counting or not the collective traffic as a separate entity. The need for such a PML is simply because the PMPI interface doesn't allow us to identify the collective generated traffic.
124 строки
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124 строки
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Inria. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
# Author Emmanuel Jeannot <emmanuel.jeannot@inria.fr>
# Take a profile file and aggregates all the recorded communicaton into matrices.
# It generated a matrices for teh number of messages, (msg),
# for the total bytes transmitted (size) and
# the average nulber of bytes per messages (avg)
# The output matix is symetric
# If possible it creates file with "internal" tags (collexctive and eta data),
# "external" tags (point to point messages) and "all" (every messgaes).
# ensure that this script as the executable right: chmod +x ...
if($#ARGV < 0){
die("Usage: $0 <\".prof\" filename>\n");
if ( profile($filename,"E","external") ){
sub profile{
my $filename= $_[0];
my $filter= $_[1];
my $suffix= $_[2];
my $done = 0;
open IN,"<$filename";
while (<IN>) {
if (($f,$p1,$p2,$s,$m)=/^($filter)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/){
$done = 1;
#print "$p1 | $p2 | $s | $m\n";
$n=$p1 if ($p1>$n);
$n=$p2 if ($p2>$n);
}else {
# print("file $filename line $i: $_\n");
close IN;
#print "$done\n";
foreach $i (0..$n) {
foreach $j (0..$n) {
if ($mat2[$i][$j]){
$mat3[$i][$j]=$mat1[$i][$j]/$mat2[$i][$j] ;
if ($done) {
print "$filename -> $suffix\n";
return $done;
sub save_file{
my $outfile=$_[0];
my $n=$_[1];
my @mat=@{$_[2]};
print "$outfile\n";
open OUT,">$outfile";
foreach $i (0..$n) {
foreach $j (0..$n) {
printf OUT "%.0f ",$mat[$i][$j];
print OUT "\n";
# print"\n------------\n\n";
close OUT;