Modify the orte configure options to specify --enable-multicast such that it directs components to build or not instead of littering the code base with #if's. Remove those #if's where they used to occur. Add a new grpcomm "mcast" module to support multicast operations. Still some work required to properly perform daemon collectives for comm_spawn operations. New module only builds when --enable-multicast is provided, and when specifically selected. This commit was SVN r22709.
37 строки
893 B
37 строки
893 B
# Copyright (c) 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
EXTRA_DIST = .windows
sources = \
grpcomm_mcast.h \
grpcomm_mcast.c \
# Make the output library in this directory, and name it either
# mca_<type>_<name>.la (for DSO builds) or libmca_<type>_<name>.la
# (for static builds).
if OMPI_BUILD_grpcomm_mcast_DSO
component_noinst =
component_install = mca_grpcomm_mcast.la
component_noinst = libmca_grpcomm_mcast.la
component_install =
mcacomponentdir = $(pkglibdir)
mcacomponent_LTLIBRARIES = $(component_install)
mca_grpcomm_mcast_la_SOURCES = $(sources)
mca_grpcomm_mcast_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
noinst_LTLIBRARIES = $(component_noinst)
libmca_grpcomm_mcast_la_SOURCES =$(sources)
libmca_grpcomm_mcast_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version