235 строки
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235 строки
8.7 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
* University Research and Technology
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
* of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
* University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2013 University of Houston. All rights reserved.
* Additional copyrights may follow
#include "ompi_config.h"
#include "sharedfp_individual.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "ompi/constants.h"
#include "ompi/mca/sharedfp/sharedfp.h"
#include "ompi/mca/sharedfp/base/base.h"
#include "ompi/file/file.h"
int mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open (struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
char* filename,
int amode,
struct ompi_info_t *info,
mca_io_ompio_file_t *fh)
int err = 0;
int rank;
char * datafilename; /*The array size would change as it is based on the current path*/
char * metadatafilename; /*The array size would change as it is based on the current path*/
mca_io_ompio_file_t * datafilehandle;
mca_io_ompio_file_t * metadatafilehandle;
mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record* headnode = NULL;
struct mca_sharedfp_base_data_t* sh;
mca_io_ompio_file_t * shfileHandle;
size_t len=0;
/*Open the same file again without shared file pointer*/
shfileHandle = (mca_io_ompio_file_t *) malloc ( sizeof(mca_io_ompio_file_t));
err = ompio_io_ompio_file_open ( comm, filename, amode, info, shfileHandle, false);
if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != err ) {
opal_output(0, "mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: Error during file open\n");
return err;
shfileHandle->f_fh = fh->f_fh;
sh = (struct mca_sharedfp_base_data_t*) malloc ( sizeof(struct mca_sharedfp_base_data_t));
if ( NULL == sh ){
opal_output(0, "mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: Error, unable to malloc "
"f_sharedfp_ptr struct\n");
free (shfileHandle );
rank = ompi_comm_rank ( comm );
/*Populate the sh file structure based on the implementation*/
sh->sharedfh = shfileHandle; /* Shared file pointer*/
sh->global_offset = 0; /* Global Offset*/
sh->comm = comm; /* Communicator*/
sh->selected_module_data = NULL;
/* Assign the metadatalinked list to sh->handle */
sh->selected_module_data = (mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record *)mca_sharedfp_individual_insert_headnode();
/* Open an individual data file for each process */
/* NOTE: Open the data file without shared file pointer */
if ( mca_sharedfp_individual_verbose ) {
printf("mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: open data file.\n");
/* data filename created by appending .data.$rank to the original filename*/
len = strlen (filename ) + 64;
datafilename = (char*)malloc( len );
snprintf(datafilename, len, "%s%s%d",filename,".data.",rank);
datafilehandle = (mca_io_ompio_file_t *)malloc(sizeof(mca_io_ompio_file_t));
err = ompio_io_ompio_file_open(MPI_COMM_SELF, datafilename,
MPI_INFO_NULL, datafilehandle, false);
if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != err) {
opal_output(0, "mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: Error during datafile file open\n");
free (shfileHandle );
free (sh);
return err;
/* Open an individual metadata file for each of the process */
/* NOTE: Open the meta file without shared file pointer */
if ( mca_sharedfp_individual_verbose ) {
printf("mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: metadata file.\n");
/* metadata filename created by appending .metadata.$rank to the original filename*/
metadatafilename = (char*) malloc ( len );
if ( NULL == metadatafilename ) {
free (shfileHandle );
free (sh);
opal_output(0, "mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: Error during memory allocation\n");
snprintf ( metadatafilename, len, "%s%s%d", filename, ".metadata.",rank);
metadatafilehandle = (mca_io_ompio_file_t *)malloc(sizeof(mca_io_ompio_file_t));
if ( NULL == metadatafilehandle ) {
free (shfileHandle );
free (sh);
free (metadatafilename);
opal_output(0, "mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: Error during memory allocation\n");
err = ompio_io_ompio_file_open ( MPI_COMM_SELF,metadatafilename,
MPI_INFO_NULL, metadatafilehandle, false);
if ( OMPI_SUCCESS != err) {
opal_output(0, "mca_sharedfp_individual_file_open: Error during metadatafile file open\n");
free (shfileHandle );
free (sh);
free (metadatafilename);
free (metadatafilehandle);
return err;
/*save the datafilehandle and metadatahandle in the sharedfp individual module data structure*/
headnode = (mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record*)(sh->selected_module_data);
if ( headnode) {
headnode->datafilehandle = datafilehandle;
headnode->metadatafilehandle = metadatafilehandle;
headnode->datafilename = datafilename;
headnode->metadatafilename = metadatafilename;
/*save the sharedfp individual module data structure in the ompio filehandle structure*/
fh->f_sharedfp_data = sh;
return err;
int mca_sharedfp_individual_file_close (mca_io_ompio_file_t *fh)
mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record* headnode = NULL;
struct mca_sharedfp_base_data_t *sh;
int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
if ( NULL == fh->f_sharedfp_data ){
if ( mca_sharedfp_individual_verbose ) {
printf("sharedfp_inidividual_file_close - shared file pointer structure not initialized\n");
sh = fh->f_sharedfp_data;
/* Merge data from individal files to final output file */
err = mca_sharedfp_individual_collaborate_data (sh);
headnode = (mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record*)(sh->selected_module_data);
if (headnode) {
/*Close datafile*/
if (headnode->datafilehandle) {
/*TODO: properly deal with returned error code*/
err = ompio_io_ompio_file_close(headnode->datafilehandle);
/* NOTE: No neeed to manually delete the file,
** the amode should have been set to delete on close
/*Close metadatafile*/
if (headnode->metadatafilehandle) {
/*TODO: properly deal with returned error code*/
err = ompio_io_ompio_file_close(headnode->metadatafilehandle);
/* NOTE: No neeed to manually delete the file,
** the amode should have been set to delete on close
/* Close the main file opened by this component*/
err = ompio_io_ompio_file_close(sh->sharedfh);
/*free shared file pointer data struct*/
return err;
mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record* mca_sharedfp_individual_insert_headnode ( void )
mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record *headnode = NULL;
if ( !headnode ) {
/*Allocate a headnode*/
headnode = (mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record*)malloc(sizeof(mca_sharedfp_individual_header_record));
if (!headnode)
return NULL;
headnode->numofrecords = 0; /* No records in the linked list */
headnode->numofrecordsonfile = 0; /* No records in the metadatafile for this file */
headnode->datafile_offset = 0;
headnode->metadatafile_offset = 0;
headnode->metafile_start_offset = 0;
headnode->datafile_start_offset = 0;
headnode->metadatafilehandle = 0;
headnode->datafilehandle = 0;
headnode->next = NULL;
return headnode;