\@ifundefined{lstfam@##1\ifnum\@tempcnta=\@ne\else \the\@tempcnta \fi}%
{\@namedef{lstfam@##1\ifnum\@tempcnta=\@ne\else \the\@tempcnta \fi}{}%
\csname\@lst @##1@data\endcsname
{\ifnum\@tempcnta=\@ne\else \the\@tempcnta \fi}}%
% 21) Define \thelstnumber every listing via \def.
% 22) Reset the registers in PreInit hook
{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parfillskip\z@ plus 1fil}
% 23) Add \let\lst@lastother\@empty
\lst@CArgX \\\\\relax \lst@CDefX{}%
% a) Just declare the option.
% c) Define contentstyle and use it.
% 15) Check for keywordstyle.
\lst@ifusekeysinside \let\lst@thestyle\lst@tagstyle
\else \let\lst@thestyle\lst@gkeywords@sty \fi
{\lst@ifmode\else \ifnum\lst@mode=\lst@insidemode\else
% d) Define key and adjust \lst@SkipOrPrintLabel.
%% End of file `lstpatch.sty'.