/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "opal_config.h" #include #include "support.h" #include "opal/class/opal_tree.h" #include "opal/runtime/opal.h" #include "opal/constants.h" #include #include /* * Data type used for testing */ typedef struct test_data { /* tree data structure */ opal_tree_item_t tree_element; /* test data */ size_t data; } test_data_t; OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(test_data_t, opal_tree_item_t, NULL, NULL); static void check_descendants(opal_tree_item_t* item, unsigned *data, unsigned level, int *err_order, int *err_ancestor); static int test_comp(opal_tree_item_t *item, void *key); static int test_serialize(opal_tree_item_t *item, opal_buffer_t *buffer); static int test_deserialize(opal_buffer_t *serial_data, opal_tree_item_t **item); int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* local variables */ opal_tree_t tree, x; opal_buffer_t *serial_tree; size_t i, j, tree_size, size_levels, size_elements, total_elements; int err_order, err_ancestor, err_parent, rc; unsigned key; test_data_t *elements; opal_tree_item_t *item, *rm_item; rc = opal_init(&argc, &argv); test_verify_int(OPAL_SUCCESS, rc); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { test_finalize(); exit(1); } test_init("opal_tree_t"); /* initialize tree */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&tree, opal_tree_t); opal_tree_init(&tree, &test_comp, &test_serialize, &test_deserialize); OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&x, opal_tree_t); opal_tree_init(&x, &test_comp, &test_serialize, &test_deserialize); /* check length of tree */ tree_size=opal_tree_get_size(&tree); if( 0 == tree_size ) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" opal_tree_get_size"); } /* check for empty */ if (opal_tree_is_empty(&tree)) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" opal_tree_is_empty(empty tree)"); } /* create test elements */ size_levels = 4; size_elements=4; total_elements = size_elements * size_levels; elements=(test_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(test_data_t)*total_elements); assert(elements); for(i=0 ; i < total_elements; i++) { OBJ_CONSTRUCT(elements + i, test_data_t); (elements+i)->data=i; } /* check get_root */ item = opal_tree_get_root(&tree); /* populate a 4 level tree (this is weighted to the left side) */ for (i = 0; i < size_levels; i++) { for(j=0 ; j < size_elements ; j++) { opal_tree_add_child(item,(opal_tree_item_t *)(elements+ (i*size_elements)+ j)); } item = opal_tree_get_first_child(item); } /* checking for tree size */ tree_size=opal_tree_get_size(&tree); if( tree_size == total_elements ) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" count off for populating 4 level tree"); } /* checking for empty on non-empty tree */ if (!opal_tree_is_empty(&tree)) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" opal_tree_is_empty(non-empty tree)"); } /* check that we have correct tree ordering */ err_order = 0; err_ancestor = 0; err_parent = 0; if (!opal_tree_is_empty(&tree)) { item = opal_tree_get_root(&tree); i = 0; check_descendants(item, (unsigned *)&i, 0, &err_order, &err_ancestor); } if (!err_order) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" order values incorrect"); } if (!err_ancestor) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" invalid ancestor count"); } /* test matching code */ /* check for invalid matching */ key = 444; item = opal_tree_find_with(opal_tree_get_root(&tree), (void*)&key); if (NULL == item) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" failed invalid matching item test"); } /* check matching, note nest tests because they rely on previous tests */ /* check for valid matching descendants */ key = 4; item = opal_tree_find_with(opal_tree_get_root(&tree), (void*)&key); if (NULL != item && ((test_data_t*)item)->data == key) { test_success(); /* check for valid matching siblings */ key = 7; item = opal_tree_find_with(item, (void*)&key); if (NULL != item && ((test_data_t*)item)->data == key) { test_success(); /* check for valid matching ancestors */ key = 2; item = opal_tree_find_with(item, (void*)&key); if (NULL != item && ((test_data_t*)item)->data == key) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" failed valid matching ancestors test"); } } else { test_failure(" failed valid matching siblings test"); } } else { test_failure(" failed valid matching descendants test"); } /* check subtree removal */ /* find the first key = 3 item and remove it */ key = 8; tree_size=opal_tree_get_size(&tree); item = opal_tree_find_with(opal_tree_get_root(&tree), (void*)&key); rm_item = opal_tree_remove_subtree(item); /* validate the tree count adjusted */ if (5 != (tree_size - opal_tree_get_size(&tree))) { test_failure(" failed subtree removal tree size test"); } else { /* validate cannot find children in tree */ key = 13; if (NULL != opal_tree_find_with(opal_tree_get_root(&tree), (void*)&key)) { test_failure(" failed subtree removal item children removed test"); } else { /* validate cannot find the item */ key = 8; if (NULL != opal_tree_find_with(opal_tree_get_root(&tree), (void*)&key)) { test_failure(" failed subtree removal item removed test"); } else { test_success(); } } } /* check serialization-deserialization */ /* serialize tree */ serial_tree = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t); if (OPAL_SUCCESS == opal_tree_serialize(opal_tree_get_root(&tree), serial_tree)) { opal_tree_t tmp_tree; opal_buffer_t *serial2_tree; /* create new tree */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&tmp_tree, opal_tree_t); opal_tree_init(&tmp_tree, &test_comp, &test_serialize, &test_deserialize); /* deserialize tree */ opal_tree_deserialize(serial_tree, &(tmp_tree.opal_tree_sentinel)); /* serialize tmp tree */ serial2_tree = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t); if (OPAL_SUCCESS == opal_tree_serialize(opal_tree_get_root(&tmp_tree), serial2_tree)) { void *payload1, *payload2; int32_t size1, size2; /* compare new with original serialization */ opal_dss.unload(serial_tree, &payload1, &size1); opal_dss.unload(serial2_tree, &payload2, &size2); if (size1 == size2) { if (0 == memcmp(payload1, payload2, size1)) { test_success(); } else { test_failure(" failed tree deserialization data compare"); } } else { test_failure(" failed tree deserialization size compare"); } } else { test_failure(" failed tree second pass serialization"); } } else { test_failure(" failed tree serialization"); } if (NULL != elements) free(elements); opal_finalize(); return test_finalize(); } /* * check all the descendants from our level and below for correct data and * level. Note this will traverse the tree in a weird fashion where you * go across all siblings and then start searching down the last siblings * children. As the current tests are set up if one populated more than just * the left sided children things will probably fail. */ static void check_descendants(opal_tree_item_t* item, unsigned *data, unsigned level, int *err_order, int *err_ancestor) { test_data_t *ele; /* loop over all siblings and then down first child */ while (item) { /* check item for correctness */ ele = (test_data_t *)item; if (ele->data != *data) { (*err_order)++; } if (item->opal_tree_num_ancestors != level) { (*err_ancestor)++; } (*data)++; check_descendants(opal_tree_get_next_sibling(item), data, level, err_order, err_ancestor); item = opal_tree_get_first_child(item); level++; } return; } static int test_comp(opal_tree_item_t *item, void *key) { if (((test_data_t *)item)->data > *((unsigned *) key)) { return(1); } if (((test_data_t *)item)->data < *((unsigned *) key)) { return(-1); } return(0); } static int test_serialize(opal_tree_item_t *item, opal_buffer_t *buffer) { test_data_t *ele = (test_data_t *)item; return(opal_dss.pack(buffer, &ele->data, 1, OPAL_INT32)); } static int test_deserialize(opal_buffer_t *serial_data, opal_tree_item_t **item) { int rc = OPAL_SUCCESS, idx = 1; test_data_t *ele; ele = (test_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(test_data_t)); OBJ_CONSTRUCT(ele, test_data_t); if (OPAL_SUCCESS == (rc = opal_dss.unpack(serial_data, &ele->data, &idx, OPAL_INT32))) { *item = (opal_tree_item_t*)ele; } else { *item = NULL; } return(rc); }