more obvious (and documented) - VERSION now has lots of comments in it - separate out whether we want the SVN r number in the version and what the SVN r number is - clearly describe the process for building the full version number string - make ompi info have a separate line item specifically for the SVN r number, regardless of what the version number is - update "make dist" process to substitute in the SVN r version This commit was SVN r5022.
213 строки
5.2 KiB
Исполняемый файл
213 строки
5.2 KiB
Исполняемый файл
#! /bin/csh -f
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
# University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
set srcdir="`pwd`"
set distdir="$srcdir/$1"
if ("$distdir" == "") then
echo "Must supply relative distdir as argv[1] -- aborting"
exit 1
elif ("$OMPI_VERSION" == "") then
echo "Must supply version as argv[2] -- aborting"
exit 1
set svn_r=
if (-d .svn) then
set svn_r="`svnversion .`"
set start=`date`
cat <<EOF
Creating Open MPI distribution
In directory: `pwd`
Started: $start
umask 022
# VERY IMPORTANT: Now go into the new distribution tree #
if (! -d "$distdir") then
echo "*** ERROR: dist dir does not exist"
echo "*** ERROR: $distdir"
exit 1
cd "$distdir"
echo "*** Now in distdir: $distdir"
# See if we need VERSION.svn
if ("$svn_r" != "") then
sed -e 's/^svn_r=.*/svn_r='$svn_r'/' VERSION > version.new
cp version.new VERSION
rm -f version.new
echo "*** Updated VERSION file with SVN r number"
echo "*** Did NOT updated VERSION file with SVN r number"
# Get the latest config.guess and config.sub from ftp.gnu.org
echo "*** Downloading latest config.sub/config.guess from ftp.gnu.org..."
cd config
set configdir="`pwd`"
mkdir tmp.$$
cd tmp.$$
wget -t 1 -T 10 ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/config/config.guess
wget -t 1 -T 10 ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/config/config.sub
# Recently, ftp.gnu.org has had zero-legnth config.guess / config.sub
# files, which causes the automated nightly SVN snapshot tarball to
# fail to be made correctly. This is a primitive attempt to fix that.
# If we got zero-length files from wget, use a config.guess /
# config.sub from a known location that is more recent than what ships
# in the current generation of auto* tools.
if (! -f config.guess || ! -s config.guess) then
echo " - WARNING: Got BAD config.guess from ftp.gnu.org"
echo " - WARNING: using included version"
cp config.guess ..
if (! -f config.sub || ! -s config.sub) then
echo " - WARNING: Got BAD config.sub from ftp.gnu.org"
echo " - WARNING: using known version"
cp config.sub ..
cd ..
rm -rf tmp.$$
cd ..
# Find all the config.guess/config.sub files, and replace them with
# the ones that we've downloaded
echo "*** Now in: `pwd`"
echo "*** Replacing config.sub/config.guess with latest from ftp.gnu.org..."
foreach file (config.guess config.sub)
find src -name $file \
-exec chmod +w {} \; \
-exec cp -f $configdir/$file {} \; \
# Put in date/version number in man pages
# JMS don't have man pages yet -- this is a straight copy from LAM7
set ver="$OMPI_VERSION"
#echo "*** Updating version date/number in man pages"
#rm -f manfiles
#find man -type f | grep -v Makefile > manfiles
#set date="`date '+%B, %Y'`"
#cp $srcdir/config/doctext.nroff.def .
#foreach file (`cat manfiles` doctext.nroff.def)
# sed -e "s/-RELEASEDATE-/$date/g" $file > foo
# sed -e "s/-RELEASEVERSION-/$ver/g" foo > bar
# rm -f $file # Needed 'cause automake makes hard links, not copies
# mv bar $file
# rm -f foo
#rm -f manfiles
# Make all the man pages -- doctext needs to be in your path
# JMS: Don't have man pages yet; need to do this at some point
# Now we need to list all these generated man pages in the Makefile.am
# and Makefile.in in man/man3. Ick!
# JMS: Will probably need to do this as well. Sigh.
#echo "*** Frobbing Makefile.am and Makefile.in..."
#cd ../../man/man3
#set files="`ls MPI_*3 MPIO_*3 XMPI_*3 MPIL_*3`"
# This is unfortunately necessary because $files is too long to do a
# single sed search/replace. Ugh.
# JMS: Will probably need to do this as well. Sigh.
#echo "*** Adding man files to Makefile.in..."
#foreach file ($files)
# set name_prefix="`echo $file | cut -c1-4`"
# if ("$name_prefix" == "MPI_") then
# set letter="`echo $file | cut -c5`"
# set div="`expr $letter \> F`"
# set line="generated_man_$div"
# else
# set line="generated_man_other"
# endif
# echo " - $file / $line"
# foreach fix (Makefile.am Makefile.in)
# sed -e "s/$line =/$line =$file /" $fix > $fix.new
# chmod +w $fix
# mv -f $fix.new $fix
# chmod -w $fix
# end
#cd ../..
# Put the release version number in the README and INSTALL files
set files="README INSTALL"
echo "*** Updating version number in $files..."
foreach file ($files)
echo " - Setting $file"
if (-f $file) then
sed -e "s/OMPI_VERSION/$ver/g" $file > bar
mv -f bar $file
# All done
cat <<EOF
*** Open MPI version $ver distribution created
Started: $start
Ended: `date`