/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "oshmem_config.h" #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/mca/memheap/buddy/memheap_buddy.h" #include "opal/class/opal_list.h" /*TODO: included in spml/base/base.h remove this include */ #include "opal/util/output.h" #include "orte/util/show_help.h" #include "opal/runtime/opal_progress.h" /* TODO: remove included in spml.h #include "opal/mca/mca.h" */ #include "opal/mca/base/base.h" #include "opal/runtime/opal.h" #include "orte/mca/errmgr/errmgr.h" #include "orte/util/name_fns.h" #include "orte/runtime/orte_globals.h" #include "oshmem/constants.h" #include "oshmem/mca/spml/spml.h" #include "oshmem/mca/spml/base/base.h" #include "oshmem/proc/proc.h" typedef struct opened_component_t { opal_list_item_t super; mca_spml_base_component_t *om_component; } opened_component_t; /* TODO: Restore modex. static bool modex_reqd=false; */ /** * Function for selecting one component from all those that are * available. * * Call the init function on all available components and get their * priorities. Select the component with the highest priority. All * other components will be closed and unloaded. The selected component * will have all of its function pointers saved and returned to the * caller. */ int mca_spml_base_select(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads) { int i, priority = 0, best_priority = 0, num_spml = 0; int round = 0; opal_list_item_t *item = NULL; mca_base_component_list_item_t *cli = NULL; mca_spml_base_component_t *component = NULL, *best_component = NULL; mca_spml_base_module_t *module = NULL, *best_module = NULL; opal_list_t opened; opened_component_t *om = NULL; bool found_spml; /* TODO:Irit Consider restoring FT #if OPAL_ENABLE_FT == 1 mca_spml_base_component_t *wrapper_component = NULL; mca_spml_base_module_t *wrapper_module = NULL; int wrapper_priority = -1; #endif Irit */ /* Traverse the list of available components; call their init functions. */ best_priority = -1; best_component = NULL; module = NULL; OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&opened, opal_list_t); for (round = 0; (round < 2) && (NULL == best_component); round++) { for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_spml_base_components_available); ((opal_list_get_end(&mca_spml_base_components_available) != item) && (item != NULL)); item = opal_list_get_next(item) ) { cli = (mca_base_component_list_item_t *) item; component = (mca_spml_base_component_t *) cli->cli_component; /* if there is an include list - item must be in the list to be included */ if (0 == round) { found_spml = false; for( i = 0; i < opal_pointer_array_get_size(&mca_spml_base_spml); i++) { char * tmp_val = NULL; tmp_val = (char *) opal_pointer_array_get_item(&mca_spml_base_spml, i); if( NULL == tmp_val) { continue; } if(0 == strncmp(component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name, tmp_val, strlen(component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name)) ) { found_spml = true; break; } } } else { found_spml = true; } if(!found_spml && opal_pointer_array_get_size(&mca_spml_base_spml)) { SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"select: component %s not in the include list", component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name ); continue; } /* if there is no init function - ignore it */ if (NULL == component->spmlm_init) { SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"select: no init function; ignoring component %s", component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name ); continue; } /* this is a spml that could be considered */ num_spml++; /* Init component to get its priority */ SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"select: initializing %s component %s", component->spmlm_version.mca_type_name, component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name ); priority = best_priority; module = component->spmlm_init(&priority, enable_progress_threads, enable_mpi_threads); if (NULL == module) { SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"select: init returned failure for component %s", component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name ); continue; } SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"select: init returned priority %d", priority ); /* TODO: Consider restoring FT */ /* Irit #if OPAL_ENABLE_FT == 1 */ /* Determine if this is the wrapper component */ /* if( priority <= SPML_SELECT_WRAPPER_PRIORITY) { SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"spml:select: Wrapper Component: Component %s was determined to be a Wrapper SPML with priority %d", component->pmlm_version.mca_component_name, priority ); wrapper_priority = priority; wrapper_component = component; wrapper_module = module; continue; }*/ /* Otherwise determine if this is the best component */ /* else #endif Irit */ if (priority > best_priority) { best_priority = priority; best_component = component; best_module = module; } om = (opened_component_t*)malloc(sizeof(opened_component_t)); if (NULL == om) { return OSHMEM_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } OBJ_CONSTRUCT(om, opal_list_item_t); om->om_component = component; opal_list_append(&opened, (opal_list_item_t*) om); } /* Sasha: don't think that we need this code, but it can still be useful for debugging */ if ((0 == round) && (NULL == best_component)) { num_spml = 0; for( i = 0; i < opal_pointer_array_get_size(&mca_spml_base_spml); i++) { char * tmp_val = NULL; tmp_val = (char *) opal_pointer_array_get_item(&mca_spml_base_spml, i); if( NULL == tmp_val) { continue; } SPML_VERBOSE(1, "SPML %s cannot be selected", tmp_val); } } } /* Finished querying all components. Check for the bozo case. */ if( NULL == best_component ) { orte_show_help("help-shmem-mca.txt", "find-available:none-found", true, "spml"); for( i = 0; i < opal_pointer_array_get_size(&mca_spml_base_spml); i++) { char * tmp_val = NULL; tmp_val = (char *) opal_pointer_array_get_item(&mca_spml_base_spml, i); if( NULL == tmp_val) { continue; } orte_errmgr.abort(1, "SPML %s cannot be selected", tmp_val); } if(0 == i) { orte_errmgr.abort(2, "No spml component available. This shouldn't happen."); } } SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"selected %s best priority %d\n", best_component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name, best_priority); /* TODO: restore. Irit removed temporarily */ /* if more than one SPML could be considered, then we still need the * modex since we cannot know which one will be selected on all procs */ /* if (1 < num_spml) { modex_reqd = true; } */ /* Finalize all non-selected components */ /*TODO: IRIT suggestion why not replace with mca_base_components_close with best_component and wrapper (in case of FT) at skip? */ for (item = opal_list_remove_first(&opened); NULL != item; item = opal_list_remove_first(&opened)) { om = (opened_component_t *) item; if (om->om_component != best_component /* TODO: Consider restoring FT */ /* Irit #if OPAL_ENABLE_FT == 1 && om->om_component != wrapper_component #endif Irit */ ) { /* Finalize */ if (NULL != om->om_component->spmlm_finalize) { /* Blatently ignore the return code (what would we do to recover, anyway? This component is going away, so errors don't matter anymore) */ om->om_component->spmlm_finalize(); SPML_VERBOSE(10, "select: component %s not selected / finalized", om->om_component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name); } } OBJ_DESTRUCT( om ); free(om); } OBJ_DESTRUCT( &opened ); /*TODO: Irit end of suggestion */ /* TODO: Consider restoring FT*/ #if 0 #if OPAL_ENABLE_FT == 1 /* Remove the wrapper component from the mca_spml_base_components_available list * so we don't unload it prematurely in the next call */ if( NULL != wrapper_component ) { for (item = opal_list_get_first(&mca_spml_base_components_available); item != opal_list_get_end(&mca_spml_base_components_available); item = opal_list_get_next(item) ) { cli = (mca_base_component_list_item_t *) item; component = (mca_spml_base_component_t *) cli->cli_component; if( component == wrapper_component ) { opal_list_remove_item(&mca_spml_base_components_available, item); } } } #endif #endif /* Save the winner */ mca_spml_base_selected_component = *best_component; mca_spml = *best_module; SPML_VERBOSE( 10, "select: component %s selected", mca_spml_base_selected_component.spmlm_version.mca_component_name ); /* This base function closes, unloads, and removes from the available list all unselected components. The available list will contain only the selected component. */ mca_base_components_close(mca_spml_base_output, &mca_spml_base_components_available, (mca_base_component_t *) best_component); /* TODO: Consider restoring FT */ #if 0 #if OPAL_ENABLE_FT == 1 /* If we have a wrapper then initalize it */ if( NULL != wrapper_component ) { priority = SPML_SELECT_WRAPPER_PRIORITY; SPML_VERBOSE( 10,"spml:select: Wrapping: Component %s [%d] is being wrapped by component %s [%d]", mca_spml_base_selected_component.spmlm_version.mca_component_name, best_priority, wrapper_component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name, wrapper_priority ); /* Ask the wrapper commponent to wrap around the currently * selected component. Indicated by the priority value provided * this will cause the wrapper to do something different this time around */ module = wrapper_component->spmlm_init(&priority, enable_progress_threads, enable_mpi_threads); /* Replace with the wrapper */ best_component = wrapper_component; mca_spml_base_selected_component = *best_component; best_module = module; mca_spml = *best_module; } #endif #endif /* register the winner's callback */ /*if( NULL != mca_spml.spml_progress ) { opal_progress_register(mca_spml.spml_progress); }*/ /* TODO: Restore. Irit Disabled temporarily. */ /* register winner in the modex */ /* if (modex_reqd && 0 == ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid) { mca_spml_base_spml_selected(best_component->spmlm_version.mca_component_name); } */ /* All done */ return OSHMEM_SUCCESS; }