Jeff Squyres d2261fa9c6 coverity: move script to build-server directory
Move the openmpi-nightly-coverity.pl script into the directory where
all the other build server scripts live.

Leave the coverity-model.c file in the coverity dir, because it's
specific to coverity.  Other items can be added into the
coverity-model.c, if helpful (and then we can re-submit that model
2015-02-13 11:07:11 -05:00

263 строки
6.9 KiB
Исполняемый файл

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
use File::Basename;
my $filename_arg;
my $coverity_token_arg;
my $dry_run_arg = 0;
my $verbose_arg = 0;
my $debug_arg = 0;
my $logfile_dir_arg;
my $configure_args = "";
my $make_args = "-j 32";
my $help_arg = 0;
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("filename=s" => \$filename_arg,
"coverity-token=s" => \$coverity_token_arg,
"logfile-dir=s" => \$logfile_dir_arg,
"configure-args=s" => \$configure_args,
"make-args=s" => \$make_args,
"dry-run!" => \$dry_run_arg,
"verbose!" => \$verbose_arg,
"debug!" => \$debug_arg,
"help|h" => \$help_arg);
$ok = 0
if (!defined($filename_arg));
$ok = 0
if (!defined($coverity_token_arg));
if (!$ok || $help_arg) {
print "Usage: $0 --filename=FILENAME --coverity-token=TOKEN [--dry-run] [--verbose] [--help]\n";
die "Cannot read $filename_arg"
if (! -r $filename_arg);
$verbose_arg = 1
if ($debug_arg);
sub verbose {
print @_
if ($verbose_arg);
# run a command and save the stdout / stderr
sub safe_system {
my ($cmd) = shift;
my ($logfilename) = shift;
print "*** Running command: $cmd\n" if ($debug_arg);
pipe OUTread, OUTwrite;
# Child
my $pid;
if (($pid = fork()) == 0) {
close OUTread;
open STDERR, ">&OUTwrite"
|| die "Can't redirect stderr\n";
select STDERR;
$| = 1;
open STDOUT, ">&OUTwrite"
|| die "Can't redirect stdout\n";
select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
# Turn shell-quoted words ("foo bar baz") into individual tokens
my @tokens;
while ($cmd =~ /\".*\"/) {
my $prefix;
my $middle;
my $suffix;
$cmd =~ /(.*?)\"(.*?)\"(.*)/;
$prefix = $1;
$middle = $2;
$suffix = $3;
if ($prefix) {
foreach my $token (split(' ', $prefix)) {
push(@tokens, $token);
if ($middle) {
push(@tokens, $middle);
} else {
push(@tokens, "");
$cmd = $suffix;
if ($cmd) {
push(@tokens, split(' ', $cmd));
# Run it!
exec(@tokens) ||
die "Can't execute command: $cmd\n";
close OUTwrite;
# Parent
my (@out);
my ($rin, $rout);
my $done = 1;
# Keep watching over the pipe(s)
$rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno(OUTread), 1) = 1;
while ($done > 0) {
my $nfound = select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, undef);
if (vec($rout, fileno(OUTread), 1) == 1) {
my $data = <OUTread>;
if (!defined($data)) {
vec($rin, fileno(OUTread), 1) = 0;
} else {
push(@out, $data);
print "OUT:$data" if ($debug_arg);
# The pipes are closed, so the process should be dead. Reap it.
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $status = $?;
print "*** Command complete, exit status: $status\n" if ($debug_arg);
# Return an anonymous hash containing the relevant data
my $ret = {
stdout_and_stderr => \@out,
status => $status
# If the command failed, just quit
if ($status != 0) {
print "*** Command \"$cmd\" exited with non-zero status ($status); exiting\n";
# If a log filename was given, and we have a logfile dir, then
# write logfiles for stdout/stderr.
if (defined($logfilename) && defined($logfile_dir_arg)) {
my $filename = "$logfile_dir_arg/$logfilename";
# Exit status
open(OUT, ">$filename-status.out") ||
die "Can't write to $filename-status.out";
print OUT "Exit status: $status\n";
# Stdout+stderr
if ($#out >= 0) {
open(OUT, ">$filename-stdout-stderr.out") ||
die "Can't write to $filename-stdout-stderr.out";
print OUT @out;
# If we failed, just die
if ($ret->{status} != 0) {
print "=== Failed to $cmd\n";
print "=== Last few lines of stdout/stderr:\n";
my $i = $#{$ret->{stdout}} - 500;
$i = 0
if ($i < 0);
while ($i <= $#{$ret->{stdout}}) {
print $ret->{stdout}[$i];
return $ret;
# Make an area to work
my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
verbose "*** Working in $dir\n";
# Get the coverity tool, put it in our path
verbose "*** Downloading coverity tool\n";
safe_system("wget https://scan.coverity.com/download/linux-64 --post-data \"token=$coverity_token_arg\&project=OpenMPI\" -O coverity_tool.tgz");
safe_system("tar xf coverity_tool.tgz");
opendir(my $dh, ".") ||
die "Can't opendir .";
my @files = grep { /^cov/ && -d "./$_" } readdir($dh);
my $cov_dir = "$dir/$files[0]/bin";
$ENV{PATH} = "$cov_dir:$ENV{PATH}";
# Expand the OMPI tarball, build it
verbose "*** Extracting OMPI tarball\n";
safe_system("tar xf $filename_arg");
my $tarball_filename = basename($filename_arg);
$tarball_filename =~ m/^(.+)\.tar.+$/;
my $ompi_ver = $1;
verbose "*** Configuring OMPI tarball\n";
safe_system("./configure $configure_args");
verbose "*** Building OMPI tarball\n";
safe_system("cov-build --dir cov-int make $make_args");
# Tar up the Coverity results
verbose "*** Tarring up results\n";
safe_system("tar jcf $ompi_ver-analyzed.tar.bz2 cov-int");
# If not dry-run, submit to Coverity
if ($dry_run_arg) {
verbose "*** Would have submitted, but this is a dry run\n";
} else {
verbose "*** Submitting results\n";
safe_system("curl --form token=$coverity_token_arg " .
"--form email=jsquyres\@cisco.com " .
"--form file=\@$ompi_ver-analyzed.tar.bz2 " .
"--form version=$ompi_ver " .
"--form description=nightly-master " .
verbose("*** All done\n");
# Chdir out of the tempdir so that it can be removed