Include the full path to the helpfile in the output message, when relevant. This commit was SVN r32451.
295 строки
7.6 KiB
Исполняемый файл
295 строки
7.6 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Simple script to check all the opal_show_help (and orte_show_help)
# strings against what is found in help files.
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
my $num_warnings = 0;
my $num_errors = 0;
my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $HELP = 0;
"help" => \$HELP,
"verbose" => \$VERBOSE,
) or die "unable to parse options, aborted";
if ($HELP) {
print <<EOF;
%0 [options]
--help | -h This help message
--verbose | -v Be verbose in output
sub verbose {
print @_
if ($VERBOSE);
sub DebugDump {
my $d = new Data::Dumper([@_]);
my $s = $d->Dump;
print $s;
# Find the top-level OMPI source tree dir
my $start = cwd();
my $top = $start;
while (! -f "$top/Makefile.ompi-rules") {
$top = cwd();
die "Can't find top-level Open MPI directory"
if ($top eq "/");
my @source_files;
my @help_files;
# Helper: Search for all source and help files
sub match_files {
# Don't process sym links
if (-l $_);
# Don't recurse down "special" directories
if (-d $_ &&
((/^\.deps$/) || (/^\.libs$/) ||
(/^\.svn$/) || (/^\.hg$/) || (/^\.git$/))) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
# $File::Find::name is the path relative to the starting point.
# $_ contains the file's basename. The code automatically changes
# to the processed directory, so we want to open / close $_.
verbose("--> $File::Find::name\n");
my $relative = $File::Find::name;
$relative =~ s/^$top//;
$relative =~ s/^\///;
my $short = $_;
if ($short =~ /^help-.*\.txt$/) {
push(@help_files, {
full => $File::Find::name,
short => $short,
relative => $relative,
verbose(" Found help file: $short\n");
if ($short =~ /\.c$/ ||
$short =~ /\.h$/ ||
$short =~ /\.cc$/) {
push(@source_files, {
full => $File::Find::name,
short => $short,
relative => $relative,
verbose(" Found source file: $short\n");
# Find all source and help files
print "Searching for source and help files...\n";
print "Starting in: $start\n";
find(\&match_files, ".");
# Index all help files
my $help_topics;
my $help_file_refs;
print "Indexing help files...\n";
foreach my $info (@help_files) {
verbose("Indexing help: $info->{full}\n");
# Check for short name collision
if (exists($help_topics->{$info->{short}})) {
# Found a collision! Find the original's full name.
my $collide_relative = "unknown";
foreach my $i (@help_files) {
if ($i->{short} eq $info->{short}) {
$collide_relative = $i->{relative};
# Print error message
print "*** ERROR: Help file name collision:
File 1: $info->{relative}
File 2: $collide_relative\n";
# Read in file, find all of its topics
my $num_topics = 0;
open(FH, $info->{full}) || die "Can't open $info->{full}";
while (<FH>) {
if (m/^\s*\[(.+?)\]\s*$/) {
my $topic = $1;
verbose(" Topic: $topic\n");
$help_topics->{$info->{short}}->{topic}->{$topic} = 0;
$help_topics->{$info->{short}}->{full} = $info->{full};
if (0 == $num_topics) {
print "*** WARNING: Empty help file (no topics)
Help file: $info->{full}\n";
# Search source files for calls to opal_show_help and (o)rte_show_help
print "Searching source files...\n";
# Helper: for a given filename/topic, see if it exists
sub check_file_topic {
my $info = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $topic = shift;
verbose("Found $info->{short}: $file / $topic\n");
# Do we have a help file for this?
if (!exists($help_topics->{$file})) {
print "*** ERROR: Source-referenced help file does not exist
Source file: $info->{relative}
Help file referenced: $file\n";
# Do we have a topic in that help file for this?
elsif (!exists($help_topics->{$file}->{topic}->{$topic})) {
print "*** ERROR: Source-referenced help topic does not exist
Source file: $info->{relative}
Help file referenced: $file
which is: $help_topics->{$file}->{full}
Help topic referenced: $topic\n";
# Yes, we do have a topic in that help file for this.
# Increase its ref count.
else {
# Helper: search source file for a regexps matching a help filename
# and topic.
sub check_name {
my $info = shift,
my $name = shift;
my $sep = shift;
my $src = shift;
while ($src =~ m/$name\s*$sep\s*"(.+?)"\s*,\s*"(.+?)"/) {
my $file = $1;
my $topic = $2;
check_file_topic($info, $file, $topic);
# Don't find this one again
$src =~ s/$name\s*$sep\s*"(.+?)"\s*,\s*"(.+?)"/SHOW_HELP_REPLACED/;
return $src;
# Check to ensure helpfile/topic combos exist
foreach my $info (@source_files) {
verbose("Searching source: $info->{full}\n");
my $src;
open(FH, $info->{full}) || die "Can't open $info->{full}";
while (<FH>) {
# Eliminate newlines, just for regexp simplicity later
$src .= $_;
# Find calls to opal_show_help()
$src = check_name($info, "opal_show_help", "\\(", $src);
# Find calls to opal_show_help_string()
$src = check_name($info, "opal_show_help_string", "\\(", $src);
# Find calls to rte_show_help() (and also orte_show_help())
$src = check_name($info, "rte_show_help", "\\(", $src);
# Find special tokens from comments
$src = check_name($info, "SHOW_HELP", ":", $src);
# Check that all indexed help strings were referenced
print "Checking for stale help messages / files...\n";
foreach my $file (sort(keys(%{$help_topics}))) {
my $num_used = 0;
foreach my $topic (sort(keys(%{$help_topics->{$file}->{topic}}))) {
if (0 == $help_topics->{$file}->{topic}->{$topic}) {
print "*** WARNING: Possibly unused help topic
Help file: $help_topics->{$file}->{full}
Help topic: $topic\n";
} else {
# Were no topics used in this file at all?
if (0 == $num_used) {
print "*** WARNING: Possibly unused help file (no topics used from this file)
Help file: $help_topics->{$file}->{full}\n";
# All done
if (0 == $num_errors && 0 == $num_warnings) {
print "+++ All seems good!\n";
} else {
print "Total number of warnings: $num_warnings
Total number of errors: $num_errors\n";